Andalusia Day

 28th February

After the fall of Franco’s dictatorship a group of youths flew a flag from the Giralda and demanded autonomy for Andalusia. On 4th December 1977, the now date known as Andalusia’s first national day, approximately two million people went out into the street claiming the same right to autonomy as Catalonia, the Basque country and Galicia. Eventually, Andalusia gets the autonomy on 28th February 1980.

On the 28th February, offices close and white and green flags are dusted down to be displayed once more with pride.

But what exactly are we celebrating? Click here to answer the questions below.

Q. What are we celebrating on Andalusia Day?

Q. What have been the benefits of autonomy in the region?

Q. When was the concept of Andalusia born?

Q. How will we remember this period in Andalusian history?

Find out Why these People were

 Important for Andalusia.

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