論 文

1. 籔本美孝. 1979. 日本初記録のヒイラギ科魚類タイワンヒイラギとネッタイヒイラギについて.北九州市自然史博物館研究報告,1号,  pp. 61~65. 

2. Uyeno, T. and Y. Yabumoto. 1980. Early Cretaceous freshwater fishes from northern Kyushu, Japan. II. Restoration of two species of the clupeoid fish genus Diplomystus.(北部九州産前期白亜紀淡水魚類 II. ニシン科Diplomystus属魚類2種の復原)Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History, No. 2, pp. 25-31, figs. 1-5. (上野輝彌・籔本美孝)(英文)

3. 籔本美孝. 1980. ヒイラギ科魚類3属の尾部骨格について.北九州市立自然史博物館研究報告,2号, pp. 33~39.

4. Yabumoto, Y. and T. Uyeno. 1981. Osteology of the clupeiform fish, genus Hyperlophus (I).(ニシン目魚類Hyperlophus 属の骨学(I))Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History, No.3, pp. 69-78.(籔本美孝・上野輝彌)(英文)

5. 籔本美孝.1981.  ヒイラギ科魚類の体側鱗分布パターンについて. 北九州市立自然史博物館研究報告,3号, pp. 79~84.

6. Yabumoto, Y. and T. Uyeno. 1982.  Osteology of the clupeiform fish, genus Hyperlophus (II).(ニシン目魚類Hyperlophus属の骨学(II)) Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History, No. 4, pp. 77-102. (籔本美孝・上野輝彌)(英文)

7. Yabumoto, Y., U. Yogo, and H. Tsukamoto. 1984.  First record of the leiognathid fish, Gazza minuta from Japan. (日本初記録のコバンヒイラギ Gazza minuta) Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, Vol. 31, No.3, pp. 327-330. (籔本美孝・余吾 豊・塚原 博)

8. 上野輝彌・籔本美孝・久家直之. 1984. 芦屋層群の魚類化石 1.北九州市藍島・貝島産出の後期漸新世板鰓魚類相. 北九州市立自然史博物館研究報告,5号,  pp.135-142.

9. 籔本美孝・上野輝彌. 1984.  メダカ Oryzias latipes の骨学的研究. 北九州市立自然史博物館研究報告,5号, pp. 143-161.

10. Yabumoto, Y. 1987.  Oligocene lamnid shark of the genus Carcharodon from Kitakyushu, Japan. (北九州産漸新統ホホジロザメ属魚類化石) Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History, No. 6, pp. 239-264. (英文) 

11. Yabumoto, Y. 1987.  Pleistocene gobiid fishes of the genus Rhinogobius from Kusu Basin, Oita Prefecture, Japan. (大分県玖珠盆地産更新世ヨシノボリ属魚類化石) Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History, No. 7, pp. 111-119.

12. Yabumoto, Y. 1988.  Pleistocene clupeid and engraulidid fishes from the Kokubu Group in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.(鹿児島県国分層群(更新統)産出のニシン科およびカタクチイワシ科魚類化石) Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History, No. 8, pp. 55-74.

13. Yabumoto, Y. 1989.  A new Eocene lamnoid shark, Carcharodon nodai, from Omuta in northern Kyushu, Japan.(福岡県大牟田市産始新世ネズミザメ目の新種,Carcharodon nodai) Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History, No. 9, pp. 111-116.

14. 籔本美孝・上野輝彌. 1990. 魚類化石, 西之表市形之山化石群の発掘調査 - 第1報 -. 西之表市教育委員会, pp. 17~21.

15. Yamada, M., R. Takeuchi, S. Sueta, K. Kido, Y. Yabumoto and Y. Yoshida. 1991. Recovery of aquatic animals in Dokai Bay, northern Kyushu, Japan. Marine Pollution Bulletin, (23), pp. 201–207.

16.   山田真知子・末田新太郎・花田喜文・竹内良治・城戸浩三・籔本美孝・吉田陽一. 1992.  水質回復途上の洞海湾における海産動物の出現状況. 日本水産学会誌, 58巻6号, pp. 1029-1036.

