Niagara Town Settlers "R"

Settler Records "R"

Niagara Town, Lincoln County

Extracted from the

Abstracts of Deeds

Register of Niagara Town

Racey, Thomas

On 30 Dec 1815 (Reg 15 Dec 1817) Richard Hatt sold to Thomas Racey all ½ acre in Lot 1, Town of Niagara (5315)

On 30 Dec 1815 (Reg 15 Dec 1817) Richard Hatt sold to Thomas Racey all ½ acre in Lot 1, Town of Niagara (5315)

On 20 Oct 1817 (Reg 31 Oct 1817) Thomas Racey gave a mortgage to Frederick Ermatinger on all ½ acre in Lot 1, Town of Niagara for ₤1118 (5288)

On 20 Oct 1817 (Reg 31 Oct 1817) Thomas Racey gave a mortgage to Frederick Ermatinger on all ½ acre in Lot 1, Town of Niagara for ₤1118 (5288)

On 8 Sep 1825 (Reg 16 Sep 1825) Thomas Racey sold to Samuel Street all ½ acre in Lot 1, Town of Niagara for 512.10 (6714)

On 8 Sep 1825 (Reg 16 Sep 1825) Thomas Racey sold to Samuel Street all ½ acre in Lot 1, Town of Niagara for 512.10 (6714)

Ramsay, James

On 6 May 1796 The Crown granted a patent to James Ramsay for all ½ acre in Lot 61 Town of Niagara

Ransier, Andrew

On 1 Sep 1797 The Crown granted a patent to Andrew Ransier for all 1 acre in Lot 160 Town of Niagara

Ray, John

On 29 May 1839 (Reg 15 Feb 1839) John Ray et ux sold to Bernard Roddy 680 square feet in the northeast part of Lot 53 Town of Niagara for ₤112.10 (12346)

Reilly, Edward

On 18 Apr 1857 (Reg 4 Jun 1860) William Reilly willed to Fanny, Mary Ann and Edward his two daughters and son 1 acre in Lot 276 Town of Niagara (10898)

On 2 Jun 1860 (Reg 4 Jun 1860) Mary Ann Guillam, daughter of William Reilly and wife of W Guillam, gave a quitclaim to Edward Reilly on 1/8 acre in Lot 276 Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (10899)

On 2 Jun 1860 (Reg 4 Jun 1860) Edward Reilly gave a quitclaim to Fanny Wilson on part of Lot 276 Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (10902)

On 9 Jun 1861 (Reg 1 Jul 1861) Edward Reilly sold to George Beale part of Lot 276 Town of Niagara for $100 (11860)

Reilly, William

On 18 Apr 1857 (Reg 4 Jun 1860) William Reilly willed to Fanny, Mary Ann and Edward his two daughters and son 1 acre in Lot 276 Town of Niagara (10898)

On 2 Jun 1860 (Reg 4 Jun 1860) Mary Ann Guillam, daughter of William Reilly and wife of W Guillam, gave a quitclaim to Edward Reilly on 1/8 acre in Lot 276 Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (10899)

On 2 Jun 1860 (Reg 4 Jun 1860) Fanny Wilson daughter of William Reilly gave a quitclaim to Mary Ann Guillam on 1/8 acre in Lot 276 Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (10901)

Richardson, Charles

On 11 Apr 1829 (Reg 29 Apr 1829) Samuel Potts sold to Charles Richardson ½ acre in Mississauga Commons in the Town of Niagara for £350 (7601)

On 8 May 1830 (Reg 12 May 1830) Smith Griffin sold to Charles Richardson all ½ acre in Lot 17 Town of Niagara north of Prideaux Street for ₤125 (7933)

On 18 Jun 1830 (Reg 9 Jul 1830) Richard Leonard, Sheriff sold to Charles Richardson 12500 square feet in Lot 71 Town of Niagara for ₤100 (7980)

On 8 Aug 1832 (Reg 28 Aug 1832) Charles Richardson sold to James Charles all ½ acre in Lot 17 Town of Niagara north of Prideaux Street for ₤50 (9431)

On 23 Jul 1836 (Reg 6 Sep 1836) James Lockart et ux sold to Charles Richardson ¼ acre with dwelling house in the north part of Lot 13, Town of Niagara for ₤500 (11103)

On 23 Jul 1836 (Reg 6 Sep 1836) James Lockhart et ux sold to Charles Richardson 750 square feet in Lot 14, Town of Niagara with other lands for ₤500 (11103)

