Stamford Settlers "F"

Settler Records "F"

Stamford Township, Welland County

Extracted from the

Abstracts of Deeds

Register of Stamford Township

Falconbridge, Mary

On 5 May 1840 (Reg 1 Jul 1840) Edward Durham sold to Mary Falconbridge land in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southwest corner of John Clark’s lot for ₤50 (B370 #13004)

On 29 Apr 1846 (Reg 4 Aug 1847) Ezra Durham et ux sold to Mary Falconbridge 2 roods 1 perch in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. for ₤30 (A17 #204)

On 6 Jul 1847 (Reg 9 Jul 1847) William Falconbridge sold to Armanelle Corbell and Mary Falconbridge 1 acre in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. for ₤200 (A12 #172)

On 13 Dec 1853 (Reg 5 Apr 1854) Gilbert McMicken et ux gave a quitclaim to Mary Falconbridge on 2 roods 1 perch and 2 parcels in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. for ₤80 (B168 #1771)

Falconbridge, Samuel

On 16 Aug 1838 (Reg 11 Oct 1838) Samuel Street for himself and as Executor to Thomas Clark sold to Samuel Falconbridge 700 square feet in Lot Letter A, Block 3, City of the Falls in the Broken Front of Lot 159, Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (B292 #12173)

On 7 Apr 1841 (Reg 29 May 1841) Samuel Street sold to Samuel Falconbridge 1 acre in the east end of Lot 142 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (B426 #340)

On 3 Dec 1842 (Reg 28 Jun 1843) Reuben Pew sold to Samuel Falconbridge land in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. for ₤95.16 (B514 #1362)

On 27 Dec 1845 (Reg 17 Apr 1846) Samuel Falconbridge Sr sold to Armanella Corbett and Mary Falconbridge 2016 square feet on Portage Road in the Village of Drummondville, Lot 143 Stamford Twp. for ₤500 (C68 #2851)

On 28 Jun 1847 (Reg 4 Aug 1847) Samuel Falconbridge et ux sold to Henry Taylor 4455 square feet in the Village of Drummondville, Lot 143 Stamford Twp. for ₤68.5 (A27 #416)

On 23 Oct 1848 (Reg 27 Oct 1848) Samuel Falconbridge Sr et ux sold to Benjamin Chadwick 7540 square feet in the village of Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. for ₤300 (A92 #1031)

On 29 Oct 1850 (Reg 30 Oct 1850) Armanella Corbett and Mary Falconbridge sold to Joseph C Woodruff 2016 square feet in the Village of Drummondville, Lot 143 Stamford Twp. on the west side of Portage Road for ₤750 (A234 #2467)

On 13 Jun 1853 (Reg 24 Oct 1853) Samuel Falconbridge et ux sold to John Roberts 1 acre on the south side of Lundys Lane in the east end of the Village of Drummondville, Lot 142 Stamford Twp. for ₤100 (B86 #1246)

On 25 Nov 1858 (Reg 7 Mar 1859) Samuel Falconbridge willed to Armanilla Corbett and Mary Falconbridge all his estate (B781 #7073)

Falconbridge, Samuel Jr

On 1 Sep 1843 (Reg 20 Jan 1844) Samuel Falconbridge Jr gave a mortgage to Henry Lampman on a lot in the Village of Drummondville, Lot 143 Stamford Twp. starting at the south corner of William Russell’s lot for ₤50 (B533 #1580)

On 28 Jun 1848 (Reg 10 Aug 1848) Archibald Thompson, John Dobbie and George Ross, Executors to Henry Taylor sold to Samuel Falconbridge the younger 4455 square feet in the Village of Drummondville, Lot 143 Stamford Twp. for for ₤72.5.11 (A82 #918)

On 14 Nov 1854 (Reg 11 Jan 1855) Samuel Falconbridge Jr et ux sold to Archibald Gray land in the Village of Drummondville, Lot 143 Stamford Twp. commencing at the east corner of W Russell’s lot for ₤125 (B258 #2400)

Falconbridge, William

On 4 May 1836 (Reg 9 Jul 1836) Joseph Merriam sold to William Falconbridge 1 acre commencing at the southeast angle of Lot 130 Stamford Twp. for ₤100 (B195 #10930)

On 8 Nov 1836 (Reg 19 May 1838) Benjamin Corwin sold to Samuel Falconbridge 1 acre in Lot 143 Stamford Twp. for ₤200 (B280 #11964)

On 27 Sep 1837 (Reg 19 May 1838) Samuel Falconbridge Sr sold to Joseph Cole 1 acre in Lot 143 Stamford Twp. for ₤250 (B281 #11965)

On 15 Jan 1839 (Reg 14 Feb 1839) Edward Durham sold to Samuel Falconbridge 20 perches in Lot 130 Stamford Twp. for ₤10 (B205 #12333)

On 18 Mar 1839 (Reg 12 Apr 1839) William Chessell sold to Samuel Falconbridge Jr a lot in the Village of Drummondville, Lot 143 Stamford Twp. for ₤100 (B309 #12434)

On 6 Jul 1847 (Reg 9 Jul 1847) William Falconbridge sold to Armanelle Corbell and Mary Falconbridge 1 acre in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. for ₤200 (A12 #172)

On 28 Nov 1858 (Reg 7 Mar 1857) Samuel Falconbridge willed to Armarilla Corbett and Mary Falconbridge all his estate (B451 #7073)

