Family meetings, minutes

  • May 24, 1964
  • January 7, 1979
  • April 14, 1979
  • April 18, 1979
  • August 11, 1979

  • February 16, 1981
  • February 17, 1981 (Israel)
  • December 6, 1981
  • October 10, 1984
  • September 21, 1985

Zaide Moishe's 90th Birthday

Sunday, May 24th, 1964 is a date to remember. On that day, the entire Nachshen Family gathered to pay tribute and honour the Patriarch of the Family, Zaide Moishe Nachshen, who celebrated his 90th birthday anniversary. From the smallest great-grandchild to the eldest son, all gathered in a Gala celebration for this occasion. Of course, a few members of the family were unavoidably absent, and even these members of the family were considered as being present, if not bodily surely in the thoughts of all. Special mention should, be made of those family members who were absent and they are listed as follows: Aunt Mildred, Uncle Mutzie and Cousins Helen, Bess, Blume, Jerry, Marvin, Wendy, Andrew, Steven and Brian.

The celebration took place in the spacious hall of the Jewish Peretz School, with music provided by Cousin Al, and delicious refreshments, both liquid and otherwise. The duties of "Master of Ceremonies" were ably handled by Peter and Philip Clement, and a beautiful Jewish National Fund Certificate was presented to Zaide. The certificate was for "Chai” (18-Life) Trees planted in Israel in his honour. The Presentation on behalf of the entire family was made by the eldest grandson, Issie Nachshen. Zaide made a wonderful thank-you speech and was brimming over with "naches" and the good feeling that this honour bestowed upon him.

A special note of thanks for the idea of the celebration to Uncle Avrum and also to Uncle Jack Clement for his assistance in carrying this out successfully. This should be the beginning of a Family Circle, and in order to continue with the good start made, a meeting of the Family is being scheduled for October. Mazel Tov and a good summer to all.

Issie Nachshen for the Committee,

Phyllis, Elke, and Al.




Present: Polly, Jack, Ellie, Max, Anne, Sam. Eileen, Gary, Margaret, Larry, Mark, Jennifer, Issie, Florence, Abie, Fira, Rafi, Mintzy, Ronnie, Phil, Shari, Ian.

The meeting was called to disorder. Minutes of the last meeting were read. Minutes accepted.

New Business:

Silka and Al sent a message suggesting that meetings be held on Saturday evenings so that out-of-towners might attend. Everyone was in favour. Max was out of favour. Saturday night chickpeas will be the new name of the family circle (HA?)

Ellie suggested photocopying and mailing out the minutes of the meetings to the out-of-towners. Resolution adopted.

Mintzy tried to get dates for future meetings. April 14 there will be a meeting at Tanya and Jack's house. There will be a lot of out-of-towners in town for Pesach, and a special guest appearance by ..??..?? A March meeting was suggested. This suggestion was postponed until a later date.

Summer picnic to be held in the backyard of the home with the biggest watermelon. Margaret and Larry offer their backyard in August or June, whichever comes first this summer. Date to be announced at a future meeting.

Issie had a visit from 2 Israelis two weeks ago. They are assembling papers and memorabilia of Zaide Moishe Nachshen. They wish to install a plaque in his memory at their yeshiva. There is already a plaque them put up to him by the Chevre Mishnayis. It was suggested to send them a contribution. Everyone will send what they wish. The recipient is Yeshiva Tiffereth Israel. Issie will forward mail to them. If anyone has any letters or other things pertaining to Zaide Moishe please contact Issie.

Jenny told us a story about a funny song called Down By The Bay. Mommy bought her a Show and Tell that was rouge and white but it was too long. There was also a bear with pink under- wear combing his hair who was roundfully applauded.

