Stamford Settlers "Sl-Sy"

Settler Records "Sl-Sy"

Stamford Township, Welland County

Extracted from the

Abstracts of Deeds

Register of Stamford Township

Slaght, James and Hope

On 23 Aug 1797 (Reg 14 Jan 1800) William Dickson sold to to James Slaght 100 acres in Lot 171 Stamford Twp. (A17 #157)

On 13 Jan 1800 (Reg 14 Jan 1800) Hope Slaght sold to James Slaght 100 acres in Lot 171 Stamford Twp.

On 28 May 1803 (Reg 12 May 1817) Isaac Chambers gave a quitclaim to James Slaght on the southwest end of Lot 161 Stamford Twp. (A141 #5180)

On 13 Sep 1803 the Crown granted a patent to James Slaght for the west half of the southeast quarter of Lot 162 Stamford Twp.

On 12 Sep 1803 the Crown granted a patent to Hope Slaght for 50 acres in the west half of Lot 157 Stamford Twp.

On 15 Jun 1817 (Reg 21 Jul 1817) Hope Slaght sold to Evan Thomas 50 acres in the west half of Lot 157 Stamford Twp. for ₤150 (A132 #5247)

Slaght, James (2)

On 1 Jan 1820 (Reg 29 Jan 1820) James Slaght sold to Haggai Skinner 1 acre 3 roods 32 perches in the southeast corner of Lot 162 Stamford Twp. (A201 #5721)

On 29 May 1837 (Reg 17 May 1839) James Slaght et ux sold to John Killman 60 acres in Lots 162 and 171 Stamford Twp. for ₤262.10 (B313 #12476)

On 18 May 1840 (Reg 17 Jun 1840) James Slaght et ux sold to Cranley Lancelot Kerby 1 acre 3 roods 32 perches in the southeast corner of Lot 162 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤750 (B364 #12979)

On 18 May 1840 (Reg 17 Jun 1840) James Slaght sold to Cranley Lancelot Kerby 70 acres in Lot 171 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southeast angle with other lands for ₤750 (B364 #12979)

On 23 Nov 1842 (Reg 21 Feb 1843) Philip Slaght, Executor and Devisee of James Slaght, gave a release to Cranley L Kerby on 43 acres 98 perches in Lot 162 Stamford Twp. with other lands (B390 #1652)

On 23 Nov 1842 (Reg 21 Feb 1843) Philip Slaght, Executor and devisee of James Slaght gave a release to Cranley L Kerby on 70 acres in Lot 171 Stamford Twp. with other lands (B495 #1194)

Slaght, John

On 15 Jul 1835 (Reg 18 Jun 1852) Haggai Skinner sold to John Slaght 11 acres 3 roods in Lot 172 Stamford Twp. for ₤100 (A354 #228)

On 15 Jan 1852 John Slaght gave a mortgage to Archibald Thompson on 11 acres 3 roods in Lot 172 Stamford Twp. for ₤75 (A416 #648)

On 5 Jun 1852 (Reg 9 Jun 1852) John Slaght gave a mortgage to George Mathieson on 11 acres 3 roods in Lot 172 Stamford Twp. for ₤46.5 (A353 #210)

On 18 Jan 1853 (Reg 11 Feb 1853) George Mathieson gave a discharge to John Slaght on 11 acres 3 roods in Lot 172 Stamford Twp. (A353)

On 25 Mar 1864 (Reg 23 May 1864) John Slaght sold to Archibald Thompson 11 acres 3 roods in the southwest part of Lot 172 Stamford Twp. for $45.00 (C300 #12399)

On 13 Mar 1865 (Reg 30 Mar 1865) Archibald Thompson gave a discharge to John Slaght (A417 #13331)

Smith, John (1)

On 28 Sep 1847 (Reg 9 Oct 1847) Charlotte Carmichael sold to John Smith 100 acres in Lot 39 Stamford Twp. except a small parcel released to Mary Bunting, for ₤375 (A22 #333)

On 29 Jun 1854 (Reg 3 Sep 1856) Charlotte Carmichael gave a discharge to John Smith on 100 acres in Lot 39 Stamford Twp. except a small parcel released to Mary Bunting, (A23)

Smith, John (2)

On 7 Mar 1850 (Reg 8 Mar 1850) Arthur K Humphreys gave a quitclaim to John Smith on 1/3 acre Letter B, Block 86, City of the Falls, Lot 146, Stamford Twp. for $2000 (A167 #2008)

On 7 Mar 1850 (Reg 8 Mar 1850) John Smith gave a mortgage to Arthur K Humphreys on on 1/3 acre Letter B, Block 86, City of the Falls, Lot 146, Stamford Twp. for $3000.00 (A168 #2009)

Smith, John Player

On 23 Dec 1845 (Reg 14 Feb 1846) Ezra Durham et ux sold to John Smith ¼ acre in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southeast corner of Mary Jefferson’s lot for ₤25 (C60 #2699)

On 27 Dec 1853 (Reg 10 May 1854) Gilbert McMicken et ux gave a quitclaim to John Smith on ¼ acre in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. for ₤25 (B187 #1863)

On 20 Jan 1854 (Reg 17 May 1855) John Player Smith willed to Edward Brown and William Gray, Executors to sell all his estate in the Village of Drummondville in Lot 130 Stamford Twp. (B313 #2835)

On 20 Jan 1854 (Reg 17 May 1855) John Player Smith willed to Edward Brown and William Gray, Executors to sell all his estate in Stamford Twp. (B313 #2835)

On 10 Feb 1855 (Reg 17 May 1855) Edward Brown and William Gray, Executors of John Player Smith sold to Margaret Allen ¼ acre in the Village of Drummondville in Lot 130 Stamford Twp. for ₤137.10 (B315 #2836)

Smith, Mary

On 27 Oct 1863 (Reg 6 Nov 1865) Archibald Gray et ux sold to Mary Smith 1 acre in in Lot 210 Stamford Twp. for $200.00 (C381 #13990)

Smith, Mary Elizabeth

On 30 Jun 1801 the Crown granted a patent to Mary Elizabeth Smith for all 21 acres in Lot 7 Gore of Stamford Twp.

Certified Copy of Description from Crown Lands Department for Mary Elizabeth Smith, daughter of the Honourable D. W. Smith for 21 acres in Lot 7 Gore Stamford Twp.

Smith, Thomas

On 18 Apr 1865 (Reg 10 May 1865) Edward Latshaw et ux sold to Thomas Smith 6 acres 1 rood 15 perches in Lot 18 Stamford Twp. commencing at the northeast angle of the lot also 1 acre 2 roods less 1/10 acre for ₤225 (C367 #13458)

On 9 May 1865 (Reg 10 May 1865) Thomas Smith gave a mortgage to Edward Latshaw on 6 acres 1 rood 15 perches in Lot 18 Stamford Twp. commencing at the northeast angle of the lot also 1 acre 2 roods less 1/10 acre for $900.00 (C369 #13459)

Smoke, Andrew

On 1 Jun 1863 (Reg 20 Sep 1864) John Smoke and Andrew Smoke gave a mortgage to John Pew on 26 acres 2 roods 38 perches for $641.70 (C316 #12761)

Smoke, Benjamin

On 20 Feb 1836 (Reg 16 Jun 1842) John Smoke willed to Benjamin Smoke 25 acres on the south side of Lot 155 Stamford Twp. (B450 #788)

On 20 Feb 1836 (Reg 16 Jun 1842) John Smoke willed to Benjamin Smoke 60 acres in Township of Stamford Lot No 165 Register Page 165

Smoke, John

On 12 May 1827 (Reg 13 Jun 1827) Robert Pew sold to John Smoke 60 acres in Lot 167 Stamford Twp. commencing at the northeast angle with other lands for ₤60 (A519 #8509)

On 3 Mar 1831 (Reg 27 Dec 1834) Samuel Street and Abigail Hide his wife sold to John Smoke 25 acres in the southwest part of Lot 165 Stamford Twp. for ₤56.5 (B97 #10054)

On 20 Feb 1836 (Reg 16 Jun 1842) John Smoke willed to Benjamin Smoke 25 acres on the south side of Lot 155 Stamford Twp. (B450 #788)

On 20 Feb 1836 (Reg 16 Jun 1842) John Smoke willed to Benjamin Smoke 60 acres in Township of Stamford Lot No 165 Register Page 165