On 23 Jul 1836 (Reg 10 Aug 1836) Charles Richardson sold to James Lockhart ½ acre in Mississauga Common in the Town of Niagara for £1500 (11060)

On 17 Oct 1836 (Reg 26 Jul 1838) Charles Richardson sold to Daniel Ingleby 10,816 square feet in Lot 154 Town of Niagara for ₤30 (12051)

On 28 Dec 1838 (Reg 14 Feb 1839) Charles Richardson et ux gave a mortgage to Clark Gamble and William H Boulton on ¼ acre with dwelling house in the north part of Lot 13, Town of Niagara with other lands for ₤335.3 (12326)

On 28 Dec 1838 (Reg 14 Feb 1839) Charles Richardson gave a mortgage to Clark Gamble and W H Boulton on 750 square feet in Lot 14, Town of Niagara for ₤335.3 (12326)

On 28 Aug 1838 (Reg 15 Oct 1839) Charles Richardson sold to David A McNab ¼ acre with dwelling house in the north part of Lot 13, Town of Niagara for ₤500 (12665)

On 28 Aug 1838 (Reg 15 Oct 1839) Charles Richardson sold to David A McNab 750 square feet in Lot 14, Town of Niagara for ₤500 (12665)

Richardson, Edmund

On 1 Mar 1853 (Reg 2 Mar 1853) William Richardson et ux sold to Edmund Richardson 5200 square feet on King St in Block 31 Town of Niagara for £50 (4554)

Richardson, Isabella

On 7 Sep 1836 (Reg 5 Nov 1844) James Maneilly et ux sold to Isabella Richardson 5200 square feet on King St Block 31 Town of Niagara for £62.10 (1943)

On 8 Nov 1844 (Reg 8 Nov 1844) Isabella Richardson sold to William Richardson 5200 square feet on King St Block 31 Town of Niagara for £100 (1947)

Richardson, John

On 16 Aug 1817 (Reg 16 Aug 1817) William McKean and John McEwan sold to John Forsyth and John Richardson for all ½ acre in Lot 41 Town of Niagara with other lands for ₤2931.9.1 (5257)

On 23 Dec 1826 (Reg 7 Feb 1827) William McKean sold to John Forsyth and John Richardson for all ½ acre in Lot 41 Town of Niagara for ₤500 (6968)

On 7 Feb 1827 (Reg 8 Feb 1830) Andrew Heron sold to John Richardson and John Forsyth all ½ acre in Lot 37 Town of Niagara for ₤400 (6971)

On 8 Feb 1827 (Reg 8 Feb 1827) William McKean sold to John Forsyth and John Richardson ½ acre in Lot 38 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (6970)

On 14 May 1827 (Reg 20 Jun 1827) Mary Ann Forsyth gave a deed of trust to John Richardson and J B Forsyth for all ½ acre in Lot 31 Town of Niagara with other lands for 10 shillings in trust to pay her father’s debt (7052)

On 14 May 1827 (Reg 20 Jun 1827) Mary Ann Forsyth, heiress of George Forsyth gave a deed of trust to J Richardson and J Forsyth and J B Forsyth for 1 acre in Lot 229 Town of Niagara (7052)

On 14 May 1827 (Reg 20 Jun 1827) Mary Ann Forsyth gave a deed of trust to Forsyth, Richardson & Co for 1 acre in Lot 187 Town of Niagara with other lands for debt plus 10 shillings (7052)

On 14 May 1827 (Reg 20 Jun 1827) Mary Ann Forsyth, heiress of George Forsyth gave a deed of trust to J Richardson and J Forsyth and J B Forsyth for 1 acre in Lot 230 Town of Niagara (7052)

On 14 May 1827 (Reg 20 Jun 1827) Mary Ann Forsyth gave a deed of trust to John Richardson and J B Forsyth for 1 acre in Lot 231 Town of Niagara with other lands for 10 shillings in trust to pay her father’s debt (7052)

On 12 Oct 1829 (Reg 6 Feb 1830) John Richardson sold to John Forsyth all ½ acre in Lot 37 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (7835)

On 12 Oct 1829 (Reg 6 Feb 1830) John Richardson sold to John Forsyth all ½ acre in Lot 38 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (7835)

On 12 Oct 1829 (Reg 9 Feb 1830) John Richardson sold to John Forsyth his half interest in ¼ acre in Lot 41 Town of Niagara for ₤250 (7836)