Report on the junior meeting. The general consensus was to get together once in a while. Since the NFC only has a few meetings a year, perhaps we would have more pople at some of the meetings. Larry complained that he was not invited. The meeting was for the 30 and under crowd. Eileen to Rafi inclusive. Larry complained. He wasn't invited to the first meeting of the NFC because he wasn't married, and the meeting was only open to marrieds, so he got married. But what can he do now? Comment from some of the younger members at the meeting: Children weren't invited to the regular meetings. Decision was that the meetings are open to all. It is the responsibility of the parents to inform and invite the younger children. (i.e. parents can bring the kids they want to bring)


JACK N. No report tonight. The 30-and-unders should report.

MARK Went to Toronto, to a Jewish camp. Went bowling, to a puppet show, and ate latkes. He saw the Toronto Oldtimers hockey game. Got all their autographs. Then on to Disneyworld with his family.

PHIL Each person has to report? A couple of weeks ago I had an Ellie Channuka party with plenty to eat and plenty of presents. I got a beautiful bathrobe and am starting classes next week at Sir George. Our cats are getting stiff.

RONNIE I have my own mind, just ask Phil. Pass. Ditto. Oh yes, we adopted a little nameless son. He's blue, and chirps a lot. I'm also starting classes tomorrow. An intelligent family.

RONNIE AND PHIL TOGETHER We have two cats, a blueberry and a monkey.

FIRA We're leaving for Florida for two months.

ISSIE Short report. Tomorrow. Today we spoke to Helen, Hello. We spoke to Saul, Michael, Judy, Philip, Danny. Regards to all. Tuesday we're leaving for Miami and St. Louis.

LARRY It's warming up in Florida. I didn't speak to anyone. It was 91 degrees in Florida for 4 days in December when we were there. Margaret and I are leaving on Jan. 25, for 5 days in Las Vegas. We cut down a tree. We have a stump.

ABIE I turned 69 on Jan. 2. Had a very good time on Channuka.

POLLY I have nothing to say. Oh yeah, we won $100 on the mini loto.

FLORENCE Issie is getting ready for my holiday. I'm looking forward to seeing the kids.

IAN I forgot my grandfather's birthday last week.


SHARI I curled up. I gave my report last time. That's all.

GARY All right. I skied for a week at Sutton. Eileen was there too. I hope to study in the States next year. I invested money and had an 80% capital gain.

EILEEN Gary told all my news. I have exams next week. (I'm accepting crib notes). I did lots of skiing.

ANNE I pass. No I don't. I'm not going to Florida. I watched my family ski for 9 days, and I sat in the sun.

JENNIFER My birthday was a few weeks ago. I'm 4 now. It's summer at Disneyworld. I had some rides. We saw Peter Pan. We flew through the air. The chief tried to pinch me. All the characters kissed me. All the dollies were up in the sky. It's a small world after all. I blew out 4 candles.

MARGARET I went skating for the third time in my life.

SAM A car hit me so I hit him back. I was walking. I ripped off his licence plate after he hit me. I went nuts and wanted to choke him.

MAX If a car hits me I fall down. I can't pass. We just came back from a two day trip to St. Alban's, Vermont, Burlington, Heinzburg.

ELLIE We got lost there.

MAX We don't go to Israel or Las Vegas, we go to Plattsburgh.

JACK N. The shower is now fixed. Polly can't lie on the lawn because there's snow there. Polly's latkes are too fat.

RAFI I think Mintzy has a big mouth. Shut up Ian. There's no snow in Toronto. Pinnochio was scary.

MINTZY My parents are on a cruise. My father has a Lincoln with 17 variable speeds on the windshield wipers.




P.S. I'm trying to update the NFC files. Please send me correct addresses, or send them to your favourite NFC member who will be at the next meeting. Thanx - Mintzy




Present: Avrum, Polly, Jack, Fira, Abie, Tanya, Jack, Florence, Issie, Danny, Judy, Michael, Shaul, Helen, Jay, Wendy, Andrew, Kate, Joe, Phyllis, George, Barry, Jeff, Glenn, Bess, Marvin, Elliot, Anne, Sam, Gary, Eileen, Margaret, Larry, Ellie, Max, Ronnie, Phil, Shari, lan, Silka, Al, Mandi, Frankie, Nechama, Gadi, Peter, Philip, Mintzy, Rafi, Dori, Stephen, Anita.

