Study Skills


Everyone has a different "learning style".  Consequently, everyone has a different "studying style". But the way that you are studying right now might not be the best for you. How would you know? Easy: If your grades aren't what you'd like them to be, then you probably need to change how you study!  


Effective study skills must be practiced in order for you to improve. It is not enough to simply "think about" studying; you have to actually do it, and in the process use information from what you do to get better. This is the central idea of this page. All that follows depends on this single concept. There is a saying that goes like this: "Practice doesn't make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect." If you want to be an achiever, take this saying to heart.


I am going to give you some strategies to help you study efficiently.


A.  Manage your time



School is a full time job.  Managing you time is very important.  If you are involved in any extra-curricular activities, you must keep your priorities in mind.  You are a student FIRST.


1.  Make a schedule of your day taking in account of every activitiy in your day (i.e. breakfast, school, lunch, bus ride home/practice, sleep etc.)

2. What ever time is left over block it off to study. This gives you a rough road map of the time available. Revise your schedule as needed. 

3. A good rule of thumb is that studying should be carried out only when you are  well rested, alert, and have planned for it. Last minute studying just before a class is usually a waste of time.





4. How do you know what to study? Use a planner or agenda to keep track of assignments and important topics.



B.  Where to study?


 Studying can take place anywhere.  It is obvious that some places are more suitable than others.   Libraries, study rooms and other quiet places are best where you can not be distracted.



C.  Study Strategies



Below is a list of strategies that will aid you in studying (attachments have been provided below):