Rules of command plugins


This is a section under construction. The translator has very little knowledge of programming, and so there may be some strange wording or outright inaccuracies. Please be patient as it is corrected.

MikuMikuPlugin.ICommandPlugin Rules for the interface

The entries below marked with "*Implementation required" are things which must be implemented by the plugin developer.

Without implementing all of these marked articles, the plugin will not function properly.

System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window ApplicationForm { get; set; }

The form handle for the MikuMikuMoving application itself.

The value is given by on the MikuMikuMoving application side.

Please use either dialog or message box display.

MikuMikuPlugin.ICommandAPI API { get; set; }

An API supported by the plugin.

It is supported from the MikuMikuMoving application side.

The plugin uses this to access MikuMikuMoving. Its use will be described later.

string Description { get; }

*Implementation required

Describes information such as the plugin name, author, version number, explanation, etc.

It is displayed as a tooltip on ribbon interface buttons.

System.Drawing.Image Image { get; }

*Implementation required

This is the image displayed by a ribbon interface button.

The optimal image size is 32x32 pixels.

If you use null, the default image will be used.

System.Drawing.Image SmallImage { get; }

*Implementation required

This is the image displayed by a command bar button.

It is optimized for 20x20 pixel images.

If you use null, the default image will be used.

string Text { get; }

*Implementation required

Governs the text displayed on a button of the ribbon interface in Japanese mode.

Can display up to two lines of text. Please use Environment.NewLine when declaring a new text line.

Please avoid using long text so as to uphold the condition of the interface layout.

string EnglishText { get; }

*Implementation required

Governs the text to be displayed outside of Japanese mode.

Everything else is identical to Text Properties.

void Run()

*Implementation required

This is the plugin itself.

It is run when the plugin button is pressed.

void Dispose()

*Implementation required

Runs when the plugin crashes.

Release this if there is an object that must be released from .NET management.


This is the API interface used by the command plugin.

string ApplicationVersion { get; }

Retrieves the current application version.

float KeyFramePerSec { get; }

Retrieves the current KeyFPS value.

string Language { get; }

Retrieves the current language.

"ja" Japanese

"en" English

string GetMarkerPosition()

Retrieves the current marker position.

MikuMikuPlugin.ObjectType GetActivateObjectType()

Return value

Currently active object types

Retrieves the current active object's type.

string GetCurrentObjectName()

Return value

The currently active object's name.

Retrieves the name of the currently active object.

string GetCurrentObjectEnglishName()

Return value

English name of the active object.

Retrieves the English name of the active object.

System.Collections.Generic.List<MikuMikuPlugin.Bone> GetBones();

Return value

A bone information list for the current active object.

Retrieves the current active object's bone information list.

int GetStageCount(int boneIndex)


A bone's index value.

Return value

Number of layers applied to a bone frame.

Retrieves the number of applied layers for the bone frame of the specified index.

System.Collections.Generic.List<MikuMikuPlugin.MotionFrameData> GetMotionFrameData(int boneIndex, int stageIndex)


Bone index value


Layer index value

Return value

Motion frame's information list

Retrieves a bone motion frame's information list for the active object.

MikuMikuPlugin.MotionFrameData GetMotionFrameData(int boneIndex, int stageIndex, long frameNumber)


Bone index value


Layer index value


Frame number

Retrieves bone motion frame information for the active object.

This is not limited to keyframes. If it is a frame between keyframes, interpolated motion data is retrieved.

void ReplaceAllMotionFrameData(int boneIndex, int stageIndex, System.Collections.Generic.List<MikuMikuPlugin.MotionFrameData> motionframes)


Bone index value


Layer index value


Motion frame information list

Replaces the motion frames of the specified bone and layer of the active object.

All existing motions are deleted, and the old list is replaced with a new one.

Note that there is no need to sort the contents of the list.

void SetMotionFrameData(int boneIndex, int stageIndex, long frameNumber, MikuMikuPlugin.MotionFrameData motionframe)


Bone index value


Layer index value


Frame number


Motion frame information

Adds motion frame information to a specified bone, layer, or frame of the current active object.

If there is already a keyframe on the target frame, it is overwritten.

void RemoveMotionKeyFrame(int boneIndex, int stageIndex, long frameNumber)


Bone index value


Layer index value


Frame number

Deletes the keyframe of the active object's specified bone, layer, or frame.

Does nothing if no keyframe exists.

System.Collections.Generic.List<Morph> GetMorphs()

Return value

Morph list for the active object.

Retrieves morph information for the active object as a list.

System.Collections.Generic.List<MikuMikuPlugin.MorphFrameData> GetMorphFrameData(int morphIndex)


Morph index value

Return value

Morph frame information list

Retrieves morph motion frame information for the active object as a list.

MikuMikuPlugin.MorphFrameData GetMorphFrameData(int morphIndex, long frameNumber)


Morph index value


Frame number

Retrieves morph frame information for the active object.

This is not limited to keyframes. If it is a frame between keyframes, interpolated motion data is retrieved.

void ReplaceAllMorphFrameData(int morphIndex, System.Collections.Generic.List<MikuMikuPlugin.MorphFrameData> morphframes)


Morph index value


Motion frame information list

Replaces motion frame information for a specified morph of the active object.

All existing motions are deleted, and the old list is replaced with a new one.

Note that there is no need to sort the contents of the list.

void SetMorphFrameData(int morphIndex, long frameNumber, MikuMikuPlugin.MorphFrameData morphframe)


Morph index value


Frame number


Morph frame information

Adds frame information for a specified morph of the active object at a specified frame.

