VAN AGT, Andreas Antonius Maria "Dries". Former Dutch PM: "“There’s a war criminal [Netanyahu] coming to this country. "

Andreas Antonius Maria "Dries" van Agt (Dutch centrist Christian-Democratic Appeal Party prime minister, 1977-1982) on war criminal Netanyahu’s visit to the Netherlands (2016): “There’s a war criminal coming to this country. The occupation and expansion… building of settlements, of occupied territory, this is according to the Rome Statute, which is… the setup… the statute on which the international criminal court is based, in so many words, a war crime. So why should we receive someone [Netanyahu] who continues with such things, we could have sent him right away to the international criminal court, that would have been better” ( quoted in “Dutch ex-PM: “war criminal” Netanyahu should be tried in Hague”, Times of Israel, 6 September 2016: ).