FIFTY-TWO NACHSHENS (including one complimentary Nachshen)

The meeting was called to order at 9:15 P.M.

The meeting opened with Peter and Philip receiving identical (not fraternal) T-shirts embossed "Nechama's and Mintzy's brother" on the front, and "I love my sisters" on the back.

Avrum began the meeting with a welcoming speech expressing his joy at seeing so many or us gathered together, and expressing sorrow at the passing of our dear brother-uncle-cousin Greisha.

Minutes of the last meeting (Jan 7, 1979) were read in seconds. They were rejected by some members of the New York contingent, but the rejection was rejected. Issie suggested that Larry join the Golden Agers (re: Larry's complaint from the last meeting at not.having been invited to the 30-and-unders meeting).

Minutes of the Florida meeting (Jan 20, 1979) were read.

Mazel Tov on Florence and Issie's and Mickey Mouse's 35th anniversary. Once again the American objections were overruled.

Dori sang happy birthday to Peter and Philip, and Ellie,

We sent (verbally of course) mazel tov to René Levesque, on his wedding.

Peter suggested we create an archives of the NFC.


DORI Dori sang a French song: Neige, neige, blanche...

HELEN The stock market is fine. We're delighted to be here and to pick up our roots here.

TORONTO From Toronto no news is good news.

Mini discussion ensued as to whether the reports should be only from out-of-towners, only from locals, from both, only from yokels.

AVRUM Quiet, quiet please. SHA! Be quiet when you are talking to me.

ANITA I'm not a Nachshen, I don't have to be quiet.

AVRUM It's important for the future to record the reports.

SILKA Our cousins and aunts and uncles in Florida work hard at the pool and are lying beside it.

RAFI You mean they aren't even honest beside it?!?

BESS Thank you Tanya for this lovely party for me. I said that when I'm in Montreal I would like to get to see everyone, and Tanya made this party for me. I like my husband. My son Elliot will be bar mitzvahed next year in Helen's backyard.

NECHAMA Israeli branch is O.K. Shiffy and Avi will be leaving for here at the end of May. My daughters are jealous because Gadi got to see snow and they didn't.

DANNY We're happy to be here and see everybody.

WENDY It's great to be here, and everyone should come to New York City and see the spring.

MARVIN I object..

BARRY (Elizabeth's godson and Elliot's godbrother) Hi!

PETER Vancouver branch is alive and well. I'm really happy to be here. We out-of-towners were enthusiastic about the minutes of the meeting which were sent to us. Good move. Happy anniversary to Tanya and Jack that you had Peter and Philip 32 years ago. I think that at the end of this meeting we should all get up and hold hands and make a Nachshen Family Circle circle. (applause)

AL I just want to second what Peter said about being here. Tanya where are you going?

TANYA I just got a new padded toilet seat, and you're all invited to use it but first I am going to try it out.

AL This is a fantastic family. I'd like to publicly thank a great lady - Tanya - for helping me out when Silka was recuperating.

PHILIP I'd like to thank everyone for this lovely birthday gift of this wonderful vibrating family. Thank you.

JUDY I'm not a Nachshen.


BESS Then leave the children and go.

ANDREW This Is my first family circle meeting and it seems like a lot of fun and I'm happy to be here.

ELLIOT You'll have to excuse my father for his objections, he's a little bit grouchy because his birthday is 6 days off. Auntie Tanya has a good soft toilet seat.

KATE Oh, it's good to be back. I'm sorry I didn't prepare a poem. It's great to be back and this is a great surprise.

MARGARET It's great to be here and see all these people I only see once in a blue moon.

HELEN I told everyone that 1 was going to Montreal for a Pesach seder and a huge family reunion and everyone was envious.

