ENGLISH - MY canto general - MY general song - Cantata on Pablo Neruda's poem

Canto general : oratorio for mezzo soprano, bass baritone, mixed chorus and fifteen instruments / Mikis Theodorakis ; poetry, Pablo Neruda ; spartito for solo voice, mixed chorus, and piano

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Mikis Theodorakis & Pablo Neruda - Canto General – 16 youtube videos



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Neftalí Ricardo Eliecer Reyes Basoalto, más conocido como Pablo Neruda (nacido el 12 de julio de 1904 en Parral, VII Región del Maule, Chile; murió el 23 de septiembre de 1973 en Santiago de Chile) fue un poeta chileno, Senador de la República, miembro del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Chile y embajador de Chile en Francia, ganador del Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1971. Es uno de los poetas más editados e influyentes del siglo XX en todo el mundo, «el más leído desde Shakespeare», según el crítico y biógrafo Alastair Reid.


Naftalí Ricardo Eliecer Reyes Basoalto, better known as Pablo Neruda (born July 12, 1904 in Parral, VII Maule Region, Chile; died September 23, 1973 in Santiago, Chile) was a Chilean poet, Senator of the Republic , member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Chile and ambassador of Chile in France, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. He is one of the most edited and influential poets of the twentieth century worldwide, "the most read since Shakespeare" , according to the critic and biographer Alastair Reid.


The Canto General is one of the most important peoples connecting musical works of Mikis Theodorakis and Pablo Neruda. They met in 1966 in Paris. Mikis Theodorakis, a well-known Greek composer, writer and politician, lived in exile in Paris at the time, banished from the military junta in Greece, which currently imposed a curse of persecution and death on the country. Pablo Neruda, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Poet, Writer, Chilean, Anti-Fascist and Companion Allendes, was sent to Paris as ambassador. From the fruitful friendship developed the peoples connecting Canto General.


Το Ιστορικό Της Σύνθεσης Του Canto General του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη.

Το 1971 επισκέφτηκα τη Χιλή ύστερα από πρόσκλησης της κυβέρνησης Αλιέντε. Ήμουν τότε πρόεδρος του Πατριωτικού Αντιδικτατορικού Μετώπου.

Σε μια συναυλία στην πόλη βαλπαρέιζο μια ομάδα νέοι Χιλιανοί σύνθετες παρουσίασαν την εργασία τους πάνω στη ποίηση του Pablo Neruda.

Μιλώντας μαζί τους στα παρασκήνια, μετά το τέλος της συναυλίας, τους υποσχέθηκα να δώσω κι εγώ στη Χιλή σε ένα χρόνο τη δική μου μουσική άποψη για το Canto General.

Αγόρασα το βιβλίο και γυρίζοντας στο Παρίσι συνέθεσα τη μουσική για το πρώτο ποίημα Amor America.....


Composing the music of "Canto General" by Mikis Theodorakis.

In 1971, I visited Chile at the invitation of the Allende Government. At the time I was head chief of Anti-Dictatorship Front (PAM). While at concert in the city of Valparaiso, a group of young Chileans drew my attention to their work to poetry by Pablo Neruda.

While talking to them after the concert ended, I promised I would present my own musical adaptation of "Canto General" a year later in Chile.

I bought the book and to my return to Paris I composed the music for the first poem, "Amor America"....


The premiere of the Canto General was scheduled for 1973, in Chile. It did not take place due to the current disastrous political situation in Chile and a serious illness of Pablo Neruda. A military coup and the beginning of the military dictatorship of Chile under Pinochet changed Chile for years. Salvador Allende died on the day of the military coup on September 11, 1973, Pablo Neruda had to leave the country as a sick man. He died a few days later in exile in Mexico. The cause of death is still not clear, there are indications that suggest a murder on the long arm of the American CIA hangs.

Parts of the Canto General were listed for the first time in Mexico City, as well as in Buenos Aires, where a few years later an ultranationalist military regime ruled dictatorially.

The work Neruda Requiem Eterna Mikis Theodorakis added in 1976 the work. To assume that he did so in honor of his friend and the brave advocate of humanity and justice, Pablo Neruda.


duration 10:32 + 07:10 + 11:49 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )

Canto General - Cantata de Mikis Theodorakis sobre el poema de Pablo Neruda - 4 - Vienen los pajaros, 1980 - 7 - Vegetaciones, 1980 - 1 - Algunas bestias, 1980 - YOUTUBE ...


01. Mikis Theodorakis - Pablo Neruda: Maria Farantouri - Alguna Bestias

FM Records

Published on Mar 21, 2013

FM Records S.A.

Mikis Theodorakis

Pablo Neruda

Canto General




03. Mikis Theodorakis ,Canto General, Los Libertadores


Published on Feb 4, 2014

Schubert-Choir Hamburg. 19. January 1990 in favor of Amnesty International




03. Canto General - Los Libertadores


Published on Apr 20, 2011

Canto General - Los Libertadores

Pablo Neruda

Mikis Theodorakis

Maria Farandouri

Munich - Olympia Halle - 1981

Aquí viene el árbol, el árbol

de la tormenta, el árbol del pueblo.

De la tierra suben sus héroes

como las hojas por la savia,

y el viento estrella los follajes

de muchedumbre rumorosa,

hasta que cae la semilla

del pan otra vez a la tierra.

Aquí viene el árbol, el árbol

nutrido por muertos desnudos,

muertos azotados y heridos,

muertos de rostros imposibles,

empalados sobre una lanza,

desmenuzados en la hoguera,

decapitados por el hacha,

descuartizados a caballo,

crucificados en la iglesia.

Aquí viene el árbol, el árbol

cuyas raíces están vivas,

sacó salitre del martirio,

sus raíces comieron sangre,

y extrajo lágrimas del suelo:

las elevó por sus ramajes,

las repartió en su arquitectura.

Fueron flores invisibles,

a veces, flores enterradas,

otras veces iluminaron

sus pétalos como planetas.

Y el hombre recogió en las ramas

las corolas endurecidas,

las entregó de mano en mano

como magnolias o granadas

y de pronto, abrieron la tierra,

crecieron hasta las estrellas.

Éste es el árbol de los libres.

El árbol tierra, el árbol nube.

El árbol pan, el árbol flecha,

el árbol puño, el árbol fuego.

La ahoga el agua tormentosa

de nuestra época nocturna,

pero su mástil balancea

el ruedo de su poderio.

Otras veces, de nuevo caen

las ramas rotas por la cólera,

y una ceniza amenazante

cubre su antigua majestad:

así pasó desde otros tiempos,

así salió de la agonía,

hasta que una mano secreta,

unos brazos innumerables,

el pueblo, guardó los fragmentos,

escondió troncos invariables,

y sus labios eran las hojas

del inmenso árbol repartido,

deseminado en todas partes,

caminando por sus raíces.

Éste es el árbol, el árbol

del pueblo, de todos los pueblos

de la libertad, de la lucha.

Asómate a su cabellera:

toca sus rayos renovados:

hunde la mano en las usinas

donde su fruto pulpitante

propaga su luz cada día.

Levanta esta tierra en tus manos,

participa de este esplendor,

toma tu pan y tu manzana,

tu corazón y tu caballo

y monta guardia en la frontera,

en el límite de sus hojas.

Defiende el fin de sus corolas,

comparte las noches hostiles,

vigila el ciclo de la aurora,

respira la altura estrellada,

sosteniendo el árbol, el árbol

que crece en medio de la tierra.

17 :27



03. Μίκης Θεοδωράκης - LOS LIBERTADORES, (Canto General) - Pablo Neruda

George Vidakis

Published on Jul 12, 2014


Ποίηση : Pablo Neruda

Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης

Ερμηνεία: μαρια φαραντουρη @ χορωδια




Διευθύνει ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης

Κι έρχεται το δέντρο, το δέντρο

της καταιγίδας, το δέντρο του λαού.