17. Yabumoto, Y. 1994. Early Cretaceous Freshwater fish fauna in Kyushu, Japan. (北九州市産前期白亜紀の淡水魚類相について)Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History, No. 13, pp. 107-254. (英文)

18. Yabumoto, Y. and T. Uyeno. 1994. A new Miocene ponyfish of the genus Leiognathus (Pisces, Leiognathidae) from Tottori Prefecture, Japan. (鳥取県産中新統ヒイラギ科魚類の化石) Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. C, 20(2): 67-77. 国立科学博物館研究報告C類(英文)(籔本美孝・上野輝彌)

19. Zhang, C., Y. Yabumoto and Y. Cang. 1994.  The scanning electromicroscopy of gill, olfactory organ and barbel in Triplophysa (Hedinichthys) yarkandensis yarkandensis (Pisce: Copitidae). Sinozoologia, (11): 221-225. (Zhang Chunguang, Yoshitaka Yabumoto and Cang Yaling).

20. Yabumoto, Y. and T. Uyeno. 1994.  Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic fish faunas of Japan. The Island Arc (1994) 3: 255-269.  (Y. Yabumoto and T. Uyeno)

21. Yabumoto, Y. 1995. Correlation of the Early Cretaceous lacustrine beds between Kyushu of Japan and southeastern China on the basis of a comparison of the fish fossils. Sixth Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota, Short Papers, pp. 23-28.

22. Goto, M., T. Uyeno and Y. Yabumoto. 1996.  Summary of Mesozoic elasmobranch remains from Japan. Mesozoic Fishes - Systematics and Paleoecology, G. Arratia & G. Viohl (eds); pp. 73-82. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, Munchen, Germany. 

23. Yabumoto, Y., M. Goto, K. Yano, and T. Uyeno 1997. Dentition of a female megamouth, Megachasma pelagios, collected from Hakata Bay, Japan. pp. 63-75. Biology of the Megamouth Shark edited by K. Yano, J. F. Morrissey, Y. Yabumoto, K. Nakaya. 1997, xvi+203pp., Tokai University Press, Tokyo. 

24. Yano, K., M. Goto and Y. Yabumoto. 1997. Dermal and mucous denticles of a female megamouth shark, Megachasma pelagios, from Hakata Bay, Japan. pp. 77-91. Biology of the Megamouth Shark edited by K. Yano, J. F. Morrissey, Y. Yabumoto, K. Nakaya. 1997, xvi+203pp., Tokai University Press, Tokyo. 

25. Yano, K. Y. Yabumoto, H. Ogawa, T. Hasegawa, K. Naganobu, S. Matumura, Y. Misuna and K. Matumura. 1997. X-ray observations on vertebrae and dentition of a megamouth shark, Megachasma pelagios, from Hakata Bay, Japan. pp. 21-29. 1-7. Biology of the Megamouth Shark edited by K. Yano, J. F. Morrissey, Y. Yabumoto, K. Nakaya. 1997, xvi+203pp., Tokai University Press, Tokyo. 

26. Evans, S. E., M. Manabe, E. Cook, R. Hirayama, S. Isaji, C. Nicholas, D. Unwin and Y. Yabumoto. 1998. An Early Cretaceous Assemblage from Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Lower and Middle Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, (14): 183-186. 

27. 籔本美孝・長谷川善和・岡崎美彦・小泉明裕・村松 武. 1998.  長野県南部の中新世富草層群から産出したチョウザメ類化石。飯田市美術博物館研究紀要(7): 117-122.

28. Evans, S. E. and Y. Yabumoto. 1998.  A lizard from the Early Cretaceous Crato Formation, Araripe Basin, Brasil. N. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Mh. 1998(6): 349-364. (Susan E. Evans and Yoshitaka Yabumoto)

29. 中江 訓・尾崎正紀・太田正道・籔本美孝・松浦浩之・富田宰臣. 1998. 小倉地域の地質. 地域地質研究報告(5万分の1地質図幅), 地質調査所, 126 pp. Geological Sheet Map at 1: 50,000, Geol. Surv. Japan, 126 pp. (in Japanese with English abstract 5 pp.) (Nakae, S., M. Ozaki, M. Ota, Y. Yabumoto, H. Matsuura and S. Tomita)

30. Yano, K., Y. Yabumoto, S. Tanaka, O. Tsukada and M. Furuta. 1999.  Capture of a mature female megamouth shark, Megachasma pelagios, from Mie, Japan. Proc. 5th Indo-Pac. Fish Conf., Noumea, 1999, Seret B. & J.-Y. Sire, eds. Paris: Soc. Fr. Ichthyol., 1999: 335-349.

