Dr. Teruya Uyeno is my former teacher and supervisor.


1. Uyeno, T. 1961. Late Cenozoic cyprinid fishes from Idaho with notes on other fossil minnows in North America. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 46: 329-344, figs. 1-3.

2. Uyeno, T. and R. R. Miller. 1962. Late Pleistocene fishes from a Trinity River Terrance, Texas. Copeia, 1962 (2): 338-345, figs. 1-5. (with Robert Rush Miller)

3. 1962. Some recent Japanese ichthyological works. Copeia, 1962, (2): 473-475 . (with William A. Gosline as the senior author)

4. 1962. Relationships of Empetrichthys erdisi, a Pliocene cyprinodontid fish from California, with remarks on the Fundulinae and Cyprinodontinae. Copeia, 1962(3): 520-532, figs. 1-7. (with Robert Rush Miller)

5. 1963. Late Pleistocene fishes of the Clear Creek and Ben Franklin local faunas of Texas. J. of the Graduate Research Center, Southern Methodist Univ., 31 (3): 168-173, figs. 1-2.

6. 1963. Summary of Late Cenozoic freshwater fish records for North America. Occasional papers of the Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, 631: 1-34. (with Robert Rush Miller)

7. 1964. Nomenclature of the blue chub and the tui chub, cyprinid fishes from western United States. Copeia, 1964 (1) : 238-239. (with Reeve M. Bailey as the senior author)

8. 1965. Middle Pliocene cyprinid fishes from the Bidahochi Formation, Arizona. Copeia, 1965 (1): 28-41, figs. 1-8. (with Robert Rush Miller)

9. 1965. On a cyprinid fish from a Pleistocene bed in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, and "fossil species problem". Rep. Japan. Soc. Syst, Zool., 1: 27-29, 1 fig. (in Japanese with English summary) 静岡県産コイ科魚類の化石と“化石種”の問題. 動物分類学会誌.

10. 1965. Evolution of host specificity of freshwater salmonid fishes and mussels in the North Pacific region. Venus: Japan. J. of Malacol., 24 (3): 199-209, fig. 1. (in Japanese with English summary) 北太平洋周辺地域におけるカワシンジュガイとサケ科魚類の寄主特異性及びその進化. ヴィーナス. (with D. W. Taylor as the senior author)

11. 1966. Evolution of the freshwater fish fauna in the Cenozoic Era. Kaseki (Fossil), 11:12-18, figs. 1-2. (in Japanese without English title). 新生代における淡水魚相の変遷. 化石.

12. 1966. A systematic note on a Miocene alepisauroid fish from Aichi Prefecture, Japan. Proc. Japan. Soc. Syst. Zool., 2: 39-41. (in Japanese with English summary). 愛知県産ミズウオ類化石の系統学的検討. 動物分類学会誌.

13. 1967. Miocene shark teeth from Tomioka Formation, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. In Fossils of Anancho District, Nagano. pp. 112-207, pls. 20-23. (with Yoshikazu Hasegawa as the senior author; in Japanese) (in Japanese without English title). 富草層群の鮫の歯. (長谷川善和・上野輝彌)阿南町の化石.

14. 1967. A Miocene alepisauroid fish of a new family, Polymerichthyidae, from Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., 10 (3): 383-392, figs. 1-3, pls. 1-2.

15. 1967. Pleistocene cyprinid fish from Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. Miscellaneous Rep. Research Inst. for Natural Resources, 69: 131-134, fig. 1, pl. 11. (in Japanese with English summary). 栃木県塩原産コイ科魚類の化石について. 資源科学研究所彙報.

16. 1968. The first discovery of a fossil tooth belonging to the shark genus Heptranchias, with a new Pristiophorus spine, both from the Oligocene of Japan. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., 11 (2): 195-199, fig. 1, pl. 1. (with Shelton Applegate as the senior author).

17. 1968. Occurrence of two Paleogene fish fossils at Oyubari coal mine in central Hokkaido, Japan. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus, 11 (3): 319-326, figs. 1-2, pl.1. (with Masaaki Inoue as the senior author)

18. 1969. Miocene cyprinid fishes from Mae Sot Basin, northwestern Thailand. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 7: 93-96, pl. 44.

19. 1970. Food habits of lancetfish Alepisaurus ferox (Order Myctophiformes) in Suruga Bay, Japan. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 17 (1): 22-28. (with Tadashi Kubota as the senior author)

20. 1970. Distribution of Scombrolabrax heterolepis Reule (Order Perciformes) in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 17 (1): 51-53, figs. 1-2. (with Bruce E. Higgins, Keiichiro Mori as the senior authors)

21. 1970. On Middle Tertiary teleostean fishes from Tsushima, Japan. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., 3: 33-34, pl. 7. (in Japanese with English summary) 対馬, 対州層群産出の魚類化石について. 国立科博専報.

22. 1970. On the occurrence of the deepsea percoid fish Howella in Japan. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 17 (3): 117-120, figs. 1-2. (with Tadashi Kubota) (in Japanese with English summary) 深海性スズキ目魚類トゲスミクイウオ(新称)Howellaの日本における記録とその分布. (上野輝彌・久保田 正)魚類学雑誌.

23. 1971. Book review: Cyprinid fishes of Japan - Studies on the life-history of cyprinid fishes of Japan. by Morizumi Nakamura. Copeia, 1971 (1): 189-190. (with Robert R. Miller as the senior author)

24. 1971. First record of an adult specimen of ragfish Icosteus aenigmaticus from Japan. Japan J. Ichthyol., 18 (1): 51-54, fig.1. (with Tadashi Kubota as the senior author) (in Japanese with English summary).  日本で初記録のイレズミコンニャクアジ成魚について. (久保田正・上野輝彌)魚類学雑誌.

25. 1971. Multiple sex chromosomes in a Mexican cyprinodontid fish. Nature, 231 (5303): 452-453, figs. 1-3. (with Robert R. Miller)

26. 1972. Tetraploid origin of the karyotype of catostomid fishes. Science, 175 (4022): 644-646, fig. 1. (with Gerald R. Smith)

27. 1972. Second discovery of multiple sex chromosomes among fishes. Experientia, 28 (2) : 223-225, figs. 1-4. (with Robert R. Miller)

28. 1972. Pontinus niger, a synonym of the scorpionfish Ectreposebastes imus, with extention of its range to Japan. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 19 (1): 26-28, fig.1. (with Bruce B. Collette as the senior author)

29. 1972. On the occurrence of the lanternfish Electrona rissoi in Japan. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 19 (2): 125-128, figs. 1-2. (with Tadashi Kubota as the senior author)

30. 1972. On Cretaceous and Tertiary fish remains from the Hidaka and Yubari districts in Hokkaido, Japan. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, 5: 223-226, pls. 6-7. (in Japanese with English summary) 日高・夕張地域の白亜紀および第三紀魚類化石について. 国科博専報.

