
Visitor Comments

Just found your wonderful Caroline memories site. 

Many tracks I'd forgotten. More stuff to add to my collection.  Avid listener from around 75 to 80.

Thank you

Ann xx  Mar 10, 2021

Dear Steven,

Being music editor for KilRock radio (, it is quite a menace to find the right titles to play to our audience. Being a radio station with the good old Radio Caroline album playlist in mind, we'd like to bring musical memories back to the airwaves; on AM radio. That's were they belong, don't you think? 

Your tracklist is a great help to find all these musical treasures. 

Thanks for helping me this way. 

Highly appreciated by Marcel Strücker KilRock radio, 's Gravendeel, The Netherlands. Oct 16, 2020 

Hi Steven, Hope all is well.

I thought you may be interested in some update pictures of my home studio which is based on Radio Caroline’s English studio of the late 1970’s on board the MV Mi Amigo.   ... I had a special guest over the weekend, none other than Miss Radio Caroline 1978!!

Best Wishes, PJ, Jan 29, 2018 and Dec 9, 2019

Home Studio - Jan 2018
Home studio - Jan 2018
Miss Radio Caroline 1978 - Dec 2019

Hi Steve

After all these years I've just staggered across your web site about Caroline in the Seventies. 

I joined Caroline in Spring 1973 for the tests, and then opened the 389 service as Paul Alexander on 4 June that year... 

Now, back to having a look around your fascinating pages.

Thanks for putting them out there.

Paul Rusling, Hull, UK.  May 4, 2019

Hi Steve, I've just come across your link on a Radio Caroline site.

I used to listen to Radio Caroline in the mid- late 70s. I remember listening to it during the hot summer of 1976, sunbathing in the back garden, when I was meant to be revising for my O levels! Anyway I had my personal top 30 played in late 1977 but I never kept the playlist. Do you know where I could search online to try to find it? I would love to get a glimpse of 17year old me!

Many thanks. Barbara Spence, Nov 10, 2017

I have just found your website tribute to Radio Caroline, its a lovely tribute and very enjoyable.

Although I love Radio Caroline from her offshore years, my favourite station is Radio Mi Amigo, I love the 1970's Disco era and for me, Radio Mi Amigo captured the mood of that did Caroline for the AOR music, all wonderful radio.

Keep up the great work. PJ, Bristol UK, Jun 13, 2014

Followed a link to your website and got a shock to see my Personal Top 30 there !!!!

I’ve lost my cassette and listing of this, so it comes as a bit of a surprise to see what I’d included at what number (actually I sent an un-numbered list, apart from the top 10), and how many of those tracks would I include now ? Quite a few by the look of it !!

Not sure about the Stranglers’ Sometimes – must have been a phase I was going through. Other tracks on the album, yes, but Sometimes ? What was I thinking ?

A correction too – number 2 was “Radio” by Steve Hillage from the album “Motivation Radio”: still a favourite, all these years later.

I remember that loads of the top 30s were reduced to a 10 or so due to the apparent ever increasing number of hours of sponsored religious programming, but mine got on virtually in full (if I remember correctly 2.5 hours, not 3, but, again, I could be wrong). Was it a Saturday night ? I know I recorded it and I know I’d mucked around with the song listing so that it should just about fit into a 3 hour slot. I can’t remember of the final list did, or if I’d given up with that idea. David Jackson, Mar 20, 2013

Many thanks for this site, brings back great memories. Robin, Maesteg, Wales. Feb 6, 2013

Thank you for the Caroline 1976 - 80 site. Terrific picture of Peter being taken back to Mi-Amigo. Cheers mate. Ian, Bulgaria. Aug 18, 2012.

Hi- Just had to send an email to say thanks for the site- many good memories there of the Caroline on 259m that I fondly remember. Especially poignant this w/end of course.... Regards Bob, London. Aug 30, 2009.

Bob referring to the "Now! That's What I Call ... Radio Caroline" event over the UK August Bank Holiday weekend.