Faling, Peter

On 16 May 1840 (Reg 18 Feb 1847) Edward Durham sold to Peter Faling land in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. commencing 6 chains 11 degrees west from the northwest corner for ₤10 (C4114 #3291)

On 30 Jul 1840 (Reg 18 Feb 1847) John Latshaw sold to Peter Faling land in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. commencing 5 chains 7 links north 11 degrees west from west corner of James Macklem’s lot for ₤100 (C115 #3292)

On 9 Aug 1841 (Reg 18 Feb 1847) Edward Durham sold to Peter Faling land in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. commencing 10 chains from the southeast corner then west 7 chains for ₤100 (C116 #3293)

On 15 Feb 1847 (Reg 18 Feb 1847) Peter Faling et ux sold to Frederick Hutt 6 acres 9 perches in 3 parcels in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. for ₤387 (C97 #3294)

Fanning, John

On 14 Sep 1796 (Reg 16 Sep 1796) John Burch gave a lease to Benjamin Hardison and John Fanning on all of Lots 191, 192 and 193 with Broken Front Stamford Twp. with other lands (A1 #8)

On 15 Sep 1796 (Reg 16 Sep 1796) John Burch gave a release to Benjamin Hardison and John Fanning on all of Lots 191, 192 and 193 with Broken Front Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤125 (A2 #9)

On 15 Sep 1796 (Reg 16 Sep 1796) John Burch sold to Benjamin Hardison and John Fanning all of Lots 191, 192 and 193 with Broken Front Stamford Twp. with other lands (A2 #17)

On 15 Sep 1796 (Reg 16 Sep 1796) John Burch gave a release to Benjamin Hardison and John Fanning on all of Lots 223 and 224 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤125 (A2 #9)

On 15 Sep 1796 (Reg 16 Sep 1796) John Burch sold to Benjamin Hardison and John Fanning all of Lots 223 and 224 Stamford Twp. with other lands (A2 #17)

On 19 Nov 1796 (Reg 26 Jan 1798) John Fanning gave a quitclaim to Benjamin Hardison on all Lots 191, 192 and 193 with Broken Front, Lots 222 and 224 Stamford Twp. for ₤175 (A9 #43)

On 21 Nov 1796 (Reg 9 Mar 1798) Benjamin Hardison sold to John Fanning 2 acres in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. west of the Military Reserve (A11 #52)

On 20 Jan 1798 (Reg 9 Mar 1798) John Fanning sold to James Macklem 2 acres in Lot 224 Stamford Twp. (A12 #53)

On 30 May 1809 the Crown granted a patent to Thomas Wilson, John Wilson and John Fanning 200 acres in Lots 96 and 207 Stamford Twp.

On 30 May 1809 the Crown granted a patent to Thomas Wilson, John Wilson and John Fanning 200 acres in Lots 96 and 107 Stamford Twp.

On 28 May 1816 (Reg 11 Sep 1817) James Macklem and James Cummings, Executors of the will of John Fanning deceased, sold to Frederick Brackbill 49 acres in the east part of Lot 141 Stamford Twp. for ₤200 (A275 #5290)

On 12 Mar 1818 the Crown granted to Thomas Willson, John Willson and John Fanning 50 acres in the east half of Lot 98 Stamford Twp.

On 12 Mar 1818 the Crown granted to Thomas Willson, John Willson and John Fanning 50 acres in the east half of Lot 98 Stamford Twp.

Farnell, Agnew Patrick and Catharine

On 31 Jul 1834 (Reg 5 Aug 1836) Isaac Durham et ux sold to Catharine Farnell 122 acres in Lot 216 Stamford Twp. for ₤826 (B206 #11047)

On 11 Jul 1836 (Reg 26 Sep 1836) Agnew Patrick Farrell and Catharine Farrell wife, formerly Catharine Purnell sold to William Randolph Hopkins 122 acres in Lot 216 Stamford Twp. for ₤650 (B210 #11137)

Farnell, William S

On 18 Jul 1855 (Reg 31 Jul 1855) Solomon Whybra et ux sold to William S Farnell land in the Village of Drummondville in Lot 130 Stamford Twp. commencing at the corner of the west side of the Methodist Chapel for ₤150 (B344 #3025)

Ferguson, John

On 3 Sep 1847 (Reg 16 Jun 1848) Adam Killman et ux sold to John Ferguson 12 acres 2 roods 30 perches in part of Lots 77 and 90 Lot 77 Stamford Twp. for ₤142.16.4 (A62 #763)

On 6 Jun 1853 (Reg 8 Jun 1853) John Ferguson sold to Hiram Cook on 12 acres 2 roods 30 perches in part of Lots 77 and 90 Lot 77 Stamford Twp. for ₤300 (B35 #988)

Ferm, Joseph

On 21 Sep 1804 (Reg 30 Jan 1805) Joseph Ferm et ux sold to William Pew 100 acres in Lot 136 Stamford Twp. (A50 #705)

Fields, William and Jane

On 24 Mar 1852 (Reg 16 Jun 1856) Fanny McMurray sold to William Fields ¾ acre in the Village of Drummondville, Lot 142 Stamford Twp. on the south side of Lundy’s Lane for ₤150 (B452 #3871)

On 25 Mar 1852 (Reg 10 May 1852) William Fields et ux sold to Benjamin Chadwick ¾ acre in the east end of the Village of Drummondville, Lot 142 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (A318 #107)

