08. Effects

8.1 Selecting effects

Effects can be selected either from their name on the timeline or from the effect view in the bottom right.

8.2 Effect application

Effects designed to be applied to a model or accessory can be applied in the "Assign effect" menu located on the File tab in the ribbon interface. In the dialog that pops up, select an effect on the row of the model, accessory, or mesh of your choice, and press OK to apply the effect.

You can also add new effects from this dialog.

8.3 Effect property settings

In addition to the same properties listed below shared by accessories, effects can also register the parameters specified inside of their

effect files as a keyframe. The keyframe will be registered with a linear Bezier curve.

The annotations to be used as effect parameters inside a .fx file are as follows:

    • UI annotation: UIName/UIHelp/UIMax/UIMin/UIVisible/UIWidget

    • UIWidget: Slider/Spinner/Numeric/Color

    • Form: bool/int/float/float2/float3/float4