Thorold Settlers "Ba-Bo"

Settler Records "Ba-Bo"

Thorold Township, Welland County

Extracted from the

Abstracts of Deeds

Register of Thorold Township

Badgley, Joseph

On 29 Mar 1823 (Reg 23 Oct 1824) George Lacey et ux sold to Joseph Badgley ½ acre in the northeast angle of Lot 117 Thorold Twp. (A519 #6345)

On 7 Nov 1823 (Reg 19 May 1824) Joseph Badgley gave a mortgage to Samuel Street ½ acre in the northeast angle of Lot 117 Thorold Twp. for £75 (A176 #6475)

On 11 Oct 1830 (Reg 16 Nov 1831) Joseph Badgley sold to Anthony Upper ½ acre in the northeast angle of Lot 117 Thorold Twp. for £257.10 (A329 #8428)

Badgley, Squire

On 27 Jan 1836 (Reg 30 Mar 1836) George Keefer sold to Squire Badgley 1/5 acre in Lot 41 east side of Pine Street in the Village of Thorold in Lots 16 and 17 Thorold Twp. for £20 (B112 #10774)

On 5 Aug 1836 (Reg 10 Nov 1837) Squire Badgley sold to Zephaniah Horton 1/5 acre in Lot 41 in the Village of Thorold in Lot 17 Thorold Twp. for £25 (B139 #11850)

Bailey, William

On 21 Dec 1841 (Reg 9 Jul 1842) George Keefer sold to William Bailey ¼ acres in Lot 5 on the east side of Front Street, Village of Thorold in Lots 8 and 9 Thorold Twp. for £10.10 (B300 #899)

On 17 May 1842 (Reg 27 Jun 1842) William Bailey gave a mortgage to Samuel Street on ¼ acres in Lot 5 on the east side of Front Street, Village of Thorold in Lots 8 and 9 Thorold Twp. for £150 (B291 #830)

On 2 Jan 1847 (Reg 6 Oct 1847) William Bailey sold to Peter Burch ¼ acre in Lot 52 on the east side of Front St in Lot 8 Thorold Twp. for £75 (A19 #327)

Bald, Catharine

On 9 May 1848 (Reg 9 May 1848) James T Bald, eldest son and heir at law of Thomas Bald sold to Catharine Bald 50 acres in the north half of Lot 251 Thorold Twp. for £100 (A47 #698)

Bald, David

On 12 Nov 1852 (Reg 1 Dec 1852) William A Bald sold to David Bald 150 acres in Lot 250 with broken front for £562.10 (B91 #539)

On 11 Mar 1854 (Reg 8 Dec 1857) William A Bald and Jane his wife gave a quitclaim to David Bald on 50 acres in the north half of Lot 251 Thorold Twp. for 5 shillings being the northwest part of the farm owned by the late Thomas Bald (C294 #5676)

On 11 Mar 1854 (Reg 8 Dec 1857) Isabella Bald gave a quitclaim to David Bald on 50 acres in the north half of Lot 251 Thorold Twp. for 5 shillings being the northwest part of the farm owned by the late Thomas Bald (C294 #5677)

On 24 Nov 1857 (Reg 24 Nov 1857) David Bald gave a mortgage to William Blanchard on 150 acres in Lot 250 with broken front for $725 (C283 #5637)

On 28 Sep 1858 (Reg 28 Sep 1858) David Bald gave a mortgage to William Blanchard on 150 acres in Lot 250 with broken front for $560 (C417 #6562)

On 12 Aug 1861 (Reg 12 Aug 1861) William Blanchard gave a discharge of mortgage to David Bald (C417 #7610)

On 9 Aug 1859 (Reg 9 Aug 1859) David Bald gave a mortgage to William Blanchard on 150 acres in Lot 250 with broken front for $800 (D93 #7610)

On 12 Aug 1861 (Reg 12 Aug 1861) William Blanchard gave a discharge of mortgage to David Bald (D93 #9574)

On 12 Aug 1861 (Reg 12 Aug 1861) William Blanchard gave a discharge of mortgage to David Bald (C284 #9572)

On 12 Aug 1861 (Reg 12 Aug 1861) David Bald gave a mortgage to William Blanchard a mortgage on 150 acres in Lot 250 and Broken Front Thorold Twp. for $3000 (D373 #2575)

On 1 Jul 1862 (Reg 7 Nov 1862) William Blanchard gave an assignment of mortgage to Clifton Blanchard on 150 acres in Lot 250 and Broken Front Thorold Twp. for $3000 (E21 #10835)

On 16 Apr 1864 (Reg 16 Apr 1864) David Bald, unmarried, gave a mortgage to Solomon Moore, surviving Executor of William Thorne on an undivided ¾ part of 50 acres in the north half of Lot 251 Thorold Twp. for $400 (E219 #12301)

Bald, Isabella

On 9 May 1848 (Reg 9 May 1848) James T Bald eldest son and heir at law of Thomas Bald sold to Isabella Bald 50 acres in the south half of Lot 251 Thorold Twp. for £100 (A48 #700)

On 11 Mar 1854 (Reg 8 Dec 1857) Isabella Bald gave a quitclaim to David Bald on 50 acres in the north half of Lot 251 Thorold Twp. for 5 shillings being the northwest part of the farm owned by the late Thomas Bald (C294 #5677)

On 1 Feb 1862 (Reg 1 Feb 1862) Isabella Bald gave a mortgage to Dennis Rice and Solomon Moore, Executors of William Thorne on 50 acres in the south half of Lot 251 Thorold Twp. for $400 (D428 #10077)

Bald, James T

On 9 May 1848 (Reg 9 May 1848) James T Bald eldest son and heir of Thomas Bald sold to William A Bald 150 acres in Lot 250 with broken front for £562.10 (A47 #699)

On 9 May 1848 (Reg 9 May 1848) James T Bald, eldest son and heir at law of Thomas Bald sold to Catharine Bald 50 acres in the north half of Lot 251 Thorold Twp. for £100 (A47 #698)

On 9 May 1848 (Reg 9 May 1848) James T Bald eldest son and heir at law of Thomas Bald sold to Isabella Bald 50 acres in the south half of Lot 251 Thorold Twp. for £100 (A48 #700)

Bald, Thomas

On 22 May 1810 (Reg 24 May 1810) James Gregor sold to Thomas Bald 111 acres in Lot 200 with Broken Front for £94 (B266 #1780)

On 15 Apr 1825 (Reg 18 Mar 1828) Thomas Bald and William Orr, Executors sold to Peter Muisner 100 acres in Lot 200 with Broken Front for £165.5 (A207 #7233)

Bald, William A

On 30 Apr 1852 (Reg 30 Apr 1852) William A Bald gave a mortgage to Robert Campbell and Margaret his wife on 150 acres in Lot 250 with broken front for £300 (A400 #91)

On 12 Nov 1852 (Reg 1 Dec 1852) William A Bald sold to David Bald 150 acres in Lot 250 with broken front for £562.10 (B91 #539)

On 4 May 1853 (Reg 4 May 1853) William A Bald gave a mortgage to Robert Campbell on 150 acres in Lot 250 with broken front for £325 reserving an allowance for a road north of the broken front (B172 #915)

On 11 Mar 1854 (Reg 8 Dec 1857) William A Bald and Jane his wife gave a quitclaim to David Bald on 50 acres in the north half of Lot 251 Thorold Twp. for 5 shillings being the northwest part of the farm owned by the late Thomas Bald (C294 #5676)

On 31 Oct 1856 (Reg 6 Mar 1857) Robert Campbell gave a discharge of mortgage to William A Bald (B173)

On 8 May 1857 (Reg 8 May 1857) George W Overholt sold to William Bald 1/3 acre in the southeast corner of Lot 161 Thorold Twp. for $350 (C199 #4981)

On 8 May 1857 (Reg 8 May 1857) William Bald et ux gave a mortgage to George W Overholt on 1/3 acre in the southeast corner of Lot 161 Thorold Twp. for $350 (C200 #4983)

On 19 Oct 1861 (Reg 18 Nov 1861) William Bald et ux sold to James Reilly 1/3 acre in the southeast corner of 161 Thorold Twp. for $75 (D411 #9855)

Baley, Hugh

On 6 Dec 1865 (Reg 7 Dec 1865) David White et ux sold to Hugh Baley 2-¼ acres in the north part of Lot 231 Thorold Twp. for $565 (E466 #14148)

On 6 Dec 1865 (Reg 13 Dec 1865) Hugh Baley sold to David White 2-¼ acres in the north part of Lot 231 Thorold Twp. for $420.50

Ball, Amelia

On 15 Sep 1864 (Reg 16 Sep 1864) Thomas B Fuller, Plaintiff filed a foreclosure in chancery against Amelia Ball et al, Defendants on parts of Lots 3 and 6 Thorold Twp. on the south side of the Great Western Railroad and other lands to be absolutely debarred and foreclosed of all right of equity of redemption of mortgaged premises (E282 #12751)

Ball, Benjamin

On 21 Mar 1857 (Reg 21 Mar 1857) Charles Dolson et ux sold to Benjamin Ball 20 acres commencing at the northwest angle of the west part of Lot 221 Thorold Twp. except 5 acres sold to William Robins for £200 (C168 #4778)