31. 上野輝彌・坂本一男・籔本美孝・須田有輔・平尾和幸. 1999.  鳥取県国府町宮下の中期中新世の魚類三種の記載とその意義. 鳥取県立博物館研究報告,(36):  1-23. 

32. 上野輝彌・籔本美孝・北林栄一・青木建諭・冨田幸光. 2000. 玖珠盆地(大分県)中期更新世湖成層の古魚類学的調査. 国立科学博物館専報(32): 55-75. 

33. Yabumoto, Y. and S.-Y. Yan. 2000.  The first record of the Early Cretaceous freshwater fish, Wakinoichthys aokii, from Korea. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist., (19): 105-110.

34. 籔本美孝. 2000.  桑島化石壁産の魚類化石. 石川県白峰村桑島化石壁の古生物 -下部白亜系手取層群桑島層の化石群-, pp. 46-49.

35. Yabumoto, Y. and T. Uyeno. 2000.  Inabaperca taniurai , a new genus and species of Miocene percoid fish from Tottori Prefecture, Japan.  Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. C, 26 (3,4), pp. 93-106. (Yabumoto, Y. and T. Uyeno) 

36. Grande, L., J. Fan, Y. Yabumoto, and W. E. Bemis. 2002.  Protopsephurus liui, a well-preserved primitive paddlefish (Acipenseriformes: Polyodontidae) from the Early Cretaceous of China.  The Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 22(2): 209-237, figs. 1-20, tabs.1-3.

37. Yabumoto, Y. 2002. A new coelacanth from the Early Cretaceous of Brazil  (Sarcopterygii, Actinistia). Paleontological Research Vol.  6(4): 343-350, figs. 1-4.  [1]

38. 籔本美孝. 2002. 石川県白峰村大道谷川の手取層群明谷層から産出した魚類化石. 手取川流域中生代手取層群調査報告書,  pp. 43-44.

39. 上野輝彌・籔本美孝・高橋文雄. 2003. 山口県山陽町, 三畳紀美祢層群のパレオニスクス目魚類の新標本. 美祢市歴史民俗資料館調査研究報告,  (18): 1-17, fig. 1, pls.  1-6.

40. 白井 滋・籔本美孝・金 益秀・張 春光. 2003. Cytochrome b 遺伝子からみたオヤニラミ及びその近縁種の系統(予察). 北九州市立自然史・歴史博物館研究報告,  A類, (1): 45-49, figs. 1-3.

41. Yabumoto, Y. and A. Neuman 2004. A coelacanth scale from the Upper Triassic Pardonet  Formation, British Columbia, Canada. Paleontological  Research, 8(4): 337-340, figs. 1-3. (Yoshitaka Yabumoto and Andrew Neuman) [2]

42. Yabumoto, Y. 2005. Early Cretaceous freshwater fishes from the Tetori Group, central Japan. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A, 3: 135-143, figs. 1-7.

43. 平尾和幸・矢野孝雄・上野輝彌・籔本美孝・青木建諭. 2005. 鳥取市国府町宮下における普含寺泥岩層の層序と魚類化石. 鳥取県立博物館研究報告, 42: 3-20, figs. 1-8, 付図1, 付表1.

44. Yabumoto, Y. and T. Uyeno. 2005. New materials of a Cretaceous coelacanth, Mawsonia lavocati Tabaste from Morocco. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. C, 31, pp. 39-49, figs. 1-10.  [3]

45. Yabumoto, Y., Y. Sakamoto and H. Otsuka. 2005. Revision of the Pleistocene clupeid fish Clupanodon tanegashimaensis (Saheki, 1929) from Tanegashima, Southwest Japan. Paleontological Research, vol. 9, no. 4. pp. 299-304, figs. 1-4. 

46. Yabumoto, Y., S.-Y. Yang, and T.-W. Kim 2006. Early Cretaceous freshwater fishes from Japan and Korea. J. Paleont. Soc. Korea, 22(1): 119-132, figs. 1-9. 

47. Yoshimura, H., H. Sekiguchi, and Y. Yabumoto. 2007. Museum personnel's opinions on mobile guidance systems. J. Museum Education, 32(1): 61 - 72, figs. 1 - 2.  