On 5 Jan 1860 (Reg 6 Jan 1860) John Vanderburgh et ux sold to Jane Fields 5 acres in Lot 138 Stamford Twp. commencing in the southwest angle for $1000.00 (B861 #7970)

On 5 Jan 1860 (Reg 2 Jan 1861) Jane Fields wife of William Fields gave a mortgage to John Vanderburgh on 5 acres in Lot 138 Stamford Twp. commencing in the southwest angle for $400.00 (C59 #8987)

On 20 Mar 1862 (Reg 20 Mar 1862) John Vanderburgh gave a discharge of mortgage to Jane Fields on 5 acres in Lot 138 Stamford Twp. commencing in the southwest angle (C60 #10231)

On 20 Mar 1862 (Reg 20 Mar 1862) William Fields and Jane his wife who departs with her estate sold to John Vanderburgh 5 acres in Lot 138 Stamford Twp. commencing in the southwest angle for $1000.00 (C150 #10232)

Fisken, John

On 16 Feb 1863 (Reg 25 Feb 1863) Chancery Certificate between George Robson, Plaintiff and George Matheson, William Ross, James Mitchell, John Fisken and William Matheson, Defendants on 43 square rods in the Village of Drummondville, Lot 143 Stamford Twp. (C211 #11152)

Fitch, David D and Amelia L

On 3 Sep 1851 (Reg 4 Oct 1851) Mary Hutt widow of Frederick Hutt sold to Amelia L Fitch 50 acres in the east half of Lot 87 Stamford Twp. for ₤500 (A304 #3468)

On 5 Apr 1855 (Reg 24 Apr 1855) George H Wright et ux sold to David D Fitch 9 acres in Lot 105 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southeast angle for ₤200 (B305 #2789)

On 5 Apr 1855 (Reg 24 Apr 1855) Peter S Wright sold to David D Fitch 9 acres in Lot 105 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southeast angle for ₤175 (B311 #2792)

On 29 Nov 1858 (Reg 2 Dec 1858) David Fitch and Amelia his wife who bars dower and inheritance sold to Frederick Hutt 50 acres in the east half of Lot 87 Stamford Twp. for for $4500.00 (B755 #6747)

On 6 Dec 1858 (Reg 31 Jan 1858) David D Fitch et ux sold to Frederick A Hutt 18 acres in Lot 105 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southeast angle for $1000.00 (B772 #6945)

Fitch, Elias

On 20 Oct 1858 (Reg 29 Oct 1858) Mary VanEvery widow of Joseph VanEvery, William VanEvery and Mary L VanEvery his wife sold to Elias Fitch 40 acres partly in Lot 11 Gore Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤1000 (B748 #6630)

On 20 Oct 1858 (Reg 29 Oct 1858) Elias Fitch et ux sold to Mary VanEvery 40 acres partly in Lot 11 Gore Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤500 (B749 #6631)

On 9 Nov 1861 (Reg 22 Nov 1861) Elias Fitch sold to Thomas Lampman land in Lots 183 and 184 Niagara Twp. and Lot 11 Gore Stamford Twp. less 20 acres off the east end of Lot 184 and those portions of lot conveyed by Elias Fitch to Mary VanEvery for $1800.00 (C138 #9881)

On 16 May 1863 (Reg 18 May 1863) Caleb Garrion sold to Elias Fitch 65 acres in Lot 93 Township of Niagara and Gore of Stamford Twp. for $1300.00 (C224 #11414)

On 9 Jun 1863 (Reg 22 Oct 1863) Esther Harvey gave a quitclaim to Elias Fitch on 65 acres in Lot 93 Township of Niagara and Gore of Stamford Twp. for $1300.00 (C255 #11791)

On 9 Jun 1863 (Reg 22 Oct 1863) Esther Harvey (widow) gave a quitclaim to Elias Fitch on land in Lot 5 Stamford Twp. for $1300.00 (C235 #11791)

On 23 Dec 1865 (Reg 23 Dec 1865) Elias Fitch et ux gave a mortgage to Thomas Burns on 65 acres in Lot 93 Township of Niagara and Gore of Stamford Twp. known as the Caleb Garrion Farm for $600.00 (C389 #14184)

Fitch, Nathan T

On 5 Mar 1859 (Reg 26 May 1859) George M Ostrander et ux sold to Nathan T Fitch 16-¾ acres in Lot 9 Gore Stamford Twp. less 9-29/100 acres sold to the Great Western Rail Road and 2 acres sold to Deborah Nevills, for $500 (B817 #7364)

On 10 Mar 1860 (Reg 23 Mar 1860) Nathan T Fitch and Katharine Laverne his wife gave an assignment to John Dunnigan for himself and for the benefit of the other creditors 16-¾ acres in Lot 9 Gore Stamford Twp. less 9-29/100 acres sold to the Great Western Rail Road and 2 acres sold to Deborah Nevills, for 5 shillings (B876 #8224)

On 10 Mar 1860 (Reg 23 Mar 1860) Nathan T Fitch and Catharine Caroline his wife gave an assignment to John Dunigan for himself and for the benefit of the creditors 16-¾ acres [See Lot 9 Gore] with other lands for 5 shillings (B576 #8224)

Fortner of Stamford Twp.

