International Round-table on Coelacanth Evolution

9 – 10 August, 2017

Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History and Human History

9 August


10:00 am


Organizeres: Paulo M. Brito and Yoshitaka Yabumoto

Dirhamsyah Director, Research Center for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)


Yoshitaka Abe (Aquamarine Fukushima)

The Coelacanth as an Aquarist.


Masa Iwata

Biological survey on the Indonesian coelacanth.


Gaël Clement

Study on the South African coelacanths: the deep diving input.


Visit the exhibition of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History and Human History in the afternoon

10 August

10:00 am

Camila Cupello (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro)

The evolutionary history of the coelacanth lung.


Tsutomu Miyake

What does the coelacanth tell us about the fin-to-limb transition?


Yoshitaka Yabumoto, Paulo M. Brito, Masa Iwata and Yoshitaka Abe.

A new coelacanth from Madagascar.


Christophe Ferrante, Rossana Martini, Heinz Furrer & Lionel Cavin

Coelacanths from the Middle Triassic of Switzerland and the pace of actinistian evolution.


Cafepedia (a kind of Café Scientifique) at Cream Café in Kokura


11 August

10:00 am

Paulo M. Brito

Mawsoniid coelacanth from Brazil.


Uthumporn Deesri (Mahasarakham University)

A mawsoniid coalacanth (Sarcopterygii: Actinistia) from the Rhaetian (Late Triassic) of the Peygros quarry, Le Thoronet (Var, south-eastern France).


Lionel Cavin

Mesozoic mawsoniid coelacanths from Switzerland: new finds and palaeogeographic implications


Gaël Clement

New data on coelacanths... raising new questions.



Publication derived from this meeting


Lectures for the General Public

9 August


Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History and Human History

Yoshitaka Yabumoto

Coelacanths and the Atlantic Ocean

11 August


Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History and Human History

Yoshitaka Yabumoto

Coelacanths and the Indian Ocean

13 August


Aquamarine Fukushima in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture

Gaël Clément

On the field mission in South Africa to study the extant coelacanths in their natural environment.

Camila Cupello

The evolutionary history of the coelacanth lung.

Masamitsu Iwata

Behavioral ecology of Indonesian coelacanth

16 August

125th Salon de Odawara at Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History

Learning the Sea from Coelacanths - The Forefront of Coelacanth Research -

Yoshitaka Yabumoto

How long have coelacanths been around?

Camila Cupello

Do coelacanths have lungs?

Paulo M. Brito

Coelacanths in Brazil

Earth Museum Tomo no Kai Blog in Japanese

24 December


Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History and Human History

Yoshitaka Yabumoto

Coelacanths tell us the sea history

(This meeting and lectures were partially supported by the Museum of Maritime Science)