31. 1972. Chromosomes of offspring resulting from crossing coho salmon and brook trout. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 19 (3): 166-171, figs. 1-2.

32. 1972. Triploidy in rainbow trout. Cytogenetics, 11(6): 508-515, figs.1-2. (with O. Cuellar as the senior author)

33. 1973. Comments on Japanese names for some fish bones and fins. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 20(2): 130-131. (in Japanese). 魚類の若干の骨や鰭の名称について. 魚類学雑誌.

34. 1973. Book review: Colored illustration of bottom fishes collected by Japanese trawlers. Edited by Far Sea Fisheries Research Laboratory. 1972. Copeia, 1973 (3): 637-638. (with Katsuzo Kuronuma as the senior author)

35. 1973. A comparative study of chromosomes in the teleostean fish order Osteoglossiformes. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 20 (4): 211-217, figs. 1-5.

36. 1973. Chromosomes and the evolution of the plagopterin fishes (Cyprinidae) of the Colorado River system. Copeia, 1973 (4): 776-782, figs. 1-4. (with Robert R. Miller)

37. 1973. 特別企画・学会誌紹介—2 「魚類学雑誌」について. 月刊雑誌目次300, 10月号, pp. 339-342. (in Japanese without English title)

38. 1974. Early Pleistocene remains of basking shark, hammerhead shark, and others found in Yokohama, Japan. Bull. Kanagawa Pref. Mus. (Nat. Sci.), 7: 57-66, figs. 1-4, pls. 21-24. (with Yoshiaki Matsushima; with English summary) 横浜市中里層産出のウバザメ, シュモクザメなどの化石について.(上野輝彌・松島義彰)神奈川県立博物館研究報告.

39. 1974. Fossil fishes from Okinawajima. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, 7: 53-60, figs. 1-3, pls. 7-8. (with Tomohide Nohara and Yoshikazu Hasegawa; with English summary) 沖縄島産魚類化石について. (上野輝彌・野原朝秀・長谷川義和)国科博専報.

40. 1974. A fossil shark tooth of Carcharodon megalodon from Miyakojima. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, 7: 61-64, figs. 1-2. (with Yoshikazu Hasegawa, Tomohide Nohara, and Akira Adania; with English summary) 宮古島産古代鮫Carcharodon megalodonの歯化石. (上野輝彌・長谷川義和・野原朝秀・安谷屋昭)国科博専報.

41. 1974. A new Miocene lamnoid shark, Carcharodon akitaensis, from central Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, 17 (3): 257-260, figs. 1-3, pl. 1. (with Yoshikazu Hasegawa)

42. 1975. A fish fossil of the family Scombridae from a Miocene bed in Toyama Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Ser. C, 1 (1): 11-16, fig. 1, pl. 1. (with Shoji Fujii)

43. 1975. Book review: Interrelationships of fishes. Edited by P. H. Greenwood, R. S. Miles, and C. Patterson. 1973. Japan. J. lchthyol., 21 (4): 235-239. (in Japanese). 書評:グリーウッドらの“魚類の類縁関係”. 魚類学雑誌.

44. 1975. Late Cenozoic gobiid fish from Togo Formation in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Ser. C, 1 (2): 55-60, fig. 1, pls. 1-2. (with Yushiro Iwao)

45. 1975. Pliocene shark remains of Carcharodon, Carcharhinus, and Dalatias, from Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Kanagawa Pref. Mus., 8: 41-55, figs. 1-4, pls. 1-4. (with Yoshiaki Matsushima) (in Japanese) 神奈川県北部の中津累層産出ホホジロザメ, ヨロイザメなどの化石について.(上野輝彌・松島義章)神奈川県立博物館研究報告.

46. 1975. Fossil shark teeth from Cretaceous and Tertiary beds in Shikoku Island. Japan. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus. 8: 51-56, figs. 1-2, pl. 5. (with Naruhiko Kashima and Yoshikazu Hasegawa; with English summary) 四国白亜紀および第三紀のサメ類化石. (上野輝彌・鹿島愛彦・長谷川義和)国科博専報.

47. 1975. Freshwater fishes from Late Cenozoic deposits in Kusu Basin, Oita Prefecture, Japan. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, (8): 57-66, fig. 1, pls. 6-9. (with Seiro Kimura, Yoshikazu Hasegawa; with English summary). 大分県玖珠盆地産新生代後期淡水魚類化石.(上野輝彌・木村清朗・長谷川義和)国立科博専報.

48. 1975. 魚類.pp. 181–242, figs. 1–43.In 鹿間時夫編.新版古生物学 III,朝倉書店,東京. (in Japanese without English title)

49. 1976. On three species of the myctophid genus Notoscopelus found in western North Pacific. Japan. J. lchthyol., 22 (4) : 227-233, figs. 1-3. (with Eiichi Fujii as the senior author: with English summary) 西部太平洋産オオクチイワシ属について. (藤井英一・上野輝彌)魚類学雑誌.

50. 1976. On the body coloration and an abnormal specimen of the goblin shark, Mitsukurina owstoni Jordan. Bull. Kanagawa Pref. Mus. (Nat. Sci.), 9: 67-70, pls. 1-2. (with Kazue Nakamura and Susumu Mikami) (in Japanese with English summary). ミツクリザメの体色と一奇形個体.(上野輝彌・中村一恵・三上進)神奈川県立博物館研究報告.

51. 1977. First record of the neoscopelid fish, Scopelengys tristis from Japan. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 23 (4): 239-241, figs. 1-2. (with Shuzo Kishida)

52. 1977. The second specimen of the alepocephalid fish, Rouleina tanakae, collected off Kyushu, Japan. Japan J. Ichthyol., 24 (2): 141-143, figs. 1-2. (with Shuzo Kishida)

53. 1978. On some meristic characters of lancetfish, Alepisaurus, collected from Suruga Bay, Japan. J. Fac. Mar. Sci. Technol., Tokai Univ., 11: 63-69. figs. 1-3. (with Tadashi Kubota as the senior author).

54. 1978. Fish fossils. In The report of the second excavation for the Cretaceous fish fossils in Kokura, Kitakyushu City, Japan. Kitakyushushi Kyoikuiinkai, pp. 13-17, pls. 7-12. (in Japanese without English title). 魚類化石. 北九州市小倉産白亜紀魚類化石第二次発掘調査報告書. 北九州市教育委員会.

