Humberstone Settlers "P"

Settler Records "P"

Humberstone Township, Welland County

Extracted from the

Abstracts of Deeds

Register of Humberstone Township

Palmer, Mary

On 15 Aug 1826 (Reg 16 Jun 1827) Henry Anguish and Elizabeth his wife sold to Mary Palmer 70 acres in the southeast part of Lot 9 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. for £50. Said devised by Lewis Mabee to his daughter the said Elizabeth (A120 #7045)

On 20 Apr 1827 (Reg 16 Jun 1827) Mary Palmer sold to Nicholas Mickle 70 acres in the southeast part of Lot 9 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. for £50 (A121 #7046)

Parker, George and William

On 13 Jul 1843 (Reg 31 Jul 1843) Edward Wilde sold to George Parker and William Parker ½ acre in Village Lot 19 south side of Main Street Port Colborne, Lot 29 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. for £75 (B100 #1414)

Parlet, Lewis

On 23 Oct 1839 (Reg 28 Oct 1839) John Wintermute sold to Lewis F Parlet 100 acres in the south half of Lot 17 Concession 3 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for £375 (A443 #12709)

On 4 Nov 1858 (Reg 10 Nov 1858) Jacob Parlet gave a quitclaim to Nelson Doan on 100 acres in the south part of Lot 17 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for $400 (B223 #6658)

Patterson, Cyrenius

On 4 Jan 1856 (Reg 21 Jan 1856) Joseph Parker, heir of Mrs. H Rivan sold to Cyrenius Patterson 200 acres in Lot 8 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. for £50 (B40 #3457)

On 3 Jan 1865 (Reg 28 Dec 1865) Syrenius Patteson et ux conveyed to George Creagor 200 acres in Lot 8 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. for £5 (C295 #14223)

Pattenson, Richard

On 26 Aug 1830 (Reg 13 Aug 1855) Richard Pattenson sold to Arthur J Robertson 160 acres in Lot 16 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. with other lands for £5000 (B1 #3064)

On 26 Aug 1830 (Reg 13 Aug 1855) Richard Pattinson only son of Richard Pattinson deceased sold to Arthur J Robinson his interest in 100 acres in Lot 28 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. with other lands for £5000 (B1 #3064)

On 25 Apr 1832 (Reg 13 Aug 1855) Ellen P Pattenson sold to Arthur J Robertson 160 acres in Lot 16 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. for (B2 #3064)

On 25 Apr 1832 (Reg 13 Aug 1855) Ellen P Pattinson daughter of Richard Pattinson deceased sold to Arthur J Robertson her interest in 100 acres in Lot 28 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. with other lands for £7000 (B2 #3065)

On 25 Jan 1833 (Reg 13 Aug 1855) Richard Pattenson et al sold to Arthur J Robertson 160 acres in Lot 16 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. (B3 #3066)

On 28 May 1833 (Reg 13 Aug 1855) Richard Pattinson et al sold to Arthur J Robertson 100 acres in Lot 28 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. with other lands for £8000 (B3 #3066)

Pauley, John

On 17 Dec 1860 (Reg 23 Feb 1861) Thomas C Street sold to John Pauley 100 acres in the southeast part of Lot 8 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. for £150 (B392 #9150)

On 18 Feb 1865 (Reg 26 Aug 1865) Martin Sheil et ux sold to John Pauley 25 acres in the south half of the east half of the north half of Lot 3 Concession 5 Humberstone Twp. for $600 (C267 #13771)

On 23 Jan 1865 (Reg 27 Jun 1865) John Pauley et ux sold to Peter Dubs 25 acres in the north half of the southwest quarter of Lot 14 Concession 5 Humberstone Twp. for $500 (C248 #13622)

Peacock, George

On 24 Feb 1836 (Reg 9 Apr 1836) Abraham Augustine sold to George Peacock 50 acres in the east half of the south half of Lot 19 Concession 5 Humberstone Twp. for £35 (A332 #10792)

On 9 Apr 1842 (Reg 7 Jul 1842) George Peacock sold to Abraham Augustine 50 acres in the east half of the south half of Lot 19 Concession 5 Humberstone Twp. for £35 (A498 #895)

Pearn, Thomas

On 19 Nov 1830 (Reg 13 May 1831) Samuel Street sold to Thomas Pearn 23 acres in the south end of broken Lot 1 Concession 5 Humberstone Twp. for £33.15. Commencing on the allowance for road in front of said lot between Humberstone and Bertie thence north 34 chains on said allowance thence west 6 chains 79 links to Lot No 2 in same concession and thence along No 2 thence east to the place of beginning (A172 #8221)

