Ukulele Group
Venue: Metchosin Community House, 4430 Happy Valley Rd. (next to Metchosin Fire Hall)
Third Friday of each Month
Starts at 5:00 pm sharp- runs to 6:30— no intermission— we’re having too much fun playing.
Suggested donation at the door: $2 per person
All House users are recommended to buy a $10 annual membership in the MCA
For more information and to be put on the MUG list contact Memet Burnett at
Since 2015, this MCA sponsored drop-in program has welcomed all ages who love to play ukulele and sing. Yes! We sing too. Imagine a campfire with everyone in a circle, singing folk songs and playing ukes. (Now imagine all that with no campfire.) This is an informal group: there is no sign-up, no audition and no preregistration. Come when you can. New people show up almost every session and are WELCOME!
Ukes are trendy, fun, portable, easy to learn, and a blast to play. Playing in a groups is a great way to learn. The noise of many players masks many mistakes!
Bring: your uke, a tuner, a music stand.
In fall 2022 Memet compiled and printed off our second music book, filled with much of our wildly eclectic music. These are available for the session (for free) or for sale to take home ($25).
Many of our music sheets can be downloaded from this website: (hotlink this address)
If you are looking for a book before you come, The Daily Ukulele is a fairly comprehensive basic music book that many of us have. It is available on line or at local music stores. It is a good book to get started with your new uke even before the Metchosin Uke Group meet. I also highly recommend Cynthia Lin and her online, free lessons #1-6. Check out her first lesson here.
If you are a rank beginner (who has never picked up a uke), you are welcome to come and listen, and perhaps learn your first chords (CGA… maybe even F&D if you are feeling adventurous!). Also, come a smidge early so we can help you tune. We have a range of abilities, and songs can be played with fewer or easier chords if you do not have a huge chord repertoire yet.
If you are a more experienced player, please feel free to bring a song (with ~10 copies for the group) to share with/ teach to everyone.