- Acquired Needs Theory: Short description and link to terms and definitions
- Adams' Equity Theory.
- Affect Perseverance
- Alderfer's ERG Theory
- Aristotle's seven causes
- Expectancy Theory
- Attitude-Behavior Consistency
- Attribution Theory.
- Consistency Theory
- Control Theory
- Escape Theory
- Expectancy Theory
- Goal-Setting Theory
- Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory .
- Kahler's drivers
- Maslow's Hierarchy of needs
- McGregor's Theory X and Theory Z
- McClelland's Acquired Needs Theory
- Mumford's needs
- Opponent-Process Theory
- Reactance Theory
- Self-Discrepancy Theory
- Self-Determination Theory
- Side Bet Theory
- The Transtheoretical Model of Change
- Veroff's taxonomy
- Vroom's Expectancy Theory