On 20 Jul 1832 (Reg 8 Oct 1849) Jonas Fortner willed to Catharine Fortner for her life then upon her death to be sold and divided between his sons all 100 acres in Lot 182 Stamford Twp. (A145 #1714)

On 6 Oct 1854 (Reg 28 Oct 1854) Andrew Fortner, Executor of Jonas Fortner sold to John Dixon 102 acres in Lot 182 Stamford Twp. for ₤600 (B240 #2224)

Forsyth, Edward Lee

On 1 May 1863 (Reg 30 Jul 1864) Peter Sutton et ux sold to Edward Lee Forsyth 2 acres in Lot 170 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southeast angle for $120.00 (C307 #12597)

Forsyth, Hiram

On 6 Apr 1854 (Reg 12 May 1854) Samuel Zimmerman sold to Hiram Forsyth 7500 square feet in Lot 10 Block K, Village of Elgin for ₤100 (B190 #1873)

On 6 Apr 1854 (Reg 12 May 1854) Hiram Forsyth et ux gave a mortgage to S Zimmerman on Lot 10 Block K, Village of Elgin for ₤50 (B1919 #1874)

On 19 Sep 1854 (Reg 20 Sep 1859) Joseph A Woodruff, Richard Miller, John L Ramsey and Richard Woodruff, Executors of the late S Zimmerman gave a discharge to Hiram Forsyth on Lot 10 Block K, Village of Elgin (B191 #1685)

Forsyth, James

On 31 Dec 1798 the Crown granted a patent to James Forsyth for all 200 acres in Lots 143 and 144 Stamford Twp.

On 31 Dec 1798 the Crown granted a patent to James Forsyth on 30 acres in the north half of Lot 145 Stamford Twp.

On 31 Dec 1798 the Crown granted a patent to James Forsyth on all 100 acres in Lot 146 Stamford Twp.

20 May 1799 (Reg 17 Feb 1800) James Forsyth et ux sold to Christopher Buchner 50 acres in the south part of Lot 146 Stamford Twp. with other lands (A20 #167)

On 8 Feb 1800 (Reg 11 Feb 1800) James Forsyth et ux gave a deed of gift to William Forsyth of 235 acres in part of Lots 143, 144 and 146 Stamford Twp. (A19 #166)

Forsyth, John Blackwood

On 18 Nov 1841 (Reg 4 Jul 1842) William Duff gave a lease for one year to Thomas B Anderson and John Blackwood Forsyth on 1 acre in Village of Chippawa, Lot 223 Stamford Twp. (B464 #863)

On 19 Nov 1841 (Reg 4 Jul 1842) William Duff et ux sold to Thomas B Anderson and John Blackwood Forsyth 1 acre in Village of Chippawa, Lot 223 Stamford Twp. (B465 #864)

On 16 Apr 1842 (Reg 4 Jul 1842) John B Forsyth and Thomas B Anderson sold to Samuel Street 1 acre in Village of Chippawa, Lot 223 Stamford Twp. for ₤500 (B466 #865)

Forsyth, Samuel

On 19 Dec 1825 (Reg 25 Nov 1828) William Forsyth et ux sold by a deed of gift to Samuel Forsyth of 133 acres 2 roods 5 perches in Lots 143, 144 and 146 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (A414 #7441)

On 19 Dec 1825 (Reg 30 Jun 1827) William Forsyth Sr et ux sold to Samuel Forsyth 58 acres 2 roods 25 perches in Lots 143, 144, 145 and 146 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (A371 #7068)

On 19 Dec 1825 (Reg 25 Nov 1828) William Forsyth et ux sold by a deed of gift to Samuel Forsyth of 133 acres 2 roods 5 perches in Lots 143, 144 and 146 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (A414 #7441)

On 11 Dec 1829 (Reg 23 Dec 1829) Samuel Forsyth gave a mortgage to Thomas Clark and Samuel Street on 192 acres 30 perches in Lots 143, 144 and 145 Stamford Twp. for ₤87.10 (A448 #7799)

On 29 Mar 1830 (Reg 17 Nov 1830) Samuel Forsyth sold to William Forsyth Sr 133 acres 2 roods 5 perches in Lots 143, 144 and 146 Stamford Twp. for ₤750 (A486 #8081)

On 4 Apr 1831 (Reg 5 May 1831) Thomas Clark and Samuel Street gave a discharge of mortgage to Samuel Forsyth on 192 acres 30 perches in Lots 143, 144 and 145 Stamford Twp. (A500 #8199)

Forsyth, William Sr

On 8 Feb 1800 (Reg 11 Feb 1800) James Forsyth et ux gave a deed of gift to William Forsyth of 235 acres in part of Lots 143, 144 and 146 Stamford Twp. (A19 #166)

On 20 May 1799 (Reg 17 Feb 1800) James Forsyth et ux sold to Christopher Buchner 23 acres in the northwest corner of Lot 143 Stamford Twp. (A20 #167)

On 28 Jun 1802 (Reg 2 Jul 1802) William Forsyth sold to Philip Bender 11 acres in the northeast corner of Lot 144 Stamford Twp. (A40 #412)

On 25 May 1807 (Reg 9 Feb 1808) William Forsyth sold to Stephen Pier 13 acres commencing 8 chains 78 links south of the northwest angle of Lot 143 Stamford Twp. (A95 #1359)

On 28 Feb 1818 (Reg 18 Apr 1826) Thomas Lundy sold to William Forsyth 50 acres in the east half of Lot 134 Stamford Twp. for ₤200 (A223 #5917)

