ESP8266 Uses

Some ideas and potential uses for this simple ESP8266 and ESP8285 based devices. Many have already been implemented and are available in Downloads.

  • Soil moisture sensors for managing plants.

  • Battery powered door/window sensors

  • Belkin WeMo Maker replacement (for about $10-$15).

  • Retrofitting (or re-programming) EZ buttons and various battery powered remote style switches

  • Wemos Mini shields as relay control (power, etc), indicators (using the built in LED or LED shield), "go" buttons, temperature, humidity

  • Garage door controller (open/monitor) using MppMaker (replaces the defunk belkin wemo maker)

  • Battery charger tenders for your android AM Server or carry phone (it can look after it for you using the rules engine).

  • Sonoff for wifi power switches, temperature & humidity sensors, power monitoring, etc

  • Splice a sonoff into an old extension cord as an automated control

  • 3 Way switch replacements

  • Various digital sensors (e.g. HC-SR501 PIR motion sensor, $1.50 from ebay), door and window sensors (inexpensive security system reed switches work well)

  • Analog sensors using the MppAnalog type (may need additional programming to convert readings)

  • Adapt remote controls (e.g. RF or LED) for use over the internet, e.g. Wifi Door Lock, alarm system key fobs, garage door openers.

  • Manage your router and/or modem status Routers/Modems

  • Build your own garden watering/irrigation system accounting for rain, humidity, soil dampness, etc: DIGITEN 3/4" DC 12V Electric Solenoid Valve, driven with a 12V adapter plugged into a sonoff, scheduled handled by the AM Server. Multiple valves could be controlled with relays routing the 12V signal appropriately (again scheduled by the AM Server).