55. 1978. Paleontological studies of elasmobranchs in Japan. Marine Sci. Monthly, 10(3): 195-201, figs. 1-6. (in Japanese without English title). 板鰓類の古生物学的研究. 海洋科学, 1978年3月号. 海洋出版(株).

56. 1978. ニュージーランド沖で発見された大型脊椎動物遺体の正体について. Pp. 19–22, 図1.

On the nature of the carcass of a large vertebrate found off of New Zealand. Collected papers on the carcass of an unidentified animal trawled off New Zealand by the Zuiyomaru, pp. 63-65, figs. a-b. (with Yoshikazu Hasegawa as the senior author)

57. 1978. A record of the filefish, Amanses scopas, collected from the Amami Islands, Japan. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 25(2): 153-154, fig. 1. (with Wataru Takada as the senior author with English summary) 奄美群島で採集されたカワハギ科魚類アザミカワハギ(新称).(上野輝彌・高田 渡)魚類学雑誌.

58. 1978. Karyotype of Hiodon tergisus and DNA value of Hiodon tergisus and Hiodon alosoides . Chromosome Information Service, 24: 57. (with R. J. Beamish as the senior author)

59. 1978. On some Lower Triassic fishes from Ankilokaza, Madagascar. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Ser. C (Geol. & Paleontol.) 4 (4): 193-198, figs. 1-5, pls. 1-3.

60. 1978. Identification of fish bones from archaeological sites. Archeology & Natural Sci., 11: 21-31, figs. 1-2. (in Japanese with English abstract). 遺跡出土の魚骨の同定について. 考古学と自然科学, 第11号.

61. 1978. A preliminary report on fossil fishes from Ts’o-chen Tainan. Sci. Rep. Geo. & Paleo. No. 1, Taiwan Mus., 5-17, 1 fig. pls. 1-4.

62. 1979. Fish fossils of Besho Formation in Sakaki, Hanishina, Nagano Prefecture. In Rep. Survey in Kurumizawa: 5-12, fig. 1-6. (in Japanese without English title) 長野県坂城町別所層の魚類化石. 長野県埴科郡坂城町胡桃沢化石群の調査報告.

63. 1979. Polyplacapros tyleri, a new genus and species of ostraciid trunk fish from off eastern Australia and Norfolk Ridge. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 26(1): 1-10, figs. 1-7. (with Eiichi Fujii as a senior author).

64. 1979. Comparative study of teeth from Naganuma Formation of Middle Pleistocene and Recent specimens of the great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias from Japan. Bull. Kanagawa Pref. Mus. (Nat. Sci.), 11: 11-30, figs. 1-9. (with Yoshiaki Matsushima) (in Japanese with English abstract) 現生および長沼層(中部更新統)のホホジロザメの歯. 神奈川県立博物館研究報告(自然科学).

65. 1979. Early Cretaceous freshwater fishes from northern Kyushu, Japan. I. Description of two new species of the clupeid genus Diplomystus. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist., 1: 11-24, figs. 1-3, pls. 3-4.

66. 1979. Karyotypic variations in speciation of fishes. Zool. Magazine, 88(4): 682. (in Japanese with English title). 核型分析からみた魚類の種分化. 動物学雑誌.

67. 1979. Fish remains from the Nagaranishi shell mound, Iejima, Okinawa Prefecture. Rep. on excavation of Nagarabarunishi, Iejima, Okinawa. pp. 121-153, figs. 1-11, pls. 1-10. (in Japanese without English title). 沖縄県伊江島ナガラ原貝塚産魚類遺骸. 伊江島ナガラ原西貝塚−緊急発掘調査報告書.

68. 1980. Allodontichthys hubbsi, a new species of goodeid fish from southwestern Mexico. (with Robert R. Miller as the senior author). Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., (692): 1-13., figs. 1-6.

69. 1980. Early Cretaceous freshwater fishes from northern Kyushu, Japan. II. Restoration of two species of the clupeid fish genus Diptomystus. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist., 2: 25-31, figs. 1-5, pls. 1-2 (with Y. Yabumoto).

70. 1980. On the rate of evolution in fishes. Aquabiology, 2(4): 242-247, figs. 1-7. (in Japanese with English abstract). 魚類の進化速度について. 海洋と生物.

71. 1980. SEM observation on a fragment of Triassic fish scale from Okinawa, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Ser. C (Geol.), 6(3): 101-106, figs. 1-3, pls. 1-2. (Yoshio Fukuda, Teruya Uyeno, Hiroyuki Miyagi, and Ikuwo Obata)

72. 1980. Paleontology of deepsea fishes. Marine Sciences Monthly, 12(8): 588-593, figs. 1-11. (in Japanese without English title). 深海魚類の古生物学. 海洋科学.


73. 1980. Forms of deepsea fishes. Marine Sciences Monthly, 12(8): 594-611, figs. 1-116. (with Takao Arai as the senior author). (in Japanese without English title). 深海魚の種類(荒井孝男・上野輝彌)海洋科学.

74. 1980. Some shark teeth from Miocene Ichishi Formation in Mie Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Ser. C (Geol.), 6(4): 81-86, pls. 1-2. (with Yoshikazu Hasegawa and Tamotsu Kakuta)

75. 1981. On fossil animals from Ishizuchi paleolake. In Geol. and Paleontol. of the Shimanto Belt (edited by A. Taira and M. Tashiro). pp. 43-48, figs. 1-2. Rinyakosaikai Press. (Jiro Ktto, Teruya Uyeno and Minoru Imajima) (in Japanese without English title). 石鎚化石湖からの動物化石について. (甲藤次郎・上野輝彌・今島 実)

76. 1981. Upper Cretaceous elasmobranchs from Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, Ser. C (Geol.), 7(2): 82-86, figs. 1-2, pl. 1. (with Tetsuo Minakawa and Masaki Matsukawa)

77. 1981. Remarkable changes in the vertebrae of perciform fish Scombrolabrax with notes on its anatomy and systematics. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 28(3) : 259-262, figs. 1-2. (with Carl E. Bond as the senior author).

78. 1981. Osteology of the clupeiform fish genus Hyperlophus (I). Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist., 3: 69-78, figs. 1-7. (with Yoshitaka Yabumoto as the senior author)

79. 1981. 両生類と祖先の鼻の穴 祖先は肺魚かユーステノプテロンか.日本の博物館.第10巻,古生物学から人類まで,自然史博物館,pp. 37–40, figs. 95–104, 講談社,東京.

