Your digital sketch book

DigiBlog, the awesome new pen app created by the Mezcode team in Silicon Valley. Inspired by the love of travel, DigiBlog is an exploration into Android sensors and SQLite data persistence. The app was prepared for the Samsung Note S Pen Challenge and is available on the Android Market. Some features are specific to the Samsung Note device. The recorded media are all saved to a single folder. The DigiBlog app was created by a group of four Valley hackers and a graphic artist who connected from outside California, collaborating via internet. The team stood up up to the challenge and quickly created a fully featured, multi-media, social sharing, location tracking powerhouse.How does all of this awesomness work, you ask? DigiBlog starts by offering to record a location track, give it a name and voila, you are recording photos, videos, audio recordings, text, speech to text and even pen drawings are possible. From there, users can add to an existing trip or start a new one.

The GPS Track is an integration using a background service and Intents to record geolocation data using the Open GPS Tracker app that is available for free on the Google Play Market.

DigiBlog puts all your stuff on the device in a single folder for fast access. The pen editor has color and pen controls so you can rock your drawings and you also get the undo and redo, erase features as well. Pen controls are divided into color and brush selections. There are too many barriers to the sensors and base technology. DigiBlog offers a simpler user experience with some ease of use for folks who want to record different media and easily get those recordings to pull them off. Go old school with a text note, record audio in low light or head straight to video .