Eye Gaze Devices

An eye gaze device allows the user to control the device by using eye movement.  Eye gaze devices can be used to allow someone to access a computer or communication device.  Clicking on the screen can be achieved by eye blink or dwell clicking (looking in one place for a specified amount of time).  Try several eye gaze devices before settling on one because all eye gaze devices are a little different, and you want to know which device works best with your eyes.

 PCEye Plus

Combines eye tracking, speech recognition, switch, and IR control for desktop computer access.

Market Price Estimate: $1,400-$1,700

Manufacturer: Tobii Dynavox


 Accent 1400 with NuEye

Speech generating device which uses NuEye systems to track a user's gaze in selecting a phrase or vocabulary word and speaking it aloud.

Market Price Estimate:$8,000

Manufacturer: PRC


Eyegaze Edge Tablet

Market Price Estimate: $8,000-$10,000

Manufacturer: LC Technologies



Enables users to add infrared functionality to any tablet, laptop, or desktop computer for control of infrared enabled devices by tracking his/her gaze.

Market Price Estimate: $300

Manufacturer: Tobii Dynavox



A portable speech generating device that enables effective communication, environmental control options, and computer access and supports both touch and gaze input.

Manufacturer: Tobii Dynavox
