
Although this site began as a compilation of favourite album tracks that made listening to Caroline a unique experience, it is hard not to reminisce about the station itself. As you read on, you will discover an excerpt from an article titled "Review of '77" from Edition 5 of the Caroline Newsletter, published in 1978. (I hope the author doesn't mind me sharing it here.) That's followed by some of my own memories as a listener to Caroline, including a look at some of the publications that were plugged on the station.

Review of '77

Well it's now 1978 - and 1977 passed off as probably one of the most notable years in Caroline's long and remarkable history. Here are some of the events which I will remember most.

The year opened with the run-down of the All-time Top 100 Albums. This was the climax of a great show of strength by Caroline and it's ever loyal listeners; and ended with predictably Pink Floyd occupying the number one position. As we end January I am caught listening to Radio Orwell - for it is Johnny Jason's last programme. This greatest of rock disc jockeys gets a great send-off from his mates which includes a playing of Caroline (Fortunes) by Andy Archer (the plot thickens). Then three days later I hear his unique voice on the radio again. Only this time it's Caroline. What a way to celebrate my birthday. However after a lengthy term on board he has unfortunately not been heard of since.

In March Caroline changed frequency (much to R. Orwell's relief) and us "poor" listeners are made to do without for over a week! March 28 - Caroline's birthday passes off without a word and we enter Caroline's 14th year. The summer of '77 opens with the welcome return of Tony Allan, who provides us with a "319 Summer". I will always remember lying on a beach one hot July afternoon listening to Tony, Mark Lawrence and David Brown providing me with an afternoon of summery music from the swinging 60's. At this time Mark and James Ross liven 319 with the sound of punk, as Caroline shows it moves with the times.

As August 14th approaches I wonder at those lucky people at Flashback '67. However on 319 at 6.00 p.m. on this date, Roger Mathews, Stuart Russell and Radio Mi Amigo provide us with the highlight of the year.

These two likeable "buffoons" of radio provide a three hour programme of such quality and variety that I stay awake at night thinking about it. This show also of course included the amazing link-up with Robbie Dale at Flashback '67 - how the technical boffins managed is anyone's guess.

Unfortunately Stuart and Roger are now left on board for a very long time and one hopes day after day for the return of Mark and James, etc.

As winter approaches no one surely could have foreseen the trouble ahead.

On the night of the 11th November, the East Coast was hit by terrible gales and one's mind switches to Roger, Stuart, and the rest of the crew stuck on a rusty hulk in the middle of a raging North Sea. Caroline went off the air, ostensibly for maintenance. But we learn later for financial reasons. However at the time, I put it down to the weather. For almost ten days I tuned to an empty 319. The local paper reports a broken aerial mast and speculates about the end of Caroline. At school everyone is downcast and D.A. sets in.

But then on Tuesday 22nd November - they are back - I jump for joy and ring my friends. However bad news follows the good news and I learn that Caroline is to close down its daytime service. Oh well, even 11 hours is better than none at all.

As Christmas arrives we see the advent of the Caroline Roadshow (what a great show they put on), and with the arrival of the Caroline Countdown in early '78 - things don't look so bad after all. From a D.J. point of view, 1977 saw the arrival of Martin Fisher, David Brown, Dickie Allan and Brian Martin. And the probable departure of Tom Anderson, Stevie Gordon, Ed Foster (Oh, I hope not), and Samantha.

Well that's my impression of a year with Caroline - and let's hope for many more.


The above article prompted me to share a few memories of my own

I recall Ed Foster as the DJ who fearlessly played Frank Zappa on his morning show. 'Don't Eat the Yellow Snow' from Zappa's 1974 album 'Apostrophe' could have easily been featured here. One of Ed Foster's shows that still stands out in my memory was a Beatles and Beach Boys special, perhaps his final program on Caroline. On that particular day, I was enjoying the rare pleasure of an English summer day in the garden when my next-door neighbour asked me which station I was tuned into. The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band was also played frequently, possibly by Ed Foster or Steve Kent. Viv Stanshall's wonderfully quirky 'Big Shot' from the 1967 'Gorilla' album was certainly a Caroline favourite!

Johnny Jason came across as a true professional with his own signature tune, reminiscent of the '60s DJs. His programmes were a delight to listen to, featuring symphonic rock tracks by Genesis, Rick Wakeman, and Renaissance (although it seems he preferred The Eagles and Steely Dan to Genesis), as well as classic tracks by The Rolling Stones, Santana, The Grateful Dead, and others.

James Ross and Mark Lawrence seemed to complement each other well. I believe James played more soft rock than Mark, and it was Mark who began playing punk and new wave. Anyway, it was thanks to James playing the 'Forever Changes' album by Love that the tracks are included here.

Samantha's voice was always a joy to hear on the airwaves... I could continue reminiscing, but it all begins to fade into the mists of time.

SOS - Ten Days in the Life of A Lady

Even today, this illustration continues to capture the imagination. Originally used in an advertisement for ex-Caroline DJ Simon Barrett's book, SOS - Ten Days in the Life of A Lady, the image depicts the Mi Amigo adrift in the Thames Estuary after losing her anchor in a gale. The dramatic events unfolded in November 1975, and the book, which was priced at a prohibitive £4.50, recounts the gripping tale. 

The advertisement was featured in the "Rock Record Collectors Guide" (see below).

Rock Record Collectors Guide

Ian Anderson, a former RNI and Caroline DJ, compiled The Rock Record Collectors Guide, which was promoted on Caroline in 1977 and published by MRP. The book outlines many of the classic albums that were played on the station around that time and sold at a slightly more affordable price of £2.99.

At the beginning of the book, there is a dedication that reads:

'This book is dedicated to the hope that someday soon an all day F.M. contemporary music radio network will be established throughout the United Kingdom.'

Front Cover of Newsletter 5

Caroline Newsletter

The front cover of Issue 5 of the Caroline Newsletter published in 1978. The Newsletter was more like a booklet and contained articles by Caroline DJs and staff, music reviews, and listener contributions. The first edition was published in Spain in early 1977 and advertised as the Caroline Magazine, selling for a modest 35 pence. Subsequent editions were printed in the UK. However, the Newsletter was frowned upon by the authorities and I believe the very last edition appeared in late 1979. To learn more about the Caroline Newsletter, click here.

Top 100 Album Chart 1977

Radio Caroline Listeners' Top 100 Album Chart 1977

In late '76 listeners were invited to send in their top 10 all-time favourite albums, from which the chart was compiled. The resulting poster was published in early 1977 and printed in Spain, available for purchase at £1. At the top of the chart was Pink Floyd's 'The Dark Side of the Moon'. (Click here to enlarge image)

Loving Awareness promotions were an essential component of Caroline's programming, adding to the station's unique character. Click here to check out a transcription of one that dates back to the late 1970s.

To wrap things up, there are two songs that always bring Caroline to mind. Specifically, that sad day in March 1980 when the Mi Amigo finally succumbed to the elements - the event that made front page news in the UK papers. The first is 'American Pie' (The day the music died) by Don McLean from his 1972 album of the same name. This I remember was played as a tribute to Caroline on a London pirate station just after the sinking. The other is Todd Rundgren's 'A Dream Goes on Forever' from his album simply entitled 'Todd' - played around the same time on another London pirate.