On 28 Aug 1821 (Reg 22 Sep 1821) William Dickson sold to William Forsyth 170 acres in Lots 159 and 160 Stamford Twp. with Broken Front for ₤1437.10 (A246 #6003)

On 23 May 1822 (Reg 20 Jun 1822) William Forsyth sold to John B Robinson 4 acres in Lots 159 and 160 Stamford Twp. for ₤100 (A261 #6108)

On 21 Oct 1824 (Reg 10 Jul 1830) William Forsyth and Jane his wife sold to Isaac H Culp 2 roods 31 perches on the west side of Portage Road in Lot 143 Stamford Twp. for ₤15 (A473 #7982)

On 21 Oct 1824 (Reg 7 Oct 1831) William Forsyth and Jane his wife sold to James Skinner 27 acres 3 roods 22 perches in the Village of Drummondville in Lot 143 Stamford Twp. for ₤170 (A513 #8389)

On 8 Jan 1825 (Reg 18 May 1825) John Buchner sold to William Forsyth 72 acres 1 rood 33 perches in the south half of Lots 145 and 146 Stamford Twp. for for ₤875 (A208 #5733)

On 19 Dec 1825 (Reg 25 Nov 1828) William Forsyth et ux sold by a deed of gift to Samuel Forsyth of 133 acres 2 roods 5 perches in Lots 143, 144 and 146 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (A414 #7441)

On 19 Dec 1825 (Reg 30 Jun 1827) William Forsyth Sr et ux sold to Samuel Forsyth 58 acres 2 roods 25 perches in Lots 143, 144, 145 and 146 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (A371 #7068)

On 19 Dec 1825 (Reg 25 Nov 1828) William Forsyth et ux sold by a deed of gift to Samuel Forsyth of 133 acres 2 roods 5 perches in Lots 143, 144 and 146 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (A414 #7441)

On 13 Sep 1826 (Reg 10 Dec 1828) Samuel Forsyth sold to William Forsyth Jr 133 acres 2 roods 5 perches in Lots 143, 144 and 146 Stamford Twp. for ₤800 (A416 #7453)

On 14 May 1827 (Reg 23 Oct 1842) William Forsyth sold to John J Lefferty 50 acres in the east end of Lot 134 Stamford Twp. for ₤200 (B482 #1093)

On 8 Oct 1827 (Reg 3 Feb 1845) William Forsyth Sr et ux sold to John Misener 3 acres 2 roods 15 perches in Lot 143 Stamford Twp. for ₤100 (C4 #2083)

On 11 Dec 1829 (Reg 23 Dec 1829) Samuel Forsyth gave a mortgage to Thomas Clark and Samuel Street on 192 acres 30 perches in Lots 143, 144 and 145 Stamford Twp. for ₤87.10 (A448 #7799)

On 29 Mar 1830 (Reg 17 Nov 1830) Samuel Forsyth sold to William Forsyth Sr 133 acres 2 roods 5 perches in Lots 143, 144 and 146 Stamford Twp. for ₤750 (A486 #8081)

On 19 Jul 1830 (Reg 17 Nov 1830) Samuel Forsyth sold to William Forsyth Sr 58 acres 2 roods 25 perches in Lots 143, 144 and 145 Stamford Twp. for ₤250 (A488 #8089)

On 24 Dec 1830 (Reg 1 Sep 1831) William Forsyth Sr and Jane his wife sold to Alanson F Ross 3 roods 35 perches in the Village of Drummondville in Lot 143 Stamford Twp. for ₤24.4.4-½ (A512 #8365)

On 1 Oct 1831 (Reg 6 Jul 1848) William Forsyth sold to John Misener 5 acres in the Village of Drummondville, Lot 143 Stamford Twp. for ₤35 (A69 #814)

On 6 Jun 1832 (Reg 20 Jul 1832) William Forsyth, Jane his wife and Nelson Forsyth sold to Thomas Clark and Samuel Street 407 acres all of Lot 145, part of Lots 143, 144, 146, 159, 161 and Broken Front of Lots 159 and 160 less 150 acres sold for ₤10250 (A532 #8664)

On 4 Apr 1831 (Reg 5 May 1831) Thomas Clark and Samuel Street gave a discharge of mortgage to Samuel Forsyth on 192 acres 30 perches in Lots 143, 144 and 145 Stamford Twp. (A503 #8199)

On 10 Oct 1832 (Reg 21 Oct 1833) William Forsyth sold to Haggai Skinner 3 acres 29 perches at the southwest angle of Lot 159 Stamford Twp. for ₤40 (B44 #9412)

Forsyth, William Jr

On 19 Dec 1825 (Reg 30 Jun 1827) William Forsyth Sr et ux sold to Samuel Forsyth 133 acres 2 roods 5 perches in Lots 143, 144, 145 and 146 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (A371 #7068)

On 13 Sep 1826 (Reg 10 Dec 1828) Samuel Forsyth sold to William Forsyth Jr 133 acres 2 roods 5 perches in Lots 143, 144 and 146 Stamford Twp. for ₤800 (A416 #7453)

On 13 Sep 1826 (Reg 10 Dec 1828) Samuel Forsyth sold to William Forsyth Jr 133 acres 2 roods 5 perches in Lots 143, 144 and 146 Stamford Twp. for ₤800 (A416 #7453)

On 29 Mar 1830 (Reg 17 Nov 1830) Samuel Forsyth sold to William Forsyth Sr 133 acres 2 roods 5 perches in Lots 143, 144 and 146 Stamford Twp. for ₤750 (A486 #8081)