Hi, I have a good few memories of Radio Caroline which I listened to from the early 70's until it's demise. I had my top 30 played and will try to find the tape of it. It had 'Say it ain't so Joe' as it's number one and other tacks that escape me at this time! I also used to document the numbers that were transmitted each day as a means of communicating with those on land and took a trip to the boat when I was 17. I saw Mike Stevens on that trip and for sometime afterwards kept in touch and had records played on most Thursdays! Ah, those were the days. Cheers. Jo. April 4, 2009.

Hi again Steve. I was just browsing your site and came across the following: -

"By chance or by design Radio Caroline has had certain links with Spanish words and place names. If you tried the "Trivia Quiz" you'll have seen that there was an early morning show on Caroline called "Madrugada." This translates as "early morning," "dawn," or "daybreak." (A visitor to this site - Martin - pointed out that Madrugada was the title of a 1974 album by Melanie. On the cover it gives the explanation that Madrugada is the time between midnight and dawn and he suspects that this is where the idea came from.)"

I hope I can shed a little light on this for you Steve. The inspiration for the programme's name did indeed come from the Melanie album "Madrugada". I recall Stevie Gordon and I, having had the idea, spending many a happy hour putting together the promos for the programme using the instrumental beginning of the track "Love To Lose Again" from that very album. This, I seem to remember, was just before I went on shore and then departed for The Peace Ship and I think I only presented a few editions of the programme. Stevie and others did, I think, continue with Madrugada during the "Wee small hours" for some time. Thank goodness for sites like yours. You will no doubt be able to put me right on that one. The old brain cells don't rub together in quite the same way these days and memories unfortunately become a little blurred. It's a long time ago now after all.

Stevie and I were however, always of the opinion that the word madrugada is not actually Spanish but in fact Portuguese.

The liner notes on the album bear the legend: -

"There is a time which belongs to no man. It begins beyond the point of deepest darkness and runs towards the edge of dawn. The Portuguese have a name for this time.   This is Madrugada."

I have that actual copy from the old Mi Amigo at home but it has no outer sleeve with those words, only the innner bag!

I have attached a pic of the cover for you in case you are not familiar with it but I'm sure you'll recognise it.

Madrugada album cover

Again thanks for a great site from "my era" and all the best for the future.

With Best Regards Brian Martin Radio Caroline 1977-1979 Oh! and Easter 2008! Nov 18, 2008

Hi, +/- 30 years ago I used to enjoy the personal top 30, I spent hours and hours with a very small radio in my room listening to the finest music at that time. I recently heard the begin and end tune of this program and it give me a bit of the feeling I had at that time. Unfortunately I couldn't pick up name or artist, so I am still in the blue, but would like to find out which song or artist it was. If you could be so kind to send me this by email. I would be ever grateful. Thanks and kind regards. Ludwig, Belgium. August 3, 2008.

After some help from Hans Knot at we discovered the tune to be Jessica by the Allman Brothers.

Hello Steven, I have just been enjoying looking at your web pages and remembering the great Radio Caroline days. I thought you may like to hear from me as 30 years ago I was the one and only Miss Radio Caroline in 1978! I was 18 at the time and had a wonderful time at the roadshows and on the fun bus with Robbie Day, Rob Eden and Harvey the Rabbit ! (Hope I got those names right) I won a stack of LPs and had my top 30 played. I am delighted to see it on your list - its the last one with Year of the Cat as no. 1. Regards. Caroline. UK. June 27 2008.

In your gallery you have a pic of Chicago being returned to the ship. Is this the time that the inflatable went adrift with him and a Dutch sailor on board and the outboard already stowed on the ship? The helicopter was from RAF Manston and the transmitters were switched off for safety while they were dropped back on board. The winch man was rewarded with 2 bottles of scotch... I was responsible for sending out the May Day and set the wheels in motion. It was a touch and go situation as the dinghy was about to disappear over the horizon. They say time and tide waits for nobody and from my point of view the clock was running as they say. Owen, Ireland. Feb 9th 2008.

Hi, I just came across your website and had to let you know I think it's a very different and loveable slant on the whole offshore radio thing. A great big well done and thanks for those memories. I will certainly visit again. Warmest Wishes. Brian Martin, Radio Caroline 1977/78. Jan 17th 2008.