48. Yabumoto, Y. and T. Uyeno. 2007. Tottoriblennius hiraoi, a New Genus and Species of Miocene Blennioid Fish from Tottori Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. C, 33: 81–87,  figs. 1-4.

49. Yabumoto, Y., Y. Sakamoto, and H. Liu. 2008. Osteology of the cyprinid fish, Hemiculter leucisculus. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A, 6: 33-48, figs. 1-13.

50. Uyeno, T. and Y. Yabumoto. 2007. Origin of extant coelacanths. The Coelacanth, Fathom the Mystery 2007, International Symposium Proceedings, Nov. 24, 2007, pp. 24 – 26, figs. 1-5. [4]

51. 籔本美孝. 2008. 博物館ネットワークと古生物学のアウトリーチ -巡回展の試み-. 化石, 83: 11-14.

52. Yabumoto, Y. 2008. A new Early Cretaceous osteoglossomorph fish from Japan, with comments on the origin of the Osteoglossiformes. Mesozoic Fishes 4 – Homology and Phylogeny, G. Arratia, H.-P. Schultze & M. V. H. WILSON (eds.): pp. 217-228, 11 figs., 3 apps. 

53. Yabumoto, Y. 2008. A new Mesozoic coelacanth from Brazil (Sarcopterygii, Actinistia). Paleontological Research, 12(4): 329 - 343,  figs. 1 - 10, app. 1. [5]

54. Brito, P., Y. Yabumoto and L. Grande. 2008. New amiid fish (Halecomorphi; Amiiformes) from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation, Araripe Basin, Northeast Brazil. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 28(4); 1007 - 1014, figs. 1 - 8.

55. 籔本美孝・坂本陽子・刘 焕章. 2008. コイ科魚類Hemiculter leucisculusの骨学的研究. 北九州市立自然史・歴史博物館研究報告 A類 自然史 6(6):  33-48.  

56. Yabumoto, Y. and T. Uyeno. 2009. Coreoperca maruoi, a new species of freshwater percoid fish from the Miocene of Iki Island, Nagasaki, Japan. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A (Natural History), 7: 103-112, figs. 1-7.

57. 籔本美孝・坂本陽子・刘 焕章. 2010. コイ科魚類 Xenocypris argentea の骨学的研究.北九州市立自然史・歴史博物館研究報告,A類,(8):69-86, figs. 1-13.

58. Yabumoto, Y. and Y. Sakamoto. 2010. Revision of Iquius nipponicus Jordan 1919 (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from the Miocene of Iki Island, Nagasaki, Japan and its phylogenetic position. Ichthyological Research, 57: 286-297, figs. 1-9, tab. 1, app. (長崎県壱岐産中新世コイ科魚類Iquius nipponicus Jordan 1919の再検討とその系統分類


59. Yabumoto, Y. 2010. Ikiculter chojabaruensis, a new genus and species of cyprinid fish from the Miocene of Iki Island, Nagasaki, Japan.  Paleontological Research, 14(4): 277-292.(長崎県壱岐産中新世コイ科魚類の新属新種 Ikiculter chojabaruensis)

60. Yabumoto, Y. and T. Uyeno. 2011. Euleiognathus, a new genus proposed for the Miocene ponyfish, Leiognathus tottori Yabumoto and Uyeno 1994 (Perciformes: Leiognathidae) from Japan. Ichthyological Research, (2011) 58:19–23, figs. 1-5, apps. 1-2.

61. Brito, M. Paulo and Yoshitaka Yabumoto. 2011. An updated review of the fish faunas from the Crato and Santana formations in Brazil, a close relationship to the Tethys fauna. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A (Natural History), 9: 107-136, figs. 1-33, apps. 1-2.

62. 宮田真也・籔本美孝・平野弘道. 2011. コイ科魚類オイカワZacco platypus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846)の骨学的研究. 北九州市立自然史・歴史博物館研究報告,A類,(9):137-155, figs. 1-14.

63. 宮田真也・籔本美孝・平野弘道. 2012. コイ科魚類タイワンアカハラCandidia barbatus (Regan, 1908)の骨学的研究. 北九州市立自然史・歴史博物館研究報告,A類,(10):101-121, figs. 1-18.

