Single & Multiple Message Recording

These lower tech communicators are designed for persons with communication or speech disabilities who have limited communication needs. The devices let the user record messages that are played when the user activates the device's button or buttons. Some devices only allow a single message to be recorded; other devices may allow multiple messages to be recorded, which can be played either sequentially or by hitting different buttons. Some device allow user to customize the appearance of the buttons by changing their color or adding pictures. These devices differ in terms of recording length, the number of messages they can play, the number of buttons, button size/appearance, and method of activating the button.

Records series of messages. 

Market Price Range: $220

Manufacturer: AbleNet Inc.

Records one message up to two minutes long. 

Market Price Range: $140

Manufacturer: AbleNet Inc.

Records two messages and plays them back. 

Market Price Range: about $150-$200

Manufacturer: AbleNet Inc.

Levels allow user to move between message choices and skip over one without playing it entirely. 

Market Price Range: about $220

Manufacturer: AbleNet Inc.

Allow communication with multiple messages. 

Market Price Range: $170-$200

Manufacturer: Enabling Devices


Communication aid with four levels and customizable messages. 

Market Price Estimate: $400

Manufacturer: Adaptivation