Απ' τη γη ανεβαίνουν οι ήρωες του

όπως τα φύλλο απ' το χυμό,

κι ο άνεμος θρίβει τα φυλλώματα

της βουερής ανθρωποθάλασσας

ώσπου πέφτει στη γη ξανά.

Κι έρχεται το δέντρο, το δέντρο

που τράφηκε με γυμνούς νεκρούς,

νεκρούς μαστιγωμένους

και πληγωμένους,

νεκρούς με απίθανη όψη.

παλουκωμένους σε κοντάρια,

κομματιασμένους στην πυρά,

αποκεφαλισμένους με τσεκούρια,

πετσοκομμένους απ" τα τέσσερα άλογα,

σταυρωμένους μες στην εκκλησιά.

Κι έρχεται το δέντρο, το δέντρο

που 'ναι οι ρίζες του ζωντανές,

πήρε μαρτυρικό νίτρο,

φάγαν οι ρίζες του αίμα,

ρούφηξε δάκρυα απ' το χώμα:

τ' ανέβασε με τα κλαδιά του,

τα μοίρασε μες στην αρχιτεκτονική του.

Γίναν αόρατα λουλούδια, άλλοτε λουλού-

δια θαμμένα

κι άλλοτε τα πέταλα τους

φωτίσαν σαν πλανήτες.

Κι ο άνθρωπος μάζεψε απ' τους κλώνους

τα δεμένα μπουμπουκάκια,

χέρι χέρι τα παράδωσε

τα ρόδια ή μαγνόλιες,

και κείνα ευθύς τη γη ανοίξαν,

κι έφτασαν ψηλά ως τ 'αστέρια.

Αυτό το δέντρο των ελεύτερων.

Το δέντρο γη, το δέντρο ούννεφο,

το δέντρο ψωμί, το δέντρο ακόντιο,

το δέντρο γροθιά, το δέντρο φωτιά.

Το πνίγουν τα φουρτουνιασμένα νερά

του νύχτιου καιρού μας,

μα στο κατάρτι ζυγιάζεται

της εξουσίας του ο τροχός.

Άλλοτε πάλι ξαναπέφτουν

τα κλαδιά σπασμένα απο την οργή

και μια στάχτη απειλητική

σκεπάζει το αρχαίο μεγαλείο του:

έτσι πέρασε μες από άλλους καιρούς,

έτσι ξέφυγε το άγχος το θανατερό,

ώσπου ένα χέρι μυστικό,

κάποια μπράτσα αναρίθμητα,

ο λαός, φύλαξε τα κομμάτια,

έκρυψε αναλλοίωτους κορμούς,

και τα χείλη τους ήταν τα φύλλα

του πελώριου μοιρασμένου δέντρου

που διασπάρθηκε σ' όλες τις μεριές,

που ταξίδεψε μ" όλες του τις ρίζες.

Αυτό είναι το δέντρο, το δέντρο

του λαού, όλων των λαών

της λευτεριάς, του αγώνα.

Έλα ως τη χαίτη του,

άγγιξε τις ξανανιωμένες του αχτίδες,

βύθισε το χέρι στα εργαστήρια

όπου ο παλλόμενος καρπός του

το φως του διαδίδει καθημερινά.

Σήκωσε τη γη τούτη οτα χέρια σου,

μέθεξε σε τούτη τη λαμπρότητα,

πάρε το ψωμί σου και το μήλο σου,

την καρδιά σου και το άτι σου

και στήσε φρούριο στο σύνορο,

στη μεθόριο της φυλλωσιάς του.

Υπερασπίσου τα χείλη

κάθε στεφάνης του,

μοιράσου τις εχθρικές του νύχτες,

άγρυπνα για το τόξο της αυγής,

στηρίζοντας το δέντρο, το δέντρο

που μεστώνει καταμεσής στη γη




03. Libertadores-Canto General


Published on Aug 3, 2009




03. Theodorakis Neruda

carlos barria

Published on Jun 10, 2007

Canto General Concierto en Chile,Libertadores Part 1




03. Theodorakis Neruda 3

carlos barria

Published on Jul 9, 2007

Canto General, Libertadores Part 3




06. Mikis Theodorakis: Vienen Los Pajaros - M. Farantouri (CANTO GENERAL)

FM Records

Published on Mar 21, 2013

FM Records S.A.

Mikis Theodorakis

Pablo Neruda

Canto General

duration 10:26 minutes



08. Theodorakis Canto General: Neruda Requiem

Pieter Hendriks

Published on Sep 26, 2008

Neruda Requiem from Canto General. From a concert in Belgium in 1981. The tape is a copy of a copy of a copy so the sound is not great but the music and the performance is ! Poem by Mikis Theodorakis




10. Canto General 7 - Vegetaciones, 1980


Published on Mar 15, 2010

Cantata de Mikis Theodorakis sobre el poema de Pablo Neruda.

Incluye texto.




10. Mikis Theodorakis & Pablo Neruda - Canto General - "Vegetaciones" Maria Farandouri


Published on Dec 3, 2011

(Terceiro oratório)

Canto General, é um oratório para duas vozes,coro misto e orquestra dirigida por Mikis Theodorakis,baseado na obra "Canto General" de Pablo Neruda.




Canto General - VEGETATIONES - von Mikis Theodorakis live im Konzerthaus Berlin

Claus-Ulrich Heinke

Published on Apr 16, 2010

Canto General von M ikis Theodorakis in der symphonischen Fassung. SingAkademie Niedersachsen am 5.10.2009 im Konzerthaus Gendarmenmarkt Berlin. Festakt "60 Jahre DGB" in Anwesenheit von Bundespräsident, Bundeskanzlerin und weiteren 1000 Gästen. Soli: Maria Farantouri und Rainer Scheerer, Berliner Konzertorchester, großer Chor der SingAkademie Niedersachsen, Dirigent Claus-Ulrich Heinke




10. María Farantouri - Canto General - Vegetaciones.

Vaast Macin

Published on Jun 8, 2009

A las tierras sin nombres y sin números

bajaba el viento,

desde otros dominios,

traía la lluvia hilos celestes,

y el Dios de los altares impregnados

devolvía las flores y las vidas.

En la fertilidad, en la fertilidad,

en la fertilidad crecía el tiempo.

En la fertilidad crecía el tiempo.

En la fertilidad, en la fertilidad,

en la fertilidad crecía el tiempo.

En la fertilidad crecía el tiempo.

A las tierras sin nombres y sin números

bajaba el viento

desde otros dominios,

traía la lluvia hilos celestes,

y el Dios de los altares impregnados

devolvía las flores y las vidas.

Traía la lluvia hilos celestes,

y el Dios de los altares impregnados

devolvía las flores y las vidas.

El jacarandá elevaba espuma

hecha de resplandores transmarinos,

la araucaria de lanzas erizadas

era la magnitud contra la nieve.

El jacarandá elevaba espuma

hecha de resplandores transmarinos,

la araucaria de lanzas erizadas

era la magnitud contra la nieve.

El primordial árbol caoba

desde su copa destilaba sangre,

y al Sur de los alerces,

El árbol trueno, el árbol rojo,

el árbol de la espina, el árbol madre,

el ceibo bermellón, el árbol caucho.

El árbol rojo, el árbol de la espina,

el árbol madre, el ceibo bermellón, el árbol caucho.

El árbol rojo, el árbol de la espina,

el árbol madre, el ceibo bermellón, el árbol caucho.

El árbol rojo, el árbol de la espina,

el árbol madre, el ceibo bermellón, el árbol caucho.

Eran volumen terrenal, sonido,

eran territoriales existencias.

