Crisis Intervention Training

Crisis Invervention Team

 CIT Trainings in 2024

Hamilton County


Hendricks County 




Boone County 


Hancock County 


CIT for Youth


Request a CIT officer. They are trained to deal with persons suffering from mental illness.

A community partnership among NAMI Greater Indianapolis, law enforcement, and mental health professionals, CIT provides 40 hours of specialized training to selected law enforcement officers, who are then equipped to divert persons with mental illness who are in crisis away from the criminal justice system and into treatment.

Want More Information? Interested in CIT training?

Contact NAMI Greater Indianapolis for more information: 

Phone 317-257-7517 or email

What is CIT?

The Crisis Intervention Team program is a community partnership of law enforcement, mental health professionals, mental health consumers and family members.


Increase safety, understanding and service to those with mental illness and their families.

Increase access to medical treatment.

Avoid placement in the criminal justice system for illness-related behaviors.

Develop community partnerships.

How does CIT Work?

For CIT Officers:

Receive 40 hours of specialized training regarding mental illness, de-escalation techniques, and community mental health resources.

Assume the role of lead officer at situations that involves persons with mental illness.

Work with the community to resolve situations in a humane, calm manner while demonstrating concern and respect for citizens' well-being.

For Mental Health Professionals:

Provide comprehensive training for CIT officers.

Accept mental health consumers for assessment and treatment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Allow officers to quickly return to their patrol or other duties.


Helps to facilitate and evaluate the CIT program.

Participates in recognition ceremonies of CIT officers.

Offers support to consumers and family members.

Provides outreach to other communities. 

Community Partners:

Adult & Child Community Mental Health Center

Aspire Indiana Behavioral Health System

Community Health 

Cummins Behavioral Health

Department of Veterans Affairs

Gallahue Community Mental Health Center

Options Behavioral Health 

Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center

NAMI Greater Indianapolis

St.Vincent Stress Center

What is an Immediate Detention?

An Immediate Detention (often referred to as an ID) is an Indiana statute that gives Law Enforcement the authority to detain and transport a person if they have reason to believe the person 1) is mentally ill (the definition includes substance use and mental retardation), 2) poses a risk to themselves or others, and 3) is in need of an immediate evaluation.  The ID allows the receiving facility or hospital to conduct an assessment, evaluate risk factors,  and determine what type of help is needed.  Some people on an ID are admitted to the hospital, but the majority are referred to outpatient therapy and programs.  Although an Immediate Detention allows for an evaluation period of up to 24 hours, it does not require the person to be held for the entire 24 hours and does not require inpatient admission to the hospital. 

A person on an ID will be evaluated by a behavioral health professional trained in mental health and substance use disorders.  In consultation with a psychiatrist, they will determine how best to keep the person safe and address the problem(s) he/she currently is facing.  The goal of the assessment is to make sure everyone is safe, lined with appropriate services, and feels more hopeful about the future. Family supportive persons may be contacted for more information about the person placed on the ID.

If the assessment indicates an imminent risk for harm to self or others or a grave disability, inpatient hospitalization may be recommended.  A psychiatrist will decide if inpatient treatment is necessary, if the person will be allowed to consent to a voluntarily admission, or if admission will be involuntary.  If so, the psychiatrist will send a status report to the appropriate court system.  Inpatient treatment helps to stabilize the crisis and the acute symptoms.  Most admissions are short term; generally 3-7 days.  Discharge plans will be arranged by the inpatient staff in consultation with the patient and, when requested or appropriate, with the patient's family/support system. 

If an inpatient hospitalization is not recommended, outpatient counseling services for mental health or substance use issues, and/or referrals to community resources will be arranged.  If appropriate, the person's family and/or support system may assist with transportation back home and with follow-up treatment as recommended. 

Additional Training Opportunities for CIT Grads: 

The Police Executive Research Forum has a Protocol and Training Guide for police officers to recognize and respond safely to incidents in which a person decides to attempt to die at the hands of a police officer.