
There were irregular family newsletters. These are two that have survived. One undated and one from December 1994.


We all offer our deepest condolences to Issie and family on their loss. Florence will live on warmly in our memories. We look forward to happier times with the upcoming Bar Mitzvah of Gahl Crane in California - May 1995. Nor oyf simches! Saul Nachshen will be going to Israel for about a year - he leaves in September. Mike Nachshen will be returning from a semester in Spain - and continuing his studies in Boston. Happy Birthday to: Andrew Zoffer (8/20)


Mazel tov! Eileen Nachshen- Goldberg is pregnant. Sam & Anne are looking forward to becoming grandparents sometime in December. Julie & Gary Nachshen bought a house in Dollard. Much luck to them all! Happy Birthday to: Anita Cohen (8/6). Happy Anniversary to: Julie & Gary Nachshen (8/4).


The Clements are having a mini-reunion in Procter, B.C. this August. (If you're looking at the map - Procter is about 8 hours east of Vancouver, near Nelson.) They will be celebrating the 80th birthdays of Tanya & Jack. Nechama & Ari from Israel; Philip, Gabi, Elisha (10 1/2) & Mara (7) from Germany; Mischa (13) , Bronwen & Todd from Vancouver; Rafi & Mintzy from Toronto; and Peter, Bev, Melinda, Ken, Marley (almost 3) & Kaitlyn (1) from Procter; will all be celebrating with Tanya & Jack. The Philip Clements are looking at a move to Colorado - so they won't have too far to travel for the next reunion. A mini-mini reunion of the younger generation will be taking place in Israel at the same time. Dori Skye who is studying at Tel Aviv University this year, and Stephen Skrzydlo who is in Israel for the summer, will be spending the weekend with Dalit & Moshe, Hadas & Avner, and Gadi. Happy Birthday to: Tanya Clement (8/1), Dalit Ashuri (8/9), Dori Skye (8/17), Marley Foot (9/9 age 3), Bronwen Clement (9/10), Nechama Barnea (9/14), Mintzy Clement (9/21). Happy Anniversary to: Mintzy & Rafi Skrzydlo (8/15), Dalit & Moshe Ashuri (9/28).


Deepest condolences are also extended to Cheryl Nashen on the loss of her father. Jeff & Cheryl have moved to Cote St. Luc. Elliot Goldman is enjoying the summer at a "beach scene". Elizabeth Goldman and friend Bob are on an extended jaunt to Oregon, Idaho & California. Hopefully they are fully enjoying water rafting, picking potatoes, and avoiding earthquakes. Happy Birthday to: Stan Nashen(8/9), Matthew Brecher(8/18 age 4), Elizabeth Goldman (8/24), Steve Brecher (9/12), Bob Brondsky (8/15). Happy Anniversary to: Phyllis & George Nashen (9/15), Kate & Joe Brecher (9/19).


The Fitlebergs are going to be having very special guests in mid-August. Nechama & Ari Barnea will be visiting from Israel. (See invitation.) Alex's boat is out of the hospital. Abie Garber has moved down in the world - he has moved from the 11th floor to the 8th floor in his building. Ellie & Max Mass have a new grand-daughter. Melinda Irene Theriault is living with her parents Shelley & Rene in Ottawa. Ellie & Max, and visiting Lynn Braendel from Vancouver, have been burning up the rubber on the highway to Ottawa. Happy Birthday to: Mandi Sananes (8/3), Max Mass (8/29), Silka Fitleberg (9/22), Anita Cohen (8/6). Happy Anniversary to: Zohar & Frank Fitleberg(8/27).


Schedule your calendar now for the 13th (Bar mitzvah) Annual Nachshen Family Pesach Seder - April 15, 1995! Please note - there are many people coming in from out of town for this event, and some who would like to but do not have places to stay - if you can offer some space please contact the editors.


1) If any of your information/news/ gossip/messages are missing - please send it to us as soon as possible - we will include it in the next issue. We included everything we received.

2) We have lost Brian Nation/Nachshen. Please send us his new address, phone and fax numbers.

3) If you received this newsletter by mail - and you are faxable - please send us your fax number - we prefer to send via fax.


Silka & Al will be hosting a family barbecue/picnic at their country house. Saturday August 27th at 2:00 P.M. R.S.V.P. so they can plan for enough people. City phone 336-9903; Country phone 226-1435. If it rains the barbecue will be on Sunday the 28th. DIRECTIONS TO SILKA & AL'S PARADISE: Go North on Route 15; Get off at Exit 60; Take route 364 west for 8.5 kilometres (follow signs to Morin Heights). Turn left on Route 329 and continue south for 4.5 km. This road takes you through Morin Heights Village. Turn right on Perry-Jackson Rd. (NOTE: there are two Perrys - take the second one - see map!) Go .2 km. Turn left on Jackson (first road on left). Continue for 4.9 kilometres. Turn left on Lac Rond. The first house on the right (0.1 km) is Fitleberg's Paradise Falls.