On 22 Nov 1848 (Reg 18 Jan 1849) Thomas Pearen sold to Jacob Holmes 23 acres in the south end of broken Lot 1 Concession 5 Humberstone Twp. for £100 (A41 #1216)

Pearson, Mathew D

On 27 Sep 1860 (Reg 27 Sep 1860) Mathew D Pearson gave an assignment of mortgage to Robert McCreadie on 25-¼ acres in Lots 15 and 16 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for $236 (B352 #8745)

Peer, Jacob

On 28 Nov 1822 (Reg 17 May 1839) Edward Peer by his attorney Jacob Peer sold to Samuel Bamburger 100 acres in the south half of Lot 22 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. for £20 (A430 #12493)

Pell, Jonathan A

On 10 Mar 1797 The Crown granted a patent to Jonathan Pell for 100 acres in the south half of Lot 10 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp.

On 10 Mar 1797 The Crown granted a patent to Jonathan Pell for all 400 acres in Lots 11 and 12 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp.

On 21 Nov 1825 (Reg 26 Nov 1825) Joshua L Pell heir at law of Joshua Pell and eldest son and heir at law of Jonathan A Pell sold to Samuel Street 2100 acres in Lots 11, 14, 15, 16 and 17, Concession 2 and Lots 8, 9 and 13, Concession 3 and the south part of Lots 11 and 12 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for £750 (A93 #6728)

Pell, Joseph

On 6 Apr 1797 The Crown granted a patent to Joseph Pell for all 400 acres in Lot 9 and 10 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp.

On 16 Feb 1798 (Reg 8 Apr 1800) Joshua Pell sold to Joseph Pell 1200 acres in Lots 11, 13, 15, 16 and 17, Concession 2 and Lot 13, Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. (A3 #181)

On 12 Oct 1803 (Reg 15 Oct 1807) Frederick Rowe and Sarah his wife sold to Joseph Pell 200 acres in Lot 14 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. Commencing at a post in front of the second concession marked 13/14 then running north 100 chains then west 20 chains then south 100 chains thence east 20 chains to the place of beginning (A34 #1282)

On 8 Apr 1811 (Reg 8 May 1811) Joseph Pell and Sarah his wife sold to Joshua Pell 1200 acres in Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, Concession 2 and Lot 13, Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. (A37 #1960)

On 31 Aug 1824 (Reg 10 Sep 1824) Joseph Pell sold to John Sherk 200 acres in Lot 9 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £250 (A88 #6527)

On 21 Feb 1826 (Reg 3 Jul 1826) Joseph Pell sold to Peter Sherk 100 acres in the north half of Lot 10 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £112.10 (A101 #6850)

On 2 Nov 1826 (Reg 8 Jan 1828) Joseph Pell sold to Ira Bearss 100 acres in the south half of Lot 10 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £125 (A130 #7177)

On 1 Mar 1831 (Reg 20 May 1831) Joseph Pell sold to Nicholas Michael 100 acres in the south half of Lot 11 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £112.10 (A175 #8231)

On 18 May 1840 (Reg 14 Sep 1840) Joseph Pell sold to Joseph Zavitz 100 acres in the north half of Lot 11 [Concession not stated] Humberstone Twp. for £150 (A458 #6)

Pell, Joshua

On 10 Mar 1797 The Crown granted a patent to Joshua Pell for all 200 acres in Lot 11 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp.

On 10 Mar 1797 The Crown granted a patent to Joshua Pell for all 200 acres in Lot 13 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp.

On 10 Mar 1797 The Crown granted a patent to Joshua Pell for all Lot 15 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp.

On 10 Mar 1797 The Crown granted a patent to Joshua Pell for all Lot 16 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp.

On 10 Mar 1797 The Crown granted a patent to Joshua Pell for all Lot 17 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp.

On 10 Mar 1797 The Crown granted a patent to Joshua Pell for all 200 acres in Lot 13 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp.

On 16 Feb 1798 (Reg 8 Apr 1800) Joshua Pell sold to Joseph Pell 1200 acres in Lots 11, 13, 15, 16 and 17, Concession 2 and Lot 13, Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. (A3 #181)

On 8 Apr 1811 (Reg 8 May 1811) Joseph Pell and Sarah his wife sold to Joshua Pell 1200 acres in Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, Concession 2 and Lot 13, Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. (A37 #1960)

On 3 Feb 1813 The Crown granted a patent to Joshua Pell Sr for all 200 acres in Lot 8 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp.

