WESTRA, Laura: "Then there is the “hyper-example’ of state terrorism (supported , once again, by the US), that is, the ongoing genocide of Palestinians by the US’s “partner” Israel, and the elimination of others in the Muslim world"

Quote from “Faces of State Terrorism” by Laura Westra (2012): “Another clear “crime of state” is the ongoing “plunder” of resources still available on planet Earth:

“The US has 4.5% of the World's population but consumes 25% of its resources through anti-democratic hegemony maintained by egregious violence (8 million dead in the US War on Terror alone, the breakdown being 2.5 million dead in Iraq, 4.9 million dead in Afghanistan and 0.8 million dead (including 0.1 million Americans) from opiate drug-related causes due to US alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry). The fundamental message on 1/1/11 is surely 1 (ONE) – 1 man-one-vote, there is only 1 Planet (Spaceship Earth) for Humanity, and equal shares in resources i.e. until we necessarily all cease carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution in 2050 the ratio of my share to your share should be 1 [Polya, 2011].”

Those of us who reside in the more comfortable West and North do not feel the sense of terror and urgency that is the burden of people in the global South, and which is particularly acute in coastal countries and towns, and in the Arctic. Then there is the “hyper-example’ of state terrorism (supported , once again, by the US), that is, the ongoing genocide of Palestinians by the US’s “partner” Israel, and the elimination of others in the Muslim world (Polya, 2011). 15… Then there is the way “inequality kills…

[Polya, 2011] Gideon Polya, “New Year's Day 1/1/11 Message: Equal Shares on Our One Planet”, Countercurrents, 2 January, 2011: https://www.countercurrents.org/polya020111.htm .

“Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ “ (Laura Westra, “Faces of State Terrorism. Volume 42 of Studies in Critical Social Sciences”, BRILL, 2012, page 128).