80. 1982. Tertiary shark teeth of Carcharodon megalodon and Isurs benedeni from Shimajiri Formation in Okinawa. Bull. Okinawa Prefectural Museum, 8: 1-7, figs. 1-3, pl. 1. (with Itsuro Oshiro) (in Japanese with English title). (沖縄島第三紀島尻層産出のホホジロザメ属とアオザメ属の歯. (上野輝彌・大城逸朗)沖縄県立博物館紀要.

81. 1982. Middle Miocene shark teeth from eastern Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan. Mem. Natn Sci. Mus., 15: 63-72, figs. 1-6, pls. 3-4. (with Keiichi Ono) (in Japanese with English summary) 山梨県東部産出の中期中新世板鰓類化石. (上野輝彌・小野慶一)国科博専報.

82. 1982. 化石に見られる魚の進化. 自然科学と博物館, 49(3): 81-85, figs. 1-9. (in Japanese without English title and abstract).

83. 1982. Osteology of the clupeiform fish, genus Hyperlophus (II). Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist., 4: 77-102, figs. 1-9. (with Yoshitaka Yabumoto as the senior author).

84. 1983. Miocene elasmobranchs from Chichibu Basin, Saitama, Japan. Bull. Saitama Mus. Nat. Hist., 1: 27-36, fig. 1, pls. 1-5. (with Keiichi Ono and Hajime Sakamoto) (in Japanese with English abstract). 秩父盆地産出中新世板鰓類化石. (上野輝彌・小野慶一・坂本 治)埼玉県博研報. 

85. 1983. Karyology of the cyprinodontoid fishes of the Mexican family Goodeidae. Copeia, 1983(2): 497-510, figs. 1-4. (with Robert R. Miller and John M. Fitzsimons)

86. 1983. A new enchodontoid fish of the genus Eurypholis from Cretaceous of Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Ser. C (Geol.), 9(2): 79-83, figs . 1-4. (with Tetsuo Minakawa)

87. 1983. Speciation and rates of evolution in some fishes. Fossil, 34: 4-7. (in Japanese with English title)魚類の種分化と進化速度.化石.

88. 1983. 魚類の歯にみられる適応と進化(I). 科学と実験, 10月号: 48-53, figs. 1-8. (in Japanese without English title and abstract).

89. 1983. 魚類の歯にみられる適応と進化(II). 科学と実験, 11月号: 50-54. figs. 1-8. (in Japanese without English title and abstract).

90. 1983 魚類の歯にみられる適応と進化(III). 科学と実験, 12月号: 74-73, figs. 1-17. (in Japanese without English title and abstract).

91. 1984. Lamnoid shark Carcharodon from Miocene beds of Chichibu Basin, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Saitama Mus. Nat. Hist., 2: 47-65, figs. 1-3, pls. 1-10. (with Osamu Sakamoto). 秩父盆地中新統産出のホホジロザメ属化石とその意義.(上野輝彌・坂本治)埼玉県自然史博研究報告.

92. 1984. Fossil teeth of the lamnoid shark, Carcharodon in Akita prefectural Museum, Japan. Ann. Rep. Akita Pref. Mus. 9: 71-80, fig. 1, pls. 1-5. (with Akira Watanabe) (in Japanese with English summary). 秋田県立博物館蔵ホホジロザメ属の歯の化石(上野輝彌・渡辺晟)秋田県立博物館研究報告.

93. 1984. Summary of fossil fish records from southeast Asia. Geol. and Palaeontol. Southeast Asia, 25: 305-307.

94. 1984. A basic study for identification of fish bones in archaeology. Rep. on "Science and preservation of archaeologic and historic materials."pp. 559-571, figs. 1-22. (with Keiichi Matsuura, Hitoshi Hattori and Kimio Suzuki) (in Japanese without English title and abstract)遺跡魚骨同定の比較骨学的基礎研究. (上野輝彌・松浦啓一・服部仁・鈴木公雄)自然科学. 文部省科学研究費特定研究「古文化財」総括班.

95. 1984. Fossil fishes of Ashiya Group (1). Late Oligocene elasmobranchs from Islands of Ainoshirna and Kaijima, Kitakyushu. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist., 5: 135-142, pls. 1-5. (with Yoshitaka Yabumoto and Naoyuki Kuga) 芦屋層群の魚類化石 1.北九州市藍島・貝島産出の後期漸新世板鰓魚類相.(上野輝彌・籔本美孝・久家直之)北九州市立自然史博物館研究報告.

96. 1984. Osteology of the rice fish, Oryzias latipes. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist., 5: 143-161, figs. 1-17. (with Yoshitaka Yabumoto as the senior author) (in Japanese with English abstract) メダカ Oryzias latipes の骨学的研究.(籔本美孝・上野輝彌)北九州市立自然史博物館研究報告.

97. 1984. Middle Miocene elasmobranchs from Sunagawa, Yamagata Prefecture. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., 17: 35-38, fig. 1, pls. 3-5. (with Houhei Uematsu) (in Japanes with English summary) 山形県朝日村砂川産出の中期中新世板鰓類.(上野輝彌・植松芳平)国立科博専報.

98. 1984. The Book that Built Science 30: A Catalogue of Japanese Fishes by Kanzo Uchimura. Science Salon, Vol. 8(3).The opening article. (in Japanese without English title and abstract). 科学を築いた本 30 内村鑑三著 「日本魚類目録」. 科学サロン, 8(3) 巻頭.

99. 1985. Characteristic features of karyotypes among various taxomomic groups of fishes. Kaiyoukagaku, 17(2): 125-130, figs. 1-5. (in Japanese without English title and abstract) 魚類分類群にみられる核型変異の特異性. 海洋科学.

100. 1985. A scombrid fish of the genus Scomberomorus from a Miocene bed in Chichibu Basin, Japan. Bull. Saitama Mus. Nat. Hist. 3: 49-53, figs. 1-3, pls. 1-2. (with Osamu Sakamoto). (in Japanese with English title). 秩父盆地で発見された中新世のサワラ属魚類化石(上野輝彌・坂本治)埼玉県立自然史博研報.

101. 1985. Paleontological analysis of the rate of evolution among fossil groups in the Cretaceous and Cenozoic. Gakujutsugeppo, 38(6): 388-391. (in Japanese without English title). 白亜紀及び新生代古生物群の進化速度解析. 学術月報.

102. 1985. Tertiary vertebrates from Sado Island, Niigata Prefecture, Central Japan. Mem. Nat. Sci. Mus., 18: 65-72, figs. 1-2, pl. 6. (with Keiichi Ono as the senior author) (in Japanese with English summary). 佐渡島の第三紀脊椎動物化石. (小野慶一・上野輝彌)国立科博専報.