On 21 Mar 1857 (Reg 3 Sep 1857) Benjamin Ball et ux gave a mortgage to Charles Dolson on 20 acres commencing at the northwest angle of the west part of Lot 221 Thorold Twp. except 5 acres sold to William Robins for £100 (C244 #5362)

On 3 Sep 1857 (Reg 3 Sep 1857) Charles Dolson gave an assignment of mortgage to Jacob Crow for £100 (C246 #5363)

On 12 Jan 1858 (Reg 12 Jan 1858) Jacob Crow Jr. gave a quitclaim to Benjamin Ball on 5 acres commencing at the southwest angle of Lot 221 Thorold Twp. for $240 (C313 #5747)

On 12 Jan 1858 (Reg 12 Jan 1858) Benjamin Ball et ux sold to Martin H McClellan 5 acres commencing at the southwest angle of Lot 221 Thorold Twp. for $240 (C314 #5742)

On 16 Nov 1861 (Reg 16 Nov 1861) George Hill gave a discharge of mortgage to Benjamin Ball (C246 #9850)

Ball, George C

On 17 Jun 1854 (Reg 2 Nov 1857) Henry C Ball willed to George C Ball all that part of Lot 3 Thorold Twp. lying on the north side of the Great Western Railroad (C275 #5586)

On 17 Jun 1854 (Reg 2 Nov 1857) Henry C Ball willed to Walter H Ball and George C Ball Lots 3 and 7 Thorold Twp. (C274 #5586)

Ball, Henry C

On 15 Nov 1815 (Reg 7 Feb 1833) Jacob Ball willed to Henry C Ball the farm he lived on in Lot 3 Thorold Twp. (A75 #9006)

On 18 Nov 1815 (Reg 7 Feb 1833) Jacob Ball willed to Henry C Ball the farm he lived on in Lot 7 Thorold Twp. (A75 #9006)

On 7 Apr 1849 (Reg 9 Apr 1849) Henry C Ball et ux gave a mortgage to Niagara District Building Society on 50 acres in the north half of Lot 6 Thorold Twp. for £200 (A123 #1388)

On 20 Oct 1851 (Reg 9 Jan 1852) Henry C Ball gave a mortgage to Thomas B Fuller on 100 acres in Lot 7 Thorold Twp. for £300 (A359 #3708)

On 28 Feb 1852 (Reg 30 Apr 1852) Henry C Ball gave a deed poll to the Great Western Railroad Company on 1-25/100 acres in Lot 3 Thorold Twp. for £14.1.3 (A406 #96)

On 17 Jun 1854 (Reg 2 Nov 1857) Henry C Ball willed to George C Ball all that part of Lot 3 Thorold Twp. lying on the north side of the Great Western Railroad (C275 #5586)

On 17 Jun 1854 (Reg 2 Nov 1857) Henry C Ball willed to Walter H Ball 100 acres in Lot 7 Thorold Twp. lying on the north side of the Great Western Railroad (C274 #5586)

On 21 Oct 1854 (Reg 24 Oct 1854) Henry C Ball sold to Walter H Ball the remaining parts of Lots 3 and 6 Thorold Twp. on the south side of the Great Western Railroad for 1 shilling (B394 #2211)

On 17 Jun 1854 (Reg 2 Nov 1857) Henry C Ball willed to Walter H Ball and George C Ball Lots 3 and 7 Thorold Twp. (C274 #5586)

Ball, Jacob

On 18 Jul 1808 (Reg 7 Jan 1809) Jacob Ball and Mary his wife sold to Daniel Shriner 100 acres in Lot 17 Thorold Twp.

Ball, Jacob Jr.

On 6 May 1796 The Crown granted a patent to Jacob Ball Jr. for all Lot 3 Thorold Twp.

On 6 May 1796 The Crown granted a patent to Jacob Ball Jr. for all 200 acres in Lots 6 and 7 Thorold Twp.

On 18 Mar 1803 (Reg 29 Mar 1803) Jacob Ball Jr. sold to Peter Lampman, Adam Hutt and George Miller, Trustees 6 acres in Lot 6 Thorold Twp. (B570 #365)

On 9 Nov 1807 (Reg 19 Jun 1860) William Chewett sold to Jacob Ball 100 acres in Lot 17 Thorold Twp. for £125 (D229 #8507)

On 15 Nov 1815 (Reg 7 Feb 1833) Jacob Ball willed to Henry C Ball the farm he lived on in Lot 3 Thorold Twp. (A75 #9006)

On 18 Nov 1815 (Reg 7 Feb 1833) Jacob Ball willed to Henry C Ball the farm he lived on in Lot 7 Thorold Twp. (A75 #9006)

On 6 Oct 1836 (Reg 7 Sep 1837) Adam Hutt, Executor sold in trust to Peter Lampman, George Hutt and Robert E Burns, Trustees of the Presbyterian and Lutheran Churches 6 acres reserving 1 acre for use of inhabitants as a public road forever for £5. Reserving to family of Jacob Ball the liberty of burying the dead in said tract forever (B54 #11749)

On 31 Jan 1853 (Reg 8 Feb 1853) Peter Lampman gave a deed of trust to Walter H Ball on 6 acres reserving 1 acre for use of inhabitants as a public road forever for £5. Reserving to family of Jacob Ball the liberty of burying the dead in said tract forever (B115 #676)

Ball, Jacob A

On 28 Dec 1847 (Reg 28 Feb 1859) Jacob H Ball willed to Jacob A Ball his son 85 acres in Lots 22, 23 and 24 and known as Gore lot, Catharine Ball, Executrix and Frederick J Ball and George Keefer Jr, Executors (D8 #7047)

On 30 Mar 1859 (Reg 23 Apr 1859) Jacob A Ball et ux parties of the first part, and Catharine Ball widow of the late Jacob H Ball and Jemima A Ball, Mary A M Ball daughters of the late Jacob H Ball parties of the third part gave a mortgage to the Canada Land Credit Company on 85 acres in Lots 2, 23 and 24 and known as Gore lot for $1000. The parties of the third part released all their interest in the said land (D2 #7241)

On 26 Jan 1860 (Reg 27 Jan 1860) Jacob A Ball et ux sold to John Brown 4-¾ acres 10 perches commencing at the northwest angle of Lot 22 Thorold Twp. with land in Lots 23 and 24 Thorold Twp. for $400 (D169 #8030)

Ball, Jacob C

On 29 Sep 1847 (Reg 2 Oct 1847) Herman Hostetter et ux sold to Jacob C Ball 1 acre in Lot 31 Thorold Twp. adjoining the reservoir near Beaver Dams for £75 (A18 #322)

On 14 Mar 1850 (Reg 16 May 1850) Wellington Smith sold to Jacob C Ball 100 acres in Lot 32 Thorold Twp. for £575 (A204 #2135)

On 8 Apr 1850 (Reg 29 May 1850) Jacob C Ball et ux gave a mortgage to the St. Catharines Building Society on 100 acres in Lot 32 Thorold Twp. for £400 (A199 #2112)

On 1 Feb 1854 (Reg 11 Feb 1854) Jacob C Ball et ux sold to Robert Booth 1 acre in Lot 31 Thorold Twp. adjoining reservoir near Beaver Dams for £125 (B293 #1630)

On 1 Feb 1854 (Reg 11 Feb 1854) the St. Catharines Building Society gave a discharge of mortgage to Jacob C Ball (A199)

On 1 Feb 1854 (Reg 11 Feb 1854) Jacob C Ball et ux sold to Robert Booth 100 acres in Lot 32 Thorold Twp. with other lands for £825 (B294 #1631)

On 9 Mar 1855 (Reg 28 Mar 1855) Jacob C Ball et ux sold to Bartholomew McDonald 1 acre in Lots 7, 8 and 9 on the northside of the Beaver Dams Road in Thorold Twp. for £100 (B261 #1423)

Ball, Jacob H

(Reg 14 May 1816) Asa Walterhouse and Sarah his wife sold to Jacob H Ball 80 acres in Lots 23 and 24 with broken lot north of Lot 23 Thorold Twp. (A73 #4965)

On 25 Jun 1816 (Reg 25 May 1825) George Keefer sold to Jacob H Ball 4-¾ acres 10 perches in the northwest angle of Lot 22 Thorold Twp. for £5 (B181 #6633)

On 28 Dec 1847 (Reg 28 Feb 1859) Jacob H Ball willed to Jacob A Ball his son 85 acres in Lots 22, 23 and 24 and known as Gore lot, Catharine Ball, Executrix and Frederick J Ball and George Keefer Jr, Executors (D8 #7047)

On 30 Mar 1859 (Reg 23 Apr 1859) Jacob A Ball et ux parties of the first part, and Catharine Ball widow of the late Jacob H Ball and Jemima A Ball, Mary A M Ball daughters of the late Jacob H Ball parties of the third part gave a mortgage to the Canada Land Credit Company on 85 acres in Lots 2, 23 and 24 and known as Gore lot for $1000. The parties of the third part released all their interest in the said land (D2 #7241)

Ball, Walter H

On 31 Jan 1853 (Reg 8 Feb 1853) Peter Lampman gave a deed of trust to Walter H Ball on 6 acres reserving 1 acre for use of inhabitants as a public road forever for £5. Reserving to family of Jacob Ball the liberty of burying the dead in said tract forever (B115 #676)