Smoke, John (2)

On 1 Jun 1863 (Reg 20 Sep 1864) John Smoke and Andrew Smoke gave a mortgage to John Pew on 26 acres 2 roods 38 perches for $641.70 (C316 #12761)

Smyth, Thomas Sheppard

On 15 Nov 1833 (Reg 13 Apr 1835) Thomas Clark and Samuel Street gave a quitclaim to Thomas Sheppard Smyth on 100 acres in the west half of Lots 140 and 149 Stamford Twp. for 5 shillings (B113 #10229)

On 2 Jun 1835 (Reg 16 Jun 1835) Thomas Sheppard Smyth et ux sold to Jacob Omiteus Irving 100 acres in the west half of Lots 140 and 149 Stamford Twp. for for ₤700 (B139 #10354)

On 25 Jul 1839 (Reg 21 Sep 1839) Walter Sparkman et ux sold to Thomas Sheppard Smyth 40 acres in Lot 132 Stamford Twp. commencing at the north side of Lundy’s Lane for ₤690.12.6 (B322 #12713)

On 16 Jan 1840 (Reg 1 Mar 1841) John Garner et ux sold to Thomas S Smyth 50 acres in the west half of Lot 185 Stamford Twp. for ₤250 (B406 #217)

On 21 Jul 1848 (Reg 24 Jul 1848) Thomas S Smyth, Harriet Smyth and Philip C Delatre gave a deed of trust to Joseph A Woodruff and Henry Sullivan on 40 acres in Lot 132 Stamford Twp. with other lands for 5 shillings (A72 #870)

On 21 Jul 1848 (Reg 24 Jul 1848) Thomas S Smyth, Harriet Smyth and Philip Chesnear Delatre gave a deed of trust to Joseph A Woodruff and Henry Sullivan on 50 acres in the west half of Lot 185 Stamford Twp. with other lands for 5 shillings (A72 #870)

On 29 Sep 1852 (Reg 28 Dec 1853) Joseph A Woodruff and Thomas Hector, Trustees of Thomas S Smith, and Harriet his wife sold to John Pew 50 acres in the west half of Lot 185 Stamford Twp. for ₤350 (B121 #1508)

On 10 Sep 1856 (Reg 16 Sep 1856) Joseph A Woodruff and Thomas Hector, Trustees sold to John Pew 40 acres on the north side of Lundys Lane for ₤1250 (B314 #4079)

Snively, James

On 28 Jan 1854 (Reg 30 Jan 1854) Archibald Thompson and John Dobbie, Executors of Henry Taylor sold to James Snively 1 rood 15 perches on the north side of Culp Street, Village of Drummondville, Lot 143 Stamford Twp. for ₤87.10 (B132 #1590)

Snively, John and Matilda (Rorback)

On 21 Jun 1852 (Reg 21 Jul 1852) John Snively et ux granted to the Great Western Rail Road Company 8/10 acre in Lot 37 Stamford Twp. for ₤7.10 (A369 #303)

On 13 Nov 1857 (Reg 13 Nov 1857) Matilda Snively formerly Matilda Rorback sold to Munson Church 80 acres part of Lots 37 and 43 Stamford Twp. for $4000.00 (B643 #5612)

On 20 Nov 1857 (Reg 27 Jun 1860) Munson Church gave an agreement to Matilda Snively to have full possession of the south end of the dwelling house, sitting room, bedroom and entry, also full access to my table during her lifetime in exchange for half of Lot 94 Thorold Twp. (C2 #8527)

Sosea, John

On 10 Mar 1797 the Crown granted to John Sosé a patent for all 100 acres in Lot 180 Stamford Twp.

On 18 Sep 1837 John Sosea sold to Frederick Decue 100 acres in Lot 180 Stamford Twp. for ₤500 (B277 #11913)

Sparkman, Walter S

On 7 Apr 1831 (Reg 11 May 1831) Charles Green sold to Walter S Sparkman 104 acres 3 roods part of Lots 132 and 133 Stamford Twp. for ₤450 (A512 #8213)

On 24 Mar 1832 (Reg 21 Aug 1832) Walter Sparkman gave a mortgage to Samuel Street on 104 acres 3 roods part of Lots 132 and 133 Stamford Twp. for ₤320 (A542 #8750)

On 25 Aug 1834 (Reg 3 Sep 1834) John Bradley and Mary his wife sold to Susannah Sparkman 25 acres in the east quarter of Lot 133 Stamford Twp. for ₤450 (B75 #9891)

On 18 Apr 1835 (Reg 30 May 1835) Walter Sparkman gave a mortgage to Samuel Street on 104 acres 3 roods part of Lots 132 and 133 Stamford Twp. for ₤514.4.10 (B131 #10336)

On 27 Jul 1839 (Reg 26 Aug 1839) Samuel Street gave a discharge to Walter Sparkman on 104 acres 3 roods part of Lots 132 and 133 Stamford Twp. (B327 #12629)

On 25 Jul 1839 (Reg 21 Sep 1839) Walter Sparkman et ux sold to Thomas Sheppard Smyth 40 acres in Lot 132 Stamford Twp. commencing at the north side of Lundy’s Lane for ₤690.12.6 (B322 #12713)

On 4 Dec 1854 (Reg 12 May 1857) Susannah Sparkman sold to Samuel Street 25 acres in the east quarter of Lot 133 Stamford Twp. for ₤450 (B274 #11479)

On 27 Jul 1839 (Reg 26 Aug 1839) Samuel Street gave a discharge to Walter Sparkman on 104 acres 3 roods part of Lots 132 and 133 Stamford Twp. (B327 #12629)

Spaulding, Ira

On 31 Aug 1855 (Reg 31 Aug 1855) John F Fralick sold to Ira Spaulding 100 acres in Lot 91 Stamford Twp. less portion sold to the Great Western Rail Road Company for ₤3750 (B362 #3111)

On 31 Aug 1855 (Reg 31 Aug 1855) Adam Fralick et ux gave a quitclaim to Ira Spaulding on 100 acres in Lot 91 Stamford Twp. less portion sold to the Great Western Rail Road Company for 5 shillings (B362 #3112)

On 31 Aug 1855 (Reg 31 Aug 1855) Ira Spaulding gave a mortgage to John F Fralick on 100 acres in Lot 91 Stamford Twp. less portion sold to the Great Western Rail Road Company for ₤2250 (B363 #3403)

On 20 Sep 1855 (Reg 15 Jan 1856) Samuel Zimmerman sold to Charles Peirson, Ira Spaulding and Roswell G Benedict 75 acres in the south part of Lot 75 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤50,000 (B407 #3417)

On 20 Sep 1855 (Reg 15 Jan 1856) Samuel Zimmerman sold to Charles Peirson, Ira Spaulding and Roswell G Benedict 30 acres in the east part and 8 acres 2 roods 23-1/3 perches in the southwest angle of Lot 92 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤50,000 (B407 #3417)

On 20 Sep 1855 (Reg 15 Jan 1856) Samuel Zimmerman sold to Charles Peirson, Ira Spaulding and Roswell G Benedict 100 acres in Lot 93 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤50,000 (B407 #3417)

On 20 Sep 1855 (Reg 15 Jan 1856) Charles Peirson, Ira Spaulding and Roswell G Benedict gave a mortgage to Samuel Zimmerman on 100 acres in Lot 93 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤43,750 (B411 #3418)

On 20 Sep 1855 (Reg 15 May 1855) Samuel Zimmerman gave an agreement to Charles Pierson, Ira Spaulding and Roswell G Benedict on part of Lots 92 and 93 Stamford Twp. (B690 #6125)

On 20 Sep 1855 (Reg 15 Jan 1856) Samuel Zimmerman sold to Charles Peirson, Ira Spaulding and Roswell G Benedict part of Lots 92 and 93 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤50,000 (B407 #3417)

On 29 Sep 1855 (Reg 9 Oct 1855) John Thompson et ux sold to Charles Pierson, Ira Spaulding and Roswell G Benedict 100 acres in Lot 94 Stamford Twp. for for ₤3750 (B366 #3196)

On 20 Sep 1855 (Reg 15 Jan 1856) Charles Peirson, Ira Spaulding and Roswell G Benedict gave a mortgage to Samuel Zimmerman on 30 acres in the east part and 8 acres 2 roods 23-1/3 perches in the southwest angle of Lot 92 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤43,750 (B411 #3418)