103. 1985. On the clupeid fish, Eosardinella hishinaiensis, from Miocene beds in Sado Island, Japan. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., 18: 57-63, figs. 1-14. (with Yoichi Sato as the senior author) (in Japanese with English summary). 佐渡島中新統産ニシン科魚類Eosardinella hishinaiensis.(佐藤陽一・上野輝彌)国立科博専報.

104. 1986. A new Cretaceous ganopristoid sawfish of the genus Ischyrhiza from Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Ser. C, 12(2): 67-72, figs. 1-4. (with Yoshikazu Hasegawa).

105. 1986. Biogeographic changes of Japanese fish fauna after Cretaceous Period. Indo-Pacific fish biology, p.961. Ichthyol. Soc. Japan.

106. 1987. The urodermals in lanternfish family Myclophidae (Pisces: Myctophiformes). Copcia, 1987(1): 176-181, figs. 1-2. (with Tsutomu Miyake as the senior author)

107. 1987. Squaliolus aliae, a dalatiid shark distinct from S. latlcaudus. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 34(3) : 373-376, figs. 1-2. (with Kunio Sasaki as the senior author)

108. 1988. Systematics of the Osteichthyes. “Ichthyological Currents 1988.” Asakura Shoten, Tokyo, pp. 61–75, figs. 1-5. (in Japanese without English title). 硬骨魚類の分類体系. 現代の魚類学, 朝倉書店, 東京.

109. 1988. A fossil of the righteye flounder, Clidoderma asperrimum, from Pliocene Tatsunokuchi Formation, Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mum. Ser. C (Geol. & Paleontol.), 14(1): 37-43, figs. 1-4. (with Kazuo Sakamoto as the senior author).

110. 1988. A New righteye flounder from the Late Pleistocene Togane Formation, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. C, 14(3): 135-142, figs. 1-5. (with Kazuo Sakamoto as the senior author).

111. 1988. Quaternary vertebrates from Shiriya Area, Shimokita Penninsula, Northeastern Japan. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., 21: 17-36, figs. 1-3, pls. 1-8. (with Yoshikazu Hasegawa, Yukimitsu Tomida, Naoki Kohno, Keiichi Ono, and Hiroshi Nokariya as the senior author) (in Japanese with English summary). 下北半島尻屋地域の更新世脊椎動物群集.(長谷川善和・富田幸光・甲能尚樹・小野慶一・野刈家宏・上野輝彌)国立科博専報.

112. 1988. The fish fauna of the Japanese Archipelago. p. vii In The fishes of the Japanese Archipelago. 2nd edition (Ed. By H. Masuda, K. Amaoka, C. Araga, T. Uyeno and T. Yoshino.) pp. i–xxii, 1–456, pls. 1–378. Tokai University Press, Tokyo. 日本列島の魚類相.日本産魚類大図鑑第2版.(益田一・尼岡邦夫・荒賀忠一・上野輝彌・吉野哲夫編)東海大学出版会,東京.

113. 1988. Vertebrate remains from Yatsudai Shell Mound. pp. 3-14, figs. 1-2, pls. 1-4. (with Keiichi Ono as the senior author) Sanbu Archaeol. Inst. (in Japanese without English title). 谷津台遺跡出土の脊椎動物遺存体. 谷津台遺跡.(小野慶一・上野輝彌)山武孝行学研究所.

114. 1989. Description of an almost complete tooth set of Carcharodon megalodon from a Middle Miocene bed in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Saitama Mus. Nat. Hist. 7: 73-85, figs. 1-6, pls. 1-16. (with Osamu Sakamoto and Hirofumi Sekine) (in Japanese with English abstract). 埼玉県川本町中新統産出カルカロドン・メガロドンの同一個体に属する歯群.(上野輝彌・坂本治・関根浩史)埼玉県立自然史博物館研究報告.

115. 1989. A new Middle Miocene righteye flounder Hippoglossoides naritai from Tokora, Hokkaido, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Ser. C, 15(2): 71-79, figs.1-4. (with Kazuo Sakamoto as the senior author)

116. 1989. Platichthys miostellatus, a new Miocene righteye flounder from Yaita City, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Ser. C, 15(4): 161-166, figs. 1-4. (with Kazuo Sakamoto as the senior author)

117. 1990. A nearly complete tooth set and several vertebrae of the lamnid shark Isurus hastalis from the Pliocene in Chiba, Japan. J. Natur. Hist. Mus. and Inst., Chiba, 1: 15-20, figs. 1-6. (with Yasuo Kondo and Kokichi Inoue) (in Japanese with English abstract). 千葉県鋸南町鮮新統千畑層から産したネズミザメ科イスルス・ハスタリスの同一個体の歯群および脊椎骨群化石.(上野輝彌・近藤康・井上浩吉)千葉中央博自然誌研究報告.

118. 1990. An outline of vertebrate paleontological and paleoanthropological survey in Tokunoshima and Amami-oshima Island, southwestern Japan. Mem. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, (23):173-183, figs. 1-7. (with Y. Tomida, H. Otsuka, H. Sakura, and H. Baba) (in Japanese with English summary). 徳之島、奄美大島における古脊椎動物学的、古人類学的調査の概要.(冨田幸光・大塚裕之・上野輝彌・佐倉朔・馬場悠男)国立科学専報

119. 1990. Three fish fossils from the Neogene strata at Himi City, Toyama Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., Ser. C, 16(4): 155-165, figs. 1-8. (with Kazuo Sakamoto and Shoji Fujii)

120. 1990. Where do fish come from? Searching for the origin of fish. Animals and Zoos, Mar. 1990: 4-7, figs. 1-7. (in Japanses with English title). 魚類の起源をさぐる. どうぶつと動物園.

121. 1990. 魚類化石. 西之表市形之山化石群の発掘調査 −第一報−. 西之表市教育委員会, pp. 17-21, pls. 6-7.(籔本美孝・上野輝彌)(in Japanese without English title and summary).

122. 1991. Catalogue of fish fossil specimens. National Science Museum, pp. i-vi, 1-70. (with H. Sakura). 魚類化石標本目録(上野輝彌・佐倉朔)国立科学博物館.

123. 1991. A new Miocene queenfish of the genus Scomberoides (Pisces, Carangidae) from Tottori, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Ser. C, 17(2): 41-48, figs. 1-6. (witb Yusuke Suda)

124. 1991. Observations on locomotion and feeding of released coelacanths, Latimeria chalumnae. Environmental Biology of Fishes., 32: 267-273, figs. 1-2.

125. 1991. Stomach contents of Latimeria chalumnae and further notes on its feeding habit. Environmental Biology of Fishes., 32: 275-279, fig. 1. (with Toshio Tsutsumi)

126. 1991. Hippoglossoides kumaishi, a new Miocene righteye flounder from Oshima Peninsula, Hokkaido, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Ser. C, 17(4): 165-172, figs. 1-6. (with Kazuo Sakamoto as the senior author).