On 17 Jun 1854 (Reg 2 Nov 1857) Henry C Ball willed to Walter H Ball 100 acres in Lot 7 Thorold Twp. lying on the north side of the Great Western Railroad (C274 #5586)

On 21 Oct 1854 (Reg 24 Oct 1854) Henry C Ball sold to Walter H Ball the remaining parts of Lots 3 and 6 Thorold Twp. on the south side of the Great Western Railroad for 1 shilling (B394 #2211)

On 5 Mar 1856 (Reg 6 Mar 1856) Walter H Ball gave a mortgage to Thomas B Fuller on 100 acres in Lot 7 Thorold Twp. for £648.10 (C41 #3605)

On 15 Aug 1857 (Reg 26 Sep 1857) Walter H Ball gave a deed poll to Welland Railway Company on 7-¾ acres commencing at the intersection at west limit of the railway with front limit of the township for £1050 (C359 #5450)

On 25 Jan 1858 (Reg 3 Feb 1858) Walter H Ball gave a mortgage to James McCowan on parts of Lots 3 and 6 Thorold Twp. on the south side of the Great Western Railroad for $1175 (C321 #5807)

On 12 Mar 1859 (Reg 30 Mar 1859) Walter H Ball et ux gave a mortgage to Thomas B Fuller on 142-½ acres in the south half of Lot 6 and all of Lot 7 Thorold Twp. not sold to Welland Railway Company for $3636 (D19 #7153)

On 3 Aug 1859 (Reg 4 Aug 1857) Walter H Ball gave a mortgage to James G Currie on parts of Lots 3 and 6 Thorold Twp. on the south side of the Great Western Railroad for for $1300 (D88 #7588)

Band, Robert

On 16 Jul 1851 (Reg 16 Aug 1851) the Commissioners of Public Works sold to Robert Band ¼ acre in lot 9 on the west side of the Old Canal in the Village of Port Robinson in Lot 203 Broken Front Thorold Twp. for £25 (A323 #3319)

On 21 Dec 1857 (Reg 16 Dec 1858) John P Abbey et ux and James E Abbey et ux sold to Robert Band 50 acres in the south half of Lot 183 Thorold Twp. for £375 (C455 #6787)

On 27 Sep 1858 (Reg 13 Mar 1861) Robert Band sold to Jonathan Bradfield 50 acres in the south half of Lot 183 Thorold Twp. for £325 (D325 #9213)

Barnes, Elizabeth Agnes

On 25 May 1850 (Reg 2 Feb 1853) Jacob Lutz willed to Malissa Abagail his wife the homestead farm composed of the north half of Lot 135 and Lot 136 Thorold Twp. subject to a reserve of ½ acre sold for a school house also 6 acres off of Lot 136 to his daughter Elizabeth Ann Barnes during life and at death divided among her children John Thomas, Alvira Jane and Agnes Barnes share and share alike. And further reserve of 6 acres set off to his son Samuel Camp Lutz at the northeast angle of Lot 135. And at the death of his said wife he devised to his granddaughter Mary Emiline Barnes 12-½ acres or one quarter of the north half of Lot 136 and the remaining part of the north half of Lot 136 to his daughter Elizabeth Ann Barnes during life and at her death to be divided between my grandson John Thomas Barnes, Alvira Jane and Agnes Barnes and his son Samuel Camp Lutz 50 acres in the north half of Lot 135 Thorold Twp.; John Rannie, Thomas Ellison and Isaac Louke, Executors (B104 #6533)

Barwick, Hugh C

On 22 Nov 1862 (Reg 22 Nov 1862) Robert Hobson sold to Hugh C Barwick ½ acre in Lots 20 and 21 in the Village of Allanburgh, Lot 119 Thorold Twp. for $287 (E30 #10899)

Bates, Orlando

On 6 Jan 1854 (Reg 9 Jan 1854) Smith Shotwell and Orlando Bates who released all his claims sold to Elisha Taylor 30 acres in the north end of Lot 249 Thorold Twp. for £200 (B279 #1535)

Baton, Asa

On 25 Aug 1800 (Reg 3 Jan 1807) Andrew Whitsell sold to Asa Baton 300 acres in Lots 59, 60 and 61 Thorold Twp. for £93.15 (A34 #1186)

On 31 Mar 1821 (Reg 10 Apr 1822) James Babey et al, Commissioners of Forfeited Estates sold to Richard Woodruff 300 acres in Lots 59, 60 and 61 Thorold Twp. for £212.10 (A150 #6074)

Batten, John

On 20 Nov 1844 (Reg 15 Jan 1845) George Keefer et ux sold to John Batten 15-½ square rods in part of Lot 76 Front Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 17 Thorold Twp. for £34 (B425 #2058)

On 25 Mar 1848 (Reg 8 Jun 1848) Peter Keefer assignee of Edward Haynes sold to John Batten 1/5 acre in Lot 16 Canal Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £10 (A53 #738)

On 23 Dec 1848 (Reg 18 Jun 1849) George Keefer et ux sold to John Batten two lots containing 1/3 acre each in Lot 9 Front Street and Lot 34 in rear in the Village of Thorold in Lots 16 and 17 Thorold Twp. for £105 (A131 #1546)

Battle, John

On 21 Feb 1861 (Reg 27 Feb 1861) James Taylor sold to John Battle 100 acres in Lot 88 Thorold Twp. with other lands for £375. Allowing a road to said land across the said Samuel Street’s farm for $2000 (D311 #9168)

On 21 Feb 1861 (Reg 27 Feb 1861) John Battle et ux gave a mortgage to James Taylor on 100 acres in Lot 88 Thorold Twp. for $1350 (D312 #9169)

Beach, Michael

On 10 Feb 1842 (Reg 3 May 1852) Michael Beach sold to John Willson 34 perches in the Village of Allanburgh in Lot 119 Thorold Twp. for £125 (A406 #103)

Beacham, Isaac

On 6 Mar 1819 (Reg 9 Mar 1819) Isaac Beacham sold to William Ferry 50 acres in the north half of Lot 152 Thorold Twp. (A111 #5556)

On 6 Mar 1819 (Reg 9 Mar 1819) Isaac Beacham sold to John Robins 50 acres in the south half of Lot 152 Thorold Twp. (A111 #5557)

Beamis, Orin

On 3 Oct 1836 (Reg 18 Apr 1853) James Crawford sold to Orin Beamis 100 acres in Lot 228 Thorold Twp. for £275 (B155 #856)

Bearss, Nelson

On 3 Apr 1856 (Reg 15 May 1856) John H Slawmiltz sold to Nelson Bearss 50 acres in the east half of 100 acres in Lot 257 Thorold Twp. for £500 (C59 #3799)

On 3 Apr 1856 (Reg 15 May 1856) Peter Slawmiltz et ux gave a quitclaim on all his interest in the estate of J H Slawmiltz his father, to Nelson Bear Jr on 100 acres in Lot 257 Thorold Twp. for £625 (C60 #3800)

On 7 Jan 1857 (Reg 13 Jan 1857) John H Slawmiltz and Nelson Bearss et ux gave a mortgage to William H Bald on 100 acres in Lot 257 Thorold Twp. for $477.58 (C139 #4462)

On 22 Jan 1857 (Reg 29 Jan 1857) William A Bald gave an assignment of mortgage to John McKinlay (C147 #4549)

On 22 May 1858 (Reg 28 May 1858) John H Slawmiltz sold to Nelson Bearss on 50 acres in the west half of Lot 257 Thorold Twp. for $2000 and gave a quitclaim on the east half for $1 (C353 #6163)

On 22 May 1858 (Reg 28 May 1858) Margaret Slawmiltz gave a quitclaim to Nelson Bearss on 100 acres in Lot 257 Thorold Twp. for $1.00 (C354 #6164)

On 22 May 1858 (Reg 28 May 1858) Nelson Bearss et ux sold to Nathan T Fitch 100 acres in Lot 257 Thorold Twp. for $4500 (C355 #6165)

On 9 Jun 1858 (Reg 19 Jun 1858) John McKinlay gave a discharge of mortgage to John H Slawmiltz, Nelson Bearss and Rhoda E Bearss (C139 #6220)

Beatty, John

On 10 May 1852 (Reg 26 Jan 1857) The Queen sold to John Beatty 19 acres 2 roods 31 perches on the east side of the Deep Cut known as Lots K and T in Lot 186 and ¾ acre in Lots 4, 5 and 6 in the Village of Port Robinson in Lot 203 Thorold Twp. for £154.8 (C199 #4516)

On 8 Aug 1856 (Reg 6 Oct 1856) John Beatty sold to Port Robinson and Thorold Macadamized Road 1 acre 2 roods 27 perches commencing 1 chain west from the northwest corner of Lot 186 Thorold Twp. for £31.5.9 (C99 #4124)

On 21 Sep 1857 (Reg 23 Sep 1858) John Beatty sold to Daniel Kelly 19 acres 2 roods 21 perches on the east side of the Deep Cut known as Lots K and T in Lots 186 and 203 Thorold Twp. for £150 (C415 #6552)

On 16 Aug 1855 (Reg 16 Aug 1855) Duncan McFarland gave a discharge of mortgage to John Beatty (A45)

Beatty, William

On 28 Dec 1848 (Reg 4 Jan 1849) George Keefer et ux sold to William Beatty 1-¾ acres in the northeast angle of Lot 9 Thorold Twp. for £50 (A105 #1194)