Eran volumen terrenal, sonido,

eran territoriales existencias.

Un nuevo aroma propagado llenaba,

por los intersticios de la tierra,

las respiraciones convertidas en humo

y fragancia.

El tabaco silvestre alzaba

su rosal de aire imaginario.

A las tierras sin nombres y sin números

bajaba el viento

desde otros dominios,

traía la lluvia hilos celestes,

y el Dios de los altares impregnados

devolvía las flores y las vidas.

En la fertilidad, en la fertilidad,

en la fertilidad crecía el tiempo.

En la fertilidad crecía el tiempo.

En la fertilidad, en la fertilidad,

en la fertilidad crecía el tiempo.

En la fertilidad crecía el tiempo.

A las tierras sin nombres y sin números

bajaba el viento

desde otros dominios,

traía la lluvia hilos celestes,

y el Dios de los altares impregnados

devolvía las flores y las vidas.

Traía la lluvia hilos celestes,

y el Dios de los altares impregnados

devolvía las flores y las vidas.

07 :06



10. Pablo Neruda -vídeo- Mikis Theodorakis Canto General Vegetaciones


Published on Sep 5, 2013

Canto General, an oratorio for two voices, mixed choir and orchestra by Mikis Theodorakis based on poems from Canto General by Pablo Neruda was recorded live on August 13, 1975, at the Karaiskakis-Stadium, Pireus and on August 16, 1975, at the Panathinaikos-Stadium, Athens

- Vegetaciones - Maria Farandouri

A LAS tierras sin nombres y sin números

bajaba el viento desde otros dominios,

traía la lluvia hilos celestes,

y el dios de los altares impregnados

devolvía las flores y las vidas.

En la fertilidad crecía el tiempo.

El jacarandá elevaba espuma

hecha de resplandores transmarinos,

la araucaria de lanzas erizadas

era la magnitud contra la nieve,

el primordial árbol caoba

desde su copa destilaba sangre,

y al Sur de los alerces,

el árbol trueno, el árbol rojo,

el árbol de la espina, el árbol madre,

el ceibo bermellón, el árbol caucho,

eran volumen terrenal, sonido,

eran territoriales existencias.

Un nuevo aroma propagado

llenaba, por los intersticios

de la tierra, las respiraciones

convertidas en humo y fragancia:

el tabaco silvestre alzaba

su rosal de aire imaginario.

Como una lanza terminada en fuego

apareció el maíz, y su estatura

se desgranó y nació de nuevo,

diseminó su harina, tuvo

muertos bajo sus raíces,

y luego, en su cuna, miró

crecer los dioses vegetales.

Arruga y extensión, diseminaba

la semilla del viento

sobre las plumas de la cordillera,

espesa luz de germen y pezones,

aurora ciega amamantada

por los ungüentos terrenales

de la implacable latitud lluviosa,

de las cerradas noches manantiales,

de las cisternas matutinas.

Y aun en las llanuras

como láminas del planeta ,

bajo un fresco pueblo de estrellas,

rey de la hierba, el ombú detenía

el aire libre, el vuelo rumoroso

y montaba la pampa sujetándola

con su ramal de riendas y raíces.

América arboleda,

zarza salvaje entre los mares,

de polo a polo balanceabas,

tesoro verde, tu espesura.

Germinaba la noche

en ciudades de cáscaras sagradas,

en sonoras maderas,

extensas hojas que cubrían

la piedra germinal, los nacimientos.

Útero verde, americana

sabana seminal, bodega espesa,

una rama nació como una isla,

una hoja fue forma de la espada,

una flor fue relámpago y medusa,

un racimo redondeó su resumen,

una raíz descendió a las tinieblas.

07 :01



10. Mikis Theodorakis: Vegetaciones - Maria Farantouri (CANTO GENERAL)

FM Records

Published on Mar 21, 2013

Maria Farantouri - Vegetaciones | Audio Release HQ © FM Records S.A.

Mikis Theodorakis

Pablo Neruda

Canto General




11. Mikis Theodorakis: Amor America - Maria Farantouri (CANTO GENERAL)

FM Records

Published on Mar 21, 2013

FM Records S.A.

Mikis Theodorakis

Pablo Neruda

Canto General




12. Mikis Theodorakis: Emiliano Zapata (CANTO GENERAL)

FM Records

Published on Mar 21, 2013

FM Records S.A.

Mikis Theodorakis

Pablo Neruda

Canto General




13. Canto General - AMERICA INSURRECTA-2 - von Mikis Theodorakis live im Konzerthaus Berlin

Claus-Ulrich Heinke

Published on May 14, 2010Canto General von Mikis Theodorakis in der symphonischen Fassung. SingAkademie Niedersachsen am 5.10.2009 im Konzerthaus Gendarmenmarkt Berlin. Festakt "60 Jahre DGB" in Anwesenheit von Bundespraesident, Bundeskanzlerin und weiteren 1000 Gästen. Soli: Maria Farantouri und Rainer Scheerer, Berliner Konzertorchester, großer Chor der SingAkademie Niedersachsen, Dirigent Claus-Ulrich Heinke




14. Canto General - LA UNITED FRUIT CO. - von Mikis Theodorakis live im Konzerthaus Berlin

Claus-Ulrich Heinke

Published on Apr 16, 2010

Canto General von Mikis Theodorakis in der symphonischen Fassung. SingAkademie Niedersachsen am 5.10.2009 im Konzerthaus Gendarmenmarkt Berlin. Festakt "60 Jahre DGB" in Anwesenheit von Bundespraesident, Bundeskanzlerin und weiteren 1000 Gästen. Soli: Maria Farantouri und Rainer Scheerer, Berliner Konzertorchester, großer Chor der SingAkademie Niedersachsen, Dirigent Claus-Ulrich Heinke




02. Canto General - VOY A VIVIR - von Mikis Theodorakis live im Konzerthaus Berlin

Claus-Ulrich Heinke

Published on Apr 16, 2010

Canto General von Mikis Theodorakis in der symphonischen Fassung. SingAkademie Niedersachsen am 5.10.2009 im Konzerthaus Gendarmenmarkt Berlin. Festakt "60 Jahre DGB" in Anwesenheit von Bundespraesident, Bundeskanzlerin und weiteren 1000 Gästen. Soli: Maria Farantouri und Rainer Scheerer, Berliner Konzertorchester, großer Chor der SingAkademie Niedersachsen, Dirigent Claus-Ulrich Heinke




10. Theodorakis Farantouri Vegetaciones Belgium 1985

Pieter Hendriks

Published on Sep 9, 2007

In 1985 Theodorakis gave a concert in Belgium with his ensemble. Here are the songs of that concert.

Vegetaciones from Canto General (Neruda) sung by Maria Farantouri




06. CANTO GENERAL_vienen los pajaros 1983

Daphne Djaferis

Published on Sep 26, 2015


σε ποίηση PABLO NERUDA



τη χορωδία SAINT JACOB

και την ορχήστρα της ΣΤΟΚΧΟΛΜΗΣ.

Διευθύνουν οι:




μουσική σύμβουλος ΓΙΟΥΛΗ ΠΑΠΑΘΕΟΔΩΡΟΥ

διεύθυνση παραγωγής ΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΑ ΚΑΤΩΤΑΚΗ

σκηνοθεσία ΔΑΦΝΗ ΤΖΑΦΕΡΗ

Θέατρο Λυκαβηττού 1983

duration 11:44 minutes



10. Μαρία Φαραντούρη - Vegetaciones (Canto General)

Meidad Halevi

Published on Jul 23, 2012

Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης

Canto General

ποίηση: Pablo Neruda

Συναυλία με έργα Μίκη Θεοδωράκη στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών




03. Μαρία Φαραντούρη - Los Libertadores (Canto General)

Meidad Halevi

Published on Jul 23, 2012

Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης

Canto General

ποίηση: Pablo Neruda

Συναυλία με έργα Μίκη Θεοδωράκη στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών




01. Canto General 1 - Algunas bestias, 1980


Published on Aug 8, 2010

Cantata de Mikis Theodorakis sobre el poema de Pablo Neruda.