On 19 Jul 1830 (Reg 17 Nov 1830) Samuel Forsyth sold to William Forsyth Sr 58 acres 2 roods 25 perches in Lots 143, 144 and 145 Stamford Twp. for ₤250 (A488 #8089)

Foster, Cornelius

On 21 Aug 1843 (Reg 25 Nov 1845) Ogden Creighton et ux sold to Cornelius Foster 5800 square feet in Lot 129 Stamford Twp. for ₤30 (C55 #2745)

On 7 Mar 1848 (Reg 16 Oct 1849) Ogden Creighton sold to Cornelius Foster 4000 square feet in the Village of Drummondville for ₤30 (A141 #1724)

On 21 Sep 1852 (Reg 14 Dec 1852) James Sampson et ux sold to Cornelius Foster 1 acre 3 roods 24 perches in Lot 129 Stamford Twp. for ₤100 (A401 #558)

On 10 Jan 1856 (Reg 19 Jan 1856) Cornelius Foster et ux sold to Samuel Zimmerman 37 perches in the southeast angle of Thomas McClellan’s purchases in the Village of Clifton, Lot 129 Stamford Twp. for ₤500 (B421 #3450)

On 11 Oct 1858 (Reg 26 Jan 1859) George G Ross et ux sold to Cornelius Foster ¼ acre in Lots 5 and part of 6, Village of Clifton commencing at the northwest angle of Lot 5 on the road leading from Drummondville tp the Ferry at the Falls for ₤150 (B767 #5931)

Foster, Francis

On 26 Jul 1834 (Reg 24 Apr 1835) John Moore sold to Francis Foster 1 acre in Lot 5 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southeast corner of the lot for ₤10 (B117 #10282)

On 26 Jul 1834 (Reg 24 Apr 1835) Francis Foster sold to William Littleton 1 rood in Lot 5 Stamford Twp. for 10 (B118 #10283)

On 14 Apr 1835 (Reg 24 Apr 1835) Francis Foster sold to William Littleton 1 acre 1 rood in Lot 5 Stamford Twp. for ₤17.10 (B119 #10284)

Fralick, Adam

On 5 Dec 1836 (Reg 4 Jul 1843) Slade Robinson sold to Adam Fralick land in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. commencing in front of Lundys Lane for ₤37.10 (B517 #1376)

On 6 Aug 1841 (Reg 18 Dec 1841) Edward Durham sold to Adam Fralick 1 acre in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southeast angle for ₤100 (B435 #568)

On 11 Sep 1843 (Reg 17 Oct 1843) William Aigler and Hannah Aigler gave a quitclaim to Adam Fralick on 100 acres in Lot 91 Stamford Twp. for ₤375 (B323 #1500)

On 4 Sep 1843 (Reg 14 Sep 1847) Adam Fralick et ux sold to James Oswald land in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. for ₤100 (A21 #264)

On 15 Jan 1845 (Reg 7 Apr 1846) John Aigler gave a quitclaim to Adam Fralick on 100 acres in Lot 91 Stamford Twp. for for ₤50 (C66 #2810)

On 5 Apr 1847 (Reg 9 Oct 1850) Peter Aigler gave a quitclaim to Adam Fralick on 100 acres in Lot 91 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (A206 #2434)

On 26 Feb 1852 (Reg 30 Apr 1852) Adam Fralick gave a deed poll to the Great Western Rail Road on 1-14/100 acres in Lot 91 Stamford Twp. for ₤15 (A342 #102)

On 13 Dec 1853 (Reg 15 Jul 1856) Gilbert McMicken et ux gave a quitclaim to Adam Fralick on 1 acre in the Village of Drummondville in Lot 130 Stamford Twp. commencing at the southeast corner of Adam Fralick’s lot for ₤100 (B482 #3938)

On 24 Jan 1854 (Reg 8 Feb 1854) Adam Fralick sold to John F Fralick 1 acre in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. for ₤2000 (B140 #1622)

On 9 Dec 1854 (Reg 20 Dec 1854) John Agler, eldest son and heir at law of William Agler deceased, sold to Adam Fralick 100 acres in Lot 91 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤100 (B249 #2353)

On 31 Aug 1855 (Reg 31 Aug 1855) Adam Fralick et ux gave a quitclaim to Ira Spaulding on 100 acres in Lot 91 Stamford Twp. less portion sold to the Great Western Rail Road Company for 5 shillings (B362 #3112)

On 7 Jan 1856 (Reg 11 Jan 1856) George Bender et ux sold to Adam Fralick one parcel of 1 acre 35 perches the other known as the Muddy Run Brewry containing 3-9/10 acres in Lot 113 Stamford Twp. for ₤1250 (B403 #3404)

On 26 Jun 1856 (Reg 18 Feb 1864) The Erie and Ontario Rail Road Company gave a quitclaim to Adam Fralick on 1 acre commencing on the boundary line east between lots 126 and 113 Stamford Twp. then north on the east end of Lot 113 for ₤15 (C275 #12160)

On 30 Jun 1856 (Reg 15 Jul 1856) Gilbert McMicken et ux gave a quitclaim to Adam Fralick on land in the Village of Drummondville in Lot 130 Stamford Twp. commencing in front of Lundys Lane for 5 shillings (B483 #3939)