127. 1992. On a salmonid fish fossil collected off Ichani of Shibetu, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Bull. Hokkaido Shibetu-cho Poh River Historical Site and Nature Park, 1: 1-6, figs. 1-7. 北海道東部の標津町伊茶仁沖で採集されたサケ科魚類の化石. 北海道標津町ポー川史跡自然公園紀要.

128. 1992. Saitamapsetta nomurai gen et sp. nov., a righteye flounder from a Middle Miocene bed in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, Ser. C, 18(3): 101-112, figs. 1-7. (with K. Sakamoto as the senior author).

129. 1992. Fossil marine fishes from Koetoi Formation (middle Late Miocene to Early Pliocene) in Wakkanai City, northern Hokkaido, Japan. Mem. Nat. Sci. Mus., Tokyo (25): 41-48, figs. 1-6. (in Japanese with English summary). 北海道北部、稚内市の声問層(後期中新世後期〜前期鮮新世)の海産魚類化石. 国立科博専報.

130. 1993. Paralichthys yamanai, a new middle Miocene lefteye flatfishes from Tottori, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. C, 19(1): 1-9, figs. 1-6. (with Kazuo Sakamoto as the senior author)

131. 1993. A new Middle Miocene righteye flatfish, Microstomus tochigiensis, from Tochigi, Japan. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. C., 19(3): 105-113, figs. 1-6. (with Kazuo Sakamoto as the senior author).

132. 1993. Remains of fishes, birds, and mammals from Jomon Period shell mounds in Kawasaki City. Japan. Bull. Kawasaki City Mus., 5: 33-68, figs. 1-6, pls. 1-4. (with Shinsuke Hamada, KyomiYamasaki as the senior authors) (in Japanese without English title and abstract). 川崎市内貝塚出土の魚骨・鳥骨・獣骨.(浜田晋介・山崎京美・上野輝彌)川崎市市民ミュージアム紀要, 第5集, 33-68、図版1-4.

133. 1993. Late Cretaceous fish fossils from Nemuro, Hokkaido, Japan. Mem. Nat. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, (26): 39-46, figs. 1-7. (with Nobuteru Matsui) (in Japanes with English summary).北海道根室市産出の後期白亜紀魚類化石.(上野輝彌・松井信輝)国立科博専報.

134. 1994. A new Miocene ponyfish of the genus Leiognathus (Pisces, Leiognathidae) from Tottori Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Ser. C, 20(2): 67-77, figs. 1-4, pls. 1-4. (with Yoshitaka Yabumoto as the senior author).

135. 1994. Ranzania ogaii, a new Miocene slender mola from Saitama, Japan (Pisces: Tetraodontiformes). Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Ser. C, 20(3): 109-117, fig s. 1-2, pls. 1-4. (with Kazuo Sakamoto).

136. 1994. Scomberomorus chichibu, a new Miocene scombrid fish from Japan (Pisces, Perciformes). Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Ser. C, 20(4): 149-155, figs. 1-3. (with Kazuo Sakamoto and Osamu Sakamoto).

137. 1994. Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic fish faunas of Japan. The Island Arc (1994) 3: 255-269, tabs. 1-23. (with Yoshitaka Yabumoto as the senior author)

138. 1994. 富永義昭博士を偲んで. Dr. Yoshiaki Tominaga (1936-1994). 魚類学雑誌, 41(3): 351. (in Japanes).

139. 1995. Squalicorax and some other shark teeth from an Upper Cretaceous bed in Iwaki City, Japan. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, (28): 59-64, figs. 1-2. (with Chisato Suzuki) (in Japanes with English summary). 福島県いわき市上部白亜系足沢層の一露頭から採集されたSqualicorax等のサメの歯.(上野輝彌・鈴木千里)国立科博専.

140. 1996. Triassic fishes collected in Mine City and Sanyocho in Yamaguchi Prefecture. Bull. Mine City Mus., Yamaguchi Pref., Japan, (12): 1-27, pls. 1-11. (with Fumio Takahashi, Eiji Doi, and Gentaro Naito) (in Japanes with English summary). (in Japanese with English summary). 山口県美祢市ならびに山陽町からの三畳紀魚類化石群の産出. (上野輝彌・高橋文雄・土井英治・内藤源太郎)美祢市歴史民俗資料館調査研究報告.

141. 1996. Anatomical description of Normanichthys crockeri (Scorpaeniformes, incertae sedis: family Normanichthyidae). Bull. Mar. Sci., 58(2): 494-510, figs. 1-11. (with Mamoru Yabe as the senior author)

142. 1996. Summary of Mesozoic elasmobranch remains from Japan. Mesozoic Fishes – Systematics and Paleoecology, G. Arratia & G. Viohl (des.): 73-82, figs. 1-5, tabs. 1-4. (Masatoshi Goto, Teruya Uyeno and Yoshitaka Yabumoto)

143. 1997. An Oligocene record of a flatfish from the Kiwado Formation, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Ser. C, 23(1/2): 51-59, figs. 1-8. (with Kazuo Sakamoto as the senior author)

144. 1997. Dentition of a female megamouth, Megachasma pelagios, collected from Hakata Bay, Japan. pp. 63-75, figs. 1-15. Biology of the Megamouth Shark edited by K. Yano, J. F. Morrissey, Y. Yabumoto, K. Nakaya. 1997, xvi+203pp., Tokai University Press, Tokyo. (Yoshitaka Yabumoto, Masatoshi Goto, Kazunari Yano, and Teruya Uyeno)

145. 1998. A dentary of the flatfish Paralichthys olivaceus (Pisces: Pleuronectiformes) from the Pleistocene Hirayama Formation, Tokyo, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Ser. C, 24(1/2): 93-97, figs. 1-3. (Kazuo Sakamoto, Teruya Ueno and Tomoki Kase)

146. 1998. Fossil record of a silurid catfish from the Middle Miocene Sanuki Group of Ohkawa, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. Ichthyol. Res., 45 (4): 341-345, figs. 1-4. (Watanabe, K., T. Uyeno and S. Mori)

147. 1998. 自然物コレクションと博物館の年次報告 −大英自然史博物館の報告を読んで—. 博物館研究, 33(1): 6-8, 2 figs.