Incluye texto.

11 :49



01. Theodorakis Farantouri: Canto General: Algunas Bestias 1

Pieter Hendriks

Published on Sep 26, 2008

Algunas Bestias from Canto General (part 1 of 2). From a concert in Belgium in 1981. The tape is a copy of a copy of a copy so the sound is not great but the music and the performance is ! Poems bij Pablo Neruda




01. Theodorakis Farantouri: Canto General: Algunas Bestias 2

Pieter Hendriks

Published on Sep 26, 2008

Algunas Bestias from Canto General (part 2 of 2). From a concert in Belgium in 1981. The tape is a copy of a copy of a copy so the sound is not great but the music and the performance is ! Poems by Pablo




01. Μαρία Φαραντούρη - Algunas Bestias (Canto General)

Meidad Halevi

Published on Jul 23, 2012

Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης

Canto General

ποίηση: Pablo Neruda

Συναυλία με έργα Μίκη Θεοδωράκη στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών




01. Canto General- Algunas Bestias


Published on Aug 2, 2009

Canto General au Zénith d'Albi




01. Canto General - Algunas Bestias


Published on Oct 24, 2011

Canto General - Algunas Bestias

Pablo Neruda

Mikis Theodorakis

Maria Farandouri

Munich - Olympia Halle - 1981

Era el crepúsculo de la iguana.

Desde la arcoirisada crestería

su lengua como un dardo

se hundía en la verdura,

el hormiguero monocal pisaba

con melodioso pie la selva,

el guanaco fino como el oxígeno

en las anchas alturas pardas

iba calzando botas de oro,

mientras la llama abría cándidos

ojos en la delicadeza

del mundo lleno de rocío.

Los monos trenzaban un hilo

interminablemente erótico

en las riberas de la aurora,

derribando muros de polen

y espartando el vuelo violeta

de las mariposas de Muzo.

Era la noche de los caimanes,

la noche pura y pululante

de hocicos saliendo del légamo,

y de las ciénagas soñolientas

un ruido opaco de armaduras

volvía al origen terrestre.

El jaguar tocaba las hojas

con su ausencía fosforescente,

el puma corre en el ramaje

como el fuego devorador

mientras arden en él los ojos

alcohólicos de la selva.

Los tejónes rascan los pies

del río, husmean el nido

cuya delicia palpitante

atacarán con dientes rojos.

Y en el fondo del agua magna,

como el círculo de la tierra,

está la gigante anaconda

cubierta de barros rituales,

devoradora y religiosa.

11 :53



06. Mikis Theodorakis & Pablo Neruda - Canto General - "Vienen los Pajaros" Maria Farandouri


Published on Dec 3, 2011

(Segundo oratório)

Canto General, é um oratório para duas vozes,coro misto e orquestra dirigida por Mikis Theodorakis,baseado na obra "Canto General" de Pablo Neruda .




13. Theodorakis Pandis Farantouri Canto General: America Insurecta

Pieter Hendriks

Published on Sep 26, 2008

America Insurecta from Canto General. From a concert in Belgium in 1981. The tape is a copy of a copy of a copy so the sound is not great but the music and the performance is ! Poems bij Pablo Neruda




13. Canto General - America Insurrecta


DownloadPublished on Jul 31, 2012

Canto General - America Insurrecta

Pablo Neruda

Mikis Theodorakis

Petros Pandis

Maria Farandouri

Munich - Olympia Halle - 1981

Nuestra tierra, ancha tierra, soledades,

se pobló de rumores, brazos, bocas.

Una callada sílaba iba ardiendo,

congregando la rosa clandestina,

hasta que las praderas trepidaron

cubiertas de metales y galopes.

Fue dura la verdad como un arado.

Rompió la tierra, estableció el deseo,

hundió sus propagandas germinales

y nació en la secreta primavera.

Fue callada su flor, fue rechazada

su reunión de luz, fue combatida

la levadura colectiva, el beso

de las banderas escondidas,

pero sugió rompiendo las paredes,

apartando las cárceles del suelo.

El pueblo oscuro fue su copa,

recibió la substancia rechazada,

la propagó en los límites marítimos,

la machacó en morteros indomables.

Y salió con las páginas golpeadas

y con la primavera en el camino.

Hora de ayer, hora de mediodía,

hora de hoy otra vez, hora esperada

entre el minuto muerto y el que nace,

en la erizada edad de la mentira.

Patria, naciste de los leñadores,

de hijos sin bautizar, de carpinteros,

de los que dieron como un ave entraña

una gota de sangre voladora,

y hoy nacerás de nuevo duramente,

desde donde el traidor y el carcelero

te creen para siempre sumergida.

Hoy nacerás del pueblo como entonces.

Hoy saldrás del carbón y del rocío.

Hoy llegarás a sacudir las puertas

con manos maltratadas, con pedazos

de alma sobreviviente, con racimos

de miradas que no extinguió la muerte,

con herramientas hurañas

armadas bajo los harapos.

09 :58





Published on Apr 26, 2011





13. Canto General, America Insurrecta (Petros Pandis, August 1975)


Published on Nov 1, 2011





13. America insurrecta Theodorakis-Pandis-Bogota 10/4/1985 Θεοδωράκης-Πανδής

Sophie Hayes

Published on Feb 16, 2013

America insurrecta

Pablo Neruda

Mikis Theodorakis

Petros Pandis-Aria Saijonmaa

Bogota Colombia 10/4/1985 Teatro Colon

Η γη μας, γη πλατιά ερημιές

πλημμύρισε βουητό, μπράτσα, στόματα.

Μια βουβαμένη συλλαβή άναβε λίγο λίγο συγκρατώντας το παράνομο ρόδο,

ωσότου οι πεδιάδες δονήθηκαν

όλο σίδερο κaι καλπασμό.

Σκληρή η αλήθεια σαν αλέτρι.

Έσκισε τη γη, θεμέλιωσε τον πόθο,

έπνιξε τις φύτρες της προπαγάνδας τους

και λευτερώθηκε μέσα στη μυστική άνοιξη.

Είχε βουβαθεί το λουλούδι της, είχε κυνηγηθεί

το συναγμένο φως της, είχε χτυπηθεί

το μαζικό της προζύμι, των κρυμμένων

λάβαρων το φιλί,

αυτή όμως ξεπετάχτηκε σκίζοντας τοίχους αποσπώντας τις φυλακές απ' τη γη.

Κούπα της έγινε ο σκούρος λαός.

Παράλαβε το εξοστρακισμένο υλικό

το διάδωσε στης θάλασσας τα πέρατα,

το κοπάνισε σ' αδάμαστα γουδιά

και βγήκε, με χτυπημένες σελίδες

και με την άνοιξη στο δρόμο.

Ώρα χτεσινή, ώρα μεσημεριού,

ώρα σημερινή ξανά, ώρα καρτερεμένη

ανάμεσα στο λεφτό που πέθανε και σ' αυτό

που γεννιέται,

στην αγκαθιασμένη εποχή της ψευτιάς.

Πατρίδα, έχεις γεννηθεί από ξυλοκόπους,

απο τέκνα αβάφτιστα, απο μαραγκούς,

απο κείνους που δώσαν σαν παράξενο πουλί

μια σταγόνα αίμα πετούμενο

και σήμερα θα γεννηθείς και πάλι σκληρή,

μες απο εκεί που ο προδότης και ο δεσμοφύλακας σε πιστεύανε παντοτινά θαμμένη.

