Critical Pedagogy


"Herbert Marcuse taught me that it was possible to be

an academic and an activist, a scholar and a revolutionary."

—Angela Y. Davis

An Invitation to Share

Teaching Materials and Pedagogical Praxis

Course Syllabi and Educational Materials

For Use in Our Teaching

Teaching Praxis

Purposes / Principles / Practices / Experiences / Critical Reflections

Featured here are a wide range of materials submitted by teachers, scholars, artists, organizers, and others who are teaching and learning in the critical and radical traditions of which Herbert Marcuse and Angela Davis are such an important part. Please accept this invitation to inspire and teach and learn from each other as colleagues, comrades, and friends: share your own work here, enabling us to join together to explore, encourage, and extend the long legacy of teaching for freedom and liberation.

We welcome a wide variety of contributions, including the following:

  • course syllabi from any relevant subject area

  • notes on experiences with particular handouts, props, framing questions, teaching strategies

  • ways of creating community through teaching

  • educational materials for relevant courses, reading groups, workshops, or other community activities and cultural projects

  • recommendations and reviews of books, films, videos, and other sources relevant to critical pedagogy

  • notes, stories, memoirs, and critical reflections on educational theory and practice

Contributions may be presented in any language.

As Prof. Charles Reitz said when he submitted two syllabi from recent courses (see above):

"Neither course is on Herbert Marcuse as such,

but both invoked his critical theoretical perspectives as I have adapted them."

Studying critical theory

Advice from leading professors worldwide for students considering graduate study in those disciplines associated with critical thought and radical praxis can be found at this link.

Langston Hughes


Photograph (1936) by Carl Van Vechten / Library of Congress Prints and Photographs

"to you"

To sit and dream, to sit and read,

To sit and learn about the world

Outside our world of here and now –

Our problem world –

To dream of vast horizons of the soul

Through dreams made whole,

Unfettered, free--- help me!

All you who are dreamers too,

Help me to make

Our world anew.

I reach out my dreams to you.

—Langston Hughes

The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes (New York: Vintage Classics Edition, 1995), 546.

If you are interested in sharing here your teaching materials on any subject and/or your critical reflections on education, please send to:

Andrew T. Lamas (University of Pennsylvania)