148. 1999. Spirinchus akagii, a new Miocene smelt from Tottori Prefecture, Japan (Pisces: Osmeriformes: Osmeridae). Bull. Natn Sci. Mus., Ser. C (Geology & Paleontology), 25(3, 4): 143-150, figs. 1-4. (with Kazuo Sakamoto)

149. 1999. On three species of fossil fishes described from a Middle Miocene bed in Tottori Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Tottori Pref. Museum, (36): 1-23, figs. 1-19. (with Kazuo Sakamoto, Yoshitaka Yabumoto, Yusuke Suda and Kazuyuki Hirao) (in Japanes with English title). 鳥取県国府町宮下の中期中新世の魚類三種の記載とその意義. (上野輝彌・坂本一男・籔本美孝・須田有輔・平尾和幸)鳥取県立博物館研究報告.

150. 1999. Fossil bagrid catfishes from Japan and their zoogeography, with description of a new species, Pseudobagrus ikiensis. Ichthyol. Res., 46 (4): 397—412, figs. 1-13. (with K. Watanabe as the senior author)

151. 1999. Saradinella miyanoshitaensis, a new clupeid fish from the Middle Miocene Tottori Group, Tottori Prefecture, Japan, Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Ser. C, 25(3, 4): 129-141, figs. 1-8. (with Yoichi Sato as the senior author)

152. 2000. Paleoichthyological survey of a Middle Pleistocene lacustrine bed in the Kusu Basin, Oita Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus. Nat. Hist. Researches of the Region around Seto Inland Sea (1), (32): 55-75, figs. 1-2, pls. 1-10. (with Yoshitaka Yabumoto, Eiichi Kitabayashi, Tateyu Aoki and Yukimitsu Tomida) (in Japanes with English summary). 玖珠盆地(大分県)中期更新世湖成層の古魚類学的調査. (上野輝彌・籔本美孝・北林栄一・青木建諭・富田幸光)国立科学博物館専報, 瀬戸内海を中心とする地域の自然史科学的総合研究.

153. 2000. A catalogue of Miocene fishes from Miyanoshita, Tottori Prefecture, Japan. Tottori Prefecture Museum, Tottori, Japan, v + 66pp., figs. 1-42, pls. 1-14. (Kazuyuki Hirao, Yoichi Sato, Teruya Uyeno, Kazuo Sakamoto, Yusuke Suda and Yoshitaka Yabumoto( (in Japanese). 鳥取県岩美郡国府町宮下産魚類化石目録. (平尾和幸・佐藤陽一・上野輝彌・坂本一男・須田有輔・籔本美孝)鳥取県立博物館.

154. 2000. Inabaperca taniurai, a new genus and species of Miocene percoid fish from Tottori Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. C(Geology & Paleontology) 26(3,4): 93-106, pls. 1-7. (with Yoshitaka Yabumoto as the senior auther)

155. 2001 Clidoderma yamagataensisn, a new Middle Miocene righteye flatfish, from Yamagata Prefecture, Japan (Pisces: Pleuronectiformes: Pleuronectidae). Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Ser. C, 27(1, 2): 1-6, figs. 1-2. (Kazuo Sakamoto, Teruya Uyeno and Takashi Otsu)

156. 2002. On porcupine fish tooth plates from the Misaki Formation, Miura Group (Middle Miocene) in Miura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, central Japan. Journal of Fossil Research, 35(1): 10-14, figs 1-10. (with Masatoshi Goto as the senior author) (in Japanese with English abstract). 三浦層群三崎層(中期中新世)から産出したハリセンボン属(条鰭魚類・フグ目)の歯板化石,化石研究会会誌.(後藤仁敏・上野輝彌)化石研究会.

157. 2002. Revision of a Miocene flatfish Pleuronectes sonei (Shikama, 1964) of the family Pleuronectidae, from Yamagata Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Ser. C, (28): 37-41, figs. 1-4. (with K. Sakamoto as the senior author)

158. 2002. Miocene stephanoberyciform fish fossil from Aomori City, Aomori prefecture, Northeast Japan. Bull. Aomori Pref. Mus., (26): 81- 88, figs. 1-3, pls. 1-2. (with Takashi Shimaguchi, Eiichi Fujii and Naoki Nemoto) (in Japanese with English title). 青森市、中新統凝灰質泥岩のクジラウオ目魚類化石について. (上野輝彌・島口天・藤井英一・根本直樹)青森県立郷土館研究年報.

159. 2002 Strategies of coelacanths for survival. Animals and Zoos, 54(10): 4-9, figs. 1-7, photos. 1-3. (in Japanese with English title). シーラカンスのからだとくらし —その生き残り戦略. どうぶつと動物園.

160. 2002. Some results of Coelacanth research in Japan –from my experience. The Coelacanth, Fathom the Mystery, Aquamarine Symposium Proceedings, Aquamarine Fukushima, pp. 11-12, figs. 1-5.

161. 2003. Oligoscophthalmus weissi gen. et sp. nov., an Oligocene Scophthalmid flatfish from Frauenweiler, S-Germany, Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., Ser. C, 29: 25-32, figs. 1-5. (Kazuo Sakamoto, Teruya Uyeno and Norbert Micklich)

162. 2003. A new specimen of palaeonisciform fish from Triassic Mine Formation from Sanyo-cho, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Mine City Mus., Yamaguchi Pref., Japan, 18: 1-17, fig. 1, pls. 1-6. (with Yoshitaka Yabumoto and Fumio Takahashi) (in Japanes with English title). 山口県山陽町,三畳紀美祢層群のパレオニスクス目魚類の新標本. 美祢市歴史民俗資料館調査研究報告(上野輝彌・籔本美孝・高橋 文雄)美祢市歴史民俗資料館.

163. 2003. The Japanese Club for Fossil Shark Tooth Research. Kaseki (Fossil), (74): 89-91. (Takeshi Tanaka, Teruya Uyeno and Masatoshi Goto). (in Japanese with English title). サメの歯化石研究会. (田中 猛・上野輝彌・後藤仁敏) 化石.

164. 2004. Pliocene macrourid fish from the Kume Formation in Kanasago-machi, Kuji-gun, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. Neogene Kanasago Fauna and Flora from Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. Monographs of Ibaraki Nature Museum, no. 1: 137-147, figs. 1-10. (in Japanses with English title). 茨城県金砂郷町鮮新統久留米層産魚類化石, ミュージアムパーク茨城県自然博物館モノグラフ第1号.

165. 2004. 魚類の考古学.環境考古学ハンドブック.pp. 338-350, (上野輝彌・山崎京美).朝倉書店.東京.