On 30 May 1850 (Reg 9 Jan 1851) William Beatty gave a mortgage to Benjamin Corwin on 1-¾ acres in the northeast angle of Lot 9 Thorold Twp. for £250 (A360 #2607)

Beckett, Edward C and Mary

On 27 May 1853 (Reg 23 Mar 1854) John Hill, Executor of Benjamin Hill and Ann Hill, devisee of Benjamin Hill and daughter of Joseph Hill gave a quitclaim to Mary Beckett on a portion of shares of the homestead farm composed of 95 acres or 44-½ acres also 6-½ acres in Lot 233 Thorold Twp. to be in lieu of all claim on the estate of Benjamin Hill; paid John Hill 1 shilling and Ann Hill 10 shillings (B317 #1739)

On 1 Jan 1857 (Reg 8 Apr 1857) Edward Beckett, Benjamin Beckett et ux, Ezekiel Beckett, Eliza E Beckett, Ann Beckett, Samuel Beckett et ux, and John H Beckett et ux, heirs at law of Mary Beckett sold to Alexander Page 33-3/8 acres or six of eight shares of 44-½ acres in Lot 233 Thorold Twp. for £375 (C177 #4835)

On 12 Feb 1859 (Reg 10 Apr 1860) Edward Beckett husband of the late Mary Beckett, and Charles Beckett one of the heirs of Mary Beckett sold to Alexander Page and undivided 1/8 part or 2/5 of 95 acres containing 44-½ acres Lot 233 Thorold Twp. for $194.68 (D206 #8294)

On 17 Jan 1860 (Reg 10 Apr 1860) Edward C Beckett husband of the late Mary Beckett, and Charles Beckett one of the heirs of the late Mary Beckett sold to Alexander Page an undivided 1/8 share of 44-½ acres in Lot 233 Thorold Twp. for $196 (D207 #8295)

Beckett, Edwood C

On 25 Feb 1817 (Reg 1 Sep 1827) Thomas Dickson sold to Edward C Beckett 100 acres in Lot 173 Thorold Twp. for £500 (A228 #7110)

On 26 Oct 1829 (Reg 4 Nov 1829) Edwood C Beckett sold to John Brown 100 acres in Lot 173 Thorold Twp. with other lands for £500 (A379 #7762)

On 26 Oct 1829 (Reg 3 Nov 1829) John Brown sold to Edwood C Beckett 220 acres in Lots 201 and 202 Thorold Twp. including the Broken Front for £575 excepting 7 acres in the southwest angle lot and 30 perches for Presbyterian Church (A274 #7761)

On 16 Jan 1836 (Reg 24 Oct 1839) Edwood C Beckett sold to Duncan McFarland 1 acre in the Village of Port Robinson in the southwest part of Lot 202 Thorold Twp. (B186 #12706)

Beckett, Peter

On 12 Apr 1806 (Reg 10 Apr 1806) Peter Beckett sold to Robert Hamilton 96 acres 3 roods 20 perches in Lot 222 Thorold Twp. (A27 #1015)

Beckett, Samuel T

On 19 May 1852 (Reg 20 May 1852) John Street, Dexter D’Everardo, Executors and Susannah Rich, Exectrix of Russel Rich sold to Samuel T Beckett 2 acres 2 roods 6 perches in the Village of St Johns in Lot 111 Thorold Twp. for £90 (A416 #157)

On 10 Dec 1852 (Reg 10 Mar 1853) David Willson et ux sold to Samuel T Beckett 7 acres 2 roods in the Village of St Johns in Lot 111 Thorold Twp. for £87.10 (B135 #7702)

On 24 May 1854 (Reg 15 Aug 1855) John Street et ux sold to Samuel Beckett land in the Village of St Johns in Lot 111 Thorold Twp. (B476 #3072)

Bell, John

On 23 Oct 1850 (Reg 26 Apr 1851) Duncan McFarland et ux sold to John Bell Lot 5 and half of Lot 6 on the south side of Canby Street in the Village of Port Robinson in Lot 202 Thorold Twp. for £37.10 (A287 #2976)

On 2 Jun 1853 (Reg 6 Jul 1853) Duncan McFarland et ux sold to John Bell ¼ acre in Lot 6 on the south side of Canby Street in the Village of Port Robinson in Lot 202 Thorold Twp. for £25 (B196 #1064)

On 2 Jun 1853 (Reg 6 Jul 1853) Duncan McFarland et ux sold to John Bell ¼ acre in Lot 48 on the south side of Welland Street in the Village of Port Robinson in Lot 202 Broken Front Thorold Twp. for £36 (B144 #796)

Bell, William

On 15 Mar 1837 (Reg 21 Apr 1837) Welland Canal Company sold to William Bell 2 roods in Lots 4 and 5 east side of the Welland Canal in the Village of Port Robinson in Lot 203 Thorold Twp. for £50 (B131 #11450)

Bemis, John

On 22 Oct 1855 (Reg 23 Oct 1853) John Crafford sold to George Hill and Orin Bemiss 160 acres in Lots 242 and 243 except about 40 acres sold to Alex Page for £2000 (B493 #3239)

On 3 Aug 1859 (Reg 20 Oct 1859) George Hill et ux and Orin Beamiss et ux sold to Elijah Shotwell Lots 242 and 243 with other lands except about 40 acres sold to Alex Page by John Crafford for $4545.90 (D110 #7759)

Bender, George

On 18 Jun 1840 (Reg 19 Aug 1840) Alem Marr sold to George Bender and John Bender 96 acres in Lot 222 Thorold Twp. for £250 (B227 #250 (B225 #13097)

On 18 Dec 1850 (Reg 13 Dec 1854) George Bender et ux and John Bender sold to Joseph Marr 96 acres in Lot 222 Thorold Twp. for £300 (B410 #2348)

Bennet, John

On 11 Jul 1836 (Reg 29 Dec 1836) John Bennett, Peter Bennett and Margaret Bennett sold to Robert Chappel 2 acres in Lot 163 Thorold Twp. for £50 with the privilege of keeping open the race to carry water to run any machinery he may require (B8 #11256)

Bennet, Peter

On 11 Jul 1836 (Reg 29 Dec 1836) John Bennett, Peter Bennett and Margaret Bennett sold to Robert Chappel 2 acres in Lot 163 Thorold Twp. for £50 with the privilege of keeping open the race to carry water to run any machinery he may require (B8 #11256)

Bennett, William A

On 1 Oct 1853 (Reg 24 Feb 1854) John Dennis et ux sold to William A Bennett 1 acre in the southeast angle of James Coile’s lot in Lot 106 Thorold Twp. for £25 (B307 #1678)

On 31 Jan 1854 (Reg 24 Feb 1854) William A Bennett et ux sold to George Shaw 1 acre in the southeast angle of James Coile’s lot in Lot 106 Thorold Twp. for £25 (B308 #1679)

Bessey, Elizabeth

On 6 Dec 1853 (Reg 25 Feb 1856) Ephraim Hopkins et ux sold to Elizabeth Bessey 1-¾ acres between one acre sold to A McIntosh and one acre to E H Cooper in Lot 51 Thorold Twp. for £62.10 (C38 #3573)

Bessey, George

On 16 Nov 1863 (Reg 26 Jan 1864) Margaret W Hill sold to George Bessy 5 acres in the northwest part of Lot 233 Thorold Twp. for $300 (E185 #12083)

Bigger, Marsena

On 24 Jul 1854 (Reg 25 Jul 1854) Thomas Silverthorn et ux, a devisee of John Silverthorn sold to Marsena Bigger 50 acres in Lots 178 and 179 Thorold Twp. and Gore of Stamford Twp. for £500 reserving allowance for road (B380 #2021)

On 24 Jul 1854 (Reg 25 Jul 1854) Mary J Silverthorn, spinster gave a quitclaim to Marsena Bigger on 50 acres in Lots 178 and 179 Thorold Twp. and Gore of Stamford Twp. for 5 shillings reserving allowance for road (B381 #2022/2026)

On 21 Nov 1854 (Reg 21 Nov 1854) Isaac Loucks et ux sold to Marsena Bigger 15 acres in Lot 170 Thorold Twp. for £150 (B404 #2285)

Birdsall, Samuel

On 8 Dec 1841 (Reg 1 Sep 1847) William Fitch and Thomas Darling, Devisees and Executors of Benjamin Canby gave a quitclaim to Samuel Birdsall on 77 acres in Lot 31 Thorold Twp. with other lands for 5 shillings (A160 #1653)

On 8 Dec 1841 (Reg 1 Sep 1849) William Fitch and Thomas Darling, Devisees and Executors of Thomas Canby gave a quitclaim to Samuel Birdsall on 150 acres in Lot 174 and the north half of Lot 165 Thorold Twp. with other lands for 5 shillings (A160 #1653)

On 8 Dec 1841 (Reg 7 Dec 1852) William Fitch and Thomas Darling, Devisees and Executors of Benjamin Canby gave a quitclaim to Samuel Birdsall on 150 acres in Lot 174 and the north half of Lot 165 Thorold Twp. with other lands for 5 shillings (B93 #549)