ANITA As a non-Nachshen by birth and marriage, I'm happy to be here and always feel part of the family. Uncle Benny sends regards and is sorry he couldn't be here. He has reached 70.

    • APPLAUSE!!!

TANYA I'm handing out the oscars.

DORI I'm going to get my Zaide.

MANDI-SUE It's Auntie Ellie's birthday and I think we should sing Happy Birthday to her.

ALL Happy Birthday to you...

JACK N One is missing here from Vancouver, Brian is sorry he couldn't make it, but one of these days he will.

DORI Bonne fete a toi...

GLENN I'd like to second Philip's seconding of Peter's seconding that it's very nice for everyone to be here. Or is that quadrupling. . .

GEORGE Avrum's got 50 live ones in this room but can't collect a nickel. (referring to the non-collecting of dues, at the meeting).

GADI Matai tavo ha-ooga? (When's the birthday cake coming?)

LARRY On behalf of George: Now that we're all together we should have a family seder.

POLLY What was wrong with my seder?

DORI Sang another song.

MINTZY Dori acts like the president's daughter,

ALL Issie has the floor, Issie has the floor, hi ho the derry-o Issie has the floor.

ISSIE I first declined to say anything, but now I'd like to say something. I wrote a paper for school,. that was a report of this meeting. But I wrote the paper before this meeting happened.

HELEN We had a most impressive seder on Thursday night with Issie magnificent and Danny as his assistant. Thank you Florence and Issie.

Discussion ensued about having a family seder.

The summer picnic will be in August. Margaret says August 12th, Sunday, and if it rains the 19th,





see you there...

On Saturday night, April 14, 1979, during the joyous holiday of Pesach, the family Nachshen met together to celebrate. To celebrate what? To celebrate their being together. The elders and the juniors. Parents and children. The grandparents and the grandchildren. Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, Nieces and nephews. It was called a Family Circle meeting. But the meeting of the family was the purpose of the gathering.

Little did Moishe Nachshen, the late Patriarch of the Nachshen Family, know of the firm foundation he laid when, through his efforts and inspiration, the family circle was formed. Its purpose - the family should get together and remain together - even though its members are scattered far and wide.

But this Saturday night was different--it was "yomtov" - holiday - because from all parts of the country, the U.S. and Israel, we got together here in Montreal and sat and talked and looked at each other, and enjoyed the fact of being - being part of the circle and being part of each other.

It was an evening to remember--and an evening that we hope can in the not too distant future be repeated. But regardless, this evening will forever be remembered and recalled - with joy and with pride.

Issie Nachshen

April 18, 1979.


August 11, 1979

On a sunny, summery Saturday afternoon the Nachshen Family Circle met together for a family picnic ... it was held on the beautiful spacious lawn at Margaret's and Larry's home in Beaconsfield. From a distance the wafts of charcoal smoke could be detected, and the thought of juicy hamburgers and hot dogs made the mouths water...

Cool beer, soft drinks, hard liquor, and tasty refreshments were the greetings extended to the family members as they arrived. And before long, all who were in town and able, met to partake of the delicacies and the unending chatter of the tongue-shyless family members.

Of course the patriarch of the clan, Uncle Avrum, made his usual warm, heart-rending, tearful, emotion-choked speech, which is always followed by his wishes for more reunions with all present.

Since this was a picnic, no family business was transacted. All were happy to see our visiting cousins from way out West. Brian and his lovely daughter, Johanna.

The cutie, little Jenny-Penny, helped her Mom in playing hostess. And Mark, the little "he-man", set the example for getting rid of the eats.

Linnie made a beautiful dive into the adjoining swimming pool and came out shivering and shimmering, and beautiful as ever.

Shari-quiet and shy, but glowing and smiling. Ronnie and Phil climbed the treehouse, and handsome Ian wore his moustache ...

Ellie and Max (in shorts) preparing for Mickey Mouse whom they expect to see when they go to Disney World soon.

