CARR, Bob. "Given that Israel continues to defy the 2016 resolution of the Security Council and spreads settlements so that a Palestinian state is no longer possible we move that every resident of Greater Israel be afforded equal rights. This includes the right to vote in national elections"

Bob Carr ( former Australian foreign minister, former New South Wales premier, and a patron of Australian Labor Friends of Palestine) on one-person-one-vote (2016): “Donald Trump can tweet and bluster. But the resolution [UNSC Resolution 2334] stands as international law, to be taken seriously by cabinets and bind the International Criminal Court. After years of provocation by Israeli hawks that's the genius of what Obama and Kerry have pulled off. If Israel responds with more settlements, or annexes slabs of the West Bank, then UN agencies and member states have to decide how to react. Leave that "how" to another day. In the meantime consider the following motion, an elegantly simple one: "Given that Israel continues to defy the 2016 resolution of the Security Council and spreads settlements so that a Palestinian state is no longer possible we move that every resident of Greater Israel be afforded equal rights. This includes the right to vote in national elections." How would you vote on that motion – in a parish council or church synod? At a union or party conference? A council meeting? On a campus? And what happens next?” (Bob Carr, “The genius of the UN’s resolution on Israeli settlements”, Sydney Morning Herald, 26 December 2016: ).

[Editor: Of the present 50% Indigenous Palestinian majority in “Greater Israel”, 72% presently cannot vote for the government ruling them i.e. they suffer Apartheid].