Σήμερα, όπως και τότε, θα γεννηθείς απ' το λαό. Σήμερα θα βγεις μες απ' το κάρβουνο και τη δρόσι. Σήμερα θα καταφέρεις να τραντάξεις τις πόρτες

με χέρια κακοπαθιασμένα, με κομμάτια ψυχής που περισώθηκε,

με δέσμες από βλέμματαπου ο θάνατος δεν έσβησε:

εργαλεία φοβερά

κάτω απ' τα κουρέλια,έτοιμα για τη μάχη.




13. Mikis Theodorakis & Pablo Neruda - Canto General - "America Insurrecta" Petros Pandis


Published on Dec 3, 2011

(Quarto oratório)

Canto General, é um oratório para duas vozes,coro misto e orquestra dirigida por Mikis Theodorakis,baseado na obra "Canto General" de Pablo Neruda .




13. Πέτρος Πανδής - America Insurrecta 1800 (Canto General)

Meidad Halevi

Published on Jul 24, 2012

Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης

Canto General

ποίηση: Pablo Neruda

Συναυλία με έργα Μίκη Θεοδωράκη στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών




13. Theodorakis/ Dalaras-America Insurecta


Published on May 23, 2009

Theodorakis/Neruda/Dalaras -Canto General (The Birthday Concert 1995)




13. Dalaras George - Stelios Golgaris Solist Guitar - America Insurecta - Canto General


Published on Dec 7, 2010

ET1 TV Greece 30/11/2003 Live Concert - Megaro Mousikis Thessalonikis - Mikis Theodorakhs - Lucas Karytinos - Dalaras - Symphony Orchestra Of Thessaloniki




09. La United Fruit Co. - Petros Pandis (1983)


Published on Sep 1, 2019


SUBTITLES: Español (Latinoamérica), Italiano, Français, English.

Ο Πέτρος Πανδής τραγουδά το «La United Fruit Co.» από το Canto General.

Ορχήστρα και Χορωδία St. Jacobs της Στοκχόλμης

Ποίηση: Pablo Neruda

Σύνθεση: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης

Petros Pandis sings "La United Fruit Co." by Canto General.

Orchestra and Chorus of St. Jacobs of Stockholm

Poetry: Pablo Neruda

Composition: Mikis Theodorakis

Αύγουστος 1983, θέατρο Λυκαβηττού

August 1983, Lycabettus Theater




09. Theodorakis Pandis Canto General: La United Fruit

Pieter Hendriks

Published on Sep 26, 2008

La Untited Fruit from Canto General. From a concert in Belgium in 1981. The tape is a copy of a copy of a copy so the sound is not great but the music and the performance is ! Poems bij Pablo Neruda




09. Πέτρος Πανδής - La United Fruit Co. - Petros Pandis

Sophie Hayes

Published on Jul 16, 2011

Ο Πέτρος Πανδής τραγουδά το «La United Fruit Co.»

από το Canto General.

Ποίηση: Pablo Neruda

Σύνθεση: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης

Ορχήστρα και Χορωδία St. Jacobs της Στοκχόλμης

Αύγουστος 1983 θέατρο Λυκαβηττού




09. Mikis Theodorakis & Pablo Neruda - Canto General - "La United Fruit Co." Petros Pandis


Published on Dec 3, 2011

(Primeiro oratório)

Canto General, é um oratório para duas vozes,coro misto e orquestra dirigida por Mikis Theodorakis,baseado na obra "Canto General" de Pablo Neruda .




09. United Fruit Co.


Published on Oct 4, 2008

part 4 of "Canto General" by Theodorakis

performed by Isy Borensztajn




13. Πέτρος Πανδής - America Insurrecta 1800 (Canto General)

Meidad Halevi

Published on Jul 24, 2012

Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης

Canto General

ποίηση: Pablo Neruda

Συναυλία με έργα Μίκη Θεοδωράκη στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών




09. Πέτρος Πανδής - La United Fruit Co. (Canto General)

Meidad Halevi

Published on Jul 23, 2012

Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης

Canto General

ποίηση: Pablo Neruda

Συναυλία με έργα Μίκη Θεοδωράκη στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών




02+ Theodorakis Neruda Canto General Voy a Vivir

Pieter Hendriks

Published on Sep 7, 2007

Theodorakis rehearsing Voy a Vivir from the Canto General,(poem by Pablo Neruda). With Petros Pandis.




02. Theodorakis Pandis Canto General: Voy a Vivir

Pieter Hendriks

Published on Sep 26, 2008

Voy a Vivir from Canto General. From a concert in Belgium in 1981. The tape is a copy of a copy of a copy so the sound is not great but the music and the performance is ! Poems bij Pablo Neruda




02. Πέτρος Πανδής - Voy a Vivir 1949 (Canto General)

Meidad Halevi

Published on Jul 23, 2012

Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης

Canto General

ποίηση: Pablo Neruda

Συναυλία με έργα Μίκη Θεοδωράκη στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών




03, 13. George Dalaras - Canto General (Theodorakis / Neruda)

ResearcherXM Published on Jan 20, 2011 George Dalaras & Metropole Orchestra of Holland & Fons Musicals choir, at the Athens Odeon of Herode Atticus, Greece September 1995.

"Libertadores / America Insurrecta"

(Excerpts from "Canto General")

Music: Mikis Theodorakis

Lyrics (Poem): Pablo Neruda

duration 11:51 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )



03, 13. G. Dalaras - Canto General (Theodorakis)


Published on Feb 6, 2013


Giorgos Dalaras & Metropole Orchestra of Holland & Fons Musicals choir, at the Athens Odeon of Herode Atticus, Greece September 1995.

"Libertadores / America Insurrecta"

(Excerpts from "Canto General")

Music: Mikis Theodorakis

Lyrics (Poem): Pablo Neruda




03,13. Libertadores/America Insurrecta - Γιώργος Νταλάρας


Published on Jul 5, 2013

▶ Libertadores/America Insurrecta - Γιώργος Νταλάρας


"Ο Γιώργος Νταλάρας Και Η Φιλαρμονική Ορχήστρα Του Ισραήλ"

"George Dalaras & The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra" - ©1999 EMI Music Greece

duration 12:52 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )



13. Canto General America Insurrecta

Choeur du Canto

Published on Nov 13, 2018

le Choeur du Canto - Concert du 3 juin 2018 à l'espace Glenmor à Carhaix

09 :00



Mikis Theodorakis & Pablo Neruda - 1980 - Canto General

Stanislav Palekha

Published on Sep 30, 2011

•01. Amor América (1400) - 0:00

•02. Algunas Bestias - 1:38

•03. Voy A Vivir (1949) - 12:49

•04. Los Libertadores - 18:22

•05. Vienen Los Pájaros - 34:52

•06. La United Fruit Co. - 45:23

•07. Vegetaciones - 53:07

•08. América Insurrecta - 60:21

duration 1:30:46 hours

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )


Daphne Djaferis

Published on Oct 9, 2015


σε ποίηση PABLO NERUDA



τη χορωδία SAINT JACOB

και την ορχήστρα της ΣΤΟΚΧΟΛΜΗΣ.

Διευθύνουν οι:




μουσική σύμβουλος ΓΙΟΥΛΗ ΠΑΠΑΘΕΟΔΩΡΟΥ

διεύθυνση παραγωγής ΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΑ ΚΑΤΩΤΑΚΗ

σκηνοθεσία ΔΑΦΝΗ ΤΖΑΦΕΡΗ

Θέατρο Λυκαβηττού 1983

duration 1:21:18 hours




Daphne Djaferis

Published on Oct 30, 2015


σε ποίηση PABLO NERUDA



τη χορωδία SAINT JACOB

και την ορχήστρα της ΣΤΟΚΧΟΛΜΗΣ.

