
About Mezcode

Allow me to introduce

Elizabeth Mezias, the founder of Mezcode, has been full-time on mobile technologies since 2008. She leads the GDG Boston Android Meetup Group that is running an Informal Android Developer Meetup every two weeks online (in Boston). It serves as a comfortable, casual environment for technologists to network and share the latest mobile technology news. The talk is about both using cell phones and creating new experiences.


After purchasing an HTC G1 phone in 2008 Mezcode was founded by Elizabeth Mezias. She downloaded the Android SDK and started writing apps. You can find most of her work on the Android Market. Mezcode apps are also on the Blackberry App World and Kindle Fire markets. Early on in the Android eco-system the Alarmoid app was entered into the Android Developer Challenge. It scored in the top 25% of applications overall from thousands of entries. Elizabeth has been working full-time on Android since 2008.

She published apps for a research team at Stanford University in June, 2010. She is on the cutting edge, using apps to influence behavior and help people make good choices. The effort includes animated live wallpapers, home screen widgets and daily polls to collect data from participants in an intervention - a preventive health study. More details about this work in Healthy Aging Studies can be found on the Stanford Apps project page.

Mezcode is the package name for Android apps. Some apps are on the Amazon store. Others were ported to AppWorld for BlackBerry (when that was possible). More recent work on Android has included AOSP devices and a deep dive into the world of Bluetooth and BLE controlled by mobile phones. Technology is changing fast. Elizabeth is known for her ability to recognize trends and work with successful technologies.

She got her career started with Objective-C and NextStep. When Steve Jobs was preaching rapid iteration and cross-platform development, she jumped on to the wildly successful Java platform starting with version 1.1.4 at Sun Microsystems. Her years on mobile have been tracking on both platforms, iPhone and Android. Feature specifications and designs that include iOS devices are always part of her work. She is able to communicate complex technical ideas to lay-people as well as other engineers having been both an Individual Contributor and a Director of Technical Support. She is always making new connections from Boston to Silicon Valley and beyond. She likes working as a team with people on small start-ups, in universities and isn't afraid to be part of large multi-national corporations like Adobe Systems. Miss Mezias is originally from Bridgeport, CT and resides there today.

Elizabeth is skilled in Design Thinking and in Wearables. In January 2013 she went to learn Google Glass at Google's offices in San Francisco. The Glass Foundry event for developers was invitation-only. "It was like touching the sky" to stand next to the Bay Bridge and become a Glass Pioneer, trying out the new technology and getting a preview of the Mirror API; an awesome privilege. She bought Google Glass #534 and collaborated on a Glass project with Stanford University Human Computer Interface grad students to bring this convenient, wearable technology into health care, specifically into Stanford hospital. This work builds on her earlier work in the Stanford Medical school, on the MILES project (other pages on the site provide more information).

She wears a round-faced Samsung watch and has released solo apps for several watch/wearable platforms. Agile methodology today builds on her early experience with rapid proto-typing on NeXTStep. She has open source projects and a strong network as part of the Google Developer Groups and Women Techmakers. If you want an Android subject matter expert - you found her.

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