Wifi Light Switches

There are a number of ESP8266 and ESP8285 based light switches being sold online through amazon and other vendors.

Example on amazon, $20 to $30.

They're based on the KS602 board and use the ESP8285, sold by many China based vendors as:


These switches can be flashed to use MppDevices, cost roughly half what the brand name switches cost. Keep in mind they may not be FCC or UL approved! But they do seem to work well and are safe from hacking once reflashed and denied access to the internet.

My info source was this page.

With apologies to the original author I've duplicated the image here in case that page disappears.

Very important!

  1. RX and TX are swapped relative to most devices, e.g. ITEAD!!!

  2. I was able to flash the device by holding the touch switch (the one on the spring). This grounds GPIO0.

    1. Then reset the device. Do this by shorting the pins at the at the top left corner (one is a pad) as seen in the image below.

    2. Powering up with R6 grounded also works. When I tried to reflash I needed to ground the bottom side of R6 (opposite the ESP8266 chip) to enter flash mode rather than between C15/R6 as shown in the picture.

  3. NOTE: the Espressif ESP8266 download tool only worked with the ESP8266 downloader - the ESP8285 downloader would not sync.

  4. Disassembly is straight forward, don't forget to remove the 4 brass screws for the external wiring.

  5. Use an MppRelay with:

    • ButtonPin = GPIO0

    • WifiPin = GPIO13

    • RelayPin = GPIO12