On 3 Aug 1840 (Reg 11 Sep 1840) Walter H Dickson et ux sold to John Richardson ¼ acre in Lot 273, Town of Niagara for £15 (1)

On 3 Aug 1840 (Reg 11 Sep 1840) Walter H Dickson et ux sold to John Richardson ¼ acre in Lot 273, Town of Niagara for £15 (1)

On 3 Aug 1840 (Reg 11 Sep 1840) Walter H Dickson et ux sold to Elizabeth Fertenburgh 20 perches in the southwest half of Lot 273, Town of Niagara for £15 (2)

On 9 Mar 1850 (Reg 12 Mar 1850) John Richardson et ux sold to William B Winterbottom 1 rood in the east quarter of Lot 273, Town of Niagara for £30 (2019)

On 9 Mar 1850 (Reg 12 Mar 1850) John Richardson et ux sold to William B Winterbottom 1 rood in the east quarter of Lot 273, Town of Niagara for £30 (2019)

On 15 Jul 1851 (Reg 15 May 1852) William B Winterbottom sold to John Richardson 1 rood in the east quarter of Lot 273, Town of Niagara for £30 (3954)

On 15 Jul 1851 (Reg 15 May 1852) William B Winterbottom sold to John Richardson 1 rood in the east quarter of Lot 273, Town of Niagara for £30 (3954)

On 3 Jun 1852 (Reg 14 Jun 1852) John Richardson et ux sold to William B Winterbottom 1 rood in the east quarter of Lot 273, Town of Niagara for £27.10 (4003)

On 3 Jun 1852 (Reg 14 Jun 1852) John Richardson et ux sold to William B Winterbottom 1 rood in the east quarter of Lot 273, Town of Niagara for £27.10 (4003)

On 21 May 1859 (Reg 17 Oct 1859) Mary Ann Richardson gave a mortgage to Robert Warren on the south quarter of Lot 273, Town of Niagara for $65 (10357)

On 21 May 1859 (Reg 17 Oct 1859) Mary Ann Richardson gave a mortgage to Robert Warren on the south quarter of Lot 273, Town of Niagara for $65 (10357)

Richardson, John B R

On 29 Oct 1851 (Reg 6 Nov 1851) Alexis F Bequa, heir of T W DesJardins, et ux gave a quitclaim to Edward C Campbell on 1 acre in Lot 254 Town of Niagara for £6.5 (3561)

On 10 Oct 1854 (Reg 25 Oct 1854) John B R Richardson gave a quitclaim to Edward C Campbell on 1 acre in Lot 253 Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (5853)

Richardson, Maria

On 14 Oct 1848 (Reg 21 Nov 1848) Edward Hoyt et ux gave a quitclaim to Maria Richardson ½ acre in the southwest half of Lot 337 Town of Niagara for £12.10 (1112)

On 3 Aug 1850 (Reg 7 Aug 1850) Maria Richardson sold to James Clark ¼ acre in the southwest quarter of Lot 337 Town of Niagara for £8.15 (2297)

Richardson, May

On 10 Aug 1853 (Reg 12 Aug 1853) May A Richardson, widow sold to John Maneilly the west half of 1 acre in Lot 274 Town of Niagara for £40 (4908)

Richardson, Robert

On 16 May 1798 The Crown granted a patent to Robert Richardson for all 1 acre in Lot 319 Town of Niagara

Richardson, William

On 8 Nov 1844 (Reg 8 Nov 1844) Isabella Richardson sold to William Richardson 5200 square feet on King St Block 31 Town of Niagara for £100 (1947)

On 1 Mar 1853 (Reg 2 Mar 1853) William Richardson et ux sold to Edmund Richardson 5200 square feet on King St in Block 31 Town of Niagara for £50 (4554)

Ridout, Thomas

On 6 May 1796 The Crown granted a patent to Thomas Ridout for all 1 acre in Lot 279 Town of Niagara

On 26 Nov 1796 (Reg 7 Dec 1796) Nathan Barnum sold to Thomas Ridout 1 acre in Lot 278 Town of Niagara (13)

On 25 May 1797 (Reg 10 Jan 1798) Thomas Ridout sold to Rev Edmund Burk 1 acre in Lot 278 Town of Niagara (39)

On 25 May 1797 (Reg 10 Jan 1798) Thomas Ridout sold to Rev Edmund Burke 1 acre in Lot 279 Town of Niagara (39)

