I have AutomationManager or WemoHome, do I need WemoLEDs?

Belkin's bridge operates quite a bit differently from the Wemo line of switches and provides additional capabilities. This application supports those new capabilities.

WemoManager and WemoHome do provide the basic on/off widgets, and WemoManager supports on/off rules without needing WemoLEDs.

How do I get a refund if I don't like the app?

At the time of writing google gives you 48hrs to try to the app and request a refund. If you've run out of time and still don't like it follow the refund process here: FAQ

Did I see voice support?

Yes - use AutomationManager to add voice and IFTTT support.

What are "Presets"

Presets are sets of bulb commands you can name and the have applied by voice or a widget shortcut. You can instruct the bulbs to turn on/off, set a level over time, and you can specify a starting point. For example, use a Preset to set your hallway LEDs to a low level to be nightlights. Set the one by your bed to 50% and tell it to dim to 0% over 30 minutes as you drift off. Name the Preset "Good Night" and use a voice command to kick it off just before you crawl under the covers.

I have WemoLEDs, do I need WemoHome?

Only if you also have Wemo switches you need to control.

I can't get my LEDs to be recognized by the WemoLink. Will WemoLEDs help?

Yes, WemoLEDs can be used to pair and unpair bulbs.

Open the "controller" menu, and touch the controller you want to use to link the bulbs. Power off the bulb and choose "Pair", then follow the instructions.

You can "Unpair" a bulb from the main view to unlink it from the controller, and you can "Forget" a bulb that is no longer paired.

Ok, how do I get the WemoLink and my LEDs working?

    1. Turn off all of your LEDs. Put one bulb into a fixture where the switch is easily accessible, ideally in the same room with the Wemo Link. A simple on/off swtich is preferable. Turn off power to the bulb.
    2. Plug in your WemoLink, and use the Belkin app to connect it to your WiFi. The WemoLink will not show in the list of WeMos. The indicator on the WemoLink will be unlit or solid green and it will now be visible in WemoLEDs as a controller.
    3. If you need to reset the Link, at the time of writing it's important to plug in the link holding the reset button and release it 5 seconds later - any longer or shorter and the reset will not take.
    4. Open WemoLEDs to confirm whether the controller (WemoLink) can be found. If WemoLEDs can't find the link, confirm it's still connected to your wifi, and if so try Finding Wemo (Manually). If it is found connect your phone to the same WAP and band as the WemoLink. If nothing works email me or contact Belkin support. You cannot pair bulbs until the link is connected to your network and seen and is showing green in WemoLEDs.
    5. Open the "controllers" page in WemoLink. Touch the controller and select "Pair". Follow the on screen instructions.
    6. As per the instructions, power on your LED bulb. Wait 30s or so to see If it shows up. If so, great! You're done, move on to the next bulb. If it doesn't flash try resetting the bulb (see below). When the reset is successful the bulb will flash and be seen in the "Pairing" list.
    7. It's safe to unplug the Wemo Link even after you've linked your bulbs, it will find them again once it's plugged back in. It's also safe to power off the bulbs, when powered back on they should turn on full and reconnect to the Wemo Link.

How do I reset my LED bulbs to (re) pair them?

    1. Start with the LED powered off.
    2. Open WemoLEDs
    3. If the bulb is already known to WemoLEDs you must try to "unpair" and then to "forget" the bulb (touch the bulb name in WemoLEDs to access the menu). The Wemo Link crashes if it is asked to find a bulb that it no longer considers known. You may need to wait a minute for the link to come back up after each crash, use the "refresh" button.
    4. Change to the links page. Touch the link name to open the menu, and put it into pairing mode (as per the above).
    5. Power the bulb on and wait 30 seconds. If the bulb blinks and it shows up in the list of devices to be paired no reset is necessary, continue with the pairing steps by following the on screen instructions.
    6. Resetting the bulb - if the bulb did not blink in the previous step, turn the power to the bulb off for 3 seconds, then on again for 3 seconds. Repeat 5 times, then leaving the bulb powered on on wait 30 seconds. If it blinks, confirm it's been found and move on to the pairing step. If not, repeat the reset sequence. If it takes longer than 3 attempts it's probably not going to work. Double check the Wemo Link is still connected. Try another sequence or two with slightly faster or slightly slower pauses. If it still won't connect try another bulb and send back any bulb that won't connect (bulbs that have failed sometimes power on at less than full brightness).
    7. Belkin has updated their reset procedure that actually looks much better now: http://www.belkin.com/us/support-article?articleNum=116178.
    8. More reset procedures for many bulb types: CNET's instructions.
    9. CREE Connected - a bit trickier than the others. Turn them it for 1s, then off for 3 seconds. Repeat 4 more times. Then turn on and leave it to watch for a flash. Finally start WemoLEDs pairing. Even if the bulb doesn't flash, after 30s use the "flashed" button to see if it's been discovered.

My LEDs have started acting strange. They respond very slowly or are not turning on or off when they should. What's wrong?

At the time of writing the belkin wemo link firmware has quite a few bugs. A periodic power cycle (weekly) of the link seems to help. So does patience - WemoLEDs will retry until they accept the change. Hopefully this will be sorted by belkin with a new firmware release.

I have WemoLEDs, do I need AutomationManager?

AutomationManager adds the rule engine, voice, IFTTT, and external access capability for your WemoLEDs. WemoLEDs is required with AutomationManager to use the "transition" rule action to change the LED light level over time using the rules.

I need remote access to control my LEDs while I'm away, what do I do?

The easiest way to have remote access is to use the remote capability of the Belkin App, you can continue to use the Belkin app while using WemoLEDs. For more secure and reliable remote access consider running your own remote server using AutomationManager.

