Dinosaurs (All)

Our children are fascinated with dinosaurs and it is important that we make sure they receive information on dinosaurs that is centered on the fact that they were once amazing members of God's creation and created by God during the creation week and not millions of years ago. This presentation will investigate the world of the dinosaurs all from a perspective that they were created by God around 6,000 years ago and shared the earth with mankind. We will answer questions such as: "Is there any evidence that dinosaurs were created and not evolved?", "Were dinosaurs on Noah's Ark", "Is there evidence that dinosaurs and mankind lived together at one time?", and "Whatever happened to the dinosaurs".

About the presenter - Kevin Peil is a Ph.D. scientist that has worked for The Dow Chemical Company for 26 years. Kevin is an avid speaker and writer of all matters related to Science and The Bible. Kevin is also a lifelong WELS member of St Johns Lutheran Church in Bay City, Michigan. Kevin's wife, Laurie Peil, has been the Preschool Director at St Johns for 24 years. Kevin and Laurie have been blessed with two sons - Jeff (24 and married) and Nick (20 and in college).