Web/DscClient Access

If you run your DscServer on an android device you can enable Web and DscClient access through your Google Drive account.  Every google id has a free Drive account with a limited amount of free storage and an unlimited amount of google (spread) sheet storage.  When enabled in the DscServer (see settings for Google Drive Logging) it will create a persistent spreadsheet of all security system events as well as log the current system status.

Note that this will enable you to see and manage your panel from any web browser, including from an iPhone or other iOS system, PC/Windows or Linux.

When you run either the DscClient or DscPartition widgets linked to your OnDrive access the DscServer will notify you on using a google notification on your phone in case of a problem (e.g. an alarm).

To enable status and persistent logging to google Drive:

When you use a web browser to log into your Google Drive account using the same google account selected above you will find a file "your panel location".log.  

You can now use the DscClient to monitor your panel using your phone:

How do I see my DscServer log using a web browser?

How do I see and control my DSC system status using a web browser?

See DscClient Web Page 

How do I let others access the DscServer?

If you wish to provide other users with the ability to manage or monitor your DSC panel you can share the location status (and log if desired) file with those users via their google account.

For example, if your location name is "DscServer":

How do I check that the DscClient is operating correctly?