Διευθύνουν οι:




μουσική σύμβουλος ΓΙΟΥΛΗ ΠΑΠΑΘΕΟΔΩΡΟΥ

διεύθυνση παραγωγής ΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΑ ΚΑΤΩΤΑΚΗ

σκηνοθεσία ΔΑΦΝΗ ΤΖΑΦΕΡΗ

Θέατρο Λυκαβηττού 1983

duration 1:02:08 hours



Pablo Neruda - CANTO GENERAL - Mikis Theodorakis, Chile 1993

George Vidakis

Published on Nov 28, 2017

Teatro Monumental, Santiago de Chile, 23.4.1993,

Canto General de Pablo Neruda

Composer: Mikis Theodorakis

Performers: Arja Saijonmaa and Petros Pandis

Coro Ars Viva, Santiago & Coro Sinfonico de la Universidad de Chile

Choir conductors: Waldo Aranguiz & Guido Minoletti

Orquesta Sinfonica de Chile

Orquesta Filarmonica de Santiago

Musical preparation by Franz Peter Müller-Sybel








Όπως το ΑΞΙΟΝ ΕΣΤΙ είναι η Βίβλος του ελληνικού λαού, έτσι το CANTO GENERAL είναι η Βίβλος της αμερικάνικης ηπείρου. Σε αυτό το «opus magnum» των 342 ποιημάτων, «ο μηχανικός της ψυχής» (Δανάη Στρατηγοπούλου), αναπαριστά

με εντυπωσιακές εικόνες τη γένεση της ηπείρου και την ιστορία των λαών που την κατοίκησαν, που την κατοικούν ακόμη, που υποφέρουν και αγωνίζονται ενάντια οτους καταπιεστές που κατέφθασαν με τη δύναμη των όπλων να απομυζήσουν τους ανθρώπους και τα πλούτη μιας οργιαστικής φύσης. Αυτό άλλωστε προσδίδει στο έργο παγκόσμιο χαρακτήρα.

Με δυνατές μεταφορές, χείμαρρους εικόνων και μελωδιών, αυτή η ποίηση μιλά για το σύμπαν, στο κέντρο του οποίου στέκει ο άνθρωπος ο άνθρωπος ως στοιχείο της φύσης από την οποία υποφέρει αλλά και αντλεί ταυτόχρονα τη δύναμη του. Η σχέση του ανθρώπου με τη φύση γίνεται σύμβολο και πρότυπο, μέτρο για τις ανθρώπινες σχέσεις.




Mikis Theodorakis - Canto General 1 Full Album

01. Algunas Bestlas - 02. Voy A Vivir - 03. Los Libertadores - 04. A Mi Partido - 05. Lautaro - 06. Vienen Los Pajaros

duration 58:51 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )

Mikis Theodorakis - Canto General 1 Full Album - YOUTUBE ...

and / or ...

Mikis Theodorakis - Canto General 2 Full Album

01. Sandino - 02. Neruda Requiem Eternam - 03. United Fruit - 04. Vegetaciones - 05. Amor America - 06. Emiliano Zapata - 07. America Insurecta

duration 45:11 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )

Mikis Theodorakis - Canto General 2 Full Album - YOUTUBE ...


Petros Pandis about Mikis Theodorakis


Published on Aug 17, 2013 Concert in Sauda in the Smelteverkstet, Norway (1997).

Petros Pandis talks about first meeting with Mikis Theodorakis and their work together.

duration 05:41 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )



Μ.Theodorakis & P.Neruda - Canto General Chile 1993

Μίκης Θεοδωράκης

Published on Sep 12, 2013

duration 1:27:30 hours



The premiere of the Canto General in Chile, recorded here, took place after the end of the military dictatorship in April 1993 at the Theatro Monumental in Santiago de Chile.


Ode to Pablo Neruda

At one end of the world

there where the accent changes on the lips

and where the supplication gallops

the thick rain of sleep

there where the desert intact kiss

the icebergs of green miracles

and where the lengths fall in love with the coast

there for a look collapsed multi-storey cycles

of putrefaction and thinking set

lakes of water with an endless golden rain.

There, some lips built the earth

and gave language a life shape.

Alli Ejedoros1 multiplied the sources

and I blow the candle of the mind that I travel

the catharsis in the wet sand of the earth.

And when time gave birth to serenity

and the fatal anus had barely left its scent

the day ducentsimo sexagesimo sixth

the silence crossed the Andes

on a night walk grazing the words

and in the disorderly obstinacy of reflections

there where the union of the unaffiliated did not arrive

and the howling of the wolves

I trace the dense midday sun

there will not shade the eyes, the visor,

that squeezed flirting

the last thoughts of the waters.

Today they said that they went back centuries

and dig immortality

in the same final number of the year of the dead syllables.

Today, April 8, I swallowed the light

the bones received the sun in their pores.

Behind the mirror river

the tight hatreds were resolved

and a name acquired our wrinkles: Pablo.


Dedicated to the great Poet, Fighter and Man, Pablo Neruda, and to all the people of Chile.


Patricio Colasso

duration 02:22 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )




Never complain about anyone, or anything, because fundamentally you have done what you wanted in your life. Accept the difficulty of building yourself and the courage to start correcting yourself. The triumph of the true man arises from the ashes of his error.

Never complain about your loneliness or your luck, confront it with courage and accept it. One way or another is the result of your actions and proof that you always have to win.

Do not become bitter about your own failure or upload it to another, accept now or continue justifying yourself as a child. Remember that any moment is good to start and none is so terrible to give up.

Do not forget that the cause of your present is your past as well as the cause of your future will be your present.

Learn from the bold, from the strong, from those who do not accept situations, from those who will live in spite of everything, think less about your problems and more about your work and your problems without eliminating them will die.

Learn to be born from pain and to be bigger than the greatest of obstacles, look at yourself in the mirror and you will be free and strong and you will stop being a puppet of circumstances because you yourself are your destiny.

Get up and look at the sun in the morning and breathe in the light of dawn. You are part of the force of your life, now wake up, fight, walk, decide and you will triumph in life; never think about luck, because luck is: the pretext of the losers.




01. Algunas Bestias - 01. Some Animals

Translation by Jodey Bateman

It was the nightfall of the iguana

from his rainbow-colored crest

his tongue like a dart

sank into the greenery

The monastic ant colony stepped

with musical feet through the jungle.

The wild llama, as delicate as oxygen

in the wide brown high country

went walking in his golden boots

while the tame llama opened

his candid eyes onto the daintiness

of a world filled with dew.

The monkeys braided

an endless erotic thread

along the shores of daybreak

bringing down walls of pollen

and frightening the violet flight

of butterflies on the river.

It was the night of the alligators

the pure, pulsing night

of snouts sticking out of slime

and from the drowsy swamps

the dull noise of scale armor

goes back to the origin of the earth.

The jaguar touched the leaves

with his glowing absence.

The puma runs through the thicket

like a devouring fire

while in him are burning

the alcoholic eyes of the jungle.

Badgers are scrabbling the banks

of the river, sniffing at a nest

full of living delicacies

which they will attack with red teeth.

And in the depth of the great water

like the circle of the earth

is the giant anaconda

covered with ceremonial paint,

devouring and religious.



02. Voy a vivir - I’m going to live.

I shall not die, I go out,

in this day full of volcanoes,

to the multitudes, to life.

I leave these things in order behind me

today when gunmen roam

with “western culture” in their arms,

with the hands that kill Spain

and the gallows that kill in Athens

and the dishonor that reigns in Chile

and I fall silent.

Here I stay

with words and people and roads

that expect new things of me, and that knock

with starry hands at my door.



03. Los Libertadores - The Liberators

Here comes the tree,

the storm-tree, the people-tree.

