National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month, 30 days of celebrating the joy, expressiveness, and pure delight of poetry. 

Explore Rhyming with Sesame Street's Sons of Poetry 


The perfect rhyme DOES exist! Celebrate National Poetry Month in style with the Sons of Poetry as they circle their bikes to help the poets find the ideal rhyme. You can encourage your young learners to explore poetry and practice rhyming using this hilarious parody video. 

This video segment from Poetry Everywhere incorporates animation in soft swirling color to illustrate Emily Dickinson's poem "I started Early—Took my Dog." Use Dickinson’s writing about the changing nature of the sea to help your students explore themes of adventure, escape, and the depths of the self. 

If your students are needing a little inspiration when writing a poem, what could be better than getting inspired by famous poets themselves? "Verse By Verse" is a Google tool that uses artificial intelligence to provide suggestions based on the writings of classic American poets to help you write your own poem. Here is how is works...

🧲 Drag and Drop "Magnetic" Poetry 

Magnetic poetry kits have been around since the early 90’s, providing children and adults with inspiration to create poems on refrigerators everywhere. As fun as those magnetic kits are, they have some limitations. By using a technology option, such as Google Drawings, you get many benefits:

Below are several Google Drawings templates created over time for variously-themed drag-and-drop "magnetic" poetry activities. Feel free to use these with your students. You can even make copies and then make changes to create your own themed versions for different holidays, seasons, or events.