64. Yabumoto, Y., M. Iwata, Y. Abe, and T. Uyeno. 2012. Function of the pseudomaxillary fold in the mouth opening of the coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae. Ichthyol Res, 59(1): 164-168, figs. 1-3. [6]

65. 平尾和幸・上野輝彌・籔本美孝・青木建諭・浅野弦一・矢野孝雄. 2012. 鳥取市国府町宮下産の浅海性魚類化石. 地球科学, 66巻1号, 1-4頁, 図1-2.

66. Yabumoto, Y., Y. Hikida and T. Nishino. 2012. Apsopelix miyazakii, a new species of Crossognathid fish (Teleostei) from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido, Japan. Paleontological Research, 16(1):37-46, figs. 1-7.

67. Nazarkin, M., Y. Yabumoto, and A. Urabe. 2013. A new Miocene three-spined stickleback (Pisces: Gasterosteidae) from Central Japan. Paleontological Research, 16(4): 318-328, figs. 1-8.

68. Yabumoto, Y. 2013. Kokuraichthys tokuriki n. gen. and sp., Early Cretaceous osteoglossomorph fish in Kyushu, Japan.  Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A (Natural History), 11: 67-72, figs. 1-3.

69. Yabumoto, Y. and P. M. Brito. 2013. The second record of a mawsoniid coelacanth from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation, Araripe Basin, northeastern Brazil, with comments on the development of coelacanths. Mesozoic Fishes 5 – Global Diversity and Evolution, G. Arratia, H.-P. Schultze & M. V. H. Wilson (eds.): pp. 489-497, 5 figs., 1 tab. [7]

70. Yabumoto, Y. and L. Grande. 2013. A new Miocene amiid fish, Amia godai from Kani, Gifu, Central Japan. Paleontological Research, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 113-126, figs. 1-8.

71. 伏見清香・籔本美孝・真鍋 真・池本誠也. 2014. Wi-Fi環境と展示解説の可能性 展示解説webの試みと実践. 展示学, 51号, 88-91頁, 図1-4.

72. 籔本美孝・上野輝彌. 2014. 白亜紀の絶滅をどのように生き延びたのか. 現生シーラカンスの解剖と化石シーラカンスからわかるシーラカンスの進化. 遺伝, 68巻3号,245−250, 図1-6.[8]

73. Yabumoto, Y. 2014. Sinamia kukurihime, a new Early Cretaceous amiiform fish from Ishikawa, Japan. Paleontological Research, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 211-223, figs. 1-8, tabs. 1-2.

74. Berrell, W. R., J. Alvarado-Orteda, Y. Yabumoto, and S. W. Salisbury. 2014.  The first record of the ichthyodectiform fish Cladocyclus from eastern Gondwana: A new species from the Lower Cretaceous of Queensland, Australia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 59(4): 903-920, figs. 1-8, app. 1.

75. 小松 俊文・三宅 優佳・真鍋 真・平山 廉・籔本 美孝・對比地 孝亘. 2014. 甑島列島に分布する上部白亜系姫浦層群の層序と化石および堆積環境. 地質学雑誌, Vol. 120, 補遺, p. 19 -39, figs. 1-19.

76. Nazarkin, M. V. and Y. Yabumoto. 2015. New fossils of Neogene pricklebacks (Actinopterygii: Stichaeidae) from East Asia. Zoosystematica  Rossica, 24(1): 128–137, figs. 1-4.

77. Yabumoto, Y. and P. M. Brito. 2016. A new Triassic coelacanth, Whiteia oishii (Sarcopterygii, Actinistia) from West Timor, Indonesia. Paleontological Research, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 233–246, figs. 1-13. [9]

78. Yabumoto, Y. 2017. A revision of the amiiform fish genus Sinamia with phylogeny of Sinamiidae. Paleontological Research, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 76–92, figs. 1-13.

79. 籔本美孝・石垣 忍・田口栄次. 2017. 岡山県新見市の備北層群より発見された中新世サバ科サワラ族魚類化石について.北九州市立自然史・歴史博物館研究報告,A類 自然史,(15): 5-9, figs. 1-5.

80. Micklich, M., A. F. Bannikov and Y. Yabumoto. 2017. First record of ponyfishes (Perciformes: Leiognathidae) from the Oligocene of the Grube Unterfeld (“Frauenweiler”) clay pit. Paläontologische Zeitschrift · June 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s12542-017-0340-1.