From the earth its heroes rise

like leaves out of sap,

and the wind scatters the foliage

of murmuring masses,

until once again the seed

of bread falls to the ground.

Here comes the tree, the tree

nourished by naked dead,

whipped and wounded dead,

dead with impossible faces,

impaled on a lance,

consumed on a pyre,

decapitated by axes,

quartered between horses,

crucified in church.

Here comes the tree, the tree

with living roots,

that sucked salpeter from martyrdom,

its roots drank blood,

and extracted tears from the earth:

raised them to its branches,

distributed them in its structures.

There were invisible flowers,

at times, buried flowers,

but other times

the petals shone like planets.

And mankind gathered from the branches

the enduring petals,

passed them from hand to hand

like magnolias or pomegranates,

and suddenly the earth opened

and they grew toward the stars.

This is the tree of the free people.

The tree of earth, the tree of cloud.

The tree of bread, the tree of arrows,

the tree of fists, the tree of fire.

It drowns in the stormy waters

of our dark epoch,

but its mast balances

the rolling of its power.

Sometimes its branches fall

anew, broken in rage,

and a menacing ash

coversits ancient majesty:

thus it was in other times,

thus it escaped its agony,

until a secret hand,

innumerable linked arms,

the people, guarded the fragments,

hid the immutable trunks,

and their lips were the leaves

of the immense tree, sundered,

scattered to all parts,

wandering with its roots.

This is the tree, the tree

of the people, of all free

people, the tree of struggle.

Lean on its mane,

touch its renewed rays,

plunge your hands into its factories

where the pulsating fruit

spreads its light every day.

Lift this world in your hands,

participatein this splendor,

take your bread and your apple,

your heart and your horse,

and guard the frontier

at the limits of these leaves.

Defend the purpose of the petals,

take part in the hostile nights,

watch the circle of dawn,

breathe the starry heights,

and sustain the tree, the tree

that grows in the middle of the earth.



04. A mi partido - To my party

You have given me the brotherhood of those I don’t know.

You have gathered the strength of those who live for me.

You have given me the homeland like a new birth.

You have given me the liberty that the solidarity man does not have.

You have taught me to kindle goodness as I would a fire.

You have given me the rectitude that a tree needs.

You have taught me to see the unity and the difference between people.

You have shown me how the pain of the individual dies in the victory of all.

You have taught me to sleep in the hard beds of my brothers.

You have made me build on reality as though on a rock.

You have made me an adversary of evil and a wall for the frantic.

You have made me see the clarity of the world and the possibility of happiness.

You have made me indestructible because in you I do not die in myself.



05. Lautaro

Lautaro was a slender arrow.

Supple and blue was our ancestor.

His childhood was but silence.

His adolescence was dominion.

His youth was an aimed wind.

He made himself like a long lance.

He hardened his feet in the waterfalls.

He taught his head among the thorns.

He tried his strength against the guanaco.

He lived in hollows of snow.

He snatched food from eagles.

He seized the secrets of the peaks.

He nourished petals of flame.

He was nursed by chill Spring.

He scorched himself in infernal chasms.

He was a hunter among cruel birds.

His hands were stained with victories.

He interpreted the aggressions of the night.

He withstood eruptions of sulphur.

He made himself swiftness, sudden light.

He assumed the patience of Autumn.

He labored in invisible lairs.

He slept in sheets of blizzard.

He equalled the flight of arrows….

Only then he was worthy for his people.

The blood touches a vein of quartz.

The ground swells where the drop falls.

Thus is Lautaro born of the earth.


Related post: Lautaro

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06. Vienen los pájaros

6. The birds are coming

Translation by Jack Schmitt

All was flight in our land.

The cardinal, like drops

of flood and feathers,

bled the dawn of Anáhuac.

The toucan was a lovely

box of shining fruit,

the hummingbird preserved

the original sparks of dawn,

and its minuscule bonfires

burned in the still air.

Illustrious parrots filled

the depths of the foliage,

like ingots of green gold

newly minted from the paste

of sunken swamps,

and from their circular eyes

yellow hoops looked out,

old as minerals.

All the eagles of the sky

nourished their bloody skin

in the uninhabited blue,

and flying over the world

on carnivorous feathers,

the condor, murderous king,

solitary monk of the sky,

black talisman of the snow,

hurricane of falconry.

The ovenbird’s engineering

made of the fragrant clay

sonorous little theaters

where it burst forth singing.

The nightjar kept

whistling its wet cry

on the banks of the cenotes.

The Chilean pigeon made

scrubby woodland nests

where it left its regal gift

of dashing eggs.

The southern lark, fragrant,

sweet autumn carpenter,

displayed its breast spangled

wit a scarlet constellation,

and the austral sparrow raised

its flute recently fetched

from the eternity of water.

Wet as a water lily,

the flamingo opened the doors

of its rosy cathedral,

and flew like the dawn,

far from the sultry forest

where the jewels dangle

from the quetzal, which suddenly

awakens, stirs, slips off, glows,

and makes its virgin embers fly.

A marine mountain flies

toward the islands, a moon

of birds winging South,

over the fermented islands

of Peru.

It’s a living river of shade,

a comet of countless

tiny hearts

that eclipse the world’s sun

like a thick-tailed meteor

pulsing toward the archipelago.

And at the end of the enraged

sea, in the ocean rain,

the wings of the albatros rise up

like two systems of salt,

estasblishing in the silence

with their spacious hierarchy

amid the torrential squalls,

the order of the wilds.



It was when the crosses

were buried

in our land, ending up

invalidated, professionalized.

The dollar came with aggressive teeth

and tore pieces of land

out of the innocent throat of America.

It bit into Panama with hard jaws,

sank its fangs into virgin soil,

wallowed in mud, whisky, blood,

and made a president in a frock-coat say,

“Give us this day

our dayly bribe.”

Then came steel,

and the canal divided the residences,

lords here, servants there.

They hurried towards Nicaragua.

Clad in white they came,

spending dollar and bullets.

But there a captain arose

who said, “No, don’t come here

with your consessions, your bottles.”

They promised him a portrait

as president with gloves,

a sash of three colors,

and shiny new patent leather shoes.

Sandino took off his boots,

descended to the trembling marshes,

put on the wet sash

of freedom in the jungle,

and, shot for shot, answered

the “civilizers”.

The rage of the North Americans

was formidable accredited

ambassadors gave testimony

to the world that thier love was

Nicaragua, and that some day

law and order must be brought

to its sleeping interior.

Sandino hanged the intruders…..



08. Neruda Requiem Aeternam

Tears for the living.

America enslaved,

all people who are slaves


You were the last sun;

now dwarfs rule,

the earth is bereft.



09. La United Fruit Co -

Translation by Martinsen

When the trumpet sounded

everything was prepared on earth,

and Jehovah gave the world

to Coca-Cola Inc., Anaconda,

Ford Motors, and other corporations.

The United Fruit Company

reserved for itself the most juicy

piece, the central coast of my world,

the delicate waist of America.

It rebaptized these countries

Banana Republics,

and over the sleeping dead,

over the unquiet heroes

who won greatness,

liberty, and banners,

it established an opera buffa:

it abolished free will,

gave out imperial crowns,

encouraged envy, attracted

the dictatorship of flies:

Trujillo flies, Tachos flies

Carias flies, Martinez flies,

Ubico flies, flies sticky with

submissive blood and marmalade,

drunken flies that buzz over

the tombs of the people,

circus flies, wise flies

expert at tyranny.

With the bloodthirsty flies

came the Fruit Company,

amassed coffee and fruit

in ships which put to sea like

overloaded trays with the treasures

from our sunken lands.

Meanwhile the Indians fall

into the sugared depths of the

harbors and are buried in the

morning mists;

a corpse rolls, a thing without

name, a discarded number,

a bunch of rotten fruit

thrown on the garbage heap.