If you get lost/confused/distracted or otherwise delayed - there is a pay phone in Morin Heights Village across from the Restaurant. 226-1435 - call and say "help".

Everyone is invited. (Well, everyone who has a claim to membership in the NFC.) PLEASE call Silka to confirm your attendance.



The biggest news in this branch is that Issie's eldest grandson Mike was in Montreal for Issie's graduation - how's that for a switcheroo. Mazel Tov to Issie from us all. And don't forget to address him as Master Issie - Master of Jewish Studies - the kids are all very proud of him. Saul is enjoying his year is Israel, while Yair & Gahl are busy with soccer in sometimes sunny California. Gahl is also preparing for his Bar Mitzvah - which will be held on May 13, 1995. (Nice time to visit the west coast - start your planning now!) The travelling professors were in Montreal - Gary was giving a lecture at a major pharmaceutical company, and Judy was attending an International Genetic Conference. But just in case you think they are getting a bit "high-brow" for us - Judy is also on her way to camp - Klezmer Kamp in the Katskills... Issie is planning a trip to California in January.

Happy Birthday to:

Jack Cohen (01/01), Mike Nachshen (02/10), Helen Zoffer (02/14), Joe Posner (03/06), Wendy Cohen (03/17)


The prolific clan this year - Eileen & Brian will become parents very soon - and Anne & Sam are anxiously awaiting. Johanna & David are expecting a baby at the end of March - Brian is eagerly anticipating his future Zaideh-hood. Jack & Polly are looking forward to joining the ranks of great grandparents. P.S. Jack wishes to launch a formal complaint - how come there's no hockey?!? Anne is doing well - fully recovered from having made 100 potato latkes for Chanukah - and Sam is figuring out the fine lines - he just got bifocals. Jennifer is in her 3rd year at Queen's University - and is working 3 part-time jobs - as a research assistant, in a tutorial program for disadvantaged children and as a swimming instructor - does that mean that in her 4th year she'll work at 4? Mark is at Concordia doing very well in math & economics and working part time as well. Margaret & Larry spent a few days in New York recently - where Margaret was exhibited. Then off to San Fran & Vancouver to compare the coasts.

Anita will be off to Vancouver to see Jerry over the holidays - another coastal hop. Gary - a pension & tax lawyer at Stikeman Elliot (an international law firm) - will be having orthoscopic surgery on his knee soon. He is also the editor of "Canadian Cases on Pensions & Benefits". Good timing Gary - more and more of us are reaching Pension time - and looking for the benefits! Julie was just been promoted to recruitment co-ordinator for Montreal at McCarthy Tetrault -the biggest law firm in Canada. Julie & Gary are enjoying their new home.

Happy Birthday to:

Gary Nachshen (12/08), Jennifer Nachshen (12/12 no longer a teen...), Jack Nachshen (01/07) Brian Goldberg (01/17), Mark Nachshen 01/25), Polly Nachshen (03/01), Julie Prentice-Nachshen (03/01), Eileen Nachshen-Goldberg (03/18). Happy Anniversary to: Margaret & Larry Nachshen (12/12), Anne & Sam Nachshen (12/18).


Bronwen & Todd were married in a romantic and beautiful ceremony. Todd managed to leave the movie set where he is currently acting in a feature film, and arrived in time for the ceremony. All the young women (and older ones too) looked radiant and gorgeous.Bev's speech was received so well, she was exhorted by the guests to repeat it, and shedid.Melinda and Bev are happily running the General Store in Procter. Bev & Peter's new house in the forest near the lake is ready for guests, c'mon over... Kaitlyn (1.5 years) is fully conversant in several languages and making rapid progress in English too. Marley(age 3) got his first electric train, but dad Ken has been seen playing with it nightly after Marley goes to sleep.

Peter is now commuting between Procter and Vancouver (only a 9 hour drive), and is thrilled to have ainiclach. (Finally found someone at your own level, eh!), and is into his second year as co-president of his shul. Mischa (13) placed 2nd on his school honour roll and is swimming competitively and growing taller by one millimetre daily. Muchly looking forward to the Family Seder. Philip spent a stimulating week and a half in Florida - in honour of Jack's 80th birthday. He returned home in time to send his daughters jumping for joy at Elisha's 11th birthday, with a new trampoline. Elisha and Mischa are dreaming of meeting in the future olympics - he a swimmer and she a gymnast.

Nechama & Ari send a special thank you to Silka & Al for having them for a whole week, and especially for the family barbecue. It was great seeing everyone. On November 5th the whole Israeli branch had dinner on HaOgen - to give Gadi a nice send off to the army. Saul from Baltimore, Dori from Toronto, and the Barneas were there. Dalit & Moshe are working hard and just bought a li'l ol' car called Patrick. Hadas is working in Tel Aviv andchecking out the possibility of returning to school. Nechama is planning, designing, and organizing the new old age home for the kibbutz; Ari is building the closets, cabinets and kitchens.