81. Brito, P. M., C, Cupello, Y, Yabumoto, J. V. Hell, M. Brunet, O. Otero. 2018. First occurrence of a mawsoniid (Sarcopterygii: Actinistia), Mawsonia soba sp. nov., in pre-Aptian Cretaceous deposits from Cameroon. Cretaceous Research, 86: 91−96, figs. 1-3. [10]

82. Meunier, F. J., C. Cupello, Y. Yabumoto, P. M. Brito. 2018. On the diet of the Lower Cretaceous coelacanth Axelrodichthys araripensis (Actinistia: Mawsoniidae). Cybium, 42(1): 105-111. [12]

83. Miyata, S., Y. Yabumoto and H. Hirano. 2018. Nipponocypris takayamai, a New Species of Cyprinid Fish from the Nogami Formation (Middle Pleistocene) in the Southern Part of the Kusu Basin, Oita, Japan. Paleontological Research, 22(3): 218-238, figs. 1-12, Appendixes 1-2. doi:10.2517/2017PR021.

84. Yabumoto, Y., K. Hirose and P. M. Brito. 2018. A new ichthyodectiform fish, Amakusaichthys goshouraensis gen. et sp. nov. from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Himenoura Group in Goshoura, Amakusa, Kumamoto, Japan. Historical Biology, , DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2018.1497022.

85. Yabumoto, Y. and M. V. Nazarkin. 2018. A new Miocene herring, Clupea macrocephala, from Sakaki Town, Hanishina County, Nagano, Japan. Paleontological Research, 22(4): 352-363. http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.2517/2018PR002

86. 宮田真也・籔本美孝.2018. コイ科魚類カワムツNipponocypris temminckiiの骨学的研究. 北九州市立自然史・歴史博物館研究報告 A類 自然史 (16): 5–30. 

87. Yabumoto Y. and P. M Brito. 2019. Preface. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A (Natural History), 17, Special Issue on coelacanths: 1–2.

88. Lionel C., C. Cupello, Y. Yabumoto, L. Fragoso, U. Deesri and P. M. Brito. 2019. Phylogeny and evolutionary history of mawsoniid coelacanths. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A (Natural History), 17, Special Issue on coelacanths: 3–14. [13]

89. Yabumoto, Y., P. M. Brito, M. Iwata and Y. Abe. 2019. A new Triassic coelacanth, Whiteia uyenoteruyai (Sarcopterygii, Actinistia) from Madagascar and paleobiogeography of the family Whiteiidae. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A (Natural History), 17, Special Issue on coelacanths: 15–28. [14]

90. Cupello, C., G. Clément, F. J. Meunier, M. Herbin, Y. Yabumoto and P. M. Brito. 2019. The long-time adaptation of coelacanths to moderate deep water: reviewing the evidences. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A (Natural History), 17, Special Issue on coelacanths: 29–36. [15]

91. Iwata, M., Y. Yabumoto, T. Saruwatari, S. Yamauchi, K. Fujii, R. Ishii, T. Mori, F. D. Hukom, Dirhamsyah, T, Peristiwady, A. Syahailatua, K. W. A. Masengi, I. F. mandagi, F. Pangalila and Y. Abe. 2019. Field surveys on the Indonesian coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis using remotely operated vehicles from 2005 to 2015. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A (Natural History), 17, Special Issue on coelacanths: 49–56. [16]

92. Iwata, M., Y. Yabumoto, T. Saruwatari, S. Yamauchi, K. Fujii, R. Ishii, T. Mori, F. D. Hukom, Dirhamsyah, T, Peristiwady, A. Syahailatua, K. W. A. Masengi, I. F. mandagi, F. Pangalila and Y. Abe. 2019. Observation of the first juvenile Indonesian coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis from Indonesian waters with comparison to embryos of Latimeria chalumnae.  Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A (Natural History), 17, Special Issue on coelacanths: 57–66. [17]

93. Saruwatari, T., M. Iwata, Y. Yabumoto, F. D. Hukom, T. Persistiwady and Y. Abe. 2019. A detailed morphological measurement of the seventh specimen of the Indonesian coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis, with a compilation of current morphological data of the species. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A (Natural History), 17, Special Issue on coelacanths: 67–80. [18]

94. 廣瀬浩司・籔本美孝・パウロ M. ブリトー. 2019. 熊本県天草市御所浦町に分布する上部白亜系姫浦層群から発見されたイクチ オデクテス目魚類Amakusaichthys goshouraensisアマクサゴショウラムカ シウオ(新称). 化石, 105号:1–2, 図1–4. (口絵)

95. 籔本美孝. 2019. 日本の中生代・新生代硬骨魚類化石――日本の博物館所蔵の主な魚類化石と研究の可能性について――. 化石, 105号:21–32, 図1–9. 

