2016 Program

The theme of the 2016 Minnesota District Lutheran Teachers' Conference was:


The conference was held October 20-21, 2016 at Salem Lutheran School in Stillwater, MN.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

At Salem Lutheran School, Stillwater, MN

7:45-8:45 – Registration & Continental Breakfast

8:45-10:00 – Opening Devotion with Communion

10:00-10:15 – Welcoming and Announcements

Welcome to the Conference from Dave Gartner, MNDLTC Chairman

Welcome to Campus, Salem-Stillwater

New Teachers to the District

Teacher and School Anniversaries

10:15-10:30 – Break

10:30-11:45 – Dual Educational Keynotes:

- What If Today Was Their Only Day? Ooey Gooey, Inc. - ECE Specialist - Lisa Murphy (ECE/Primary

Grades' Keynote)

- Creation / Evolution - Kevin Peil (Elementary & Middle Grades' Keynote)

11:45-12:00 – New Business



12:00-1:30 – LUNCH

1:30-2:30 – Sectional #1

A) (Part 1) *The Importance of Early Experiences (ECE/Primary) - Ooey Gooey, Inc. - ECE Specialist: Lisa Murphy *1:30-3:30

B) (Part 1) Exploring Wheels and Axels (Gr 3-6) - Martha Hotchkis, The Works Museum *1:30-3:30

C) (Part 1) Cookies & Canvas - Jolly (All) - Ginger Gammelgaard-Lemke

D) Dinosaurs (All) - Kevin Piel

E) Making Math Meaningful in Preschool & Kindergarten (ECE) - Anna Geiger

F) Playing with Fire (Gr 1-8) - Katie Szczepaniak

G) Religion 2.0 Revisiting a Classic (K-8) - Jon Roux

H) How to See Things Differently - (All) - Paul Barnabei with Top 20 Training

I) Teacher Toolkit for Chromebooks (Gr 3-8) - Mike Plocher

* A, B & C are double sectionals that will run from 1:30-3:30p; presenters will provide their own break at a natural stopping point. Signing up for any of these (3) presentations, requires attendance at both Parts 1 and 2. Please make certain your sign-up reflects this.

2:30-3:00 – Break, Snacks & NPH Shopping

3:00-4:00 – Sectional #2

A) (Continued: Part 2) *The Importance of Early Experiences - (ECE/Primary) Ooey Gooey, Inc. - Early Childhood Specialist: Lisa Murphy *1:30-3:30

B) (Continued: Part 2) *Exploring Wheels and Axels (Gr 3-6) - Martha Hotchkis, The Works Museum *1:30-3:30

C) (Continued: Part 2) *Cookies & Canvas - Jolly (All) - Ginger Gammelgaard-Lemke *1:30-3:30

D) Summer Camps for Preschool through 1st Grade - Stacy Kiecker

E) Making Math Meaningful in Preschool & Kindergarten (ECE) - Anna Geiger

F) Dinosaurs (All) - Kevin Peil

G) Playing with Fire (Gr 1-8) - Katie Szczepaniak

H) Religion 2.0 Revisiting a Classic (K-8) - Jon Roux

I) Keep Stupid in the Box (All) - Paul Barnabei with "Top 20 Training"

J) STEM Activities (Gr 3-8) - Mike Plocher

* A, B & C are double sectionals that will run from 1:30-3:30p; presenters will provide their own break at a natural stopping point. Signing up for any of these (3) presentations, requires attendance at both Parts 1 and 2. Please make certain your sign-up reflects this.

4:00-4:15 – Break

4:15-5:00 – Business / Elections / Devotion

6:00-11:00 – Supper (on your own) & Entertainment in Historic Downtown Stillwater

Friday, October 21, 2016

7:30–8:00 – Coffee, Juice & Water / (Continental Breakfast at Hotels)

8:00–8:15 – Devotion

8:15–9:30 – Religious Keynote: "Jars of Clay" Professor Mark Paustian

9:30-10:00 – Reports

10:00-10:30 – Break, Snacks & NPH Shopping

10:30–11:30 – Sectional #3

A) Sensory Issues in ECE - Erica Pfotenhauer

B) Summer Camps for Preschool through 1st Grade - Stacy Kiecker

C) Jar of Clay Keynote Follow-Up (All) - Mark Paustian

D) Teacher Toolkit for Chromebooks (Repeat of Sectional #1) (Gr 3-8) - Mike Plocher

E) How You Can Be a Champion for Creativity (Gr 4-8) - Lucas Boehm

F) In the Word: Connecting Home and School (All; esp Gr 4-8) - Nancy Kanter

G) Incorporating Christian Music Videos in the Classroom (Gr 2-8) - Anne Hagglund

H) Eliminating Thought Circles - (All) - Paul Barnabei with Top 20 Training

I) School Law (All; esp Admin) - Robert Klindworth

J) NTI Mentor Session (Required: All NTI Mentors Only) - Molly Ring & Michelle Yotter

11:30–11:45 – Break

11:45–12:00 – Closing Devotion

12:00–1:00 – Lunch Break for Licensure Class Attendees

1:00–2:30 – Licensure Class 1: Teaching With Technology - Prof. Carlovsky (a required component of license renewal)

2:30–2:45 – Break

2:45–4:15 – Licensure Class 2: Positive Behavioral Intervention Strategies with Accommodations, Modification, and Adaptation of Curriculum, Materials, and Instruction - Dr. Whaley (a required component of license renewal)