On 8 Dec 1841 (Reg 1 Sep 1849) William Fitch and Thomas Darling, Devisees and Executors of Benjamin Canby sold to Samuel Birdsall 100 acres in Lot 201 and Broken Front Thorold Twp. with other lands for 5 shillings reserving a 1 rood lot for the Presbyterian Church (A160 #1653)

On 8 Dec 1841 (Reg 7 Dec 1852) William Fitch and Thomas Darling, Devisees and Executors of Benjamin Canby gave a quitclaim to Samuel Birdsall on 100 acres in Lot 201 and Broken Front Thorold Twp. with other lands for 5 shillings (B93 #3060)

On 13 Jun 1842 (Reg 7 Oct 1842) Samuel Birdsall et ux sold to Thomas Canby 150 acres in Lot 174 and the north half of Lot 165 Thorold Twp. for £655 (B308 #1042)

On 7 Oct 1843 (Reg 26 Sep 1844) Samuel Birdsall et ux sold to Duncan McFarland 100 acres in Lot 201 and Broken Front Thorold Twp. for £625 with reserve for road also ½ acre for church (B392 #1871)

On 3 Jul 1847 (Reg 1 Sep 1849) Samuel Birdsall et ux sold to George Keefer 77 acres in Lot 31 Thorold Twp. with other lands for £250 (A149 #1654)

On 8 Dec 1841 (Reg 7 Dec 1852) William Fitch and Thomas Darling, Devisees and Executors of Benjamin Canby gave a quitclaim to Samuel Birdsall on 77 acres in Lot 31 Thorold Twp. with other lands for 5 shillings (B93 #549)

Black, David C

On 25 Sep 1848 (Reg 28 Sep 1848) John Couke, George Couke, Executor and John Wilkerson sold to David Black C 82-½ acres in Lots 47 and 70 Thorold Twp. for £100 (A82 #984)

On 26 Sep 1848 (Reg 28 Sep 1848) David C Black et ux gave a mortgage to St. Catharines Building Society on 40 acres in Lots 47 and 70 Thorold Twp. for £200 (A83 #985)

On 29 Jan 1850 (Reg 30 Jan 1850) David C Black gave a mortgage to John Couke and George Couke, Executors of John Wilkenson on 41 acres in Lot 70 Thorold Twp. for £140.13 (A188 #1941)

On 19 Jun 1852 (Reg 11 Oct 1852) John Couke and George Couke, Executors of John Wilkinson gave a discharge of mortgage to David C Black (A189)

On 22 Feb 1856 (Reg 22 Jan 1857) St. Catharines Building Society gave a discharge to David C Black on Lots 47 and 70 Thorold Twp. (A84)

On 6 Oct 1851 (Reg 11 Oct 1851) David C Black sold to Jacob Wilkerson 82-½ acres in Lots 47 and 70 Thorold Twp. for £900 (A341 #3494)

Black, Henry

On 26 Oct 1844 (Reg 23 May 1845) James Black willed to Henry Black, James Sabine, Duncan McFarland, Executors all his estate in trust (B564 #2247)

On 16 May 1845 (Reg 9 Nov 1847) Henry Black gave a disclaimer to James Sabine and Duncan McFarland, Executors renouncing and disclaiming all authorities and powers vested in him by James Black, deceased excepting as therein excepted (A20 #369)

Black, James

On 20 Aug 1831 (Reg 19 Jan 1833) George Keefer sold to James Black 1/5 acre and 64 square perches commencing on the east side of the Welland Canal in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £15 (A371 #8973)

On 21 Oct 1830 (Reg 23 Aug 1832) William Youell and Margaret his wife sold to James Black 101 acres 10 perches in Lot 16 and the southeast part of Lot 8 Thorold Twp. for 5 shillings (A361 #8756)

On 23 Nov 1832 (Reg 4 Jul 1833) James Black sold to Jacob Keefer 2/5 acre in Lots 1 and 2 on Mill Street in the Village of Thorold for £22.10 (A398 #9250)

On 1 Oct 1833 (Reg 13 Aug 1834) James Black sold to George Hoover 1/5 acre in Lot 11 Canal Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £10 (A491 #9857)

On 26 Nov 1833 (Reg 29 Jul 1834) James Black sold to Sylvanus Cleveland 1/5 acre in Lot 21, south side of Mill St. in the Village of Thorold in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £10 (A451 #9791)

On 8 Dec 1834 (Reg 15 Dec 1847) James Black sold to Henry Hoover Lot 2 on the west side of Canal Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £10 (A28 #433)

On 21 Jan 1834 (Reg 30 Sep 1837) James Black sold to Sydney R Squire 2/5 acre in the Village of Thorold in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £22.10 (B61 #11783)

On 2 May 1835 (Reg 27 Nov 1850) James Black sold to Alexander Cristy 1 rood 16 perches in Lot 3 and part of Lot 4 north side of Mill Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £23.15 (A253 #2527)

On 3 Jan 1836 (Reg 23 May 1837) James Black sold to George Keefer 2/5 acre in the Village of Thorold in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £30 (B133 #11490)

On 13 Jun 1836 (Reg 29 Oct 1836) James Black sold to Isaac Lacey 3/5 acre in the Village of Thorold in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £16 (B119 #11187)

On 24 Jun 1836 (Reg 5 Nov 1838) James Black sold to John Oakes 1/5 acre in the Village of Thorold in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £15 (B105 #12201)

On 3 Oct 1836 (Reg 7 Jun 1841) James Black sold to John Ker 2/5 acre in Lots 6 and 7 Canal Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 17 Thorold Twp. for £22.10 (B258 #360)

On 30 May 1837 (Reg 27 Jun 1839) James Black sold to James Keefer 1/3 acre in Lots 24 and 25 Village of Thorold in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £100 (B134 #11619)

On 21 Jun 1837 (Reg 18 Sep 1844) James Black sold to Peter Keefer 1 acre in Lots 23 and 24 Mill Street and Lots 56, 57 and 58 Market Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 17 Thorold Twp. for £50 ((B389 #1843)

On 17 Jul 1837 (Reg 8 May 1847) James Black sold to Sidney R Squires 1/5 acre in Lot 2 on the east side of Mill Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 17 Thorold Twp. for £10 (A21 #93)

On 19 Mar 1842 (Reg 10 Oct 1845) James Black sold to John Hamilton 4/5 acre in Lots 25 and 26 Mill Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 17 Thorold Twp. for £50 (B473 #2456)

On 19 May 1842 (Reg 27 Jun 1842) George Keefer and Magdalena his wife sold to James Black 2 acres in Lot 23 on the east side of Pine Street, Village of Thorold, Lot 9 Thorold Twp. for £240 (B294 #843)

On 25 Oct 1842 (Reg 26 Jun 1843) James Black sold to Mary Wellsteed 1/5 acre in Lot 1 on the east side of Canal Street North in the Village of Thorold in Lot 17 Thorold Twp. for £17.10 (B341 #1355)

On 26 Feb 1844 (Reg 2 May 1844) James Black sold to the Board of Works 1 acre 32 perches known as part of the Brewery Lot, Village of Thorold in Lot 9 Thorold Twp. for £52.10 (B375 #1717)

On 26 Oct 1844 (Reg 23 May 1845) James Black willed to Henry Black, James Sabine, Duncan McFarland, Executors all his estate in trust (B564 #2247)

On 16 May 1845 (Reg 9 Nov 1847) Henry Black gave a disclaimer to James Sabine and Duncan McFarland renouncing and disclaiming all authorities and powers vested in him by James Black, deceased excepting as therein excepted (A20 #369)

On 26 Oct 1847 (Reg 9 Nov 1847) James Sabine and Duncan McFarland, Executors and Trustees of James Black sold to Henry Rolls 101 acres 2 perches in the Village of Thorold Lots 8 and 16, Thorold Twp. for £750 (A21 #370)

On 16 Mar 1847 (Reg 26 Jan 1852) James Sabine and Duncan McFarland, Executors in Trust of James Black sold to Ann Maria Townsend 1/5 acre in Lot 27 on the west side of Chappel Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £10 (A370 #3734)

On 29 Aug (Reg 25 Aug 1848) James Sabine and Duncan McFarland, Executors of James Black sold to George Campbell 1/5 acre in Lot 2 east side of Canal Street North in the Village of Thorold in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £15.15 (A89 #1028)

On 18 Oct 1848 (Reg 7 Nov 1848) James Sabine and Duncan McFarland, Executors of James Black sold to Henry Rolls Lots 1, 2, and 3 on the west side of Canal Street south of Mill Street and Lot 10 on the west side of Canal Street and Lot 12 on the east side of Mill Street south of Mill Street and Lot 7 on the west side of Canal Street north of Mill Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £5 (A94#1083)

On 12 Dec 1848 (Reg 18 Jan 1849) James Sabine and Duncan McFarland, Executors and Trustees of James Black sold to the Board of Works 34 perches known as a portion of the Brewery Lot in the Village of Thorold Lot 9 Thorold Twp. for £50 (A105 #1202)

On 1 Dec 1851 (Reg 26 May 1852) James Sabine and Duncan McFarland, Executors and Trustees of James Black sold to William H Ward 1-½ acres known as the Welland Brewery Lot in the Village of Thorold in Lot 9 Thorold Twp. except so much as been taken by the Board of Works for £150 (A418 #168)