96.  野村律夫・籔本美孝. 2019. 島根半島中央部の古浦層より発見されたニシン科魚類化石とその意義. 島根県地学会会誌, (34): 21–24, 図1-6. 

97. 井堰絵里佳・伏見清香・籔本美孝・池本誠也・真鍋真. 2019. 博物館の展示空間における携帯情報端末用展示解説Webの試み.図学研究, 第53巻1号(通巻160号):17–24, 図1–10.

98. Fragoso, L. G. C., P. Brito and Y. Yabumoto. 2019. Axelrodichthys araripensis Maisey, 1986 revisited. Historical Biology, 2019, 31(10): 1350–1372, figs. 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2018.1454443. 

99. Yabumoto, Y. 2020. Siniperca ikikoku, a new species of freshwater percoid fish from the Miocene of Iki Island, Nagasaki, Japan. Paleontological Research, vol. 24, no. 3: 226–237, figs. 1–9, tab. 1. doi: 10.2517/2019PR016.

100. Yabumoto, Y. and M. V. Nazarkin. 2020. Clupea hanishinaensis nomen novum, a replacement name for the Miocene clupeid fish Clupea macrocephala Yabumoto and Nazarkin, 2018 from Nagano, Japan. Paleontological Research, vol. 24, no. 3: 238. doi: 10.2517/2019PR011.

101. 酒井佑輔・真鍋 真・松本涼子・籔本美孝・平山 廉. 2020. 福井県大野市九頭竜地域の下部白亜系手取層群伊月層より産出する脊椎動物化石. 福井県立恐竜博物館紀要 19:105‒112, figs. 1–4, tab. 1.

102. 井堰 絵里佳・伏見 清香 ・ 籔本 美孝 ・ 池本 誠也 ・ 真鍋 真 ・ 高田 浩二.2021.  スマートフォンに表示するピクトグラムにおける「図」の線の太さに注目したデザイン  ─視認性と理解度の調査と実証実験─. 図学研究, 第55巻1号(通巻165巻):26–36, 図1–14, 表1–4.

103. Yabumoto, Y. and M. V. Nazarkin. 2021. A new Miocene scorpaenoid fish, Raususetarches sakurai gen. et sp. nov. (Teleostei: Scorpaeniformes) from Rausu, Hokkaido, Japan. Paleontological Research, vol. 25, no. 2 pp. 93–104, figs. 1–9, tab. 1.

104. Hisarawa, T., C. Cupello, P. M. Brito, Y. Yabumoto, S. Isogai, M. Hoshino, and K. Uesugi. 2021.  Development of the pectoral lobed fin in the Australian lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9:679633. doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.679633.

105.  Miyata, S., Y. Yabumoto, Y. Nakajima, Y. Ito, Yasuhiro, and T. Sasaki. 2022. A Second Specimen of the Crossognathiform Fish Apsopelix miyazakii from the Cretaceous Yezo Group of Mikasa Area, Central Hokkaido, Japan. Paleontological Research, 26(2) : 213-223. figs. 1-5. 

106. Cupello, C., T. Hirasawa, N. Tatsumi, Y. Yabumoto, P. Gueriau, S. Isogai, R. Matsumoto, T. Saruwatari, A. King, M. Hoshino, K. Uesugi, M. Okabe, and P. M. Brito. 2022. Lung evolution in vertebrates and the water-to-land transition. eLife. 18pp.  doi.org/10.7554/eLife.77156.

107. Yabumoto, Y. and C. Zhang. 2023. A new Micene gobiiform fish, Odontobutis hayashitokuei from Iki, Nagasaki, Japan. Paleontological Research, vo. 27, no. 4, pp. 383–395, figs. 1–9, tabs. 1–2.

108. Tomita, T., Y. Yabumoto and N. Kuga. 2024. A New Snaggletooth Shark Species, Hemipristis tanakai sp. nov., from the Ashiya Group (Oligocene), Northern Kyushu, Japan. Paleontological Research 28 (3), 273-278, (15 December 2023) https://doi.org/10.2517/PR220021.