On 3 Feb 1813 The Crown granted a patent to Joshua Pell Sr for all 200 acres in Lot 9 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp.

On 23 Jun 1818 (Reg 22 Jul 1818) Joshua Pell sold to Benjamin Morningstar 200 acres in Lot 13 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £250 (A70 #5436)

Pell, Joshua L.

On 21 Nov 1825 (Reg 26 Nov 1825) Joshua L Pell heir at law of Joshua Pell and eldest son and heir at law of Jonathan A Pell sold to Samuel Street 2100 acres in Lots 11, 14, 15, 16 and 17, Concession 2 and Lots 8, 9 and 13, Concession 3 and the south part of Lots 11 and 12 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for £750 (A93 #6728)

On 25 Aug 1843 (Reg 20 Oct 1843) Joshua Pell, heir at law of Joshua Pell the elder and heir at law of John Pell Major et ux sold to Samuel Street 200 acres in Lot 13 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. for £75 (A532 #1511)

Pellman, Henry

On 17 Feb 1852 (Reg 19 Jul 1852) Carl Malze et ux sold to Henry Pellman et al 10 acres in the southeast part of Lot 11 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £25 (A178 #277)

Peter, George

On 14 Sep 1846 (Reg 27 Oct 1846) Gilbert McMicking et ux sold to George Peter 90 acres in the south half of Lot 19 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. for £135. Commening at the southwest angle of said lot thence north 50 chains more or less to centre of said lot thence east 20 chains more or less to eastern limit of said lot thence south 27 chains 50 links more or less to land sold off said lot for taxes thence west 4 chains 49 links thence south 22 chains 45 links more or less to the front of said lot thence west 15 chains 51 links more or less to place of beginning (31 #3141)

On 3 Mar 1847 (Reg 29 Mar 1847) George Peter sold to John Heidensberger 90 acres in the south half of Lot 19 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. for £135 (A1 #22)

Peter, John

On 7 Mar 1837 (Reg 7 Oct 1837) David Bearss et ux sold to John Peter 50 acres in the northwest quarter of Lot 6 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £100 (A403 #11793)

On 12 Jun 1843 (Reg 15 Aug 1843) Daniel Cline sold to John Peter 50 acres in the north half of the east half of Lot 6 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £75 (A528 #1431)

On 10 Nov 1847 (Reg 17 Oct 1849) John Peter gave a quitclaim to Daniel Cline on 50 acres in the north half of the east half of Lot 6 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £75 (A60 #1707)

On 5 Jul 1848 (Reg 20 Nov 1849) Augustus House et ux sold to John Peter 100 acres in the north half of Lot 6 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £300 (A70 #1792)

Petty, John and Margery

On 1 Dec 1798 The Crown granted a patent to Margery Petty for all 400 acres in Lots 9 and 10 Concession 5 Humberstone Twp.

On 1 Dec 1798 The Crown granted a patent to Margery Petty for all 400 acres in Lots 9 and 10 Concession 5 Humberstone Twp.

On 31 Aug 1805 (Reg 1 Feb 1806) John Petty and Margery his wife sold to George Lutz 200 acres in Lot 10 Concession 5 Humberstone Twp. (A19 #945)

Petzke, Christopher

On 11 Aug 1854 (Reg 11 Mar 1861) William Michael et ux sold to Christop Petzke 1 acre in Lot 7 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. for £100 (B396 #9249)

On 14 Apr 1862 (Reg 9 Feb 1863) Christopher Petzke et ux sold to Mary E Forsyth 1 acre in Lot 7 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. for $350 (C51 #11091)

Pineo, Bentley

On 26 Sep 1862 (Reg 23 Oct 1862) Walter Doan gave an agreement to Bentley Pineo for the oak timber in 100 acres in the north half of Lot 15 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. for $80 (C29 #10791)

On 28 Jul 1864 (Reg 14 Sep 1864) Bentley Pineo gave a quitclaim to Nelson Doan on 100 acres in the north half of Lot 15 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. for $90 (C153 #12734)

Plumb, Elizabeth

On 13 Nov 1849 (Reg 1 Sep 1851) Thomas C Street sold to Elizabeth Plumb 30-2/3 acres in the north part of Lot 1 Concession 5 Humberstone Twp. for 5 shillings (A121 #3370)