Loved seeing those old playlists on your site. I missed the Personal Top 30's that the listeners sent in, however. Don't know whether you're interested, but at the time I wrote down a lot of these. Didn't list the dates though, and with some of these Top 30's I only have the first name of the sender (or sometimes none at all). Still, I think it will help make the picture somewhat more complete by showing what the listeners themselves were really into at the time. Chris. The Netherlands. April 8th 2007.

Wonderful site Steve, Clearly a labour of love and filled with fascinating images, stories.....and memories, it takes me back to the good old days. May you carry on this fine project and have much success, it was mentioned many times in conversation at the recent Radio Day in Amsterdam, you have many readers. Oh, as a matter of interest, it was also mentioned at the Radio Day, the tune I used at the end of my programmes was 'United' by Drafi Deutscher, a tune that Tony Allan, my wife Anne and myself enjoyed many times at my London home in 1974. Tony urged me to take it to the ship and use it as a sig, still have the original UK Polydor label single. Always reminds me of Tony whenever I give a spin whilst copying the tune for friends. Good work Steve. Thanks for the memories. Don Stevens. London, England. November 27th 2006.

Dear Steven... Just a note months after reading your internet site to say thank you for these memories. I also listened to Caroline in London in the Seventies, and have VERY fond memories of the station. Although I have no recordings of the period - I was a teenager with only pocket money for funds, and taping was more expensive then - I have been able to re-live these days through the Internet archive Offshore Radio Archive (BROKEN LINK) - well recommended! All the best. Andrew, Shoreham-by-Sea, UK. Nov 19, 2006

Hello Steve, Sitting here at work on KMFM in Kent, looking at your interesting website! Never seen it before so I am very interested to be reminded of my time on the Mi Amigo! Keep up the good work. Stuart Russell (Nigel Harris), Nov 2, 2006

Great site! I remember Radio Caroline with Norman Barrington and Dick Palmer playing all kinds of alternative music in the late spring of 1973 on 259 and 389 mtr's with the Mi Amigo 4 miles from the coast of Scheveningen. In the autumn and winter of 1974 it was great to listen to dj's like Tony Allan, Dave Owen and Simon Barrett. During 1975 I enjoyed people like Don Stevens, Phil Mitchell, Michael Loyd and Kelvin Carter [ Who later renamed as James Ross ] The best Radio Caroline period started of course in may 1976 with the all day service on 192 mtr's. I do remember the first two weeks of may with tests and non stop album music on 192. By the way who remembers the many test broadcasts at the end of the summer of 1975 on 389 mtr's? It was a pity the day service closed at the end of 1977 but we could still listen during the night in 1978, 1979 and a little bit of 1980. The best dj's during that period were: Tom Anderson, Roger Mathews, Tom Hardy and of course still Mark Lawrence who was with the station since the beginning of 1976. I was a time never to forget, Radio Caroline in the seventies as an album station. Rob, The Netherlands. Oct 29, 2006

Hello, My name is Alan from Chingford in London. It has been great looking through this website bringing back all those great memories. For me from 74 till 78 was Caroline's best years, especially when they had their 24 hours English service May 76 till December 77. Looking back now what was so good was the freedom all the DJs had with the music they played, you would tune in and just hear one good song after another. None of the playlists that all the stations have now. And also what a great team of DJs Mark Lawrence, Ed Foster, James Ross, Tom Anderson, Martin Fisher,Tony Allen, Roger Matthews, Stuart Russell, Mike Stevens, Stevie Gordon, Samanther, David Brown, and some others as well. Anyway thanks for a brilliant website - enjoyed myself / Kind Regards. Sep 7 2006

Hi Steven, Great Site, but I know you've heard that before. Like you I was a listener to Caroline in the late 70s in my case listening from south Cumbria where reception was often diabolical. Depending on the conditions and the power they were running the signal could be OK or Very rough, and some times would fade away almost completely only to come back quite strong although you could usually make out the beat tone that produced from the neighbouring transmission. I well remeber listening to a guided tour of the ship one summer just before they took a spell off air and wonder if this is the same guided tour you mention in your air check I've not got a copy so can't compare notes on the rest of the programme. Caroline was a big part of my teenage years and it's good to see someone else remembering her from that period. Just a quick question for you though, I found your site whilst trying to find a guide to the numbers that were transmitted regularly by the station, you wouldn't have any idea where I could find one would you? All the best, Phil, UK. Sep 11 2005