166. 2005. Stratigraphy and fossil fishes of the Fuganji Formation at Miyanoshita, Kokufu-cho, Tottori, Japan. Bull. Tottori Pref. Mus., 42: 3-20, figs. 1-8, pls. 1-2. (Kazuyuki Hirao, Takao Yano, Teruya Uyeno, Yoshitaka Yabumoto and Tateyu Aoki) (in Japanese with English title). 鳥取市国府町宮下における普含寺泥岩層の層序と魚類化石. (平尾和幸・矢野孝雄・上野輝彌・籔本美孝・青木建諭)鳥取県立博物館研究報告.

167. 2005. 2005. New materials of a Cretaceous coelacanth, Mawsonia lavocati Tabaste from Morocco. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. C, 31, pp. 39-49, figs. 1-10. (with Y. Yabumoto as the senior author).

168. 2004. Oligopleuronectes germanicus gen. et sp. nov., an Oligocene Pleuronectid Flatfish from Frauenweiler, S-Germany. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. C, 30, pp. 89–94. (Kazuo Sakamoto, Teruya Uyeno and Norbert Micklic).

169. 2007. Tottoriblennius hiraoi, a new genus and species of Miocene blennioid fish from Tottori Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. C, 33, pp. 81-87, figs. 1-4. (with Y. Yabumoto as the senior author)

170. 2007. Origin of extant coelacanths. The Coelacanth, Fathom the Mystery 2007, International Symposium Proceedings, Nov. 24, 2007, pp. 24 – 26, figs. 1-5. (with Y. Yabumoto)

171. 2007. Miobarbourisia aomori gen. et sp. nov. (order Stephanoberyciformes), Miocene Whalefish from Aomori, Japan. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series C, 33. (Fujii, E., T. Uyeno & T. Shimaguchi)

172. Carcharodon megalodon tooth set collected from calcareous concretions

in the Miocene Kokozura Formation, Takaku Group Kitaibaraki City, Ibaraki Prefecture,Japan. (in Japanese with English title). 茨城県北茨木市の中新統高久層群九面層の炭酸塩コンクリーションより産出したCarcharodon megalodon歯群. 化石, 81号, pp. 1-2, 図1-6. (国府田良樹・小池 渉・安藤 寿男・上野 輝彌・碓井 和幸)

173. 2009. Coreoperca maruoi, a new species of freshwater percoid fish from the Miocene of Iki Island, Nagasaki, Japan. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A, 7: 103-112, figs. 1-7. (with Y. Yabumoto as the senior author)

174. 2011. Euleiognathus, a new genus proposed for the Miocene ponyfish, Leiognathus tottori Yabumoto and Uyeno 1994 (Perciformes: Leiognathidae) from Japan. Ichthyological Research, (2011) 58:19–23, figs. 1-5. (with Y. Yabumoto as the senior author)

175. 2012. Function of the pseudomaxillary fold in the mouth opening of the coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae. Ichthyol Res, 59(1): 164-168, figs. 1-3. (Yoshitaka Yabumoto, Masamitu Iwata, Yoshitaka Abe, and Teruya Uyeno)

176. 2012. Miocene shallow marine fish fossils from Miyanoshita, Tottori City, Southwest Japan. Earth Science, 66: 1-4, figs. 1-5. (in Japanes with English title). 鳥取市国分町宮下産の中新世浅海性魚類化石. 地球科学,66巻,1-4, 図1-5. (平尾和幸・上野輝彌・籔本美孝・青木建諭・浅野弦一・矢野孝雄)

177. 2014. How did coelacanths survive beyond the Cretaceous extinction -Evolution of coelacanths revealed from fossils and anatomy of extant coelacanths- . Iden, 68(3): 245-250, figs. 1-6. 白亜紀の絶滅をどのように生き延びたのか. 現生シーラカンスの解剖と化石シーラカンスからわかるシーラカンスの進化. 遺伝, 68巻3号,245−250, 図1-6. (籔本美孝・上野輝彌.)

178. 2016. The pectoral fin muscles of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae: Functional and evolutionary implications for the fin-to-limb transition and subsequent evolution of tetrapods. The Anatomical Record, 299: 1203–1223, figs. 1-13. (T. Miyake, M. Kumamoto, M. Iwata, R. Sato, M. Okabe, H. Koie, N. Kumai, K. Fujii, K. Matsuzaki, C. Nakamura, S. Yamauch, K. Yoshida, K. Yoshimura, A. Komoda, T. Uyeno, Y. Abe)

DOI 10.1002/ar.23392.

List of described species.

Sigmopharyngodon idahoensis Uyeno 1961

Mylopharodon hagermanesis Uyeno 1961

Ptychocheilus prelucius Uyeno and Miller 1965

Evomus navaho Uyeno and Miller 1965

Gila cristifera Uyeno and Miller 1965

Polymerichthys nagurai Uyeno 1967

Heptranchias ezoensis Applegate and Uyeno 1968

Pristiophorus lineatus Applegate and Uyeno 1968

Carcharodon akitaensis Uyeno and Hasegawa 1974

Polyplacapros ryleri Fujii and Uyeno 1979*

Diplomystus primotinus Uyeno 1979

Diplomystus kokuraensis Uyeno 1979

Allodontichthys hubbsi Miller and Uyeno 1980*

Eurypholis japonicus Uyeno and Minakawa 1983

Ischyrhiza iwakiensis Uyeno and Hasegawa 1986

Clidoderma asperrimum Sakamoto and Uyeno 1988

Chibapsetta dolichurostyli Sakamoto and Uyeno 1988

Hippoglossoides naritai Sakamoto and Uyeno 1989

Platichthys miostellatus Sakamoto and Uyeno 1989

Scomberoides maruoi Uyeno and Suda 1991

Hippoglossoides kumaishi Sakamoto and Uyeno 1991

Saitamapsetta nomurai Sakamoto and Uyeno 1992

Paralichthys yamanai Sakamoto and Uyeno 1993

Microstomus tochigiensis Sakamoto and Uyeno 1993

Euleiognathus tottori (Yabumoto and Uyeno 1994)

Razania ogaii Uyeno and Sakamoto 1994

Scomberomorus chichibu Uyeno, Sakamoto and Sakamoto 1994

Sprinchus akagii Uyeno and Sakamoto 1999

Pseudobagrus ikiensis Watanabe and Uyeno 1999

Sardinella miyanoshitaensis Sato and Uyeno 1999

Inabaperca taniurai Yabumoto and Uyeno 2000

Clidoderma yamagataensis Sakamoto, Uyeno and Otsu 2001

Oligoscophthalmus weissi Sakamoto, Uyeno and Micklich 2003

Oligoscophthalmus germanicus Sakamoto, Uyeno and Micklich 2003

Tottoriblennius hiraoi Yabumoto and Uyeno 2007

Coreoperca maruoi Yabumoto and Uyeno 2009

*extant species

Species from Tottori are in blue