Plumb, Josiah B

On 20 Nov 1849 (Reg 23 Dec 1854) Josiah B Plumb et al gave a deed of trust to Thomas C Street on 30-2/3 acres in the north part of Lot 1 Concession 5 Humberstone Twp. for 5 shillings (A408 #2362)

Poehlman, Caroline A

On 23 Mar 1861 (Reg 26 May 1862) John H Wetzel sold to Caroline A Poehlman 2 acres in Lot 21 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for $50 (B482 #10416)

On 23 Mar 1861 (Reg 26 May 1862) Caroline A Poehlman gave a life lease to John H Woetzel on 2 acres in Lot 21 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for (B483 #10417)

Poehlmann, Ernest

On 10 Mar 1860 (Reg 24 Mar 1860) John Shaubel et ux sold to Ernest Poehlmann 25 acres in Lot 19 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. for $350 (B304 #8232)

Pouly, John

On 1 Feb 1856 (Reg 19 Mar 1856) James Kennedy et ux sold to John Pouly 13 acres on the Townline between Humberstone (B50 #3677)

Pound, Amy

On 30 Aug 1849 (Reg 18 Jun 1852) John Fritz sold to Amy Pound 17 acres 1 rood 10 perches in the east part of the west half of Lot 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for £40 (A170 #204)

On 7 Oct 1852 (Reg 7 Oct 1852) John Frtiz et al gave a quitclaim to Amy Pound on 17-5/16 acres in the north part of the south half of Lot 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for £40 (A190 #438)

Pound, Benjamin F

On 22 Jun 1840 (Reg 17 Aug 1840) Samuel Street sold to Benjamin Pound 5 acres in the south of centre part in Lot 1 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. for £6.5 (A456 #13091)

On 9 Nov 1852 (Reg 7 Oct 1853) Benjamin F Pound sold to George Keefer et al 5 acres in the south of centre of Lot 1 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. with other lands for £41 (A279)

On 9 Nov 1852 (Reg 7 Oct 1853) Benjamin F Pound sold to George Keefer et al 28 acres in the north part of the front half of Lot 2 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. with other lands for £41 (A279)

Pound, Daniel Sr.

On 6 Apr 1797 The Crown granted a patent to Daniel Pound for all 200 acres in Lot 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp.

On 6 Apr 1797 The Crown granted a patent to Daniel Pound for the front half of Lot 2 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp.

On 15 Jul 1823 (Reg 4 Oct 1828) Daniel Pound sold to Daniel Pound Jr 200 pounds in the rear half of Lot 2 Concession 3 and the front half of Lot 2 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. for £150 (A139 #7392)

Pound, Daniel Jr.

On 15 Jul 1823 (Reg 4 Oct 1828) Daniel Pound sold to Daniel Pound Jr 200 pounds in the rear half of Lot 2 Concession 3 and the front half of Lot 2 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. for £150 (A139 #7392)

On 21 Dec 1814 (Reg 25 Mar 1835) Daniel Pound sold to William Pound 100 acres in the front half of Lot 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for £62.10 (A298 #10193)

Pound, Daniel (3)

On 22 Jun 1840 (Reg 15 Aug 1840) Samuel Street sold to Daniel Pound 28 acres in the north half of Lot 1 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for £35 (A455 #13090)

On 3 Oct 1844 (Reg 5 Oct 1844) Daniel Pound gave a mortgage to Thomas C Street 28 acres in the north end of the rear half of Lot 2 Concession 3 and 100 acres in the front half of Lot 2 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. for £114.14.3 (A539 #1885)

On 29 Oct 1856 (Reg 30 Jan 1857) Jacob Pound et ux gave a quitclaim to Daniel Pound on 10 acres in the north end of the north half of Lot 1 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for 5 shillings (B104 #4550)

On 29 Oct 1856 (Reg 30 Jan 1857) Jacob Pound et ux gave a quitclaim to Daniel Pound on 51 acres in the north half of the rear half of Lot 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for 5 shillings (B104 #4550)

Pound, Elizabeth

On 15 Dec 1842 (Reg 21 Apr 1849) Smith Shotwell and James Pound sold to Elizabeth Pound, Laudeya S Pound and Rachel Pound 67-½ acres in the west half of the east half of Lot 2 and the west half of the south half of Lot 1 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for £100 (A57 #1421)

On 15 Dec 1842 (Reg 21 Apr 1849) Smith Shotwell and James Pound sold to Elizabeth Pound, Laudeya S Pound and Rachel Pound 67-½ acres in the west half of the east half of Lot 2 and the west half of the south half of Lot 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for £100 (A57 #1421)