Polly and Jack, Fera and Abie, sitting and "kvelling" from the children and surroundings...Tanya busy recalling the telephone exchange names (Plateau, Belair, Lancaster, Dollard, Marquette, etc.) which were replaced by numbers and harder to remember... Uncle Jack planning a cruise with Joe Brecher, but Joe won't go, ‘cause he's a landlubber...

Kate relating the trips to Israel and Greece and the "family" in Haifa, who have been adopted by all...

Florence doing PR work for Shiffy and Avi, with pictures of the reception and the latest snaps of the Grandchildren..

Larry the Chef, and Margaret the charming Hostess, hovering over the guests with platefuls of goodies....

And yours truly, surveying the scene with pride and joy, and proving once more.... "the family that stays together...has fun".

Abi gezint,


Issie Nachshen

August 11, 1979.

As soon as there are more than 2 Nachshens in one place, a Family Circle Meeting evolves. Such was the case on Monday, February 16, 1981.

PLACE: In not so sunny Florida.

PRESENT: Silka Fitelberg - Toronto, Canada

Elizabeth Goldman - NEW YORK, U.S.A.





After a lovely dinner at a local restaurant, the family went to spend the balance of the evening at the winter residence of Kate & Joe Brecher in Hollywood, Florida. Minutes were taken, but the excellent imported secretary forgot them in Florida, so everything written here is as best remembered.

POLLY & JACK: reported that they were having a pleasant, nice winter holiday. The weather being eye-eye, but getting better. Jack is very happy at their location. The shul is right across the street and that pleases him. They had visitors over the holidays, Anne & Eileen were there for a few days, and Anita was there for a quick visit in January.

FERA & ABIE: Silka is visiting with them for 2 weeks and they are enjoying. Mandi was there for two before and Zaide Abie loved having a lovely young lady around to bubble up their life. At his corner, where their apartment is in Hollywood, they have the best orange juice. Everyday he buys a gallon, and when he goes to get a drink in the evening, it is almost empty.

FLORENCE & ISSIE: Florence was busying knitting two hats for Michael and Saul, and if she has wool leftover, one for Ya'ir. They are finishing their winter holiday and loved being in Florida. It is warmer than Montreal and truly for them the sun came out. Issie reported on their wonderful trip to Israel and Greece in October 1980 and are looking forward to Passover in Baltimore with Judy, Danny and the boys. World travellers they are with families all over the world to visit.

KATE & JOE: They too have a guest, the little sister from New York, who came to meet with the Circle. Anyway, they reported that Robert & Judy would be coming to Florida the following week on a delayed honeymoon, and the 4 of them would be going to Disneyworld for 2 days. Also that Steve and Lise are planning a trip to Rio, S.A. in April. (Note from the secretary, we certainly are a wandering clan). They are having a good winter. They very much like their new location this year, having moved up from Bal Harbor. Next year they hope to come back to Hollywood again.

SILKA: Everything is wonderful. Al is home with Frankie and Mandi, and I am here enjoying myself. Toronto is very square. The people not too friendly, but I am not moving back to Montreal where they will force the French down my throat. Does everyone here like my suntan. It came in a little jug called Indian Earth. Just brush it on your face with a brush and you get an instant glow.

ELIABETH (a/k/a Bess): I am here in Florida, resting up after Marvin's illness. He is wonderful, fully recovered and in excellent condition. Me. I am worn out ' gained 15 pounds helping him get better. Kidding aside, we are all well and my family was very good to let me take off for a few days. My host and hostess are very good to me. My big sister tucks me in every night. If she does it to-night, I will probably hit her. My son, the prince is quite grown up, for almost 14. He and the girls have discovered each other and he is very busy with them. We hope to be in Montreal for Passover to see whoever is there.

The best news came after the meeting was over, with the announcement of Stanley Nashen's engagement and approaching marriage to Franci Niznik of Winnipeg. A summer wedding is planned and we are all hopefully looking forward to going.

Shalom from the recording (temporary) secretary. Until the next meeting where ever it is. Maybe even in New York.



