Self-Check Questions for 2.2.4

2..0    Objectives

2..1    Introduction

        Self-Check Questions for 2..1

        2.1.1    Dryden as a Critic

                Self-Check Questions for 2.1.1

        2.1.2    Dryden on The Nature of Poetry

                  Self-Check Questions for 2.1.2

        2.1.3    Dryden on The Function of Poetry

                Self-Check Questions for 2.1.3 

2..2    An Essay on Dramatic Poesy: An Introduction

         Self-Check Questions for 2.2

        2..2.1    Definition of Drama

                    Self-Check Questions for 2.2.1

        2..2..2   Violation of  the Three Unities

                    Self-Check Questions for 2.2.2

        2.2.3    Eugenius Arguments on Superiority of Moderns over the                   Ancients

                  Self-Check Questions for 2.2.3

        2.2..4    Crites’s Arguments in favour of the Ancients

                 Self-Check Questions for 2.2.4 

        2..2.5    Lisideius’s view in favour of Superiority of the French                     Drama over English Drama

                 Self-Check Questions for 2.2.5

        2.2..6    Neander’s view in favour of Modern (English) Drama

            Self-Check Questions for 2.2.6

2...3    The Ancients versus Modern Playwrights

        Self-Check Questions for 2.3

2..4    Mixture of Tragedy and Comedy

         Self-Check Questions for 2.4

2..5    Advocacy of writing plays in Rhymed Verse

         Self-Check Questions for 2.5

2.6    Let’s sum up

        Self-Check Questions for 2.6

2.7    Glossary of Key Terms 

2.8    Reading List

        (A)    Bibliography

        (B)    Further Reading

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