On 29 Sep 1855 (Reg 9 Oct 1855) Charles Pierson, Ira Spaulding and Roswell G Benedict gave a mortgage to John Thompson on 100 acres in Lot 94 Stamford Twp. for ₤2500 (B367 #3197)

On 29 Nov 1855 (Reg 15 Jan 1856) Ira Spaulding sold to Charles Pierson and Roswell G Benedict 2/3 part of Lot 91 Stamford Twp. less portion sold to the Great Western Rail Road Company for 5 shillings (B417 #3419)

On 4 Dec 1855 (Reg 9 Jan 1857) Ira Spaulding gave a power of attorney to Russell G Benedict on all of Lots 91, 93 and 94, and part of Lots 92 and 75 Stamford Twp. (B554 #4439)

On 24 Dec 1855 (Reg 11 Jan 1856) John F Fralick gave an assignment of mortgage to George Bender on all his interest in 100 acres in Lot 91 Stamford Twp. less portion sold to the Great Western Rail Road Company for ₤1750 (B402 #3403)

On 11 Aug 1856 (Reg 20 Aug 1856) Samuel Zimmerman gave a release to Ira Spaulding, Charles Pierson and Roswell G Benedict on 9-90/100 acres known as Lots 1, 2, and 3 in the Village of Clifton, Lot 92 Stamford Twp. for 5 shillings (B498 #4021)

On 12 Aug 1856 (Reg 20 Aug 1856) Ira Spaulding, Charles Pierson and Roswell G Benedict sold to The Great Western Railway Company 9-90/100 acres known as Lots 1, 2, and 3 in the Village of Clifton, Lot 92 Stamford Twp. for ₤11,250 (B500 #4022)

On 27 Jul 1857 (Reg 25 May 1858) Roswell G Benedict, Charles Pierson and Ira Spaulding sold to Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Toronto Lots 3 and 18 in Block 12 Town of Clifton in Lot 94 Stamford Twp. for ₤5 for a school house and church (B696 #6153)

On 17 Oct 1857 (Reg 26 Apr 1858) John O Hatt et ux and James Hamilton et ux sold to Ira Spaulding 79-1/3 acres in Lots 16, 17, 24 and 25 Stamford Twp. for ₤3000 (B634 #6083)

On 17 Oct 1857 (Reg 26 Apr 1858) Ira Spaulding gave a mortgage to John O Hatt on 79-1/3 acres in Lots 16, 17, 24 and 25 Stamford Twp. for ₤3000 (B635 #6084)

On 10 Feb 1858 (Reg 13 Feb 1858) Joseph A Woodruff, Richard Miller, John L Ranney and Richard Woodruff, executors of the late Samuel Zimmerman gave a release to Charles Pierson, Ira Spaulding and Roswell G Benedict on all land in the Town of Clifton extending from Letter A to a point marked B in Lot 92 Stamford Twp. for 5 shillings (B666 #5881)

On 15 May 1858 (Reg 19 May 1858) Ira Spaulding sold to Russell G Benedict 75 acres in Lot 75 Stamford Twp. commencing southwest angle reserving cottage lots in Town of Clifton heretofore sold by S Zimmerman, for $90,287.00 (B692 #6138)

On 15 May 1858 (Reg 19 May 1858) Ira Spaulding sold to Russell G Benedict 30 acres in the east part and 8 acres 2 roods 23-1/3 perches in the southwest angle of Lot 92 Stamford Twp. with other lands for $90,287.00 (B692 #6138)

On 15 May 1858 (Reg 19 May 1858) Ira Spaulding sold to Russell G Benedict Lot 91 Stamford Twp. less that part sold to the Great Western Railway, with other lands for $90,287.00 (B692 #6138)

On 26 Jul 1858 (Reg 18 Aug 1858) John O Hatt et ux sold to James Hamilton 317 acres in Lots 4, 16, 17, 21, 24 and 25 less 79-½ acres sold to Ira Spaulding, for ₤2000 (B720 #6455)

On 14 Feb 1863 (Reg 19 Feb 1863) Chancery Certificate between Robert W Kerr, plaintiff and John Ogilvy Hatt, George F Lynch, James Hamilton, Ira Spaulding, John A Fraser and Annette E his wife, defendants, on 425 acres 2 roods 35-½ perches less that portion conveyed to Alex Gordon, 2 acres to John Prouse, 2 roods to S Cooper, 1 rood to John Kilvington, 2 roods 20 perches to William Redhouse… (C208 #11125)

(Reg 3 Oct 1861) Chancery Certificate between Robert W Kerr, Plaintiff and John Ogilvy Hatt, George F Lynch, James Hamilton, Ira Spaulding, John C Fraser and Annette E his wife, defendants on Lots 16, 17, 24 and 25 Stamford Twp. less parts conveyed to others (C127 #9694)

Spence, Henry

On 1 Aug 1836 (Reg 20 Sep 1853) John Barker sold to Henry Spence a lot in the Village of Drummondville, Lot 143, Stamford Twp. for ₤62 (B79 #1184)

On 20 Jan 1846 (Reg 14 Feb 1846) Isaac H Culp et ux sold to Henry Spence 1 acre 12 roods in the Village of Drummondville, Lot 143 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southwest angle on Culp Street for ₤105 (C59 #2698)

On 14 Feb 1848 (Reg 9 Jun 1848) Gilbert Van Wyck and Nancy his wife sold to Henry Spence 6 acres in Lots 148 and 163 Stamford Twp. for ₤45 (A53 #740)

On 10 Sep 1851 (Reg 4 Aug 1852) Henry Spence et ux sold to Benjamin Sutton the younger 3 acres in Lot 163 Stamford Twp. for ₤31 (A371 #323)

On 16 Jan 1854 (Reg 27 Jan 1854) Andrew Skinner et ux sold to Henry Spence 71 acres 2 roods 13 perches in Lots 158, 161 and 172 Stamford Twp. for ₤550 (B130 #7586)

On 16 Jan 1854 (Reg 6 Feb 1854) Andrew Skinner et ux sold to Henry Spence 71 acres 2 roods 13 perches in Lots 158, 161 and 172 Stamford Twp. for ₤550 (B136 #1606)

On 15 Mar 1855 (Reg 17 Mar 1855) John McLaughlin and Mary McLaughlin executors of the late George McLaughlin sold to Henry Spence 50 acres in the north half of Lot 197 Stamford Twp. for ₤325 (B286 #2668)

On 27 Mar 1854 (Reg 11 Apr 1854) Andrew Skinner sold to Henry Spence land in the south side of Lot 158 Stamford Twp. for ₤5 (B173 #1784)

On 4 Jun 1855 (Reg 14 Jun 1855) Henry Spence et ux sold to Cara Selena Hubbard wife of William Hubbard 3 roods 19 perches in the Village of Drummondville, Lot 143 Stamford Twp. for ₤350 (B334 #2904)

On 17 Jun 1856 (Reg 19 Aug 1856) John Barker sold to Henry Spence 50 acres in the south half of Lot 197 Stamford Twp. for ₤350 (B497 #4020)

On 24 Nov 1862 (Reg 23 Feb 1863) Henry Spence gave a quitclaim to Catharine Peer on 3 acres in Lot 163 Stamford Twp. commencing 3 chains north of the southwest angle for $200.00 (C209 #11128)

On 25 Feb 1863 (Reg 13 Mar 1862) Lydia Barker wife of John Barker who departed with her estate sold to Henry Spence 3 acres in Lot 163 Stamford Twp. commencing 3 chains north of the southwest angle for $200.00 (C148 #10208)

On 7 Feb 1865 (Reg 25 Feb 1865) Edward A C Pew et ux and Edna Pew widow who bars her dower sold to Henry Spence 70 acres 20 perches in the east part of the west ends of Lots 142, 147 and 158 Stamford Twp. for $4500.00 (C353 #13211)

On 17 Aug 1865 (Reg 13 Sep 1865) William Lowell gave a discharge to Henry Spence (C246 #13844)

Spencer, Adam

On 27 Nov 1798 the Crown granted a patent to Adam Spencer Jr on all 100 acres in Lot 120 Stamford Twp.

