Stanford Apps

Healthy Aging Studies at Stanford University's Prevention Research Center

Elizabeth spent 18 months writing apps for the Healthy Aging Studies team at the Stanford Prevention Research Center (SPRC) that is part of the Stanford Medical School of Stanford University starting in June, 2010. There were two studies, both intended to improve public health. The goal of the MILES intervention was to get people to sit less and walk more using Android devices running live wallpapers, home screen widgets and daily polls to collect data from participants. NEAAT, the second project, was intended to help older residents of affordable housing improve their quality of life by working with city and county officials to improve the neighborhood - specifically fresh food, access to public transit and safe walking around the buildings where they live. Included here are some web articles about these projects.

These apps are not available through any commercial distribution channel. The NEAAT project has completed data collection and the Stanford team is sharing data with city and county officials. The MILES intervention will complete work with participants in the summer of 2012 and some results have already been published. Elizabeth continues to work on these projects in a maintenance capacity. She hope there will be additional funding to continue development and create a larger distribution for these apps.