Hi Steve, The period 74-80 is my big memory of Caroline. Discovering all the great music that was out there and only to be heard on Caroline. It made me stay up late and buying a huge pile of records. It was a huge surprise to me that a lot of this period can be found back now in the programmes of Caroline today, mixed with the (album) (rock) music of today and the Caroline past. Your site is very inspiring and gives a musical historical overview of great importance, hope u keep it in the air. On my page I link back from several places to your site. Peter Timmerman, The Netherlands. Aug 29, 2005

Hallo, sorry for my bat english, see the sites for the first time, it's in this day verry 'special ' i have listening this evening to the last hour on 558 with the raid -not good feelings - radio caroline back om am with ful power somethime - dream -never. Ronn, Belgium. Aug 19, 2005

Who made the Caroline cord trousers? Is anybody rereleasing the t-shirts with the Caroline bell? ps You've made this 40 something very happy. Mickey, UK. Mar 24, 2005

Steve, Just a quick e-mail to say I enjoyed having a wander around your memories963 website. I came across it in a google search for "Supercharge - She moved the dishes" after hearing it on Imagination. It, and the list of tracks on your website, took me back. All the best, Mark, UK. Mar 22, 2004

Hi Steve, Love the site. I've stuck it on my favourites list and shall be going back again. Take care, Luv, Tony Allan. Sept 29, 2003

Tony Allan died on Friday 9th July 2004 after a long battle against cancer. He was 54.

A special thanks to Luis de Benito and his "Islas de Robinson" programme, broadcast on Spanish National Radio's music and culture station RNE Radio 3. Summer 2003

Hello Steve, I have just visited your site for the first time today. Your site is very interesting and very informative on subjects not covered by others like music formats, lists etc. I will certainly be coming back at a later date to see the whole site. My own interests in Caroline go back to 1964, and very much more in the 70s era. I even set up a small radio service on FM, to promote Caroline and Mi Amigo from 1976 to 1980. I wish I had noted more of Caroline's playlists back then but thankfully you have done it. Bye for now. John, UK. Jan 18, 2003

Hi, I've just had a nostalgic evening wandering thro' Caroline websites .. but questions remain. How is it that the Aportado 321, Rosas, financier and base man has no credits on the web that I can find? surely no one considers he needs to be protected so long after the events of his unfortunate death? Why did the station start running recruitment advertising for the Metropolitain Police? Answers on a postcard (or E mail!). Thanks for the pleasures of your site. Regards Eddie, UK. Dec 8, 2002

Really brilliant website steve, have been through it from beginning to end. Great audiofiles and really well presented information on Caroline in the late 70s  to 1980... Geoff Hutton, UK. Dec 2, 2002

Hi again Steve.. Im currently listening to the Stuart Russel (mowtown) mp3... Brilliant! I remember the MiAmigo neally and my bro were camping near Aldburgh and were listening..the ship was listing badly.. turned out it was a leaking pipe behind some equipment?? Funny enough my brother was camping in the same place when the RAID took place. Dave Bullock, UK. Oct 6, 2002

Hello. I have just visited your website, and I noticed that you have got the Samantha aircheck dated as November 1978. Radio Caroline was off the air from October 20th 1978 to April 15th 1979 however. Ivan, UK. Oct 5, 2002

Thanks Ivan. I was working from memory and posted approximate aircheck dates - they should be correct now.