On 28 Aug 1815 (Reg 14 May 1830) Adam Spencer willed that Anna his wife should remain on his farm during the term of her remaining life except she should at her own will remove, and receive an annual dower… He also gave and bequeathed to Robert his son 100 acres of land, also Joseph, Benjamin, James and Alexander his sons 6-1/3 acres of land each… Anna Spencer his wife, George Garner and John McCollum Executors (A465 #7934)

Spencer, Adam C

On 23 Mar 1805 (Reg 3 Jun 1805) Robert Spencer and Sarah his wife sold to Adam Spencer 100 acres in Lot 119 Stamford Twp. (A51 #826)

On 29 Sep 1853 (Reg 13 Dec 1853) Robert Spencer et ux sold to Adam C Spencer 2 acres in Lots 119 and 120 Stamford Twp. for ₤25 (B103 #1034)

On 4 Apr 1859 (Reg 15 Apr 1859) Adam Killman et ux sold to Adam Spencer 85 acres commencing at northeast angle of Lot 73 Stamford Twp. for $4500.00 (B809 #7223)

On 4 Apr 1859 (Reg 18 Apr 1859) Adam Spencer et ux gave a mortgage to Adam Killman on 18 acres in Lot 73 Stamford Twp. commencing 6 chains 46 links from the southwest angle for $1110.00 (B810 #7224)

On 28 May 1860 (Reg 22 Jun 1860) Adam Killman gave a discharge to Adam Spencer (B810 #8515)

On 12 Feb 1861 (Reg 26 Feb 1861) Adam Spencer et ux gave a mortgage to William Marr on 85 acres in 1 acre in Lot 73 Stamford Twp. commencing at the northeast angle for $3000.00 (C78 #9165)

On 7 Nov 1861 (Reg 7 Nov 1861) William Marr gave a discharge to Adam Spencer (C79 #9805)

Spencer, Alexander

On 3 Dec 1844 (Reg 4 Aug 1845) Robert Spencer gave a quitclaim to Alexander Spencer on 100 acres in the west half of Lots 119 and 120 Stamford Twp. for ₤20 (C29 #2371)

Spencer, Benjamin

On 29 Sep 1853 (Reg 12 Dec 1853) Robert Spencer et ux sold to Benjamin Spencer 2 acres in Lot 120 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (B104 #1455)

Spencer, Robert

On 28 Aug 1796 the Crown granted a patent to Robert Spencer for all 100 acres in Lot 74 Stamford Twp.

On 21 Apr 1797 (Reg 24 Jun 1798) Robert Spencer sold to John Fralick all 100 acres in Lot 74 Stamford Twp. for 5 shillings (A4 #20)

On 22 Apr 1797 (Reg 24 Jun 1797) Robert Spencer sold and gave a release to John Fralick on all 100 acres in Lot 74 Stamford Twp. for ₤200 (A5 #23)

On 22 Apr 1797 (Reg 24 Jun 1797) Robert Spencer gave a release to John Fralick on all 100 acres in Lot 74 Stamford Twp. (A6 #20)

Spencer, Robert Jr.

On 16 Mar 1798 the Crown granted a patent to Robert Spencer Jr on all 100 acres in Lot 116 Stamford Twp.

On 16 May 1798 the Crown granted a patent to Robert Spencer Jr on all 100 acres in Lot 119 Stamford Twp.

On 23 Mar 1805 (Reg 3 Jun 1805) Robert Spencer and Sarah his wife sold to Adam Spencer 100 acres in Lot 119 Stamford Twp. (A51 #826)

On 17 Jul 1817 (Reg 1 Apr 1818) Robert Spencer Jr sold to George Garner et al, Executors 100 acres in Lot 116 Stamford Twp. for ₤200 (A163 #5380)

On 3 Dec 1844 (Reg 4 Aug 1845) Robert Spencer gave a quitclaim to Alexander Spencer on 100 acres in the west half of Lots 119 and 120 Stamford Twp. for ₤20 (C29 #2371)

On 29 Sep 1853 (Reg 13 Dec 1853) Robert Spencer et ux sold to Adam C Spencer 2 acres in Lots 119 and 120 Stamford Twp. for ₤25 (B103 #1034)

On 29 Sep 1853 (Reg 12 Dec 1853) Robert Spencer et ux sold to Benjamin Spencer 2 acres in Lot 120 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (B104 #1455)

Spettigue, Christopher

On 2 Jan 1836 (Reg 3 Jun 1836) Samuel Street sold to Christopher Spettigue ½ acre in Lot 142 Stamford Twp. for (B188 #10873)

On 17 Apr 1838 (Reg 30 May 1828) Lawrence Lemon and George Garner, Executors sold to Christopher Spettigue 100 acres in the westerly parts of Lots 116 and 123 and a small strip in the north side of Lot 24 Stamford Twp. for ₤343.15 (B284 #11980)

On 24 Nov 1838 (Reg 16 Jun 1840) Christopher Spettigue sold to Luke Carroll and Sarah Carroll his wife 100 acres in parts of Lots 116 and 123 and the westerly part of Lot 124 Stamford Twp. for ₤350 (B362 #12974)

On 1 Apr 1841 (Reg 24 Jun 1842) Christopher Spettigue sold to George Hutt Wright ½ acre in the east end of Lot 142 Stamford Twp. for ₤33 (B461 #828)

On 9 Jul 1856 (Reg 12 Jul 1856) Luke Carroll and Sarah Carroll his wife who bars inheritance and Sarah Spettigue widow and relict of Christopher Spettigue who bars her dower, sold to James W House 100 acres in the westerly parts of Lots 116 and 123 and a small strip in the north side of Lot 24 Stamford Twp. for ₤200 (B479 #3930)

Springstein, Staats

On 19 Feb 1808 the Crown granted to Staats Springstein 46 acres in the east part of Lot 15 Stamford Twp.

On 19 Feb 1808 the Crown granted a patent to Staats Springstein on 54 acres in the east part of Lot 26 Stamford Twp.

On 16 Apr 1810 (Reg 7 Dec 1821) Staats Springstein sold to William Peterson 100 acres part of Lots 15 and 26 Stamford Twp.

On 16 Apr 1810 (Reg 7 Dec 1821) Staats Springstein sold to William Peterson 40 acres in Lot 35 Stamford Twp. (A250 #6023)

Starkey, Isaiah

On 15 Nov 1834 (Reg 3 Jan 1835) John Cleveland Green sold to Isaiah Starkey ½ acre on the east boundary of Lot 24 Stamford Twp. near Portage Road for ₤50 (B98 #10074)

On 13 Sep 1842 (Reg 13 Sep 1842) Isaiah Starkey et ux sold to John Hall ½ acre in Lot 24 Stamford Twp. commencing on the south side of Portage Road and the east side of Lot 24 for ₤175 (B480 #991)

Steinhoff, Frederick

On 12 Jun 1798 the Crown granted a patent to Frederick Steinhoff for all 332 acres in Lots 205 and 206 Stamford Twp.

On 11 May 1799 (Reg 12 Mar 1800) Frederick Steinhoff sold to Joseph Pell all 332 acres in Lots 205 and 206 Stamford Twp. (A21 #174)

On 28 May 1828 (Reg 22 Oct 1828) Frederick Steinhoff gave a quitclaim to Nathan Hixson on 252 acres in the west half of Lot 205 and 206 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (A405 #7409)

Steinhoff, John

On 16 Sep 1798 the Crown granted a patent to John Steinhoff for all 272 acres in Lots 207 and 208 Stamford Twp.

On 13 Nov 1809 (Reg 22 Feb 1865) John Steinhoff willed to his wife Hannah so long as she remains his widow, his children to be maintained until they become twenty-one years old, and after the death or marriage of said wife the homestead be sold less 50 acres on the back part by his Executors; Emanuel his eldest son to have double the quantity the rest shall have, and the remainder to be equally divided between his children; to Jacob Steinhoff 50 acres in the back part of the homestead in Lots 207 and 208 Stamford Twp. (C348 #13208)

On 10 Jan 1816 (Reg 24 May 1817) Jacob Steinhoff sold to James Thomson 50 acres in the south part of Lots 207 and 208 Stamford Twp. (A143 #5198)

On 18 Sep 1816 (Reg 10 Jun 1820) Thomas Cummings and James Macklem, Executors of John Steinhoff sold to George Shafer 111 acres in Lot 207 Stamford Twp. for ₤190.12.6 (A216 #5811)

On 18 Sep 1816 (Reg 20 Jul 1835) Thomas Cummings and James Macklem, Executors to John Steinhoff sold to Joseph Ramsden 111 acres in Lot 208 Stamford Twp. for ₤313.15 (B147 #10427)

Steven, Robert

On 1 Apr 1840 (Reg 20 Apr 1841) John Russell et al, trustees, sold to Robert Steven 150 acres in all of Lot 34 and the east half of Lot 27 Stamford Twp. for ₤1000 (B410 #695)

Stevens, John

On 6 May 1796 the Crown granted a patent to John Stevens for all 100 acres in Lot 11 Stamford Twp.

