Mother Fari

Mother Fari is the goddess of Nature, considered the Mother of the D'Harrish (Dwarven) Race. For this reason she is also called the Mother of the First Walkers (because the Dwarves were the first race to have walked upright on Norindaal, as opposed to the Lizards and serpents that appeared roughly at the same time as the Dwarves). Fari is the wife of Father Hulla, the Dwarven god of stone. Fari appears as a beautiful dwarven woman, with long tresses reaching the ground where they become intertwined with twigs, plants and flowers. Her weapon of choice is the axe.

Fari is widely worshipped by Dwarves and Halflings, and by Druids of all races and cultures.

Origin: Shard of the Primal Force

Alignment: Law, Life

Other Names: Mother of the First Walkers, Nature