Do NOT expose the Wemo IPs through your firewall. They are completely unprotected linux ports; this would be a serious security exposure to in environment.

Why is WemoLEDs dump truck ugly?

I'm the art director and creative designer as well as the developer. 'nuff said.

Seriously, two reasons: using only basic android UI elements means the app will run faster and is more likely to run on the various android flavors and versions.

And second, the idea is to use the widgets to build yourself an automation console of your liking on your android home screen using your own images. Only use the app itself to change the settings or add wemos.

"Dump truck ugly" is a reference to utilitarian design.

Which bulbs does WemoLEDs (and Belkin's WemoLink) work with?

    • Belkin's Wemo LED bulbs (of course)
    • GE's "Link" LED bulbs
    • OSRAM LIghtify bulbs
    • Sylvania Ultra iQ LED bulbs
    • CREE connected bulbs
      • At the time of writing - when a cree bulb is given a timed action, e.g. "transition to 50% brightness over 60 minutes", it will not respond to other commands until that first action is complete.

Which ones have been tried and don't work?

    • TCP Connected bulbs (at the time of writing)
    • Older CREE connected bulbs

Why do my LEDs always turn on full next time after I've previously set a light level?

There seems to be a problem in the WemoLink where it resets and forgets the target light level a few minutes after it has been set. This seems to happen more when there are more LEDs known to the WemoLink.

WemoLEDs always reads the target level from the WemoLink; when this problem is repaired by Belkin this function will begin to behave properly.

In the mean time AutomationManager rules and the WemoLEDs alarms accept a target light level when they are programmed, and you can always set the level directly in the WemoLEDs app and control widgets.

What intents does WemoLED support for Automagic and Tasker automation?

    • "mpp.zigbee.ZigbeeWidget.SetLevel"
      • string extra "ID" must be the LED's ID (copy it from the app menu)
      • string extra "LEVEL" the new level in percent, 0-100
      • optional string extra "TIME", how long the transition will take, seconds, 0-6500, default 0s.
    • "mpp.zigbee.ZigbeeWidget.SetTemperature"
      • string extra "ID" must be the LED's ID (copy it from the app menu)
      • string extra "TEMPERATURE" the new color temperature in K, 2700-6500
      • optional string extra "TIME", how long the transition will take, seconds, 0-6500, default 0s.
    • "mpp.zigbee.ZigbeeWidget.RestoreLevel"
      • Restores the LED to the previously set level or 100% if not known by the WemoLink. The WemoLink often loses track of the LED level at time of writing.
      • string extra "ID" must be the LED's ID (copy it from the app menu)
      • optional string extra "TIME", how long the transition will take, seconds, 0-6500, default 0s.
    • "mpp.zigbee.ZigbeeWidget.Toggle" - toggles between off and 100%
      • string extra "ID" must be the LED's ID (copy it from the app menu)
    • "mpp.zigbee.ZigbeeWidget.ToggleLevel" - toggles between off and previous level (if available)
      • string extra "ID" must be the LED's ID (copy it from the app menu)
    • "mpp.zigbee.ZigbeeWidget.LevelUp" - increases current level by 10%
      • string extra "ID" must be the LED's ID (copy it from the app menu)
    • "mpp.zigbee.ZigbeeWidget.LevelDown" - decreases current level by 10%
      • string extra "ID" must be the LED's ID (copy it from the app menu)
    • "mpp.zigbee.ZigbeeWidget.RetrieveLevel"
      • This must be sent as an Ordered Broadcast intent to receive a result.
      • Retrieves the current LED level if known, or 100% if not. The WemoLink often loses track of the LED level at time of writing.
      • Input:
        • string extra "ID" must be the LED's ID (copy it from the app menu)
      • Output:
        • string extra "ID" is the LED's ID
        • string extra "LEVEL" is the current level in percent, 0-100 (if applicable)
        • string extra "TEMPERATURE" is the current color temperature in K, 2700-6500 (if applicable)
        • string extra "NAME" is the friendly name of the LED
        • string extra "ERROR" reporting any error in the parameters
    • "mpp.presets.APPLY_PRESET"
      • string extra "PRESET_NAME" is the name of the preset to be applied. The behavior when more than one preset has that name is indeterminate.

How do I send an intent to WemoLEDs from Tasker?

Also see: http://tasker.dinglisch.net/userguide/en/intents.html. Note that WemoLEDs intent extras are usually String values, and Tasker may default to numeric values. You can cast extras like this: "UDN:(String)12345", useful in the case of LED groups.

Action: mpp.zigbee.ZigbeeWidget.SetLevel (see above for other intents)


Mime Type:


Extra: ID:?????????????? (this is the ID of your zigbee device (bulb), copy it from the DeviceID menu in WemoLEDs)

Extra: LEVEL:(String)50



Target: Broadcast Receiver

Why do my bulbs keep showing offline and then come back on line? Why do the bulbs sometimes take seconds or minutes to react to commands? Why does the bulb sometimes get stuck and not change at all?

Belkin's WemoLink firmware 8686 is quite unreliable. WemoLEDs has some workarounds for the worst of the bugs, but cannot compensate for them all. A power cycle (unplug and replug it in) of the Wemo Link can sometimes help. A stuck bulb can be "unstuck" by manually turning it off (at the switch) and turning it back on.

Also see: Offline Wemos for managing the Wemo Link.

If your further (from the link) bulbs struggle to keep connected try temporarily moving the Wemo Link closer to see if that will help. If it does a less expensive fix is to purchase another bulb or two that will extend your zigbee network. Place them strategically to act as bridges to your furthest bulb(s).