On 6 May 1796 the Crown granted a patent to John Stevens on 200 acres all Lots 30 and 31 Stamford Twp.

On 6 May 1796 the Crown granted a patent to John Stevens on 200 acres all Lots 30 and 31 Stamford Twp.

On 2 Dec 1805 (Reg 8 Mar 1806) Philip Young gave a quitclaim to Solomon Quick on 100 acres in Lot 30 Stamford Twp. that John Stephens deceased by his will devised to Young to be held by latter for four years after the death of Mary wife of said Stephens. Remainder to Solomon Quick for ₤10 (A57 #992)

Stewart, Alexander

On 29 Jan 1807 (Reg 27 Jul 1807) Francis Elsworth sold to Alexander Stewart 30 acres in the Broken Front of Lots 159 and 160 Stamford Twp.for ₤150 (A77 #1196)

On 29 Jan 1807 (Reg 27 Jul 1857) Alexander Stewart gave a bond to Francis Elsworth on 30 acres in the Broken Front of Lots 159 and 160 Stamford Twp.for ₤150 (A85 #1259)

On 9 Jun 1807 (Reg 20 Oct 1807) Francis Elsworth gave an assignment of bond to William Dickson on 30 acres in the Broken Front of Lots 159 and 160 Stamford Twp. (A93 #1327)

On 1 Jul 1808 (Reg 10 Jun 1811) Alexander Stewart gave a mortgage to William Dickson on 30 acres in the Broken Front of Lots 159 and 160 Stamford Twp.for ₤40 (A116 $1978)

Stewart, John William Henry

On 28 May 1838 (Reg 20 Apr 1842) William Stewart gave a confirmation of codicil of will to John William Henry Stewart on 283 acres parts of Lots 6, 14, 15, 26, and 35 Stamford Twp. (B441 #710)

On 31 Mar 1840 (Reg 16 Jun 1840) John William Henry Stewart gave a mortgage to Elizabeth Deo on 81 acres 2 roods and 13 perches in part of Lots 14 and 15 Stamford Twp. for ₤200 (B360 #12968)

On 30 Apr 1842 (Reg 13 Sep 1842) John W H Stewart gave a mortgage to John Sutton on 185 acres 3 roods 37 perches part of Lots 6, 14, 15, 26, and 35 Stamford Twp. for ₤200 (B478 #990)

On 29 Aug 1842 (Reg 13 Sep 1842) Elizabeth Deo gave a discharge of mortgage to John W. H. Stewart on part of Lots 14 and 15 Stamford Twp. (B478 #989)

On 30 Aug 1842 (Reg 13 Sep 1842) John W H Stewart gave a mortgage to John Sutton on 185 acres 3 roods 37 perches part of Lots 6, 14, 15, 26, and 35 Stamford Twp. for ₤200 (B478 #990)

On 16 Oct 1843 (Reg 17 Oct 1843) John Sutton gave a discharge to John W H Stewart on 185 acres 3 roods 37 perches part of Lots 6, 14, 15, 26, and 35 Stamford Twp. (B523 #1499)

On 25 Oct 1843 (Reg 25 Oct 1843) John W H Stewart and Mary Ann his wife gave a mortgage to William Prudence on 9 acres 1 rood 24 roods commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 6 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤1000 (#1519)

On 25 Oct 1843 (Reg 25 Oct 1843) J. W. H. Stewart and Mary Ann his wife gave a mortgage to William Prudence on 45 acres in Lot 14 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤1000 (B524 #1519)

On 30 Nov 1847 (Reg 7 Feb 1848) John W. H. Stewart gave a mortgage to Thomas C Street on 285 acres in part of Lots 6, 14, 15, 26, and 35 Stamford Twp. for ₤64.14 (A26 #523)

On 30 Nov 1847 (Reg 7 Feb 1848) John W. H. Stewart gave a mortgage to Thomas C Street on 285 acres in part of Lots 6, 14, 15, 26, and 35 Stamford Twp. for ₤64.14 (A26 #523)

On 31 Dec 1847 (Reg 7 Jan 1848) John W H Stewart et ux gave a mortgage to Henry Mittleberger on 9 acres 1 rood 24 roods commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 6 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤376.10 (#479)

On 31 Dec 1847 (Reg 7 Jan 1848) John W H Stewart et ux gave a mortgage to Henry Mittleberger on 40 acres commencing at the northeast angle of Lot 35 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤376.10 (#479)

On 31 Dec 1847 (Reg 7 Jan 1848) John W H Stewart et ux gave a mortgage to Henry Mittleburger on 45 acres in Lot 14 Stamford Twp. commencing at the northeast angle with other lands for ₤376 (A32 #472)

On 27 Sep 1849 (Reg 3 Oct 1849) John W H Stewart gave a mortgage to William Leeming and Henry Mittleberger on 45 acres commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 15 Stamford Twp. for ₤658.18 (A143 #1709)

On 27 Sep 1849 (Reg 3 Oct 1849) John W H Stewart gave a mortgage to William Leeming and Henry Mittleberger on 40 acres commencing at the northeast angle of Lot 35 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤657.18.3 (A143 #1799)

On 27 Sep 1849 (Reg 3 Oct 1849) John W H Stewart gave a mortgage to William Leeming and Henry Mittleberger on 9 acres 12 roods in Lot 14 Stamford Twp. commencing at the northeast angle for ₤658.18 (A143 #1709)

On 27 Sep 1849 (Reg 3 Oct 1849) John W H Stewart gave a mortgage to William Leaming and Henry Mittleberger on 9 acres 1 rood 24 perches in the northeast angle of Lot 6 Stamford Twp. except 5 acres in the northeast corner for ₤658.18.3 with other lands (A143 #1709)

On 29 Oct 1856 (Reg 6 Nov 1856) John W H Stewart et ux gave a mortgage to William A Stewart, Robert Willson and Harrison C Mewburn, Trustees under the marriage settlement on 40 acres commencing at the northeast angle of Lot 35 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤1263 (B528 #4209)

On 29 Oct 1856 (Reg 6 Nov 1856) John W H Stewart et ux gave a mortgage to William J Stewart, Robert Willson and Harrison C Mewburn, Trustees under a marriage settlement on 45 acres in Lot 14 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤1263 (B528 #4209)

On 29 Oct 1856 (Reg 6 Nov 1856) John W H Stewart et ux gave a mortgage to William John Stewart, Robert Willson and Harrison C Mewburn, Trustees under the marriage settlement for 9 acres 1 rood 24 perches in Lot 6 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤1263 (B528 #4209)

On 29 Oct 1856 (Reg 6 Nov 1856) John W. H. Stewart et ux gave a mortgage to William John Stewart, Robert Willson and Harrison C Mewburn, trustees under marriage settlement on 85 acres 2 roods 12 perches in Lot 15 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤1263 (B528 #4209)

On 17 Nov 1856 (Reg 14 Nov 1860) Thomas C Street gave a discharge of mortgage to John W. H. Stewart on 285 acres in part of Lots 6, 14, 15, 26, and 35 Stamford Twp. (A37 #8854)

On 17 Nov 1856 (Reg 14 Nov 1860) Thomas C Street gave a discharge of mortgage to John W. H. Stewart on 285 acres in part of Lots 6, 14, 15, 26, and 35 Stamford Twp. (A37 #8854)

On 23 Apr 1857 (Reg 24 Apr 1857) Isabella Stewart, widow, Executrix of William Stewart gave a release to John W H Stewart et ux on 100 acres in part of Lot 26 Stamford Twp. with other lands (B580 #4935)

