Letters from the Boyaner Yeshiva

Letters from the Boyaner Yeshiva

The 18th of Elul 5762

August 26, 2002

Mr. Gary Nachshan

Toronto, Ontario

Dear Mr. Nachshan:

We would like to express our sincere thanks and heartfelt appreciation for your kind and generous donation which we received through the good offices of our representative, Mr. P. Heller, President of Canadian Friends of Mesivta Tifereth Israel in Jerusalem.

As a scion of a distinguished family strongly connected to the ideals of the Boyan - Ruzhin Chassidus, your support to our institutions indeed brings much nachas ruach to your late family in Gan Eden.

We take this opportunity to bless you. May the mitzvah of supporting Torah and the merit of the Grand Rabbis of the Ruzhin - Boyan Dynasty stand by you and protect you. May you be granted all that your heart desires, good health, much brochoh and hatzlochoh, good fortune and nachas.

Wishing you a "k'sevia v'chasima tova.

Sincerely yours,

Rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger

Rabbi Natan Donat


The 20th of Elul 5762

August 28, 2002

Mr. Ephraim Nachshan

Toronto, Ontario


Dear Mr. Nachshan:

We hope this letter finds you and your family well.

As the New Year approaches, we, in the name of the Rabbis, teachers and students of Mesivta Tifereth Israel of Ruzhin, would like to express our sincere blessings and heartfelt wishes to you and your loved ones.

May you be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life. May this year be one of life, good health and hatzlochoh, and a year in which we shall witness the redemption and salvation of all of Israel.

At this opportunity we would like to express our appreciation for your continuous support on behalf of our institutions where Torah learning never ceases. It is because of people like you that make it possible for us to carry our huge financial budget.

May the merit of supporting Torah and may the merit of the holy Rabbis of Ruzhin of blessed memory stand by your side that you be blessed with all of your heart's desires.

A kesiva v'chasima tova.

Sincerely yours,

Rabbi Ephraim Fishel Rabinowitz

Rosh Yeshiva

Rabbi Nosson Donat