On 21 Oct 1799 (Reg 30 Dec 1799) Thomas Ridout sold to Robert Pilkington 1 acre in Lot 279 Town of Niagara (153)

On 21 Sep 1801 (Reg 16 Apr 1803) John Hill Jr sold to Thomas Ridout 1 acre in Lot 277 Town of Niagara (496)

On 24 Oct 1799 (Reg 16 Apr 1803) Thomas Ridout et ux sold to Robert Pilkington 1 acre in Lot 278 Town of Niagara (495)

In Sep 1804 (Reg 16 Apr 1803) Thomas Ridout sold to Robert Pilkington 1 acre in Lot 277 Town of Niagara (698)

Robertson, Donald

On 25 Sep 1865 (Reg 1 Nov 1865) John H Clemsion et ux sold to Donald Robertson ¼ acre in Lot 13, Town of Niagara for $800 (15743)

On 25 Sep 1865 (Reg 1 Nov 1865) John H Cameron et ux sold to Donald Robertson 750 square feet in Lot 14, Town of Niagara for $800 (5743)

Robertson, James

On 6 Aug 1842 (Reg 8 Aug 1842) William Wilson et ux sold to James Robertson 1 rood in Lot 30 Town of Niagara for ₤100 (931)

Robinson, Anthony

On 6 May 1796 The Crown granted a patent to Anthony Robinson for all 1 acre in Lot 324 Town of Niagara

Robinson, George

On 10 Nov 1840 (Reg 14 Apr 1841) Niagara Harbor and Dock Co gave a life lease to George Robinson and son on 2000 square feet in Lot 15 on Clement St in the Dock Property, Town of Niagara (274)

Robinson, John B

On 11 Dec 1823 (Reg 11 Aug 1824) Edward Dales gave a deed of trust to John B Robinson on 4 acres near old town plot in the Town of Niagara for10 shillings (6520)

Rock, John

On 17 May 1802 The Crown granted a patent to John Rock for all 1 acre in Lot 179 Town of Niagara

On 17 Jul 1840 (Reg 8 Aug 1840) Samuel Rock, heir at law of John Rock sold to Samuel Street 1 acre in Lot 179 Town of Niagara for ₤25 (13070)

Roddy, Bernard

On 31 Jul 1832 (Reg 23 Aug 1832) Charles Gesso et ux sold to Bernard Roddy ½ acre in Lot 24 Town of Niagara for ₤250 (8754)

On 4 Oct 1838 (Reg 15 Feb 1839) Joseph La Flame et ux sold to Bernard Roddy ½ acre in Lot 42 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (12345)

On 18 Apr 1839 (Reg 23 Jul 1841) R M Crysler and Lewis Clement sold to Bernard Roddy all ½ acre in Lot 23 Town of Niagara for ₤62.10 (421)

On 13 May 1843 (Reg 3 Jun 1843) Samuel Proctor et ux sold to Bernard Roddy ¼ acre in the southeast half of Lot 22 Town of Niagara for ₤75 (1326)

On 29 May 1839 (Reg 15 Feb 1839) John Ray et ux sold to Bernard Roddy 680 square feet in the northeast part of Lot 53 Town of Niagara for ₤112.10 (12346)

On 18 Sep 1863 (Reg 6 Nov 1863) John Halligan gave a quitclaim to Bernard Roddy on ¼ acre in Lot 43 Town of Niagara for $5 (13908)

Roddy, Charles

On 2 Aug 1865 (Reg 4 Aug 1865) Charles Roddy sold to Thomas Roddy ½ acre in Lot 42 Town of Niagara with part of Lot 43 for $400 (15548)

On 2 Aug 1865 (Reg 4 Aug 1865) Charles Roddy sold to Thomas Roddy part of Lot 43 Town of Niagara for $400 (15548)

Roddy, Thomas

On 2 Aug 1865 (Reg 4 Aug 1865) Charles Roddy sold to Thomas Roddy part of Lot 43 Town of Niagara for $400 (15548)

Rogers, Agnes

On 15 Jul 1830 The Crown granted a patent to John, James and Mary Rogers for all ½ acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara

On 4 Dec 1835 (Reg 18 Feb 1836) John, James and Agnes Rogers and M Blake sold to Charles Rosine ½ acre in Lot 45 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (10725)

