9 LEADING ANTI-RACISTS sign Palestine Solidarity Campaign Open Letter to UK PM Theresa May re Trump and illegal Israeli policies
9 leading anti-racism and human rights activists sign Palestine Solidarity Campaign Open Letter to UK PM Theresa May re Trump and illegal Israeli policies (2017): “Open Letter to Theresa May: stand up to Trump for Palestine, Dear Prime Minister, … This is the vision of Israel which Trump appears to support- an ever expanding Israel with no prospect of self-determination or equal rights for the Palestinian people. We are writing in the hope that the UK will take a lead in providing a robust response to these latest Israeli moves, and will reaffirm the need for Israel to cease its grave violations of international law. We believe you were serious when you committed the UK to signing UNSC resolution 2334. Given that Israel has signalled its utter disregard for this resolution, the question now is how the UK government and other members of the Security Council should act to ensure that it is brought into force. The idea that Israel can be persuaded to abide by international law by gentle persuasion has failed the test of the 25 years since the start of the peace process, during which time it has expanded the illegal settlement population on the West Bank and East Jerusalem from 115,00 to over 650,000. We believe the time has long since past for the UK government to stop talking about settlements as illegal and start treating them as such. We call on the government to announce that the UK will no longer provide financial support for Israel’s programme of settlement expansion. This should be accompanied by a review of all UK financial relationships with Israeli settlements and a ban on the importation of settlement produce to the UK. We wish you a safe journey to the White House and will follow closely the action of the UK government to bring about justice and peace for the people of Palestine
Yours sincerely,
Hugh Lanning – Chair, Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Ben Jamal – Director, Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Kate Hudson – General Secretary, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Lindsey German – Convenor, Stop The War Coalition
Attalah Said – Chair, British Palestinian Policy Council
Zaher Badawi – Chair, Europal Forum
Dr Hafiz Karmi – Chair, Palestine Forum in Britain
Shamiul Joarder – Head of Public Affairs, Friends of Al-Aqsa
Mohammed Kozbar – Vice President, Muslim Association of Britain” (“Open Letter to Theresa May: stand up to Trump for Palestine”, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, 27 January 2017: http://cjpp5.over-blog.com/2017/01/palestine-solidarity-campaign-psc.org-uk-open-letter-to-theresa-may-stand-up-to-trump-for-palestine.html ).