NON-JEWISH AND JEWISH AMERICAN WRITERS AND EDITORS urge Boycott of Israel "a state that practices occupation, colonialism, and apartheid "

Open Letter to the Brooklyn Book Festival re Israeli sponsorship (2015): “We, the undersigned, including participants and exhibitors at the Brooklyn Book Festival, recently noticed that the festival has chosen to accept support from Israel's Office of Cultural Affairs in New York for one of its panels…

Israel has systematically attempted to suppress, expropriate and suffocate the art, culture, and literature of Palestinian writers, filmmakers, musicians, artists, and poets. We hope that you agree that partnering with a state that practices occupation, colonialism, and apartheid is paradoxical for a festival that celebrates a "lively literary marketplace"…

As was the case in South Africa, where international solidarity played a crucial role in bringing down apartheid by boycotting the economic, sports and cultural institutions of the apartheid regime, we sincerely hope you will not partner in any capacity with the Israeli government and other complicit institutions, until the Israeli government fulfills it obligations under international law and fully recognizes the Palestinian people’s right to live in full equality and freedom in their homeland.”

Initial Signatories

Other Featured Signatories

* indicates panelist or exhibitor at Brooklyn Book Festival 2014

** indicates past participant in the Brooklyn Book Festival

[1]. “Open Letter to the Brooklyn Book Festival re Israeli sponsorship”, Adalah-NY (The New York for the boycott of Israel): .