On 1 Jul 1856 (Reg 13 Jul 1856) Adam Fralick gave a mortgage to William Marr on 1 acre 35 perches the other known as the Muddy Run Brewry containing 3-9/10 acres in the northeast angle of Lot 113 Stamford Twp. for ₤250.5 (B484 #3940)

On 3 Jul 1858 (Reg 16 Nov 1858) Adam Fralick gave a quitclaim to Charles Fralick on 1 acre 35 perches in Lot 113 Stamford Twp. upon which is erected a tannery and tannery buildings known as Fralicks Tannery; 3-9/10 acres commencing at northeast angle of Lot 113 known as Muddy Run Tannery Lot (B758 #6675)

On 1 Oct 1860 (Reg 3 Oct 1860) Robert Hobson, Sheriff sold to Joseph C Woodruff all the interest of Adam Fralick in Lot 113 Stamford Twp. for ₤232.12.3 (C38 #8766)

On 27 Nov 1860 (Reg 13 Dec 1860) Adam Fralick et ux, Charles Fralick and Joseph C Woodruff sold to Robert Garner 1 acre 35 perches in Lot 113 Stamford Twp. known as Benders Tannery also a quantity of land known as Muddy Run Brewery containing 3-9/10 acres of land for ₤750 (C53 #8920)

On 28 Nov 1860 (Reg 13 Dec 1860) Adam Fralick et ux and Joseph C Woodruff et ux gave a quitclaim to Robert Garner on ¼ acre in Lot 113 Stamford Twp., land formerly owned by Erie and Ontario Railroad for $150.00 (C52 #8919)

On 7 Dec 1860 (Reg 14 Feb 1861) William Marr gave a discharge of mortgage to Adam Fralick (B424 #9107)

Fralick, Charles

On 3 Jul 1858 (Reg 16 Nov 1858) Adam Fralick gave a quitclaim to Charles Fralick on 1 acre 35 perches in Lot 113 Stamford Twp. upon which is erected a tannery and tannery buildings known as Fralicks Tannery; 3-9/10 acres commencing at northeast angle of Lot 113 known as Muddy Run Tannery Lot (B758 #6675)

On 27 Nov 1860 (Reg 29 Nov 1860) Robert Garner et ux sold Charles Fralick 80 acres in the west part of Lots 118 and 121 Stamford Twp. for ₤750 (C49 #8889)

On 27 Nov 1860 (Reg 29 Nov 1862) Charles Fralick gave a mortgage to Joseph C Woodruff on 80 acres in the west parts of Lots 118 and 121 Stamford Twp. for $2000.00 (C50 #9823)

On 27 Nov 1860 (Reg 13 Dec 1860) Adam Fralick et ux, Charles Fralick and Joseph C Woodruff sold to Robert Garner 1 acre 35 perches in Lot 113 Stamford Twp. known as Benders Tannery also a quantity of land known as Muddy Run Brewery containing 3-9/10 acres of land for ₤750 (C53 #8920)

Fralick, James D

On 20 Jan 1855 (Reg 15 Nov 1855) James D Fralick gave a mortgage to John F Fralick on 1 acre 1 rood 31 perches in the Village of Drummondville in Lot 130 Stamford Twp. for ₤500 (B396 #3292)

On 23 Aug 1858 (Reg 18 Jan 1859) John F Fralick gave a discharge to James D Fralick (B397 #6896)

Fralick, John

On 10 Mar 1797 the Crown granted a patent to John Fralick for all 100 acres in Lot 115 Stamford Twp.

On 10 Mar 1797 the Crown gave a patent to John Fralick on all 100 acres in Lot 124 Stamford Twp.

On 21 Apr 1797 (Reg 24 Jun 1798) Robert Spencer sold to John Fralick all 100 acres in Lot 74 Stamford Twp. for 5 shillings (A4 #20)

On 22 Apr 1797 (Reg 24 Jun 1797) Robert Spencer sold and gave a release to John Fralick on all 100 acres in Lot 74 Stamford Twp. for ₤200 (A5 #23)

On 22 Apr 1797 (Reg 24 Jun 1797) Robert Spencer gave a release to John Fralick on all 100 acres in Lot 74 Stamford Twp. (A6 #20)

On 12 Mar 1798 (Reg 14 Mar 1798) John Fralick and Abigail his wife who bars inheritance sold to Irish John Wilson 83 acres 178 Rods in Lot 115 Stamford Twp. (A12 #57)

On 8 Feb 1802 (Reg 27 Apr 1802) John Freleigh gave a mortgage to Robert Hamilton on all 100 acres in Lot 74 Stamford Twp. for ₤87.10 (A40 #380)

On 10 May 1806 (Reg 28 Jun 1806) John Chisholm sold to John Fralick 88 acres in Lot 75 Stamford Twp. and land in Lot 74 Broken Front (B70 #1081)

On 10 May 1806 (Reg 28 Jun 1806) John Fralick sold to John Chisholm 116 acres with broken land part of Lots 115 and 124 Stamford Twp. (A71 #1082)

On 11 Oct 1810 (Reg 12 Oct 1810) John Fralick and Abigail his wife sold to Lanty Shannon 75 acres in the south part of Lot 75 Stamford Twp. for #375 (A94 #1338)

On 26 Sep 1822 (Reg 30 Apr 1824) John Freleigh sold to Samuel Street 45 acres in the Broken Front of 74 and north part of Lot 75 Stamford Twp. (A312 #6457)