I really enjoyed your site on Caroline 1976-1980. It brings back many memories for me, because I used to listen very intensely, especially during this period. I had been listening to Caroline since 67 and also when they were off the Dutch coast, but only started to listen as much as possible when they started the daytime album service in 76. I even catalogued the albums they played and the tracks, so I have a few additions to make to your (otherwise excellent) A-Z. You forgot all about Barclay James Harvest who were played frequently, as your wonderful playlists confirm with a couple of tracks from the then current album "Octoberon", but also their earlier stuff ("Ursula swan song", "Galadriel" and of course "Mockingbird") and the album "Everyone is everybody else" ("Child of the universe", "Crazy city" etc.) were given regular spins. I also clearly remember Mark Lawrence and James Ross (who had a great voice) and who introduced me to (as you correctly point out) Love "Forever changes", in my humble opinion probably the best album of all time and music of many other great bands like Renaissance.

I bought many albums first heard on Caroline and still got them today. Remember the "album of the morning" and also "Live at lunchtime", first introduced by Jonathan Day, that American DJ who did the 12.00-15,00 show during that long hot summer of "76. Mark Lawrence seemed to have problems waking up in time for his breakfast show as he regularly started his programme playing whole sides of albums (Mike Oldfield "Tubular bells" and Pink Floyd "Dark side of the moon" particularly spring to mind and Iron Butterfly "In a gadda da vida"). Indeed, James played more soft rock and Mark introduced the first punk/new wave, in fact he already played a "new wavish" sort of group Deaf School with "What a way to end it all" as early as late 76, but in summer '77 he started playing a whole segued punk/new wave string of tracks (tracks from the first Clash/Jam albums and Squeeze "Cat on the wall" from "A packet of three E.P." and later also Blondie's first album - before anyone in at least Europe/U.K. had ever heard them - the excellent "X offender" and the title track from Motorhead's first LP, which in hindsight was really more metal, but was played so loud and fast that it fitted in quite nicely). After that Mark switched back to symphonic bands like Gentle Giant (for instance "Two weeks in Spain" from "The missing Piece", there was probably a hidden message in there somewhere).

I always liked the DJ's playing 2 or 3 tracks together and sometimes there was some link in the tracks played, like Quantum Jump "The lone ranger" (played to death during '76, it took 3 years to become a U.K. top 10 hit!) followed by "Billy the Kid" by Three Dog Night. (spot the connection). And I do remember the wonderful Ed Foster! You're quite correct that Beatles/Beach Boys special was his final show (though unknown to us listeners) and it was broadcasted on Saturday July 2nd "77. Ed did play Zappa on his morning show (who even dares to do that nowadays?) and also a lot of Hawkwind. Mr. Foster is also notorious for playing an album by a bunch of Rada Krishna people: "Goddess of fortune" by Spiritual Sky, which he claimed on air to have bought from them on some high street! In fact this album was produced by George Harrison, who, as you might know, was a friend of Ronan O'Rahilly and often pumped money into the station during their troubled times. And don't forget Klaatu who were played to death and claimed to be the new Beatles (as did the Loving Awareness band).

What I also liked was the relaxed nice way of presentation like some friends inviting you at their homes playing some great albums, especially Tom Anderson, the great Tony Allen and of course (unfortunately late) Samantha, who used her private adress (Valkenboslaan, The Hague, Holland) temporarily as Caroline's mailing adress (before the Spanish one in Rosas) and was unexpectedly visited by Dutch police raiding the house resulting in good old Sam and Peter Chicago (her then boyfriend) having a narrow escape! To refer back to punk rock: During that fatal winter of '79/'80 there was another great DJ on board: Tom Hardy who played the most obscure new wave mixed with King Crimson and Fairport Convention.

I all remember this, because it was so great, you could hear this really nowhere else, there was no competition, and there still is not today, as it proves that all you need to make great radio is an old rusty ship in the middle of the Northsea instead of high tech computer driven studios (and Loving Awareness of course). Oh, and by the way, Johnny Jayson these days works for BBC World Service as a newsreader, he reminds me of the old days every time I hear him on the radio as does Samantha's house, as it is not very far from where I live, every time I pass by. Robert-Jan Verhoek, The Hague, Holland. Sept 18, 2002

Thank you so much, Robert, for your email! I am pleased to let you know that Barclay James Harvest's "Mockingbird" has been added to the A-Z Album list. Additionally, for your enjoyment and that of other visitors to the site, I have uploaded a page of short audio files featuring those Caroline DJs that we all remember fondly. I hope you enjoy listening to them!"