
Hooda Math


Lots of great geometry, arithmetic, and logic games.

Math Nook


A site filled with online math games for all kinds of basic math skills such as estimation, place value, and the four operations.

Math Games at Sheppard Software

A bunch of different games to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, place value, coins, fractions, mixed operations, and telling time.

ICT Games

5-8 Years Old

Find games for addition, subtraction, time, shape and measures, more/less, odd/even, doubles, place value, and more.

Toy Theater - Math


A collection of online math activities, including number patterns, bingo, ordering, secret numbers, clock, simple quizzes, and more.

Count Us In


15 games designed to help children understand basic number concepts (kindergarten level). You can also download the games to play on your PC/Mac.

Math Playground


A large collection of interactive word problems, math games and puzzles for elementary school students.

RekenWeb Games

Lots of interesting games, mostly for middle school, from Freudenthal Institute for Science and Mathematics Education.