On 4 Dec 1835 (Reg 18 Feb 1836) John, James and Agnes Rogers and M Blake sold to Charles Rosine ½ acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (10725)

On 19 Apr 1845 (Reg 6 Jul 1846) James Rogers sold to Agnes Rogers ½ acre in Lot 45 Town of Niagara for ₤496 (3007)

On 15 May 1846 (Reg 18 May 1846) Agnes Rogers gave a mortgage to Henry B Greenwood and Rosenda S Kell on ½ acre in Lot 45 Town of Niagara for ₤500 (2919)

On 15 May 1848 (Reg 16 Aug 1848) Henry B Greenwood and Rosenda S Kell sold to Agnes Rogers ½ acre in Lot 45 Town of Niagara for ₤300 (929)

On 16 Aug 1848 (Reg 16 Aug 1848) Agnes Rogers gave a mortgage to Niagara District Building Society on ½ acre in Lot 45 Town of Niagara for ₤400 (930)

On 16 Sep 1854 (Reg 11 Nov 1854) Niagara District Building Society sold to Hugh Boomer ½ acre in Lot 45 Town of Niagara for ₤139.5.4 (5896)

On 8 Nov 1854 (Reg 11 Nov 1854) Agnes Rogers sold to Andrew Heron and John Simpson ½ acre in Lot 45 Town of Niagara for ₤650 (5898)

On 11 Aug 1857 (Reg 11 Aug 1857) John Rogers gave a quitclaim to Agnes Rogers on ½ acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara for ₤1500 (8452)

On 2 Apr 1862 (Reg 23 May 1862) Agnes Rogers willed to Mary Ann Blake and Mrs B children (12624)

Rogers, James (1)

On 2 Nov 1809 (Reg 12 Dec 1809) William Emery et ux sold to James Rogers 1 acre in Lot 70 Town of Niagara (5672)

On 16 Sep 1819 (Reg 16 Sep 1819) James Rogers gave a mortgage to Abraham Overholt 1 acre in Lot 70 Town of Niagara for ₤2500 (5672)

On 5 Oct 1819 (Reg 14 Oct 1819) James Rogers sold to Abraham Overholt 1 acre in Lot 70 Town of Niagara for ₤2500 (5680)

Rogers, James (II)

On 15 Jul 1830 The Crown granted a patent to John, James and Mary Rogers for all ½ acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara

On 4 Dec 1835 (Reg 18 Feb 1836) John, James and Agnes Rogers and M Blake sold to Charles Rosine ½ acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (10725)

On 24 Dec 1835 (Reg 22 Feb 1836) Charles Rosine sold to James Rogers ½ acre in Lot 45 Town of Niagara for ₤1000 (10726)

On 25 Jan 1836 (Reg 25 Feb 1836) James Rogers gave a mortgage to Agnes Rogers ½ acre in Lot 45 Town of Niagara for ₤500 (10730)

On 19 Apr 1845 (Reg 6 Jul 1846) James Rogers sold to Agnes Rogers ½ acre in Lot 45 Town of Niagara for ₤496 (3007)

Rogers, John

On 15 Jul 1830 The Crown granted a patent to John, James and Mary Rogers for all ½ acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara

On 7 Oct 1835 (Reg 17 Nov 1835) Jacob Jacobs sold to John Rogers ½ acre in the west half of Lot 200 Town of Niagara for ₤25 (10601)

On 7 Oct 1835 (Reg 17 Nov 1835) John Rogers gave a quitclaim to Ralph M Crysler ½ acre in the west half of Lot 200 Town of Niagara for ₤25 (10602)

On 4 Dec 1835 (Reg 18 Feb 1836) John, James and Agnes Rogers and M Blake sold to Charles Rosine ½ acre in Lot 45 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (10725)

On 4 Dec 1835 (Reg 18 Feb 1836) John, James and Agnes Rogers and M Blake sold to Charles Rosine ½ acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (10725)

On 1 Jan 1836 (Reg 22 Feb 1836) John Rogers sold to James Lockhart 1/7 acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara for ₤1500 (10726)

On 25 Jan 1836 (Reg 25 Feb 1836) John Rogers gave a mortgage to Agnes Rogers, widow 1/3 acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara for ₤500 (10729)

On 7 Dec 1841 (Reg 5 Apr 1848) Jared Stocking sold to John Rogers 100 by 208 feet in Lot 71 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (624)

