MARTINO, Renato. Top Vatican official: "Look at the conditions in Gaza: more and more, it resembles a big concentration camp"

Cardinal Renato Martino is the head of the Vatican Council for Justice and Peace and a former Holy See envoy to the United Nations (see: )

Cardinal Renato Martino in remarks to the Italian website Il Sussidario (2009): “Defenceless populations are always the ones who pay. Look at the conditions in Gaza: more and more, it resembles a big concentration camp… [Gaza rockets were] “not confetti”…{Israel ] certainly has the right to defend itself…We need willingness from both parties because both are guilty. No one sees the interests of the other, only their own benefit. The consequences of this egoism is hatred for others, poverty and injustice. Those who pay are always the local people – just look at the conditions in Gaza.” [1].

Cardinal Renato Martino responding to Israeli protests over his “Gaza: more and more, it resembles a big concentration camp” remarks (2009): “They can say what they want. I say look at the conditions in which people live; conditions that run contrary to human dignity. What is happening in these days causes horror.” [1].

[1]. Cardinal Renato Martino quoted by Richard Owen, “”Concentration camp” remark threatens Pope’s visit to Israel’, Times Online, 8 January 2009: .