Ter Za Necht, the Claws of the Night

Lich Dragon, god of necromancers, Ter Za Necht is one of the few Ascended — mortal creatures who have become gods. Leading an army of undead, jigsaw creatures assembled from the body parts of his slain enemies, Ter Za Necht is hated by all dragons and by most other gods. Worshipped by liches (including the Dwarf Lich Lord Darran Dur and the Seven Undying Princes of Xa-loth), by a few vampires, high-powered undead and mummies, Ter Za Necht has a gargantuan dragon shape but also a humanoid (half dragon, half human) form.

Origin: Ascended Dragon; as a Magic-Using Dragon, he is technically an offspring of Xichtul and Ssiklis.Ssiklis the Scaled One

Alignment: Demon, Death, Chaos, War