Dori is doing very well at Tel Aviv University, and is now applying to school in Canada for next year. Thanx to the magic of e-mail she is in almost daily communications withMintzy & Rafi who are counting the days till her Pesach visit. Stephen is breezing through grade 11, mastering the BBS's, working in Hashomer Hatzair, and is currently rehearsing the role of Pieter in the Diary of Anne Frank for a community theatre presentation this coming February. Rafi is enjoying his new business, putting in more hours than he had expected, and travelling a bunch. Mintzy is busy with her several jobs, and eagerly looking forward to the day when peace in the middle east will allow her to retire as administrator from Canadian Friends of Peace Now.

Jack is loving his university courses, taping the lectures and replaying them from time to time. Tanya misses the family, enjoys the occasional visits, and is looking forward to seeing everyone at the Seder.

Happy Birthday to:

Elisha Clement (12/02 age 11), Melinda Clement (01/03), Todd Caldecott (01/21), Mara Clement 03/03 age 8), Rafi Skrzydlo (03/19), Hadas Barnea (03/19). Happy Anniversary to: Gabi & Philip Clement (01/12).


Kate & Joe are in Florida. Jay is in his 3rd year at U of T (majoring in Philosophy and English). Lise is involved in her studies of Lise - taking various courses in personal growth and spirituality. And Steve has started his 3rd year as Board Chairman of the Bereaved Families of Ontario. He has also just marked his 25th anniversary with Xerox Canada.

Glenn is the new head of the Young Leadership Division of the UJA (apologies if we've messed up the official title). Stan is hopping around the world, and we hope everyone is well. C'mon Nashen clan - tell us what's going on in your branch - the family is interested!

Happy Birthday to:

Barry Nashen (12/03), Judy Brecher (12/25), Jay Brecher (01/24), Cory Nashen (01/25 age 1), Glenn Nashen, (02/25), Cheryl Nashen (03/16) Happy Anniversary to: Cheryl & Jeff Nashen (02/07)


All of the gang in Langley are still plugging away, working several jobs and designing proposals for even more. Ronnie has taken a leave from her job as resource person to the Sto'lo Indian band. Part of her job was to partake in meetings in sweat lodges followed by jumping into ice cold mountain streams. Phil was very supportive - commenting that he's never seen a cleaner Ronnie. The Group Home is still going strong - sometimes too strong - and Phil's private counselling practice is full. Lynn is undergoing a personal transformation and has begun calling herself Melanie (her middle name). She is enjoying grade seven at the Langley Fine Arts School and presently working on a suspense novel for teens. Melanie is also working on the school production of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. In preparation of the great flood anticipated in B.C., the zoo is growing. Currently the animal population is 5 cats, 1 dog, 1 hamster, 2 love birds, 2 doves, 1 blue-fronted amazon parrot (who orders the dog around), 2.5 rabbits (probably more by now), 2.5 sheep and 2.5 Japanese Snow Monkeys called Jeff & Cindy. Discussions around ostriches, llamas, wolves, horses, chickens and snakes have been hot & heavy. Ronnie & Melanie being hot, while Phil is the heavy. Late breaking news: A lonely gorilla sitting in a basement in Seattle is in need of a home, as all the zoos are full. The Braendels are currently building a gorilla cage! The Braendels are very very much looking forward to seeing one and all at the Pesach Seder.

The Fitlebergs totally enjoyed hosting the Nachshen Family Picnic this past summer. Please note: the beer was great but someone better come visit again to finish the 24 bottles not drunkded. And special note to cousin Issie - the vodka is back in the freezer. Special thanks to: Zohar for driving at the hay ride, Franci for being the life guard at the swings,Auntie Annette for being the life guard at the pool, Ellie for digging up the flowers, The Nudies in the spa, Ronnie for running the shuttle, Brian for controlling the traffic jam,Frank for parking cars, Danielle for the swimming demonstration, Gil for the swinging demonstration, Mandi for supervising the kids picnic area, Silka for being general manager, Al for cooking, and everyone for being there!

Happy Birthday to:

Lexie Sananes (12/01 age 4), Frank Fitleberg (12/31 - the BIG 30!), Abie Garber (01/02), Gil Fitleberg (01/04 - age 1), Al Fitleberg (01/18), Phil Braendel (01/31), Lynn Melanie Braendel (02/03 - age 13), Shari Skolnick (03/06). Happy Anniversary to: Ellie & Max Mass (12/21).


Schedule your calendar now for the 13th (Bar mitzvah) Annual Nachshen Family Pesach Seder - April 15, 1995! Please note - there are many people coming in from out of town for this event, and some who would like to but do not have places to stay - if you can offer some space please contact the editors.


1) If you received this newsletter by mail - and you are faxable - OR E-MAIL accessible - please send us your fax number - we prefer to send via internet or fax.

2) We will be sending out another newsletter in late March - in time for Pesach news. Please send us your information/news/views/gossip/messages or whatever before then. The rest of the family really does want to hear from you.