Welcome Parents


Dear Parent(s),


Welcome to Physical Science!  I am delighted that your child has decided to take Physical Science.  Over this next year, we will be learning some basic chemical and physics concepts.  The Physical Science course, as described by the Fulton County Board of Education Course Selection Guide, has as its objective “to fully prepare a student for further Chemistry or Physics study at the college level”. Considerable emphasis is placed on mathematical problem solving and critical thinking.  Success in Physical Science comes when students diligently complete assignments, ask questions, and do not get behind.


Please note the required materials and grading policy in the course syllabus. Students will be required to keep a notebook which will be checked on a weekly to bi-weekly basis.  I have reviewed my classroom expectations with all students and your child has received a copy that should be placed in the front of his or her notebook.  My best advice for students is to study daily!


Physical Science for most students is fun, yet demanding and challenging!  It is sequential so it is vital to keep up.  If you feel that your child is getting behind, please let me know immediately.  Your child will receive progress reports approximately every 3 to 4 weeks which will indicate his or her current achievement.  Should you have any questions, please call the school, 770-774-3620 or  leave me a  message at 404-585-1292 and I will respond withing 48 hours.  However, my preferred contact method is by e-mail at smithbrownm@fultonschools.org .


Your partnership is very important for the success of your child in Physical Science.  As a member of the LHHS Science department I will do everything possible to maximize your child's science experience with the resources provided. I thank you for all the support you have given us in the past and look forward to giving your child the best science education possible.





Michelle R. Smith-Brown, M. Ed.

Langston Hughes

Science Department

 August 15, 2011





On behalf of the Science Department at Langston Hughes High School, I want to welcome you, as parents of students in our program.  It is no accident that LHHS has a very strong science program as evidenced by our varied curriculum of about 7 different courses, a strong science staff who has consistently helped with the improvement of scores on State science tests at other Fulton County Schools. As a result of the science experiences we offer our students, many have gone on to pursue careers in various scientific, health and forensic fields.

To maintain the highest quality of science offerings requires a substantial amount of money for hands-on lab experiences and technology. For example, there are single experiments in  Chemistry that cost $200 per class per experiment. Cutting edge labs using the latest technologies are expensive to operate and maintain. The school provides funding for a basic lab program but in order to provide the number and breadth of lab experiences we would like to offer we need additional funds and supplies.  In order to continue to provide these high-level science labs we would like to request a voluntary lab donation. I have compiled a list below of  house hold items needed to make the labs enjoyable as well as to maintain the cleanliness of the laboratory.