
WemoHome is a fast, reliable app you use to access your wemo devices when you are connected to your local wifi network as an alternative to the Belkin app. It works by directly accessing your wemo devices and so is often quicker than using the Belkin app. As it only uses direct access it is more reliable than the Belkin app and can verify your wemo's are working and allow you to control them even when the Belkin cloud service is down.

WemoHome allows you to create widgets on your home screen so that you can turn your switches on/off with a single tap.

WemoScenes (part of WemoHome) allows you to create groups of settings for wemo switches, so that you can "set the scene" in your home with a single touch of a wiget on your phone. For example, you could create "at home", "out of the house", or "watch a movie" WemoScenes.

WemoHome does not provide remote access or rules; for that you can use either the Belkin app or run your own server using WemoManager.

You will note that WemoHome is very small, especially when compared to it's ad bloated competitors (have a look at the bottom of the app descriptions on Play to see the size of the app). At run time the most space is used by the Wemo images; you can substitute your own smaller images to reduce the size even further.