On 25 Mar 1828 (Reg 26 Sep 1828) John Freleigh sold to Samuel Street all 100 acres in Lot 74 Stamford Twp. for ₤500 (A402 #7382)

On 27 Mar 1839 (Reg 27 Nov 1839) Samuel Street for himself and as Executor to Thomas Clark sold to Abigail Fralick 1 rood 23 perches in Block 36 and the north half of Block 57, City of the Falls, Lot 146 Stamford Twp. for ₤56.6.8 (C171 #12752)

On 1 Mar 1851 (Reg 14 Feb 1852) Abigail Fralick sold to Veart Fralick the west half of Block 36 and the west half of the north half of Block 37 on the north side of Main Street, 122 feet on Main Street by 40 feet depth, City of the Falls, Lot 144 Stamford Twp. for ₤150 (B9 #684)

Fralick, John F

On 24 Jan 1854 (Reg 8 Feb 1854) Adam Fralick sold to John F Fralick 100 acres in Lot 91 Stamford Twp. with other lands for ₤2000 (B140 #1622)

On 24 Jan 1854 (Reg 8 Feb 1854) John F Fralick gave a mortgage to James Oswald on 100 acres in Lot 91 Stamford Twp. with other lands for for ₤462.3.2 (B131 #1625)

On 24 Jan 1854 (Reg 8 Feb 1854) James Oswald et ux sold to John F Fralick land in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. for ₤100 (B139 #1621)

On 24 Jan 1854 (Reg 8 Feb 1854) Adam Fralick sold to John F Fralick 1 acre in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. for ₤2000 (B140 #1622)

On 24 Jan 1854 (Reg 8 Feb 1854) John F Fralick gave a mortgage to James Oswald on 1 acre in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. at the southwest corner of Adam Fralick’s lot also a parcel commencing at Lundys Lane for ₤461.6.2-½ (B141 #1623)

On 31 Aug 1855 (Reg 31 Aug 1855) John F Fralick sold to Ira Spaulding 100 acres in Lot 91 Stamford Twp. less portion sold to the Great Western Rail Road Company for ₤3750 (B362 #3111)

On 12 Jan 1857 (Reg 10 Mar 1857) James Oswald gave a discharge of mortgage to John F Fralick on 100 acres in Lot 91 and 1 acre in Drummondville, Lot 130 Stamford Twp. Stamford Twp. (B141)

Fralick, Veart

On 1 Mar 1851 (Reg 14 Feb 1852) Abigail Fralick sold to Veart Fralick the west half of Block 36 and the west half of the north half of Block 37 on the north side of Main Street, 122 feet on Main Street by 40 feet depth, City of the Falls, Lot 144 Stamford Twp. for ₤150 (B9 #684)

On 12 Feb 1853 (Reg 14 Feb 1853) Veart Fralick et ux gave a mortgage to Thomas C Street on the west half of Block 36 and the west half of the north half of Block 37 on the north side of Main Street, 122 feet on Main Street by 40 feet depth, City of the Falls, Lot 144 Stamford Twp. for ₤50 (B10 #685)

On 18 Mar 1856 (Reg 1 Nov 1856) Thomas C Street gave a discharge to Veart Fralick (B10)

Fraser, John Craig and Annette Elouisa Hatt

On 13 May 1862 (Reg 20 May 1862) John Craig Fraser and Annette Elouisa his wife who bars her inheritance gave a mortgage to Peter Carroll on 113-1/2 acres in Lots 16, 24 and the west part of 25 Stamford Twp. for $500.00 (C159 #10400)

On 14 Feb 1863 (Reg 19 Feb 1863) Chancery Certificate between Robert W Kerr, plaintiff and John Ogilvy Hatt, George F Lynch, James Hamilton, Ira Spaulding, John A Fraser and Annette E his wife, defendants, on 425 acres 2 roods 35-½ perches less that portion conveyed to Alex Gordon, 2 acres to John Prouse, 2 roods to S Cooper, 1 rood to John Kilvington, 2 roods 20 perches to William Redhouse… (C208 #11125)

(Reg 3 Oct 1861) Chancery Certificate between Robert W Kerr, Plaintiff and John Ogilvy Hatt, George F Lynch, James Hamilton, Ira Spaulding, John C Fraser and Annette E his wife, defendants on Lots 16, 17, 24 and 25 Stamford Twp. less parts conveyed to others (C127 #9694)

On 13 May 1862 (Reg 20 May 1862) John Craig Fraser and Annette Elouisa his wife who bars her inheritance gave a mortgage to Peter Carroll on 113-1/2 acres in Lots 16, 24 and the west part of 25 Stamford Twp. for $500.00 (C159 #10400)

On 12 Nov 1863 (Reg 25 Oct 1864) John C Fraser and Annette Elouisa his wife who conveys her estate sold to James Hamilton 113-1/2 acres in Lots 16, 24 and the west part of 25 Stamford Twp. for ₤200 (C322 #12869)

Fuller, Cynthia

On 13 Nov 1849 (Reg 1 Oct 1851) Thomas C Street, Executor and Divisee of the late Samuel Street sold to Cynthia Fuller 21 acres in Lot 115 Stamford Twp. for 5 shillings (A3102 #3454)

On 28 Jun 1854 (Reg 24 Apr 1855) Thomas B Fuller and Cynthia his wife who bars her inheritance sold to Peter S Wright 21 acres in Lot 115 Stamford Twp. commencing 10 chains 50 links east of the northwest angle for ₤150 (B307 #2788)