FEBRUARY 17, 1981

Several times a year, the Israeli Branch of the Nachshen Family Circle (N.F.C.) meets together--sometimes for a Yom Tov or a special occasion, sometimes just like that. We have often thought of recording the "minutes", but only at our last get-together, on January 31/81, at Kibbutz Ha'Ogen did we succeed This time Shiffy wrote and translated the talk during the "official" part of the weekend visit. Present were Eight Nachshens:

  • Three representatives of the Students' Union - Avi, Dalit and Dassi.
  • One Teacher - Shiffy; and one Teacher on Sabbatical - Nechama.
  • One Breadwinner - Ari
  • Two breadeaters - Gadi and Ya'ir. (Ya'ir has only two teeth so he can't eat much more then bread!)

Shiffy: I'm teaching English to grades four and five, taking care of the Golden-Agers on Shomrat, and enjoying Ya'ir. It's Ya'ir's second visit to Ha'Ogen and he's happy.

Nechama: I'm studying at a Tel Aviv Teacher's Seminar.

Avi: I'm at Ruppin College, studying agriculture.

Nechama: And it's right next to Ha'Ogen -so why don't you visit more often?

Avi: Too much homework!

Nechama: We're all preparing for the Clement Invasion, and we don't have 9 sheets.

Gadi: This is what I do in Kindergarten. Sunday--exercises. Monday - music and sound. Tuesday - a nature walk Wednesday - finger painting. Thursday - vegetable garden. Friday - bake chalah, straighten my room, and listen to a story from the Bible, and look at art books, and celebrate Erev Shabbat.

Ari: I'm a worker. The only worker in the family continues to work and raise the student's children.

Dalit: Nothing to say.

Nechama: You bake, Dalit ...

Ari: ..and bother your parents.

Dassi: ..and bother your sister!

Nechama: ..and sometimes give us "naches".

Dassi: I'm preparing to travel with the family when you all get here...

Nechama: ..and they don't know it yet! Also, I make you slippers...

Ari: Dassi wants to know about the trip to Egypt.

Dalit: No, Greece.

Dassi: Last night my class had a party to investigate the Family Tree of each kid - like Roots. I also visited a religious family in Netanya, and hope not to return.

Nechama: ..and she has a haircut, like Shirley Temple..

Gadi: We all went on a walk to the Hills of Ephraim, and for 3 hours we walked and told stories, then we had a bonfire..

Ari: I hope we finish off this lousy government soon... (By popular acclaim, Nechama will be the Nachshen's Independent Candidate for Prime Minister.)

Avi: Nechama, I don't come often because of too much homework.

Dalit and Dassi: Yes, we also have too much.

Nechama: No, we teachers will give more, watch out. You will come here and you'll see our new upholstery, the colour of coffee, cocoa and dirt. At the next meeting we're expecting 9 1/2 Clements here.

Shiffy: ..and others willing to join..

Nechama: Ha, Ha.

Ya'ir: Abbababa...

Dassi: We took Ya'ir for a walk today.

Gadi's busy holding the microphone. Dassils holding Ya'ir..

Nechama: Do you want a brother, Gadi?

Gadi: No! Only a big brother.

Ari: NO

Ya'ir: Smiles, coos, laughs, and walks holding on to the furniture.

Well, on this happy note, the meeting adjourns. We invite you to share. our next session in person. We miss and love you all!

-Be well,


K. Shomrat,

February 17, 1981


DECEMBER 6, 1981


In attendance: A. Nachshen, Jack and Polly Nachshen, Fera and Abie Garber, Florence and Issie, Phyllis and George, Anne and Sam, Larry, Judy Brecher, Glenn, Franci and Stan, and Jeff.

Sam opened the meeting and called for a reorganization of the N.F.C. executive.

After discussion. and a proposal made by I.N., namely, that we get a working committee of three people to plan, organize and arrange the activities for the year, it was agreed to adopt this plan and I.N. was named Chairman with George and Phyllis as the members of the "working committee." Other members will be called upon for specific duties as required.

