Signalers & Monitoring Systems

Signaling devices tend to have two parts: the transmitter and the receiver. The transmitter identifies the desired noise (phone ring, doorbell ring, etc.) and sends a signal to a receiver that notifies the user. The receiver may be worn or carried, or connected to a lamp. The receiver will notify the user of a sound through vibrations or flashing lights. 

Cardionics Electronic Stethoscope

Stethoscope for the hard of hearing designed to be worn on the belt or lab coat. Amplifies heart, breath and bowel sounds or Korotkoff sounds without amplifying outside noise. 

Market Price Estimate:$335

Manufacturer: Cardionics

Smoke detector that emits a bright strobe light and a 90 decibel alarm signal.

Market Price Estimate: $150

Manufacturer: Gentex

Receiver used with Silent Call alert system. Device receives a signal from the Silent Call transmitter and alerts the wearer with a coded vibration and a light above the word indicating which transmitter sent the signal. 

Market Price Estimate; $124

Manufacturer: Silent Call

Monitoring system with a child unit (transmitter) to pick up sound and a parent unit (receiver) to alert the user of noise. Parent unit offers sound, vibration, and light alerts. 

Market Price Estimate: $60

Manufacturer: Graco

Alert system for telephone calls and the doorbell. System includes a transmitter and a receiver.

Market Price Estimate: $75-$90 (doorbell transmitter); $70 (telephone/tty transmitter)

Manufacturer: Silent Call

Alarm clock that offers 3 different options for waking up: by light, vibrator or an adjustable buzzer placed under the mattress. Unit is placed under a pillow or between a mattress and box springs. 

Market Price Estimate: $40 

Manufacturer: Sonic Alert

Portable alarm clock that wakes user with bed shaker and/or 90 decibel pulsating alarm. 

Market Price Estimate: $30

Manufacturer: Potomac

A device that connects to the phone and alerts the user when the phone rings. Device can be connected to a lamp and alerts user to incoming telephone call by turning the lamp on and off. Can also transmit signal to other remote receivers

Market Price Estimate: $40

Manufacturer: NFSS Communications

Receiver used with Silent Call alert system for persons who are deaf-blind. Device receives a signal from the Silent Call transmitter and alerts the wearer with a coded vibration above the Braille word indicating which transmitter sent the signal. 

Market Price Estimate: $150

Manufacturer: Silent Call

Alert system with a small, vibrating/chime receiver and a push-button transmitter. It works up to a range of about 100 feet both indoors and out and through most barriers. 

Market Price Estimate: $40

 Visual alerting system that can be programed to signal doorbell alerts, SOS signals, and incoming call notifications, etc.

Market Price Estimate: $129.99

Manufacturer: Square Glow