Blanchfell, James

On 18 Jun 1814 (Reg 30 Jan 1827) John Darling sold to James Blanchfell 54 acres in the south part of Lot 134 Thorold Twp. for £375 (A214 #6959)

On 17 Dec 1832 (Reg 11 Feb 1833) Samuel Darling sold to James Blanchfell 105 acres 2 roods and 28 perches in 133 and 134 Thorold Twp. for £300 (A376 #9015)

On 12 Jul 1834 (Reg 6 Aug 1835) James Blanchfell sold to Benjamin Canby 105 acres 2 roods and 28 perches in 133 and 134 Thorold Twp. for £275 reserving to Samuel Darling the priviledge of erecting a dam (A524 #10454)

On 26 May 1835 (Reg 23 May 1837) John Blanchfell sold to George Shaw 38 acres in the west part of Lot 129 Thorold Twp. for £137.10 (B36 #11508)

On 12 Mar 1836 (Reg 3 Feb 1851) John Blanchill sold to David Damude 50 acres in the east part of Lot 129 Thorold Twp. for £300 (A266 #2681)

On 25 Mar 1836 (Reg 11 Sep 1856) John Blanchfield sold to John Darling 54 acres in the south part of Lot 134 Thorold Twp. for £750 commencing 25 chains south of the northwest angle (C91 #4066)

Booth, Robert

On 18 Sep 1849 (Reg 28 Mar 1850) Alexander Cristy sold to Robert Booth 2/5 acre in 2/5 acre in Lots 4 and 5 Canal Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 17 Thorold Twp. for £76.10 (A194 #2035)

On 28 Aug 1850 (Reg 20 Aug 1851) Robert Boothe et ux sold to William B Hendershot 2/5 acre in Lots 4 and 5 Canal Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £75 (A327 #3342)

On 1 Feb 1854 (Reg 11 Feb 1854) Jacob C Ball et ux sold to Robert Booth 1 acre in Lot 31 Thorold Twp. adjoining reservoir near Beaver Dams for £125 (B293 #1630)

On 1 Feb 1854 (Reg 11 Feb 1854) Robert Booth et ux gave a mortgage to Jacob C Ball on 1 acre in Lot 31 Thorold Twp. adjoining reservoir near Beaver Dams with other lands for £950 (B295 #1632)

On 1 Feb 1854 (Reg 11 Feb 1854) Jacob C Ball et ux sold to Robert Booth 100 acres in Lot 32 Thorold Twp. with other lands for £825 (B294 #1631)

On 1 Feb 1854 (Reg 11 Feb 1854) Robert Booth et ux gave a mortgage to Jacob C Ball on 100 acres in Lot 32 Thorold Twp. for £950 (B295 #1632)

On 24 Mar 1854 (Reg 25 Mar 1854) Jacob C Ball gave an assignment of mortgage to Thomas B Fuller on 100 acres in Lot 32 Thorold Twp. for £450 (B320 #1752)

On 18 Dec 1855 (Reg 2 Jan 1856) Thomas B Fuller, assignee of Jacob C Ball gave a discharge of mortgage to Robert Booth (B295)

On 9 Dec 1863 (Reg 17 Dec 1863) Robert Booth gave a mortgage to Thomas C Street on 100 acres in Lot 32 Thorold Twp. for £200 (E170 #11974)

Borebeck, Richard

On 20 Nov 1844 (Reg 15 Jan 1845) George Keefer et ux sold to Richard Borebeck 8 square perches in part of Lot 61 Front Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 17 Thorold Twp. for £24 (B423 #2057)

On 12 Oct 1847 (Reg 28 Apr 1848) Richard Birbeck sold to John Sykes about 8 square perches in the northeast part of Lot 61 on the west side of Front Street in the Village of Thorold Village in Lot 17 Thorold Twp. for £62.10 (A45 #676)

Boughner, Peter

On 14 Mar 1806 The Crown granted a patent to Peter Boughenar for all 100 acres in Lot 152 Thorold Twp.

Bouck, Christian

On 16 May 1798 The Crown granted a patent to Christian Bouck for 200 acres all Lots 150 and 151 Thorold Twp.

On 1 May 1831 (Reg 12 Aug 1831) Christian Bouck sold to George Bouck 200 acres in Lots 150 and 151 Thorold Twp. for £100 (A321 #8339)

Bouk, Elizabeth

On 31 Jul 1813 (Reg 23 Nov 1837) Elizabeth Bouk willed to her sister Mary Catharine, wife of Frederick Smith 100 acres in Lot 26 Thorold Twp. (B69 #11861)

Bouk, Frederick

On 10 Jun 1801 The Crown granted a patent to Frederick Buck for all 200 acres in Lots 219 and 220 Thorold Twp.

On 22 Apr 1814 (Reg 6 May 1849) Frederick Bouk sold to Frederick Smith 200 acres in Lots 219 and 220 Thorold Twp. for £100 (A46 #688)

On 1 Nov 1822 (Reg 24 Jan 1824) George Bowman the elder sold to Frederick Bouk and Eva his wife 100 acres in the west half of Lot 28 and the east half of Lot 29 Thorold Twp. for 5 shillings (A173 #6409)

On 1 Nov 1822 (Reg 24 Jan 1824) George Bowman the elder sold to Frederick Bouk and Eva his wife 100 acres in the west half of Lot 28 and the east half of Lot 29 Thorold Twp. for 5 shillings (A173 #6409)

On 29 Jun 1829 (Reg 7 Nov 1839) Frederick Bouk and Eva his wife sold to William Bouk 100 acres in the west half of Lot 28 and the east half of Lot 29 Thorold Twp. for £100 (B187 #12721)

On 13 Dec 1835 (Reg 16 May 1836) Fredrick Bouck sold and gave a quitclaim to George Bouck on 200 acres in Lots 150 and 151 Thorold Twp. for £400 (A356 #10850)

On 26 Jun 1837 (Reg 6 Jul 1837) Frederick Bouck sold to Philip Metler 100 acres in Lot 25 Thorold Twp. for £500 (B42 #11633)

On 8 Nov 1837 (Reg 30 May 1838) Frederick Bouk sold to William Peterson 100 acres in Lot 26 Thorold Twp. for £350 (B81 #11987)

On 24 Oct 1857 (Reg 14 Dec 1857) Eve Bouk widow and relict of Frederick Bouk gave a confirmation to William Bouk on 100 acres in the west half of Lot 28 and the east half of Lot 29 Thorold Twp. for 5 shillings (C298 #5692)

Bouck, George

On 1 May 1831 (Reg 12 Aug 1831) Christian Bouck sold to George Bouck 200 acres in Lots 150 and 151 Thorold Twp. for £100 (A321 #8339)

On 13 Dec 1835 (Reg 16 May 1836) Fredrick Bouck sold and gave a quitclaim to George Bouck on 200 acres in Lots 150 and 151 Thorold Twp. for £400 (A356 #10850)

On 18 Dec 1839 (Reg 29 Dec 1840) George Bouke sold to John Damude 12 acres 5-½ perches being all land claimed by George Bouke in the northwest angle of Lot 151 Thorold Twp. for £60.3.6 (B240 #158)

On 27 Apr 1853 (Reg 6 May 1853) George Bouck et ux sold to Henry Sitzer 1 acre commencing at the southeast angle of Lot 151 Thorold Twp. for £25 (B174 #916)

On 11 May 1853 (Reg 11 May 1853) George Bouck gave a mortgage to Malum Swayze on 100 acres in Lot 150 Thorold Twp. for £137.10 (B177 #925)

On 20 Sep 1853 (Reg 20 Sep 1853) Malum Swayze gave a discharge of mortgage to George Bouck on 8 acres on the south side of Canboro Road in Lot 150 Thorold Twp. for £5 (B220 #1183)

On 23 Sep 1853 (Reg 23 Sep 1853) George Bouck et ux sold to William Robins 8 acres 4-½ perches in the south end of Lot 150 Thorold Twp. for £100 (B225 #1198)

On 7 Nov 1854 (Reg 21 Jan 1858) George Bouck gave a mortgage to Harmonous Vanalstine on 20 acres in the south part of Lot 151 Thorold Twp. for $300 (C315 #5771)

On 13 Oct 1855 (Reg 13 Oct 1855) George Bouck et ux gave a mortgage to George W Hansler on 50 acres in the centre part of Lot 151 Thorold Twp. for £75 (B491 #324)

On 1 Mar 1856 (Reg 1 Mar 1856) George Bouck gave a mortgage to Andrew Hill on 80 acres in the north part of Lot 151 Thorold Twp. for £1320 (C39 #3591)

On 25 Nov 1858 (Reg 1 Feb 1859) Malum Swayze gave a discharge of mortgage to George Bouck (B177 #6947)

On 25 Nov 1858 (Reg 7 Jan 1859) George Bouk et ux sold to William B Hendershot and Amantus Schwaller 80 acres north of the Canboro Road in Lot 150 Thorold Twp. for $2000 (C466 #6862)

On 4 Nov 1860 (Reg 24 Nov 1860) George W Hansler gave a discharge of mortgage to George Bouck (B491 #8676)

On 24 Nov 1860 (Reg 24 Nov 1860) Andrew Hill gave a discharge of mortgage to George Bouck (C40 #8877)

On 24 Nov 1860 (Reg 24 Nov 1860) Harmonous Vanalstine gave a discharge of mortgage to George Bouck (C315 #8878)