On 23 Apr 1857 (Reg 24 Apr 1857) Isabella Stewart, Executrix of William Stewart gave a release of mortgage to John W H Stewart on 45 acres in Lot 45 Stamford Twp. (B580 #4735)

On 23 Apr 1857 (Reg 24 Apr 1857) Isabella Stewart, Executrix of William Stewart gave a release to John W H Stewart on 9 acres 1 rood 24 perches in Lot 6 Stamford Twp. with other lands (B580 #4935)

On 23 Apr 1857 (Reg 24 Apr 1857) Isabella Stewart, widow, Executrix of William Stewart gave a release to John W H Stewart et ux on 85 acres 2 roods 12 perches in Lot 15 with other lands (B580 #4935)

On 16 Mar 1858 (Reg 18 Mar 1858) Henry Mittleberger gave a discharge of mortgage to John W. H. Stewart on 9 acres 1 rood 24 roods commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 6 Stamford Twp. with other lands (#5989)

On 16 Mar 1858 (Reg 18 Mar 1858) Henry Mittleberger gave a discharge of mortgage to John W. H. Stewart on 40 acres commencing at the northeast angle of Lot 35 Stamford Twp. with other lands (#5989)

On 16 Mar 1858 (Reg 18 Mar 1858) Henry Mittleburger gave a discharge to John W H Stewart on 45 acres in Lot 14 Stamford Twp. commencing at the northeast angle with other lands (A53 #5989)

On 28 Jan 1861 (Reg 2 May 1864) John W H Stewart et ux gave a mortgage to Harrison C Mewburn, Rev William Lanning and Alfred Stowe, Trustees under the marriage settlement of the said grantors on 40 acres in Lot 35 Stamford Twp. for ₤400 (C290 #12342)

On 28 Jan 1861 (Reg 2 May 1864) John W H Stewart et ux gave a mortgage to Harrison C Mewburn, Rev. William Leeming and Alfred Stow, trustees under the marriage settlement of the said grantors, on 100 acres in part of Lot 26 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤400 (C290 #12342)

On 28 Jan 1861 (Reg 2 May 1864) John W K Stewart et ux gave a mortgage to Harrison C Mewburn, Rev William Lanning and Alfred Stowe, Trustees under the marriage settlement of the said grantors on 45 acres in Lot 14 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤400 (C290 #12342)

On 28 Jan 1861 (Reg 2 May 1864) John W H Stewart et ux gave a mortgage to Harrison C Mewburn, Rev. William Leeming and Alfred Stow, trustees under the marriage settlement of the said grantors, on 85 acres 2 roods 12 perches in Lot 15 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤400 (C290 #12342)

On 28 Jan 1861 (Reg 2 May 1864) John W K Stewart et ux gave a mortgage to Harrison C Mewburn, Rev William Lanning and Alfred Stowe, Trustees under the marriage settlement of the said grantors on 9 acres 1 rood 24 perches in Lot 6 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤400 (C290 #12342)

Stewart, William

On 17 Nov 1837 (Reg 21 Nov 1837) William Peterson sold to William Stewart 285 acres parts of Lots 6, 14, 15, 26, and 35 Stamford Twp. less 2 acres sold to M Johnson and 3 acres to L Jackson, for ₤1625 (B276 #11860)

On 28 May 1838 (Reg 20 Apr 1842) William Stewart gave a confirmation of codicil of will to John William Henry Stewart on 283 acres parts of Lots 6, 14, 15, 26, and 35 Stamford Twp. (B441 #710)

On 23 Apr 1857 (Reg 24 Apr 1857) Isabella Stewart, widow, Executrix of William Stewart gave a release to John W H Stewart et ux on 100 acres in part of Lot 26 Stamford Twp. with other lands (B580 #4935)

On 23 Apr 1857 (Reg 24 Apr 1857) Isabella Stewart, Executrix of William Stewart gave a release of mortgage to John W H Stewart on 45 acres in Lot 45 Stamford Twp. (B580 #4735)

On 23 Apr 1857 (Reg 24 Apr 1857) Isabella Stewart, Executrix of William Stewart gave a release to John W H Stewart on 9 acres 1 rood 24 perches in Lot 6 Stamford Twp. with other lands (B580 #4935)

On 23 Apr 1857 (Reg 24 Apr 1857) Isabella Stewart, widow, Executrix of William Stewart gave a release to John W H Stewart et ux on 85 acres 2 roods 12 perches in Lot 15 with other lands (B580 #4935)

Stickle, John

On 1 Sep 1824 (Reg 30 Jul 1830) James Pew et ux sold to Mary Stickle 20 acres in the east end of Lot 138 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (A479 #8011)

Stokes, Samuel P

On 9 May 1856 (Reg 21 Nov 1856) Samuel P Stokes gave an agreement to Lot C Clark on about 40 acres in Lot 110 Stamford Twp. (B533 #4272)

Street, John

On 6 Sep 1856 (Reg 9 Sep 1856) John Skinner gave a quitclaim to John Street and John Warner on 390 acres in part of Lot 60, all of Lots 173, 171 and 175 and 176 Stamford Twp., except for 90 acres sold to James McGarry, for ₤1150 (B573 #4061)

On 6 Sep 1856 (Reg 3 Feb 1857) John Street and John Warner gave a bond to John Skinner on 390 acres in part of Lot 60, all of Lots 173, 171 and 175 and 176 Stamford Twp., except for 90 acres sold to James McGarry, for ₤1150 (B571 #4580)

On 5 May 1857 (Reg 7 May 1857) John Street et ux and John Warner et ux sold to Lawrence W Mercer 390 acres in part of Lot 60, all of Lots 173, 171 and 175 and 176 Stamford Twp., except for 90 acres sold to James McGarry, for ₤1500 (B586 #6043)

Street, Samuel

On 17 Jun 1812 (Reg 13 Jun 1817) Benjamin Hardison et ux sold to Thomas Clark and Samuel Street all Lots 191, 192 and 193 with Broken Front, Lots 222 and 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤2187.10 (A147 #5213)

On 22 Aug 1812 (Reg 17 Apr 1832) John Burch and Martha Burch sold to Thomas Clark and Samuel Street 1 acre between Bucks Creek and Welland River for ₤10 (A461 #7910)

On 11 Jan 1816 (Reg 19 Sep 1834) Thomas Clark gave a deed poll to Samuel Street on an equal half of 14-½ acres in “The Chain Reserve” extending from the Military Reserve, Chippawa to about ½ mile above the Falls of Niagara, Stamford Twp. (B78 #9912)

On 9 Jul 1816 (Reg 10 Sep 1833) Thomas Clark and Samuel Street sold to Robert Grant and James Kerby 15,150 square feet in Lots 1 and 2, Village of Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤159.5 (C147 #9344)

On 29 Oct 1818 (Reg 24 Nov 1818) Thomas Clark and Samuel Street sold to John Huff Lot 14 on the north side of Front Street and 4/5 acre in the north 1/3 of Lot 15, Village of Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (C133 #54949)

On 16 Nov 1820 (Reg 6 Jul 1821) Thomas Clark and Samuel Street sold to Alexander Simpson 16335 square feet Village Lot 7 on Front Street Chippawa part of Lot 24 Stamford Twp. for ₤78.15 (A238 #5970)

On 7 Mar 1824 (Reg 14 May 1824) Thomas Clark and Samuel Street sold to Robert Pew 7/10 acre in Village Lot 40 Chippawa part of Lot 24 Stamford Twp. for ₤40 (A314 #6465)

On 28 Nov 1825 (Reg 6 Jan 1829) Thomas Clark and Samuel Street sold to William Hepburne 2 roods 20 perches in Lot 39, east side of Bridgewater Street, Village of Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (C137 #7461)

On 30 Mar 1826 (Reg 16 Jan 1843) Thomas Clark and Samuel Street sold to Robert Kirkpatrick 3 roods and ¾ perches in Lots 3 and 4 and part of Lot 5 in Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤100 (C244 #1160)

On 22 Jul 1828 (Reg 26 Sep 1828) Thomas Clark and Samuel Street sold to Joseph Moore 2 roods 29 perches in Lots 13 and 23 and a small lot in front of Lot 13 on Front Street and Lot 23 on Chippawa Street, Village of Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤100 (C 136 #7382)

On 16 Nov 1830 (Reg 18 May 1831) Thomas Clark and Samuel Street sold to Joseph Day 3/10 acre in Lot 12, north side of Front Street, Village of Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤25 (C139 #8225)