On 27 Feb 1843 (Reg 2 Mar 1843) John Rogers gave a mortgage to Niagara Harbour & Dock Co. on 1/7 acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara for ₤1150 (1197)

On 2 Mar 1843 (Reg 7 May 1845) John Rogers gave a deed poll to John Torrance & Co. on ½ acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara for ₤1600 (2209)

On 22 Mar 1845 (Reg 5 Apr 1848) John Rogers sold to Alexander C Hamilton 100 by 208 feet in Lot 71 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (625)

On 19 Apr 1845 (Reg 6 Jul 1846) James Rogers sold to Agnes Rogers ½ acre in Lot 45 Town of Niagara for ₤496 (3007)

On 9 Jan 1846 (Reg 6 Jul 1846) Niagara Harbour & Dock Co. gave an assignment of mortgage to Mary Ann Blake for 1/7 acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara for ₤500 (3006)

On 9 Jan 1846 (Reg 6 Jul 1846) Niagara Harbour & Dock Co gave a release to John Rogers on 1/7 acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara for ₤150 (703)

On 15 Aug 1848 (Reg 16 Aug 1848) Mary Ann Blake gave an assignment of mortgage to Niagara District Building Society on 1/7 acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (931)

On 16 Jan 1851 (Reg 16 Jan 1851) Mary Ann Blake gave a mortgage to Niagara District Building Society on 1/7 acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara for ₤100 (2623)

On 10 Mar 1857 (Reg 11 Aug 1857) John Torrance & Co. gave a quitclaim to John Rogers on 1/7 acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara for ₤50 (8451)

On 11 Aug 1857 (Reg 11 Aug 1857) John Rogers gave a quitclaim to Agnes Rogers on ½ acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara for ₤1500 (8452)

Ross, Alexander

On 11 Jul 1839 (Reg 25 Jul 1839) Robert Bastedo et ux sold to Alexander Ross ¼ acre in the northeast half of the southwest half of Lot 337 Town of Niagara for £8.15 (12596)

On 3 Aug 1841 (Reg 16 Aug 1841) Alexander Ross et ux sold to John Bright Lot 337 Town of Niagara for £16.5 (444)

Ross, Daniel

On 1 Sep 1816 (Reg 16 Jul 1817) Robert Kerr sold to John and Daniel Ross ½ acre in Lot 27 Town of Niagara for ₤145 (5245)

Ross, Donald

On 6 Oct 1838 (Reg 9 Nov 1838) John Ross gave a release to Donald Ross on ½ acre in Lot 27 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (2236)

On 11 Feb 1845 (Reg 14 Jun 1847) Donald Ross gave a quitclaim to John Ross on ½ acre in Lot 27 Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (139)

Ross, Jessie Kerby

On 14 Aug 1849 (Reg 5 Oct 1850) John Ross sold to Jessie Ross the east and west ½ of all ½ acre in Lot 6, Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (2425)

In 1852 (Reg 16 Dec 1852) John Ross sold to Jessie Ross ¼ acre in Lot 27 Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (4346)

On 28 Apr 1854 (Reg 23 May 1861) Jessie Ross gave a quitclaim to John Ross on all ½ acre in Lot 6, Town of Niagara with Lot 27 for 5 shillings (11789)

On 28 Apr 1854 (Reg 23 May 1861) Jessie Ross gave a quitclaim to John Ross on ½ acre in Lot 27 Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (11789)

On 28 Nov 1862 (Reg 9 Oct 1863) John Ross gave a quitclaim to Jessie Kerby Ross on all ½ acre in Lot 6, Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (13825)

On 28 Nov 1862 (Reg 9 Oct 1863) John Ross sold to Jessie K Ross ½ acre in Lot 27 Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (13823)

Ross, John

On 1 Sep 1816 (Reg 16 Jul 1817) Robert Kerr sold to John and Daniel Ross ½ acre in Lot 27 Town of Niagara for ₤145 (5245)

On 23 Jul 1824 (Reg 18 Nov 1824) Alexander Garrett sold to John Ross ½ acre in Lot 201 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (6553)

On 2 May 1828 (Reg 12 May 1828) John Ross et ux sold to Rev Thomas Creen ½ acre in Lot 201 Town of Niagara for £203.15.6 (7282)

On 6 Oct 1838 (Reg 9 Nov 1838) John Ross gave a release to Donald Ross on ½ acre in Lot 27 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (2236)

