About me

“Every scholar, I presume, is not, necessarily, a man of sense”       

                                                                          Samuel Richardson

     My name is Sergio Muñoz Montero and I am currently a  teacher of English.

I want to make a difference. Every day, children around the world are being told that they aren't good enough, or that they just "can't".  As a teacher, I feel I have a positive platform from which to dispel that fallacy.

I realize that teaching is a profession that can be supremely exhausting, but I know in my heart that the benefits outweigh the fatigue ten times over. Teaching requires patience, understanding, compassion, and enthusiasm - all things that I am more than willing to provide on a daily basis.

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Mister Sergio's Classroom

Burlington WEB

Music in the Classroom

Internet Activities

Video Activities




Speaking Skill

Treasure & Scavenger Hunts

Grammar Fearless

Listening Skill

Reading Skill

J.A.M. Tecnichque

Reading ONLINE

Writing your Essay

Regular verbs Pronunciation

Irregular Verbs

English Idioms & Proverbs


Communicative Activities


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Holidays & Special Days in

Uk & USA

English with Sound ans Light

Whiteboard Animation

Mister Sergio's Kahoots

Christmas Activities