Pound, Jacob

On 2 Nov 1855 (Reg 3 Nov 1855) Jacob Pound et al sold to Victoria Banks et al 36 acres in the west half of the south half of Lot 2 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. for £87.10 (3268)

On 29 Oct 1856 (Reg 13 Dec 1856) Sarah Pound gave a release of dower to Jacob Pound on 18 acres in part of the north half of Lot 1 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for 5 shillings (B99 #4341)

On 2 Nov 1855 (Reg 2 Nov 1855) Thomas C Street gave a discharge to Jacob Pound on 100 acres in the front half of Lot 2 Concession 4 and the north end of Lot 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. (B15 #3272)

On 2 Nov 1855 (Reg 2 Nov 1855) Thomas C Street gave a discharge to Jacob Pound on 100 acres in the front half of Lot 2 Concession 4 and the north end of Lot 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. (B15 #3272)

On 29 Oct 1856 (Reg 30 Jan 1857) Jacob Pound et ux gave a quitclaim to Daniel Pound on 10 acres in the north end of the north half of Lot 1 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for 5 shillings (B104 #4550)

On 29 Oct 1856 (Reg 13 Dec 1856) Sarah Pound gave a release of dower to Jacob Pound on 50 acres in the south half of the north half of Lot 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for 5 shillings (B99 #4341)

On 29 Oct 1856 (Reg 30 Jan 1857) Jacob Pound et ux gave a quitclaim to Daniel Pound on 51 acres in the north half of the rear half of Lot 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for 5 shillings (B104 #4550)

On 9 Apr 1860 (Reg 12 May 1860) William Haun et ux sold to Jacob Pound 60 acres in the southeast part of Lot 3 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. for $2000 (B321 #8404)

On 9 Apr 1860 (Reg 12 May 1860) William Haun et ux sold to Jacob Pound 60 acres in the southeast part of Lot 3 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. for $2000 (B322 #8405)

On 9 Apr 1860 (Reg 30 Apr 1860) Jacob Pound et ux gave a quitclaim to William Haun on 61 acres in the south half of the north half of Lots 1 and 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for $2000 (B317 #8374)

On 9 Apr 1860 (Reg 30 Apr 1860) Jacob Pound et ux sold to William Haun 61 acres in the east half of the north half of Lots 1 and 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for $2000 (B317 #8374)

On 10 May 1860 (Reg 12 May 1860) Jacob Pound et ux sold to Elizabeth Michael 66 acres in the north part of Lot 3 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. reserving ¼ acre for burying ground for $1000 (B320 #8403)

Pound, James

On 15 Dec 1842 (Reg 21 Apr 1849) Smith Shotwell and James Pound sold to Elizabeth Pound, Laudeya S Pound and Rachel Pound 67-½ acres in the west half of the east half of Lot 2 and the west half of the south half of Lot 1 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for £100 (A57 #1421)

On 8 Jul 1853 (Reg 8 Jul 1853) James Pound et ux sold to Elizabeth Pound et al 50 acres in the west half of the south half of Lot 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for 5 shillings (A239 #1080)

Pound, Samuel

On 8 Jul 1853 (Reg 8 Jul 1853) Simon Zavitz et al sold to Samuel Pound 17 acres in the west half of the south half of Lot 1 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for 5 shillings (A261 #1081)

On 8 Jul 1853 (Reg 8 Jul 1853) John Fritz et al sold to Samuel Pound 34-5/8 acres in the west half of the south half of Lot 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for £150 (A263)

On 28 Oct 1854 (Reg 28 Oct 1854) George Bitner et ux sold to Samuel Pound 17-5/16 acres in the south half of Lot 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for £150 (A290 #2226)

Pound, Sarah

On 15 Dec 1842 (Reg 21 Apr 1849) Smith Shotwell and James Pound sold to Elizabeth Pound, Laudeya S Pound and Rachel Pound 67-½ acres in the west half of the east half of Lot 2 and the west half of the south half of Lot 1 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for £100 (A57 #1421)

On 29 Oct 1856 (Reg 13 Dec 1856) Sarah Pound gave a release of dower to Jacob Pound on 18 acres in part of the north half of Lot 1 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for 5 shillings (B99 #4341)

On 29 Oct 1856 (Reg 13 Dec 1856) Sarah Pound gave a release of dower to Jacob Pound on 50 acres in the south half of the north half of Lot 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for 5 shillings (B99 #4341)