On 11 Feb 1845 (Reg 14 Jun 1847) Donald Ross gave a quitclaim to John Ross on ½ acre in Lot 27 Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (139)

On 16 Jun 1847 (Reg 3 Feb 1848) Peter Bradt and Mary M Shipman sold to John Ross all ½ acre in Lot 6, Town of Niagara for ₤50 (517) Mary M Shilman wife of G S

On 14 Aug 1849 (Reg 5 Oct 1850) John Ross sold to Jessie Ross the east and west ½ of all ½ acre in Lot 6, Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (2425)

On 31 Aug 1852 (Reg 16 Dec 1852) Catharine Ross sold to John Ross all her right in Lot 27 Town of Niagara for 10 shillings (4345)

In 1852 (Reg 16 Dec 1852) John Ross sold to Jessie Ross ¼ acre in Lot 27 Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (4346)

On 28 Apr 1854 (Reg 23 May 1861) Jessie Ross gave a quitclaim to John Ross on all ½ acre in Lot 6, Town of Niagara with Lot 27 for 5 shillings (11789)

On 28 Apr 1854 (Reg 23 May 1861) Jessie Ross gave a quitclaim to John Ross on ½ acre in Lot 27 Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (11789)

On 28 Nov 1862 (Reg 9 Oct 1863) John Ross gave a quitclaim to Jessie Kerby Ross on all ½ acre in Lot 6, Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (13825)

On 28 Nov 1862 (Reg 9 Oct 1863) John Ross sold to Jessie K Ross ½ acre in Lot 27 Town of Niagara for 5 shillings (13823)

On 21 Feb 1860 (Reg 12 Sep 1863) John Ross willed to Alice Ross, his wife, all his estate (13782)

Ross, William C

On 16 Jul 1852 (Reg 7 Aug 1852) William C Ross et ux sold to Catharine Ross (widow) the west half of Lot 27 Town of Niagara (4089)

Rosine, Charles

On 4 Dec 1835 (Reg 18 Feb 1836) John, James and Agnes Rogers and M Blake sold to Charles Rosine ½ acre in Lot 45 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (10725)

On 4 Dec 1835 (Reg 18 Feb 1836) John, James and Agnes Rogers and M Blake sold to Charles Rosine ½ acre in Lot 52 Town of Niagara for ₤200 (10725)

On 24 Dec 1835 (Reg 22 Feb 1836) Charles Rosine sold to James Rogers ½ acre in Lot 45 Town of Niagara for ₤1000 (10726)

Rossin, Samuel

On 4 Jul 1855 (Reg 16 Aug 1859) Robert B Miller, Executor to George Houghton sold to Marcus and Samuel Rossin 6240 square feet in Lot 44 Town of Niagara for for ₤87 (10188)

Rowe, Charles

On 5 Apr 1825 (Reg 8 Feb 1833) Mary Trumble sold to Charles Rowe the southwest ¼ acre in Lot 13, Town of Niagara for ₤28.2.6 (9010)

Russell, James

On 17 Nov 1808 The Crown granted a patent to James Russell for all 1 acre in Lot 101 Town of Niagara

On 3 Oct 1807 (Reg 17 Jun 1817) James Russell sold to John Jones 1 acre in Lot 101 Town of Niagara (5220)

On 3 Oct 1807 (Reg 17 Jun 1817) James Russell sold to John Jones 1 acre in Lot 102 Town of Niagara (5220)

Russell, John

On 2 Jul 1831 (Reg 24 Apr 1833) John Russell et ux gave a quitclaim to George Morris on under half of Lot 48 Town of Niagara for ₤10 (9149) Wife supposed daughter of John Kelly

On 22 Dec 1834 (Reg 3 Feb 1835) Alexander Fraser sold to John Russell ¼ acre in the east half of Lot 33 Town of Niagara for ₤656 (10112)

On 28 Feb 1834 (Reg 14 Mar 1834) John Russell et ux sold to George Morris under half of Lot 48 Town of Niagara (1609)

On 3 Sep 1848 (Reg 30 Jan 1849) John Russell sold to John Eaglesum and William Little ¼ acre in the northeast part of Lot 33 Town of Niagara for ₤100 (1349)

Ryan, Richard and James

On 16 Apr 1841 (Reg 20 Apr 1841) Niagara Harbor and Dock Co gave a life lease to Richard Ryan and James Ryan on 2000 square feet in Lot 6 on Lockhart St in the Dock Property, Town of Niagara (287)