On 24 Nov 1860 (Reg 24 Nov 1860) Harmonous Vanalstine et ux gave a quitclaim to George Bouke on 20 acres in the south part of Lot 151 Thorold Twp. for $400 (D274 #8879)

Bouk, Jacob

On 11 Jun 1840 (Reg 12 Aug 1840) Edward Cooper and Temperance his wife, widow and devisee of the late William Adams deceased sold to Jacob Bouk 5 acres in the southwest angle of Lot 77 Thorold Twp. for £107.10 (B224 #13079)

On 6 Nov 1844 (Reg 12 Feb 1847) John Bouck Sr sold to Jacob Bouk 100 acres in Lot 101 Thorold Twp. for £300 (B555 #3280)

On 1 Mar 1854 (Reg 31 Mar 1854) Ephraim Sternberg et ux sold to Jacob Bouk 1/20 acre in the Village of Allanburg in Lot 119 Thorold Twp. for £232 (B321 #1762)

On 25 Nov 1859 (Reg 25 Nov 1859) Corporation of the Township of Thorold conveyed to Jacob Boucke 2 acres in the south half of the road allowance between Lots 78 and 101 and the west half of Lots 77 and 100 Thorold Twp. for $50 (D1115 #7870)

On 23 Feb 1860 (Reg 1 Mar 1860) Jacob Bouke gave a mortgage to William Lowell on 100 acres in Lot 101 Thorold Twp. for $500 (D188 #8149)

On 11 Mar 1862 (Reg 12 Mar 1862) Jacob Bouke gave a mortgage to William Lowell on 100 acres in Lot 101 Thorold Twp. for $400 (D438 #10207)

On 6 Jul 1864 (Reg 2 Sep 1865) William Lowell gave a discharge of mortgage to Jacob Bouke (D438 #13805)

On 31 Aug 1865 (Reg 2 Sep 1865) Julia Ann Bouck, widow of John Bouck gave a release of dower to Jacob Bouck on 100 acres in Lot 101 Thorold Twp. for 5 shillings (E425 #13804)

On 2 Sep 1865 (Reg 2 Sep 1865) Jacob Bouck et ux sold to Malum Swayze 1 acre in the west half of Lots 77 and 100 Thorold Twp. with other lands for $2250 (E424 #13806)

On 2 Sep 1865 (Reg 2 Sep 1865) Jacob Bouck et ux sold to Malum Swayze 1 acre in the south half of the road allowance between Lots 78 and 101 with other lands for $2250 (E424 #13806)

On 2 Sep 1865 (Reg 2 Sep 1865) Jacob Bouck et ux sold to Malum Swayze 100 acres in Lot 101 Thorold Twp. also 1 acre south half road allowance between Lots 80 and 101 with other lands for $2250 (E424 #13806)

On 28 Sep 1865 (Reg 30 Sep 1865) Jacob Bouk et ux sold to Simon Bouk land in the Village of Allanburg in Lot 119 Thorold Twp. for $700 (E437 #13890)

Bouck, John

On 6 Apr 1802 (Reg 24 Jul 1802) George Keefer sold to John Bouk 5 acres in Lot 103 Thorold Twp. (A14 #419)

On 31 May 1802 (Reg 24 Jul 1802) Abraham Larraway sold to John Bouk 100 acres in Lot 102 Thorold Twp. (A14 #418)

On 3 Oct 1815 (Reg 10 Jul 1816) Jacob Upper and Elizabeth his wife sold to John Bouck 50 acres in the south half of Lot 78 Thorold Twp. with other lands (B53 #5014)

On 3 Oct 1815 (Reg 10 Jul 1816) Jacob Upper et ux sold to John Bouck 100 acres in Lot 101 Thorold Twp. (A83 #5014)

On 19 Jan 1827 (Reg 20 Feb 1827) George Keefer sold to John Bouke 100 acres in Lot 104 Thorold Twp. for £300 (A214 #6981)

On 25 May 1838 (Reg 13 May 1840) John Bouke sold to John McCoppen 33-1/3 in the west part of Lot 104 Thorold Twp. for £125 (B206 #12910)

On 6 Nov 1844 (Reg 12 Feb 1847) John Bouck Sr sold to Jacob Bouk 100 acres in Lot 101 Thorold Twp. for £300 (B555 #3280)

On 16 May 1849 (Reg 4 Oct 1849) John Bouck sold to Simon Bouck 50 acres in the south half of Lot 78 Thorold Twp. with other lands for £1000 (A157 #1712)

On 16 May 1849 (Reg 4 Oct 1849) Simon Bouck gave a life lease to John Bouck on 50 acres in the south half of Lot 78 Thorold Twp. with other lands for 5 shillings (A158 #1713)

On 16 May 1849 (Reg 4 Oct 1849) John Bouck sold to Simon Bouck 100 acres in Lot 102 Thorold Twp. reserving ¼ acre reserved for a school with other lands for £1000 (A157 #1712)

On 16 May 1849 (Reg 4 Oct 1849) John Bouck sold to Simon Bouck 5 acres in the southeast corner of Lot 103 Thorold Twp. with other lands for £1000 (A157 #1712)

On 16 May 1849 (Reg 4 Oct 1849) Simon Bouck gave a life lease to John Bouck on 5 acres in the southeast corner of Lot 78 Thorold Twp. with other lands for 5 shillings (A158 #1713)

On 6 Dec 1856 (Reg 27 Nov 1858) John Bouke et ux sold to John McCoppen 66-2/3 acres in the east part of Lot 104 Thorold Twp. for £250 (C416 #6732)

On 19 Apr 1860 (Reg 21 Apr 1860) Julia Bouke widow of the late John Bouke gave a release of dower to John McCoppin on 33-1/2 acres in the west half of Lot 104 Thorold Twp. for 5 shillings (D219 #8345)

On 31 Aug 1865 (Reg 2 Sep 1865) Julia Ann Bouck, widow of John Bouck gave a release of dower to Jacob Bouck on 100 acres in Lot 101 Thorold Twp. for 5 shillings (E425 #13804)

Bouk, Nelson

On 22 Aug 1834 (Reg 13 Nov 1834) George Keefer sold to Nelson Bouke 16-½ square perches on Pine Street, Village of Thorold in the east part of Lots 16 and 17 Thorold Twp. for £15 (A496 #9973)

On 13 Mar 1835 (Reg 28 Jun 1836) Nelson Bouk sold to Robert Fletcher 16-½ square perches in Lot 42 Pine Street in the Village of Thorold in Lots 16 and 17 Thorold Twp. for £20 (B116 #10880)

Bouke, John (2)

On 24 Nov 1860 (Reg 24 Nov 1860) John Bouke et ux sold to John J Damude 100 acres in Lot 151 Thorold Twp. all that lies north of the Canboro Road for $4000 (D275 #8880)

Bouck, Peter H

On 17 Nov 1847 (Reg 11 Jun 1849) Elisha Howell et ux sold to Peter H Bouck 50 acres in the east half of Lot 159 Thorold Twp. for £375 (A129 #1533)

Bouk/Bouck, Simon

On 16 May 1849 (Reg 4 Oct 1849) John Bouck sold to Simon Bouck 50 acres in the south half of Lot 78 Thorold Twp. with other lands for £1000 (A157 #1712)

On 16 May 1849 (Reg 4 Oct 1849) Simon Bouck gave a life lease to John Bouck on 50 acres in the south half of Lot 78 Thorold Twp. with other lands for 5 shillings (A158 #1713)

On 16 May 1849 (Reg 4 Oct 1849) John Bouck sold to Simon Bouck 100 acres in Lot 102 Thorold Twp. reserving ¼ acre reserved for a school with other lands for £1000 (A157 #1712)

On 16 May 1849 (Reg 4 Oct 1849) Simon Bouck gave a life lease to John Bouck on 50 acres in Lot 102 Thorold Twp. with other lands for 5 shillings (A158 #1713)

On 16 May 1849 (Reg 4 Oct 1849) John Bouck sold to Simon Bouck 5 acres in the southeast corner of Lot 103 Thorold Twp. with other lands for £1000 (A157 #1712)

On 16 May 1849 (Reg 4 Oct 1849) Simon Bouck gave a life lease to John Bouck on 5 acres in the southeast corner of Lot 78 Thorold Twp. with other lands for 5 shillings (A158 #1713)

On 9 Jul 1859 (Reg 15 Jul 1859) Corporation of the Township of Thorold sold to Simon Bouk 2-1/8 acres in the north half of the road allowance between Lots 78 and 101 Thorold Twp. for $51 and the south half of the allowance between Lots 79 and 102 Thorold Twp. for $1 (D83 #7548)

On 16 Oct 1861 (Reg 16 Oct 1861) Simon Bouke gave a mortgage to Alanson Ross on 100 acres in Lot 102 Thorold Twp. reserving ¼ acre reserved for a school with other lands for $1200 (D394 #9730)

On 16 Oct 1861 (Reg 16 Oct 1861) Simon Bouke et ux gave a mortgage to Alanson Ross on 50 acres in the south half of Lot 78 Thorold Twp. with other lands for $1200 (D394 #9730)

On 26 Sep 1865 (Reg 26 Sep 1865) Simon Bouk et ux gave a mortgage to Baruch Tucker on 100 acres in Lot 102 Thorold Twp. reserving ¼ acre reserved for a school with other lands for $533.56 (C329 #13871)