Pound, William

On 21 Dec 1814 (Reg 25 Mar 1835) Daniel Pound sold to William Pound 100 acres in the front half of Lot 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for £62.10 (A298 #10193)

On 15 Feb 1827 (Reg 13 Oct 1852) William Pound devised to his wife Susannah during her natural life all his landed estate in Humberstone north of the road leading from Jacob Sherk’s to the bower near the mouth of Black Creek except 4 acres… after sundry bequests of his real estate. He appointed Smith Shotwell and Jacob Sherk executors (A195 #451)

On 30 Mar 1829 (Reg 21 Jul 1839) Samuel Street and Abigail Hide his wife sold to Smith Shotwell, Executor under the will of William Pound 34 acres in the south half of broken Lot 4 Concession 1 (sic: Lot 1 Concession 3) Humberstone Twp. for £50 (A150 #7963)

On 15 Dec 1842 (Reg 21 Apr 1849) Smith Shotwell and James Pound sold to Elizabeth Pound, Laudeya S Pound and Rachel Pound 67-½ acres in the west half of the east half of Lot 2 and the west half of the south half of Lot 1 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for £100 (A57 #1421)

On 15 Dec 1842 (Reg 21 Apr 1849) Smith Shotwell and James Pound sold to Elizabeth Pound, Laudeya S Pound and Rachel Pound 67-½ acres in the west half of the east half of Lot 2 and the west half of the south half of Lot 2 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. for £100 (A57 #1421)

Powell, William

On 25 Jan 1841 The Crown granted a patent to William Powell for all 200 acres in Lot 26 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp.

On 22 Apr 1841 (Reg 3 Aug 1841) William Powell, Executor of late Peter Wintermute sold to Samuel Street 200 acres in Lot 26 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. for £51 (A474 #431)

Prentice, John

On 19 Jul 1842 (Reg 10 Oct 1842) James B J Hilton sold to John Prentice ½ acre in Lot 12 Main Street and Lot 1 Church Street Petersburgh Lot 27 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £150 (B95 #1045)

On 24 Feb 1849 (Reg 27 Mar 1831) Jacob Neff sold to John Prentis 20 acres in Lot 21 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £100 (A102 #2833)

On 4 Mar 1850 (Reg 1 Oct 1851) John Prentis sold to Daniel Fry ¼ acre in Village Lot 9 Petersburgh in the northeast quarter of Lot 28 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £50 (A128 #3457)

On 27 Jun 1854 (Reg 26 Jul 1855) John Prentis et ux sold to John G Rosher 20 acres in Lot 21 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. for £200 (A447 #31024)

On 27 Jun 1854 (Reg 26 Jul 1855) John Prentis et ux sold to John G Rother 20 acres in Lot 21 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £200 (A447 #3014)

Price, David

On 9 Jun 1832 (Reg 16 Aug 1832) John Macklem sold to David Price 1 rood 4 perches in Lot 29 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. for £10. Commencing where a stake has been planted marked No 4 on Main St. Port Colborne (A206 #8730)

On 4 Feb 1834 (Reg 27 Feb 1834) Abraham Neff Jr sold to David Price 3.5 in Village Lots 1 and 2 Petersburgh in the southwest part of Lot 28 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £20 (A265 #9578)

On 16 Aug 1836 (Reg 9 Sep 1836) David Price sold to John Kenely 1 acre 22 perches in village lots 1 and 2 in the southwest quarter of Lot 28 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £300 (A360 #11108)

On 2 Feb 1844 (Reg 7 Oct 1844) David Price et ux sold to James Logan 1 rood 26 perches in Village Lot 2 on the south side of the street running through the village in Petersburgh, Lot 28 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £25. Commencing in centre of Village Lot 2 then northwest 1 chain (A660)

On 25 Apr 1848 (Reg 20 Dec 1849) David Price willed to Sarah Price 1 acre 34 perches in Lot 29 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. (A72 #1833)

Price, Elizabeth A J

On 10 Dec 1835 (Reg 9 Sep 1836) Bartholomew Tench sold to Elizabeth A J Price 1/8 acre in village lot 32 on Tench Street, Petersburgh in Lot 28 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. for £25 (A362 #11110)

Price, Eunice

On 14 Jun 1842 (Reg 30 Dec 1852) Samuel Street sold to Eunice Price 2 acres in the north half of Lot 15 Concession 5 Humberstone Twp. commencing at the northeast angle for 5 shillings (A508 #1141)