Political Sciences

All political theorists from antiquity to the present continue to leave no stone unturned in giving due importance to individuals and what ever techniques and methods the state is deemed to discharge for the well being and prosperity of the individuals is primarily termed as POLITICAL SCIENCE. Politics is an exciting enterprise because people in it have natural variance in terms of views and opinions. They disagree about how about how they should live. Who should get what? How should power be distributed? How and what should be the modus operandi of conflict resolution and how to establish an atmosphere of mutual co-existence? It speaks volumes of how collective decisions be arrived at. for Aristotle, this made politics as the MASTER SCIENCE, an activity through which human beings endeavor to improve their lives and establish a good society. Politics is above all a social activity. In essence it is always a dialogue and never

a monologue. People disagree about both what it is that makes a social interaction. Political one and how political activity can best making be explained and analyzed. Political science is the art of government, the exercise of control with in society through the making and execution of collective decisions.

Political activity is an inevitable permanent feature of social existence in a society.

A society debarred from authoritative allocations of certain roles for the implementation and enforcement of rules and regulations in it will certainly cease to exist at all.

It will unleash a incessant civil war of each against all. Politics is an ethical activity concerned with creating a JUST SOCIETY, it is what Aristotle called the MASTER SCIENCE.

J.J. ROUSSEAU argued that the state can achieve a common good only and when All the citizens could actively participate in political life or what he called the GENERAL WILL. Politics is a positive activity mainly concerned with the legitimate dispensation of power in proportion to numerical strength of population in a given society for the welfare and survival of the whole community.

Department of political science was established in the month of October 2009 in the beautiful campus RIFF AT MAHAL of ABDUL WALl KHAN UNIVERSITY MARDAN.Credit goes to professor Dr Ihsan Ali the Vice Chancellor of this university Who has devoted his entire energies to the development and progress of the university.