A proposal (made perennially) was introduced as to the feasability of holding a Family Seder during Pesach. It was suggested that it be held on the second night, the first being reserved for individual family seder.

Inquiries will be made imediately as to the selection of a place to hold the seder, catering, costs, etc.

This suggestion was approved by an almost unanimous consent.

Another suggestion, also approved, for a summer picnic or BBQ at Margaret and Larry's; a meeting at Phyllis and Goerge's country home; another meeting in the Fall.

It was also agreed by majority vote, that we do not send cards at this times and we do not collect dues until the next Fall meeting.

After brief individual reports of family activities, visits, trips, holidays, etc., the meeting adjourned for delicious refreshments, and a slide showing of the wedding and festivities of Franci and Stan in Winnipeg last summer.

Despite the stormy weather and distance, all who attended expressed their satisfaction that the NFC met and will continue to function.



OCTOBER 10, 1984


In attendance:

Polly and Jack Nachshen, Fera and Abie Garber, Tanya and Jack Clement, Florence and Issie Nachshen, Kate and Joe Brecher, Phyllis and George Nashen, Anne and Sam Nachshen, Ellie and Max Mass, Silka and Al Fitelberg, Shari Skolnik, Frankie Fitelberg.

George chaired the meeting and read the minutes of the previous meeting. Although there were no meetings since the last one (Dec.6/81) there were two Family Pesach Sedarim. The first in 1983, at the King David Hotel, was attended by 60 family members from Montreal, Toronto, New York, Vancouver, Baltimore, and Israel. It was an historic first for the family and a huge success. There were write-ups about the family seder in the local press (Canadian Jewish News and The Suburban) and everyone felt that this new tradition should be continued.

The second Family Seder, in 1984, was held under improved conditions in a beautiful hall. and close to 60 family members attended from Montreal and other parts of the world, including Israel.

Both Sedarim were conducted by Issie Nachshen, with each family seated together and participating in the formal part of the Seder.

This meeting agreed that the same format be continued for the coming year, with as many out-of-town people attending as possible.

There was some discussion that younger family members become more involved in the conduct and preparations of the Seder, and an attempt will be made by Frankie to meet with his peers to discuss their active involvement.

No dues are to be collected since there are no expenditures.

It was felt that there should be at least one meeting a year, and the next one has been planned for June, 1985.

Family reports: Each person present was invited to report on recent activities and events. Brief reports were given, and some of the highlights are as follows:

Mark, son of Margaret and Larry had his Bar-Mitzvah this summer.

Clements in Toronto for Rosh llashana with Mintzi, Rafi and kids, and joined by Philip and family.

Kate and Joe preparing for winter in Florida. Robert, younger son, established his own business.

Fera and Abie preparing for winter in Florida. Fera recovering from accident. Their grandchildren in Vancouver. Rhonda and Phil and great granddaughter, Lynn, moved into new home, near Vancouver.

Florence and Issie had wonderful visit from Shiffy, Avi and boys from Israel. All together for week with Judy, Danny, and family. Judy and Danny moving to new home in Long Island. Danny received grant for $250,000 to continue his research in neuro-physiology.

Silka and Al moved back to Montreal. Al in own business. Mandy in Toronto, Frankie returned from Israel.

Polly and Jack preparing for winter in Florida.

Anne and Same leaving for London visit shortly. Gary returned from summer in Taiwan and China. Eileen busy with studies.

Ellie and Max visited their grandaughter in Vancouver.

Shari started in new job, keeping busy.

Phyllis and George off to Far East shortly. Visited Europe this summer. Franci and Stan moving to Dollard when new home completed.

Frankie spent year in Israel, part time in Kibbutz Nachshon and

Jerusalem. Studying at Concordia - Judaic Studies - working part-time in father's business.

Florence wish for all a healthier and happier New Year.