On 26 Sep 1865 (Reg 26 Sep 1865) Simon Bouk et ux gave a mortgage to Baruch Tucker on 5 acres commencing at the southeast angle of Lot 103 Thorold Twp. with other lands for $533.56 (E429 #13871)

On 26 Sep 1865 (Reg 26 Sep 1865) Simon Bouk et ux gave a mortgage to Baruch Tucker on 50 acres in the south half of Lot 78 Thorold Twp. with other lands for $533.56 (E129 #13871)

On 28 Sep 1865 (Reg 30 Sep 1865) Jacob Bouk et ux sold to Simon Bouk land in the Village of Allanburg in Lot 119 Thorold Twp. for $700 (E437 #13890)

On 5 Dec 1865 (Reg 7 Dec 1865) George Hill gave a release of mortgage in part to Jacob Shaver on 50 acres in the south part of Lot 103 Thorold Twp. for $1 (E461 #14111)

Bouk, William

On 29 Jun 1829 (Reg 7 Nov 1839) Frederick Bouk and Eva his wife sold to William Bouk 100 acres in the west half of Lot 28 and the east half of Lot 29 Thorold Twp. for £100 (B187 #12721)

On 1 Jul 1854 (Reg 14 Dec 1857) The Queen sold to William Bouk 9 acres 1 rood 3 perches in Lot 29 Thorold Twp. for £137. Commencing at the centre of Lot 29 also 12 acres 17 perches commencing at a point on south side of road leading to Niagara Falls being part of the west half (C299 #5693)

On 21 Apr 1857 (Reg 26 Sep 1857) William Bouk et ux gave a deed poll to Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Company on 6 acres 1 rood 26 perches commencing at the intersection of said railway with the northern limits of Lot 28, being parts of Lots 28 and 29 Thorold Twp. for $2000 (C258 #5449)

On 24 Oct 1857 (Reg 14 Dec 1857) Eve Bouk widow and relict of Frederick Bouk gave a confirmation to William Bouk on 100 acres in the west half of Lot 28 and the east half of Lot 29 Thorold Twp. for 5 shillings (C298 #5692)

On 30 Nov 1857 (Reg 8 Dec 1857) William Bouk et ux surrendered to The Queen 21 acres 3 roods 6 perches in the west half of Lot 28 and part of the east half of Lot 29 Thorold Twp. for £50 (C289 #5673)

On 21 Apr 1858 (Reg 10 Jul 1858) William Bouck et ux sold to John Brown 1 acre in the Village of Thorold commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 28 Thorold Twp. for £100 (C378 #6278)

On 28 Oct 1859 (Reg 1 Nov 1859) William Bouk gave a mortgage to Malum Swayze on 100 acres in the west half of Lot 28 and the east half of Lot 29 Thorold Twp. for $400 (D117 #7795)

On 1 Aug 1862 (Reg 2 Aug 1862) William Bouk et ux gave a mortgage to John Batten on 100 acres in the west half of Lot 28 and the east half of Lot 29 Thorold Twp. for $700 (E1 #10601)

On 22 Jul 1864 (Reg 23 Jul 1864) William Bouk et ux gave a mortgage to John Batten on 100 acres in the west half of Lot 28 and the east half of Lot 29 Thorold Twp. for $400 (E240 #12579)

On 17 Nov 1864 (Reg 1 Dec 1864) John Batten gave a discharge of mortgage to William Bouke (E1 #12992)

On 14 Nov 1864 (Reg 15 Nov 1864) William Bouk et ux sold to John Brown 100 acres in the west half of Lot 28 and the east half of Lot 29 Thorold Twp. for $1849 (E307 #12944

Bowman, Absalom

On 20 Apr 1863 (Reg 21 Apr 1863) Absalom Bowman and Nancy E his wife sold to Eliza J Vaughan 54 acres in Lots 133 and 134 Thorold Twp. for $1000 (E107 #11340)

Bowman, George

On 8 Jul 1799 The Crown granted a patent to George Bowman for all 400 acres in Lots 29, 30, 31 and 32 Thorold Twp.

On 21 Jan 1804 (Reg 6 Jul 1806) George Bowman sold to Daniel W Eastman 50 acres in the west end of Lot 30 Thorold Twp. (A31 #1109)

On 23 Oct 1811 The Crown granted a patent to George Bowman for all 100 acres in Lot 19 Thorold Twp.

On 23 Oct 1811 The Crown granted a patent to George Bowman for 50 acres in the west half of Lot 27 Thorold Twp.

On 23 Oct 1811 The Crown granted a patent to George Bowman for 50 acres in the west half of Lot 28 Thorold Twp.

On 27 Aug 1812 (Reg 17 Jan 1816) George Bowman and Catharina his wife sold to Charles Gesso 100 acres in Lot 19 Thorold Twp. for £100 (A67 #4912)

On 1 Nov 1822 (Reg 24 Jan 1824) George Bowman the elder sold to Frederick Bouk and Eva his wife 100 acres in the west half of Lot 28 and the east half of Lot 29 Thorold Twp. for 5 shillings (A173 #6409)

On 12 Jan 1823 (Reg 18 Mar 1822) George Bowman Sr sold to William Van Every 100 acres in the west half of Lot 29 and the east half of Lot 30 Thorold Twp. for £300 (A145 #6066)

On 10 Apr 1823 (Reg 9 Mar 1824) George Bauman the elder sold to George Marlatt 100 acres in Lot 32 Thorold Twp. for £200 (A174 #6538)

On 18 Oct 1823 (Reg 23 Oct 1823) George Bowman Sr sold to Jacob Bowman 100 acres in Lot 31 Thorold Twp. for £5 (A166 #6382)

Bradfield, Jonathan

On 21 Jan 1853 (Reg 8 Mar 1853) Thomas C Street, devisee and trustee of Samuel Street sold to Jonathan Bradfield 50 acres in the east half of Lot 182 Thorold Twp. for £137.10 (B133 #761)

On 19 Mar 1856 (Reg 2 Sep 1858) Thomas C Street, devisee and trustee of Samuel Street sold to Jonathan Bradfield 50 acres in the west half of Lot 182 Thorold Twp. for £50 (C401 #6492)

On 27 Sep 1858 (Reg 13 Mar 1861) Robert Band sold to Jonathan Bradfield 50 acres in the south half of Lot 183 Thorold Twp. for £325 (D325 #9213)

On 29 Mar 1864 (Reg 21 May 1864) Jonathan Bradfield willed to Mary Amy his wife the premises whereon he lived being Lot 182 and the south half of Lot 183 Thorold Twp. until his youngest child arrives at the age of 21 years and then to be divided among his children as is therein specified (E227 #12397)

Bowman, Jacob

On 18 Oct 1823 (Reg 23 Oct 1823) George Bowman Sr sold to Jacob Bowman 100 acres in Lot 31 Thorold Twp. for £5 (A166 #6382)

On 20 Feb 1827 (Reg 22 Aug 1827) Jacob Bowman and Catharine his wife sold to Benjamin Canby 77 acres in the southeast angle of Lot 31 Thorold Twp. for £300 (A224 #7101)

Boylan, Peter

On 31 Oct 1836 (Reg 16 Jul 1839) George Keefer sold to Peter Boylan 1/8 acre in Lots 45 and 46 on the east side of Pine Street in the Village of Thorold in Lots 16 and 17 Thorold Twp. for £20 (B180 #12578)

Boyer, Adolphus

On 12 Mar 1859 (Reg 12 Jul 1860) Archibald L Cumming and Dorcas his wife sold to Adolphus Boyer Lots 32, 33, 84, and 85 in Welland in Lot 239 Thorold Twp. for $38 (D241 #8563)

Boyle, Arthur

On 25 Jun 1844 (Reg 26 Feb 1847) Richard M Boyle et ux sold to Arthur Boyle 16-½ square feet in the east part Lot 62 Pine Street in the Village of Thorold Village in Lot 17 Thorold Twp. for £20 (B557 #3307)

Boyle, John

On 26 Feb 1842 (Reg 25 Sep 1851) William Carter sold to John Boyle 2/5 acre in Lots 14 and 15 Canal Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £17.10 (A333 #3432)

On 11 Nov 1852 (Reg 25 Sep 1851) John McFarland sold to John Boyle 1/5 acre in Lot 13 Canal Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 16 Thorold Twp. for £108.15 (A333 #3432)

Boyle, Michael

On 1 Nov 1845 (Reg 3 Mar 1846) Michael Boyle sold to Casper Bradley 1 rood in Lot 4 on the south side of Canby Street in the Village of Port Robinson in Lot 202 Thorold Twp. for £75 (B508 #3732)

Boyle, Richard H

On 6 Jun 1838 (Reg 2 Aug 1838) Robert Fletcher sold to Richard H Boyle 16-½ square feet in the east part of the Village Lot 42 Pine Street in the Village of Thorold in Lot 17 Thorold Twp. for £70 (B149 #12055)

On 25 Jun 1844 (Reg 26 Feb 1847) Richard M Boyle et ux sold to Arthur Boyle 16-½ square feet in the east part Lot 62 Pine Street in the Village of Thorold Village in Lot 17 Thorold Twp. for £20 (B557 #3307)