On 16 Nov 1830 (Reg 18 May 1831) Thomas Clark and Samuel Street sold to Peter Morse ½ acre in Lot 21, south side of Chippawa Street, Village of Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤27.10 (C140 #8226)

On 28 Jun 1831 (Reg 27 Mar 1832) Samuel Street and Thomas Clark sold to Joseph Moore, George Rowe, Benjamin Corwin, Jacob Garner, Samuel McAffee, David Davis and Peter Buchner, Trustees of Methodist Episcopal Church 3/8 acre in Lot 27 on the north side of Chippawa Street, corner of Chippawa Street and First Cross Street, Village of Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤2 (C142 #8566)

On 29 Jun 1831 (Reg 27 Mar 1832) Thomas Clark and Samuel Street sold to William Macklem 4/10 acre in Lot 59 and water lot in front of Lot 60, north side of Front Street, Village of Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for for ₤60 (C144 #8567)

In 1832 (Reg 3 Dec 1835) Thomas Clark and Samuel Street sold to Gilbert McMicking 44,880 square feet in Lots 8 and 18 and part of Lots 9 and 19. Lots 8 and 9 on the north side of Front Street and Lots 18 and 19 on the south side of Chippawa Street, Village of Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤200 (C150 #10634)

On 29 Jan 1831 (Reg 23 May 1837) Thomas Clark willed to Samuel Street, Robert Grant and James Hamilton, Executors all his estate in Canada (B235 #11496)

On 16 Jul 1832 (Reg 24 Aug 1832) Thomas Clark and Samuel Street sold to Francis Lauson 2 roods 14 perches in Lot 42, east side of Bridgewater Street for ₤60.9 (C146 #8760)

On 20 Feb 1836 (Reg 11 Jul 1836) Samuel Street for himself and as Executor to Thomas Clark sold to Isaac Ensign 10,230 square feet on the southwest part of Lot 19, south side of Chippawa Street, Village of Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤37.10 (C151 #10965)

On 23 Dec 1836 (Reg 23 May 1837) Reuben Pew sold to Samuel Street 7/10 acre in Village Lot 40 on the north side of Bridgewater Street, Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤250 (C158 #11519)

On 26 Aug 1837 (Reg 2 Sep 1837) Samuel Street gave a mortgage to The Queen on 180 acres in Lots 191 and 193 Stamford Twp. for Erie and Ontario Rail Road

On 13 Nov 1838 (Reg 11 Apr 1839) Samuel Street for himself and as Executor of Thomas Clark sold to James Carlaw 30,345 square links in Lot 107, west side of Chippawa Street, Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (C163 #12425)

On 13 Feb 1839 (Reg 15 Mar 1839) Samuel Street for himself and as Executor to Thomas Clark sold to James McGarry ¼ and ½ and ¼ acre in Lot 50 on the north side of Water Street, Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp.for ₤62.10 (C162 #12379)

On 14 Feb 1839 (Reg 16 May 1839) Samuel Street for himself and as Executor to Thomas Clark sold to Isaac Hicks 1 Rood 20 perches in Lot 10 on Front Street, Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤37.10 (C164 #12455)

On 5 Jun 1840 (Reg 2 Nov 1841) Samuel Street for himself and as Executor to Thomas Clark sold to George McKinly 1 rood in Lot 108 South Side of Bridgewater Street Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for 5 shillings (C188 #528)

On 22 Mar 1841 (Reg 31 Dec 1841) Samuel Street for himself and as Executor of Thomas Clark sold to John Kirkpatrick ¼ acre in Village Lot 87 Chippawa, in Lot 223 Stamford Twp. for ₤35 (C193 #582)

On 4 Jan 1842 (Reg 1 Feb 1842) Samuel Street for himself and as Executor of Thomas Clark sold to Frederick Hutt 4/10 acre in Village Lots 76 and 75 Chippawa, in Lot 223 Stamford Twp. for ₤68.9 (C195 #640)

On 16 Apr 1842 (Reg 4 Jul 1842) John B Forsyth and Thomas B Anderson sold to Samuel Street 1 acre in Village of Chippawa, Lot 223 Stamford Twp. for ₤500 (B466 #865)

On 16 Oct 1843 (Reg 5 Dec 1843) Samuel Street for himself and as Executor of Thomas Clark sold to Henry Bond 38 perches in Lot 28 on the west side of Chippawa Street, Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤58.16.6 (C211 #1550)

On 29 Apr 1844 (Reg 14 May 1844) Samuel Street for himself and as Executor of Thomas Clark sold to Richard Deakers 41 perches in the southwest part of Lot 40, east side of Bridgewater Street, Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤112.10 (C220 #1729)

On 5 Mar 1844 (Reg 16 Sep 1844) Samuel Street for himself and as Executor of Thomas Clark sold to Lewis Durham 7280 square feet art of Lots 5 and 37 east side of Bridgewater Street, Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤75 (C223 #1833)

On 4 Jan 1843 (Reg 14 Nov 1844) Samuel Street for himself and as Executor of Thomas Clark sold to Joseph Day 1 rood 8 perches Lot 22, south side of Chippawa Street, Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (C224 #1962)

On 31 Jul 1839 (Reg 12 Feb 1845) Samuel Street willed to Thomas Clark Street as Executor all his estate in trust (C5 #2906)

Street, Thomas Clark

On 31 Jul 1839 (Reg 12 Feb 1845) Samuel Street willed to Thomas Clark Street as Executor all his estate in trust including all Lots 191, 192 and 193 with Broken Front, Lots 222 and 224 Stamford Twp. (C5 #2906)

On 12 Jun 1845 (Reg 30 Jul 1845) Thomas C Street, Executor and Devisee of Samuel Street sold to Robert Aberdeen 1 rood 22 perches part of the Henry Nelles lot on the west side of Macklem Street, Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤152 (C329 #2359)

On 14 Jan 1846 (Reg 9 Mar 1846) Henry Bond et ux sold to Thomas C Street 38 perches in Lot 28 north side of Chippawa Street, Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤250 (C231 #2756)

On 22 Dec 1849 (Reg 11 Mar 1850) Thomas C Street, Devisee and Trustee of Samuel Street sold to Burnett Conklin 13,068 square feet in Lot 16 Front Street Village of Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤62 (A170 #2017)

On 18 Apr 1850 (Reg 20 Apr 1850) Samuel B Trembley sold to Thomas C Street inter alia 1 chain in width and 9 chains in length—part of Military Reserve (A183 #2118)

On 9 Dec 1850 (Reg 18 Feb 1851) Thomas C Street, Devisee of Samuel Street sold to Colin W Conklin 229 chains in the southwest 2/3 of Lot 15 on Front Street, Village of Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤37.10 (A254 #2726)

On 30 Sep 1851 (Reg 19 Jul 1852) Thomas C Street, Devisee of the late Samuel Street sold to Robert Aberdeen 2 roods 5 perches in Lots 5 and 37 Village of Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. commencing on Bridgewater Street for ₤175 (A359 #275)

On 11 Aug 1852 (Reg 29 Sep 1852) Thomas C Street, Heir and Devisee of the late Samuel Street sold to Peter Morse 8169-½ square feet in the southwest half of Lot 20 on Chippawa Street, Village of Chippawa in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤75 (A393 #412)

On 9 Mar 1854 the Crown granted a patent to Thomas C Street on 10 acres on Cynthia Island on Niagara River, Stamford Twp.

On 7 May 1855 (Reg 5 Jun 1855) George Maxwell, Thomas S Gladsone, John Hamilton, Trustees of Miss Jean Clark and Mrs Helen Howat sold to Thomas C Street 400 acres in Lots 190, 194, 221 and 222 Stamford Twp. less 11 acres of northwest part of Front part of Lot 190, with other lands for ₤3250 (B319 #2881)

On 3 Mar 1856 (Reg 10 Apr 1856) Thomas C Street sold to Erie and Ontario Railway Company that parcel of lands used by the Company extending from the River Welland through the lands of Thomas Clark and Samuel Street until it intersects the lands of James McGarry (B444 #3727)

On 7 Nov 1857 (Reg 16 Nov 1857) William Kingsmill, Sheriff sold by Sheriff’s Deed to Thomas Clark Street 6240 square feet on the north side of Cummington Square, Village of Chippawa with other lands for ₤1000 (B645 #5621)

On 11 Nov 1857 the Crown granted a patent to Thomas C Street on 4 acres on Swayzes Island on Niagara River, Stamford Twp.

