
Prior to the Covid pandemic, Elizabeth served as a mentor at Hackathons where she led workshops or sponsored competition for a prize. Here is an archive of some achievements from the days when she was hustling as a competitor.

February 2015

Team Multiple Steps offered an easy-to-use app to help patients manage stress with meditation and activity tracking in a glanc-eable display. Journaling, environment alerts and historical data to share with the care team are all features of the prize winning solution at Hack MS.

January 2013

Enjoyed a two day working vacation playing with the latest technology from Google at the Glass Foundry in SF (by invitation only).

January 2013

Brought a Google Earth parser to take a shot at winning a Chevy Volt. Pulled locations from the GM Dashboard to display a route map in Google Earth on an Android phone or tablet.

July 2012

Earned recognition in San Francisco at the Photo Hackday3 among 70 competing submissions. The Photo Widget app features a 3D Renderscript carousel of professional quality photos downloaded with the 500px API. Users are able to open those images in an image editor using the Aviary APIs (on Android).

June 2012

Helped the JoynHub team with app design and coding at the IOHack code contest. The event followed the Google I/O conference and was sponsored by the SF Google Developers Group. Our app, JoynHub, took a first place prize from Qualcomm for integrating the AllJoyn API.

January 2012

Won a "shout out" and messenger bag for the WikiWidgets app at the Wikipedia SF Hackathon. The app is published open source on GitHub.

January 2012

Elizabeth worked solo at the ATT Developer Summit hackathon in Las Vegas and won an HTC tablet and Vivid phone for coding the JOT app integrating their scribe technology on the Android platform.

December 2011

Won a code-a-thon at the Googleplex for the Group Tasks app at the Google Apps Developer Hackathon (Mountain View edition)

October 2011

Pen Tac Toe app win at the ATT Mobile Apps hackathon, San Francisco

June 2011

Win at the Random Hacks of Kindness Hackathon in the Googleplex with the FoodMovr app

January 2011

Win at the Health 2.0 Developer Challenge at Google. Also competed in San Diego with the Wellness Garden Team