10. Vegetation

Translation by Jack Schmitt

To the lands without name or number,

The wind blew down from other domains,

The rain brought celestial threads,

And the god of the impregnated altars

Restored flowers and lives.

In fertility time grew.

The jacaranda raised its froth

Of transmarine splendor,

The araucaria, bristling with spears,

Was magnitude against the snow,

The primordial mahogany tree

Distilled blood from its crown,

And to the South of the cypress,

The thunder tree, the red tree,

The thorn tree, the mother tree,

The scarlet ceibo, the rubber tree

Were earthly volume, sound,

Territorial existence.

A newly propagated aroma

Suffused, through the interstices

Of the earth, the breaths

Transformed into mist and fragrance:

Wild tobacco raised

Its rosebush of imaginary air.

Like a fire-tipped spear

Corn emerged, its stature

Was stripped and it gave forth again,

Disseminated its flour, had

Corpses beneath its roots,

And then, in its cradle, it watched

The vegetable gods grow…

And still on the prairies,

Like laminas of the planet,

Beneath a fresh republic of stars,

The ombú, king of the grass, stopped

The free air, the whispering flight,

And mounted the pampa, holding it in

With a bridle of reins and roots.

Arboreal America

Wild bramble between the seas,

From pole to pole you balanced,

Green treasure, your dense growth.

The night germinated

In cities of sacred pods,

In sonorous woods,

Outstretched leaves covering

The germinal stone, the births.

Green uterus, seminal

American savanna, dense storehouse,

A branch was born like an island,

A leaf was shaped like a sword,

A flower was lightning and medusa,

A cluster rounded off its resume,

A root descended in the darkness.



11. Amor América - Love America

Translation by Mikaela Dunitz

Love America

Before the wig and coat

were the rivers, the arterial rivers,

the mountain ranges, in whose weary wave

the condor or the snow appeared unstirring:

the thickness of the humidity, the unnamed

thunderclap, the planetary pampas.

Man was earth, a vessel, the eyelid

of the quivering clay, a form from the mud of the earth,

a Carib pitcher, a chibcha stone,

an imperial chalice or an Araucanian silica.

Tender and bleeding he was, but on the hilt

of his moist crystal weapon,

the initials of the earth were


No one

could remember them later: the wind

forgot them, the language of the water

interred, the keys were lost

or inundated by silence or blood.

Life was not lost, pastoral brothers.

But as a savage rose,

a red drop fell to the depths,

and the lamp of the land was extinguished.

I am here to tell history.

Since the peace of the buffalo

until the lashed sands

of final earth, in the accumulated surf

of antarctic light,

and for the burrows embedded off the cliffs

of somber Venezuelan peace,

I searched for you, my father,

young soldier of shadows and brass,

or you, nuptial plant, indomitable hair,

caiman mother, metallic dove.

I, Inca from mud,

touched the stone and said:


waits for me? And I squeezed my hand

around a fistful of empty glass.

But I traveled among zapotec flowers

and the light was as gentle as a stag,

and the shade was like a green eyelid.

My earth without a name, without America,

equinoctial stamen, purple spear,

your aroma winds up my roots

into the chalice I nursed, into the finest

word still not yet born from my mouth.



12. Emiliano Zapata

When suffering increased

on the earth, and desolate wastes

of thorn were the peasants’ legacy

and as long ago, voracious

ceremonial beards and whips,

then flower and fire galloped….

Drunken I go

to the capital….

Then Zapata was earth and dawn.

On the circle of the horizon

his legion of armed seeds appeared.

In an attack over waters and borders

the iron spirings of Coahuila,

the starry stones of Sonora:

everything sped to his daring train,

to his agrarian tempest of horse hooves.

….if he leaves the ranch

he will soon return….

….ribbons for your hair

don’t cry for your Pancho….

….Drunken I go away

to forget….

We demand a fatherland for the humiliated.

You knife divides the inheritance

and bullets and war horses make

the torturer, the beard of the executioner, quake.

The land is parcelled out with a rifle.

Don’t expect, dusty farmer,

after the sweat of your brow, perfect light

and pieces of heaven in your lap.

Arise and rise with Zapata.

Mexico, unsociable farmland, beloved

country divided among the unknown:

out of swords of com

your sweaty centurions came and rose toward the sun.

From the snow of the South I come to sing your praises.

Let me ride to your destiny

and fill me with gunpowder and plows.

…. If you must weep

why return….


Related post: Emiliano Zapata

07. Sandino

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13. América Insurrecta - Insurgent America

Our earth, wide earth, solitudes,

populated with rumour, arms and mouths.

An unspoken syllable was burning,

gathering the hidden rose,

till the plains resounded

with hooves and metal.

A truth as hard as the plough.

The earth erupted, planted desire,

burying its seeds of propaganda

which bloomed in a secret spring.

The flower was silent, was denied

its reunion with light, the collective yeast

was fought against, the kiss

of hidden flags,

but it arose and broke down walls,

breaking through imprisoned earth.

The obscured nation was its cup,

received the withheld substance,

spread itself out to the sea’s limits,

crushed by unstoppable mortars.

And it emerged with written flourish

and with Spring clear ahead.

Yesterday’s hour, midday,

today’s hour once more, hour awaited

between the moment that dies and comes into being,

smarting before an age of lies.

Nation, you were given birth by woodcutters,

by children unbaptised, by carpenters,

by those who, like a strange bird gave

a drop of flying blood,

and once again is born in struggle,

from where the prison-keeper and traitor

believe you buried forever.

Just as then you’ll be born today as a nation.

Today you’ll arise from coal and dew.

Today you’ll smash locks from the doors

with your abused hands, with the pieces

of your surviving soul, with the gathered

gaze death couldn’t extinguish,

with disdainful tools

armed under your rags.


Mikis Theodorakis Canto General 1981

Mikis Theodorakis

Published on Feb 7, 2016






Sophie Hayes

Published on Feb 16, 2013

Από συναυλία στο Bilbao 30/10/1987 (Teatro Arriaga)




Ο Μίμης ο τσιγγάνος Πέτρος Πανδής Petros Pandis Theodorakis

Sophie Hayes

Published on Jan 27, 2014

Ο Μίμης ο τσιγγάνος

από τον κύκλο «Σκόρπια»

Σύνθεση: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης

Ποίηση: Μιχάλης Κατσαρός

Το καραβάνι ξεκίνησε,

θυμήσου φυλή μου , τον Μίμη.

Τον βασιλιά των τσιγγάνων

θυμήσου, θυμήσου.

Λεβέντης έζησε,

θυμήσου, θυμήσου.

Τον Μίμη μας τον τσιγγάνο θυμήσου

που οδηγούσε το καραβάνι.

Το καραβάνι ξεκίνησε,

θυμήσου φυλή μου, τον Μίμη.

Πονούσε ο Μίμης, πονούσε

σαν οδηγούσε το καραβάνι, πονούσε.

Μπροστά μας πήγαινε ο Μίμης

μπροστά στη φυλή μου.

Ο βασιλιάς των τσιγγάνων πονούσε

μπροστά στη φυλή μου.

Και τώρα ο Μίμης, κοιτάχτε τσιγγάνοι, αγαπούσε.

Και τώρα ο Μίμης σαν ίσκιος περνούσε.

Κοιτάχτε τσιγγάνοι, περνούσε στο νέο καραβάνι

και τραγουδούσε

ακούστε τσιγγάνοι, τσιγγάνοι ακούστε

ακούστε τσιγγάνοι, τσιγγάνοι ακούστε...

Τραγούδι: Πέτρος Πανδής

Πιάνο: Τάσος Καρακατσάνης

Σκηνοθεσία: Γιάννης Σολδάτος






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