On 27 Oct 1860 (Reg 1 Nov 1860) Thomas C Street, Trustee sold to Oliver T Macklem 9 acres 37-½ acres part of Lot 191 known as Bridgewater Farm for ₤231.5 (C41 #8832)

On 12 Feb 1856 (Reg 13 Mar 1856) John Oldfield et ux sold to Thomas Street 152 acres all of Lot 195 and the easterly part of Lot 196 Stamford Twp. for ₤1256 (B437 #3642)

Stuart, George

On 17 Jul 1858 (Reg 21 Aug 1858) John O Hatt et ux and James Hamilton et ux sold to George Stuart 10 acres in the southeast part of Lot 24 Stamford Twp. know as Park Lot 10, deed of subdivision of Stamford Park for ₤187.10 (B723 #6466)

On 11 Aug 1858 (Reg 16 Sep 1858) George Stuart gave a mortgage to John O Hatt and James Hamilton on 10 acres in the southeast part of Lot 24 Stamford Twp. know as Park Lot 10, deed of subdivision of Stamford Park for ₤113.10 (B730 #6526)

On 13 Sep 1858 (Reg 24 Jan 1859) John O Hatt gave an assignment of mortgage to James Hamilton on an undivided half of 79-1/30 acres in Lots 16, 17, 24 and 25 Stamford Twp. for 5 shillings (B767 #6909)

Sutton, Benjamin

On 1 Mar 1822 (Reg 11 Apr 1822) John Sutton sold to Benjamin Sutton 50 acres in the south half of Lot 170 Stamford Twp. for ₤100 (A258 #6076)

On 3 Mar 1828 (Reg 1 Jul 1853) John Sutton, heir at law of the late Martha Sutton, sold to Benjamin Sutton 50 acres in the north half of Lot 170 Stamford Twp. for ₤100 (B49 #1047)

On 10 Sep 1851 (Reg 4 Aug 1852) Henry Spence et ux sold to Benjamin Sutton the younger 3 acres in Lot 163 Stamford Twp. for ₤31 (A371 #323)

On 12 Nov 1853 (Reg 15 Dec 1853) Benjamin Sutton the younger et ux sold to Hiram Howey 3 acres in Lot 163 Stamford Twp. for ₤40 (B105 #1463)

On 13 Jan 1855 (Reg 1 Mar 1855) Benjamin Sutton willed to Peter Sutton his son the south half of his farm in Lot 170 Stamford Twp.; to William Sutton and Benjamin Sutton the north half of his farm in Lot 170 Stamford Twp. (B275 #2607)

On 15 Apr 1850 (Reg 10 Jun 1856) Benjamin Sutton Sr et ux sold to Hiram Sutton 5 acres in Lot 170 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southwest angle for ₤100 (B466 #3853)

Sutton, Benjamin Jr

On 13 Jan 1855 (Reg 1 Mar 1855) Benjamin Sutton willed to Peter Sutton his son the south half of his farm in Lot 170 Stamford Twp.; to William Sutton and Benjamin Sutton the north half of his farm in Lot 170 Stamford Twp. (B275 #2607)

On 25 Oct 1862 (Reg 7 Nov 1862) Benjamin Sutton et ux sold to Josiah Cook 1 acre in Lot 170 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southwest angle for $440.00 (C190 #10834)

On 20 Oct 1863 (Reg 30 Jul 1864) Benjamin Sutton gave a quitclaim to William Sutton on 37 acres 6 roods in Lot 170 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southwest angle for $400.00 (C308 #12598)

Sutton, George

On 3 Jul 1845 (Reg 2 Nov 1855) John McMicking and James Oswald, Executors of John Knox gave an assignment of lease to George Sutton on above Lots 1 and 9 Village of Stamford part of Lot 55 and east half of Lot 54 Stamford Twp. for ₤37.10 (B383 #3264)

On 5 Nov 1851 (Reg 2 Nov 1855) William Gibbons, Executor, and Caroline Sutton, Executrix and widow of George Sutton, gave an assignment of lease to William Henry on 3 acres of Lot 55 and the east half of Lot 54 in the Village of Stamford for ₤37.10 (B378 #3263)

Sutton, Hiram

On 15 Apr 1850 (Reg 10 Jun 1856) Benjamin Sutton Sr et ux sold to Hiram Sutton 5 acres in Lot 170 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southwest angle for ₤100 (B466 #3853)

On 26 May 1856 (Reg 10 Jun 1856) Hiram Sutton et ux sold to Josiah Cook 1 acre in Lot 170 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southwest angle for ₤187.10 (B467 #3854)

Sutton, John and Anne

On 17 May 1802 the Crown granted a patent to Anne Sutton all 100 acres in Lot 170 Stamford Twp.

On 3 Jan 1822 (Reg 7 Jan 1822) John Sutton gave a mortgage to Thomas Clark et al on 50 acres in the north half of Lot 170 Stamford Twp. for ₤32 (A253 #6029)

On 1 Mar 1822 (Reg 11 Apr 1822) John Sutton sold to Benjamin Sutton 50 acres in the south half of Lot 170 Stamford Twp. for ₤100 (A258 #6076)

On 3 Mar 1828 (Reg 1 Jul 1853) John Sutton, heir at law of the late Martha Sutton, sold to Benjamin Sutton 50 acres in the north half of Lot 170 Stamford Twp. for ₤100 (B49 #1047)

On 6 Feb 1852 (Reg 1 Jul 1853) Thomas C Street, Executor of Samuel Street and Thomas Clark, gave a discharge to John Sutton on on 50 acres in the north half of Lot 170 Stamford Twp. (A253)

Sutton, Peter

On 13 Jan 1855 (Reg 1 Mar 1855) Benjamin Sutton willed to Peter Sutton his son the south half of his farm in Lot 170 Stamford Twp.; to William Sutton and Benjamin Sutton the north half of his farm in Lot 170 Stamford Twp. (B275 #2607)

On 1 May 1863 (Reg 30 Jul 1864) Peter Sutton et ux sold to Edward Lee Forsyth 2 acres in Lot 170 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southeast angle for $120.00 (C307 #12597)

Sutton, William

On 10 Sep 1846 (Reg 17 Mar 1848) Stephen Haggerty et ux sold to William Sutton 4 acres in Lot 178 Stamford Twp. commencing at the northwest corner for ₤25 (A46 #595)

On 30 Aug 1853 (Reg 14 Jun 1855) Thomas C Street, Executor of Samuel Street sold to William Sutton 25 acres in the north half of the east half of Lot 179 Stamford Twp. for ₤83.6 (B331 #2901)

On 13 Jan 1855 (Reg 1 Mar 1855) Benjamin Sutton willed to Peter Sutton his son the south half of his farm in Lot 170 Stamford Twp.; to William Sutton and Benjamin Sutton the north half of his farm in Lot 170 Stamford Twp. (B275 #2607)

On 20 Oct 1863 (Reg 30 Jul 1864) Benjamin Sutton gave a quitclaim to William Sutton on 37 acres 6 roods in Lot 170 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southwest angle for $400.00 (C308 #12598)

Swayze, Isaac

On 7 Nov 1823 (Reg 30 Apr 1824) Isaac Swayze gave a release to John Hardy on 9/10 of an acre in Lot 160 Broken Front Stamford Twp. being the military reserve for 5 shillings (A313 #6458)

On 7 Nov 1823 (Reg 30 Apr 1824) Isaac Swayze gave a release to John Hardy on 4 acres on Swayzes Island on Niagara River, Stamford Twp. for 5 shillings (A313 #6458)

On 7 Sep 1861 (Reg 7 Sep 1861) Malum Swayze gave a mortgage to Daniel W Metler on 114 acres in the south part of Lot 212 Stamford Twp. (B547 #9626)

Symington, John

On 8 Dec 1810 (Reg 5 Jan 1811) Thomas Clark sold to John Symington 600 acres in Lots 213, 214, 215, 216 and 217 Stamford Twp. (A111 #1869)

On 23 Dec 1819 (Reg 15 Dec 1826) John Symington sold to Peter Dewitt 171 acres in all of Lot 213 and part of Lot 214 for ₤320.19.6 (A366 #6936)