After the reports the meeting adjourned for refreshments and a video-tape showing of the Pesach Seder,. courtesy of Ellie.


12 Oct 1984


SEPTEMBER 21, 1985


Present: Polly and Jack Nachshen; Fera and Abie Garber; Tanya and Jack Clement; Florence and Issie Nachshen; Kate and Joe Brecher; Phyllis and George Nashen; Anne and Sam Nachshen; Margaret Nachshen (Larry -Absent); Silka and Al Fitelberg; Mintzi and Rafi Skrzydlo; Shari Skolnick and Steve Lock. Children:- Dori and Steven Skrzydlo, Jenny Nachshen; and Lynn Braendel (age 3).

George chaired the meeting. Issie read the minutes of the previous meeting. It was noted that Bobbe Sarah's Yahrrzeit fell on September 21 this year. She died in 1956,

Jack Nachshen informed the meeting that he will not be able to lead the Pesach Seder. Ellie suggested that Issie do it again. It was decided that this be discussed further at the next meeting.

Tanya collected all outstanding dues as agreed at the previous meeting.

Dori volunteered to send out cards on birthdays, etc., and her offer was accepted by all.

The Chairman suggested that we hear reports from all the family members that do not live in Montreal. Accepted. Condensed reports as follows:

VANCOUVER - Brian visited his family in Montreal this summer. ISRAEL - Nechama celebrated a birthday - starting her new job out of Tel Aviv....Aryeh will work out of Kibbutz Haogen...Dalit in the Army...Dassi cut her hair ... Gadi wants to visit Canada. VANCOUVER - Peter, Philip, and families doing well .... NEW YORK - Danny Judy, Mike and Saul all well, spent a week with Florence and Issie at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware .... CALIFORNIA - Shiffy, Avi, Yair and Gahl settling in their new home at Laguna Hills ... TORONTO - Steven, Lise and Arjay settling in their new home in Toronto .... BRONX - Bess and Elliot visited here for Rosh Hashana... Elliot at University in Albany. WHITE PLAINS, N.Y.- Helen busy working and visited Montreal in summer. NEW JERSEY - Wendy and Jack settling in new apartment. NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. - Andrew Zoffer in new apartment, working at Art School. TORONTO - Mandy Fitelberg graduated York University, working. ISRAEL - Franki at David Yellin Institute in Jerusalem and at Kibbutz Nachshon ... teaches dancing. TORONTO - Ian Skolnick visited for Rosh Hashanah. WESTERN CANADA - Glenn Nashen in new job as sales rep for Glenn Jay Inc.

With the world-wide family reports given, we now turned to personal reports. In brief......

Busy summer for all with preparations for the annual winter trek to Florida for some ... also trips abroad .... Al & Silka to Israel and Italy .... Florence & Issie to Portugal and Spain... George & Phyllis looking for a new world spot to visit .... Max and Elli in Vancouver during summer....Kate and Joe's youngest grandson Brandon Adam (age 3 months) attended synagogue services this R.H... Joe Brecher elected president of Bowling league ... Bobby Brecher won first prize... Judy Brecher showing off new son...Stan and Franci still expecting ...Larry absent, baseball playoffs (He’s a player - not spectator)... Margaret, George, Issie attending classes at various schools.... Mintzi, Rafi kept their promise and were here in person for meeting on Saturday ... Shari introduced her friend, Steve..... Rhonda and Lynn (Vancouver) here in person...with Lynn giving her own (continuous, non-stop) report...Steven demonstrated soccer technique... Dori busy collecting addresses and birth dates....

Next meeting, February 1, 1986, in Montreal, in Miami (at Kate and Joe’s) and wherever family members reside....

A new feature at family meetings .... "NOSTALGIA REPORTS” about the early years of the family and the experiences of family members before and after arrival to Canada. Jack N. and Tanya provided a few memories... it will be continued at each meeting....

Adjourment for refreshments courtesy of Ellie and Max.


Issie Nachshen, 22 September,1985