If a keyframe already exists on the specified frame, it is overwritten.

void RemoveMorphKeyFrame(int morphIndex, long frameNumber)


Morph index value


Frame number

Deletes frame information for the specified morph or frame of the active object.

Does nothing when no keyframe exists.

int GetCameraStageCount()

Return value

Number of a layers applied to the camera

Retrieves the number of layers applied to the camera.

System.Collections.Generic.List<MikuMikuPlugin.CameraFrameData> GetCameraFrameData()

Return value

Camera frame information list

Retrieves camera motion frame information as a list.

MikuMikuPlugin.CameraFrameData GetCameraFrameData(int stageIndex, long frameNumber)


A layer's index value.


Frame number

Retrieves the frame information for camera motions.

This is not limited to keyframes. It can also retrieve data of frames between keyframes, with interpolation applied.

void ReplaceAllCameraFrameData(int stageIndex, List<MikuMikuPlugin.CameraFrameData> cameraframes)


Layer index value


Information list for all camera frames.

Replaces all camera motion frame information.

All existing motions are deleted, and the old list is replaced with a new one.

Note that there is no need to sort the contents of the list.

void SetCameraFrameData(int stageIndex, long frameNumber, MikuMikuPlugin.CameraFrameData cameraframe)


Layer index value


Frame number


Information for a camera frame.

Adds camera motion frame information to a current frame.

If a keyframe already exists on the specified frame, it is overwritten.

void RemoveCameraKeyFrame(int stageIndex, long frameNumber)


Layer index value


Frame number

Deletes a camera keyframe on a specified frame.

Does nothing if no keyframe exists on the specified frame.

int GetLightCount()

Retrieves the number of lights. Currently, it always returns 3.

System.Collections.Generic.List<MikuMikuPlugin.LightFrameData> GetLightFrameData(int lightIndex)


Morph index value

Return value

Morph frame information list

Retrieves motion frame information for the specified light as a list.

MikuMikuPlugin.LightFrameData GetLightFrameData(int lightIndex, long frameNumber)


Light index value


Frame number

Retrieves motion frame information for the specified light.

This is not limited to keyframes. It can also retrieve data of frames between keyframes, with interpolation applied.

void ReplaceAllLightFrameData(int lightIndex, List<MikuMikuPlugin.LightFrameData> lightframes)


Light index value


Information list for all light frames

Replaces all motion frame information for the specified light.

All existing motions are deleted, and the old list is replaced with a new one.

Note that there is no need to sort the contents of the list.

void SetLightFrameData(int lightIndex, long frameNumber, MikuMikuPlugin.LightFrameData lightframe)


Light index value


Frame number


Light frame information

Adds motion frame information for a specified light at a specified frame.

If a keyframe already exists on the specified frame, it is overwritten.

void RemoveLightKeyFrame(int lightIndex, long frameNumber)


Light index value


Frame number

Deletes a keyframe for a specified light at a specified frame.

Does nothing if there is no keyframe at the specified frame.


Class for bone information.

int Index { get; }

Bone index value.

string Name { get; }

The bone's name

string EnglishName { get; }

The bone's English name

DxMath.Vector3 Position { get; }

The bone's default position.

int ParentBoneIndex { get; }

The index value of the parent bone

MikuMikuPlugin.BoneType BoneFlags { get; }

A flag that denotes a bone's properties.


This is a class that expresses morphs.

int Index { get; }

Morph index value.

string Name { get; }

Morph name

string EnglishName { get; }

Morph English name

MikuMikuPlugin.MorphType MorphType { get; }

Morph types


DxMath.Vector3 position


DxMath.Quaternion quaternion


MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolXA

Point A for the X axis movement value's Bezier curve

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolXB

Point B for the X axis movement value's Bezier curve

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolYA

Point A for the Y axis movement value's Bezier curve

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolYB

Point B for the Y axis movement value's Bezier curve

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolZA

Point A for the Z axis movement value's Bezier curve

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolZB

Point B for the Z axis movement value's Bezier curve

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolRA

Point A for the rotational movement value's Bezier curve

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolRB

Point B for the rotational movement value's Bezier curve

MikuMikuPlugin.FrameData Clone()

Generates a clone


A class that expresses morph frame data.

float weight

Weight value

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolA

Point A for the morph's Bezier curve

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolB

Point B for the morph's Bezier curve

MikuMikuPlugin.FrameData Clone()

複製を作成するGenerates a clone


DxMath.Vector3 position

Current position of the focal point

DxMath.Vector3 angle

Rotation angle

The value is in radians.

float radian

Distance between the focal point and camera.

float fov

View angle

The value is in radians.

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolMoveA

Point A for the movement Bezier curve.

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolMoveB

Point B for the movement Bezier curve.

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolRoteA

Point A for the rotational Bezier curve.

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolRoteB

Point B for the rotational Bezier curve.

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolDistA

Point A for the distance Bezier curve.

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolDistB

Point B for the distance Bezier curve.

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolFovA

Point A for the view angle Bezier curve.

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolFovB

Point B for the view angle Bezier curve.

MikuMikuPlugin.FrameData Clone()

Generates a clone


DxMath.Vector3 position


DxMath.Vector3 color

Light color

X:Red Y:Green Z:Blue

Takes values from 0.0 through 1.0.

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolPosA

Point A for the positional Bezier curve.

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolPosB

Point B for the color Bezier curve.

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolColorA

Point A for the positional Bezier curve.

MikuMikuPlugin.InterpolatePoint interpolColorB

Point B for the color Bezier curve.

MikuMikuPlugin.FrameData Clone()

Generates a clone